The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 524 Are you leaving this infernal way?

Chapter 524 Are you leaving this infernal way?
"Irene, is breakfast ready yet?" Lu Qing rubbed her flat belly, got up and went to the kitchen to ask Irene.

"We'll have to wait a little longer, please be patient." Irene looked at Lu Qing helplessly. If it wasn't for serving Her Royal Highness to wash up, she would have already finished breakfast by now.

Really, she clearly said that she would sleep for a while today, so she deliberately postponed the time of making breakfast, but unexpectedly, Her Royal Highness woke up at the usual time.

"Uh..." Lu Qing also thought of the reason why Irene is still busy now, she turned her hands behind her back in embarrassment, and said, "Then you go ahead, I'm going to find Hao Meng!" After she finished speaking, she Then left in a hurry.

"Hehehe." Seeing Lu Qing running away, Irene couldn't help laughing, but soon, she covered her mouth with her hand, but she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

If it was just when she was serving Her Royal Highness, Irene would not dare to laugh like this no matter what she said, but after getting acquainted with Her Royal Highness, she would always inadvertently notice some cute things about Her Highness .

Reliable, mature, confused, cute, such conflicting labels were affixed to Lu Qing by Irene in her heart. Perhaps it is because of these that Her Royal Highness has such charm, Irene couldn't help but think.

"Oops!" Irene was distracted, causing countless bubbles to appear in the pot covered by the lid, which brought her back to her senses, and she was a little flustered for a while.

Of course, Lu Qing didn't know that because of her appearance, Irene almost made the biggest mistake in her career. When she came outside the room, she saw Hao Meng and Myron Knight who were slashing at each other.

Even if it was the last day before leaving, the two of them did not stop their daily morning training. Usually, this usually started after she and Knight Myron finished their discussions.

But today, because the original plan was to sleep for a while longer, Hao Meng started to discuss with Knight Myron first.

Different from Lu Qing's swordsmanship training, for Hao Meng, the training of Merren Knight is more comprehensive. Both of them are wearing metal armor covering the whole body, and they are fighting fiercely with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, which is full of impact The picture is the daily life of the two people every morning.

Lu Qing has long been used to seeing the scene before her, she found a place to sit down, and quietly watched the discussion between Knight Meron and Hao Mengzhi.

In the end, the sparring ended with the experienced experience of Knight Myron. Even though he had enough water, Knight Myron found a chance to charge violently with his shield, and his legs staggered back.

And while she was trying to regain her balance, that was enough time for another knight to beat her several times.

"Huh, good morning, Your Royal Highness, do you want a training session?" Knight Meron took off his helmet, walked to Lu Qing and sat down.

"I'm resting today." Lu Qing shook her head and said, for her, such things as training must ensure a balance between work and rest. Since she is resting today, she must take a good rest.

It is a disrespect to the rest day to mix training with the rest day!

"Well, is this the reason why you stay until the last day to do your homework every time you are on vacation? (Devil laughs)" For some reason, a Q version of herself wearing red devil horns suddenly appeared in Lu Qing's mind and said.

"Go, go, I don't have homework for a long time!" Lu Qing shook her head hastily, shaking off the subconsciously feeling cardiopulmonary arrest thought in her mind.

"For a knight, it's not enough to relax even for a day." Knight Myron said seriously.

Always feeling like he said something frightening, Lu Qing shivered subconsciously, even she herself didn't know why she felt such fear.

"I'm not a knight." Dispelling the weird thoughts in her heart, Lu Qing waved her hand and said.

"If you want to control such a resentful soul, physical strength is also very important." Knight Myron said after hearing Lu Qing's words.

He had observed carefully before, and found that the speed of the Soul of Resentment was related to the speed of Lu Qing's body, and to control the Soul of Resentment to fight for a long time, it needed a lot of physical strength.

"I can't control that thing for a long time at all." Lu Qing complained, using the bug hunter mask required too much mental power, even if she wanted to fight for a long time, it was impossible.

However, Knight Myron is right about one thing. Only a stronger body can better display the power of the insect hunter mask. After all, the speed of her arm swing is faster, and the speed of the ghost summoned by the insect hunter mask is faster than that of the insect hunter mask. will speed up.

"Mengmeng will go back with me tomorrow." Lu Qing said to Hao Meng who was sitting beside her at some point.

"Yeah." Hao Meng nodded softly.

She is now in the stage of learning from Knight Myron, and of course she will follow wherever Knight Myron goes.

And after Fang Qingrou Char's death, she will inherit the position of the authorized hunter, and she just needs to go to the capital to register. In this case, the three of them will be all together.

As for Muir, although I don't know where she is at this time, she will definitely come on the day of the Holy Tree Festival. After all, this is the main line of the dream world. Even if the dream game is a cheating game with bugs, it should be To give Muir a reason to come.

"It should be." Lu Qing thought with some uncertainty in her heart, after all, this is a cheating game with bugs.

It seems that she should be unable to overcome the BUG of the dream game in a short period of time. Although she has calmed down now, the frightened mood at that time is hard to forget.

"Your Highness, breakfast is ready." Irene in a maid outfit opened the door and said to the three of them.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." As soon as Lu Qing heard that breakfast was ready, she immediately stood up and walked towards the hunter's hut.

Seeing this, Hao Meng and Knight Myron also got up and followed. They had just finished exercising and really needed to replenish their energy.

"Haha. Hiss." In the dark and damp forest, a woman full of wounds was walking staggeringly.

She was wearing a leather jacket that was more gray than blue, and the wound cut by some kind of sharp knife was covered with dust and damp mud, which was the price of her escape, struggling all the way from the dirty swamp here.

She has not rested for three days and three nights, because every second she rests, she may be captured by the enemy behind her.

However, she really couldn't hold on now, and the inflammation of the wound further crushed her.

However, just when she was about to fall, a familiar figure appeared in front of her.

"Number three?" Number four said the man's name in a somewhat unexpected tone, a bitter smile appeared on her face, and then she knelt down on the ground, she could no longer run
Surprisingly, No. [-] did not kill or arrest her, but squatted beside No. [-] and helped her up.

"Come with me, there is a secret room I prepared near here, No. [-] can't find it here."

"You?" Number four looked at number three in surprise, not knowing what to say for a while.

"I'm not one of your people." No. [-] said blankly, "I saved you because of some other reasons." Before he finished speaking, No. [-] passed out first.

"." Seeing this, No. [-] closed her mouth, and hid No. [-] into the secret room in a way of holding a princess.

"You're back, did you find that woman?" No. [-] said when she heard footsteps behind her and turned to look at No. [-].

"I didn't find it. She might not have left from the swamp." Number Three looked at Number Two and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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