Chapter 525 Lin

"Is that the royal capital?" Fang Qingrou said through the window of the carriage that had been driving for two days, looking at the towering city wall in the distance.

"It's spectacular, isn't it?" The Pope smiled after hearing Fang Qingrou's words. Char is his younger brother, and Fang Qingrou is Char's daughter. idea.

"It's really spectacular." Fang Qingrou nodded.

In a world with magic, the thickness and height of the city walls are much higher than the ancient city walls in the real world. Of course, there is no such exaggeration as in the novel, where you can't see the end at a glance, and they are all inserted into the clouds. .

According to visual inspection, Lu Qing feels that the city wall of the capital is about 35 meters to 40 meters high. A powerful extraordinary person like Merren Knight can even jump directly from the ground to the top of the city wall.

However, this does not mean that the defense capability of the city wall of the king's capital is weak. After all, there are very few extraordinary people who can reach the level of the knights of Mellon. In addition, the magic towers built at intervals on the city wall, anyone who attacks the city They will all pay a heavy price for this.

However, this city wall is more of a symbolic meaning. After all, in this dream world, there is only one kingdom, Fanhu Sidan, and the threats to face, except for the polluted area on the edge of the holy tree, are only those Guiji believers who believe in emptiness. up.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing soon saw the carriage driving into the city from the city gate, perhaps because the Holy Tree Festival was coming, the whole city exuded a different atmosphere from when she left.

For people in this world, the annual sacred tree festival is probably the same as New Year's Eve, but she doesn't know the specific customs here.

After all, it hasn't been long since Lu Qing entered this world. Although she has read a lot of books, her understanding of the Holy Tree Ceremony is limited to what she should do as a psychic.

Shaking her head, Lu Qing withdrew her gaze, sat quietly on the carriage and waited.

It didn't take long for the carriage to drive to the gate of Manulife Sam Cathedral, where the Pope stopped the carriage, then looked at Lu Qing and said, "Your Highness, I am going to the church to prepare for the ceremony the day after tomorrow, so I will take my leave first."

"I'll go back to the castle, and I'll come back later." Lu Qing nodded and replied, she is also a qualified psychic now, and she also needs help to prepare for the sacred tree ceremony.

And the news about Her Royal Highness becoming the Holy Maiden of Manulife Samism will also be spread after this year's Holy Tree Festival ends, but it's not clear whether things after that will be related to her.

Before entering the dream world, Lu Qing, Fang Qingrou, Muir, and Hao Meng speculated about the plot of the dream world. The goal turned out to be to heal the sick tree.

But is the sacred tree really sick? Lu Qing looked out of the car window. In a place very far away from the capital, even with eagle eyes, she could only see tall trees with vague shapes, and the emerald green that almost covered the entire sky. The branches don't look like they're sick at all.

Back in the castle, Lu Qing asked someone to arrange Fang Qingrou and Hao Meng's residence, and then was summoned by the king and queen.

She knew what the king and queen asked her to do without thinking about it. Most likely, she would just ask her how she was doing these days, what things happened to her, and then express her longing for something she hadn't seen for a long time.

The facts were indeed as she expected. After arriving at the king and queen's room, the three greeted each other first, and then asked her about her experiences these days.

According to Lu Qing's guess, they probably already knew what happened to them these days. After all, the Guiji sect made such a big commotion, how could they not investigate it?

After nearly half an hour, the communication that made her feel extremely troublesome was ended, but it was not time to rest, after a little reorganization, Lu Qing led the knight Myron forward Went to the cathedral.

She didn't call Shangfang Qingrou and Hao Meng, because the Pope said that it is best not to bring non-Holy people with him in the preparations for the Holy Tree Ceremony. As for the Knight of Mellon, there is no way. As a guardian knight, he must be guarded at all times. Beside Lu Qing.

At the same time, in the cathedral of the king's capital, the pope who was walking in the corridor suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at the shadow in the corner of the corridor, and said, "Come out, Lin, your breath is leaking too much!" .”

"I leaked that on purpose." The woman in a gray-black gown came out of the shadows and said, but her slightly pale cheeks didn't look so convincing.

"Are you injured?" The Pope frowned subconsciously, then relaxed a little, and said, "What happened?"

"I've been exposed." Lin said with a bit of bitterness: "They know that there is an undercover agent among the top management, but they just don't know who it is, but the fifth died a few days ago, and I became the one under suspicion."

"It's fine, as long as you're still alive." The Pope rubbed his forehead, and then asked with a serious expression, "Do you have any information?"

Lin was exposed in a hurry, and the Pope didn't expect her to have any important information. However, after he finished asking, Lin's answer was far beyond his expectations.

"The Quiet Sect wants to make a big move on the day of the Holy Tree Festival. They have been preparing for this plan for a long time." Lin said to the Pope with a serious tone.

"Have you found out about that plan?" The Pope asked immediately after hearing Lin's words.

"No, I only know that the sect's No. [-] has been urging No. [-] to collect something called bloodstones a long time ago, and recently, they finally collected all the bloodstones."

"Where did they get so many bloodstones?" The Pope couldn't help asking, his head turned quickly, and he immediately thought of the attack on the four small towns of Freymeures by the Death Sect.

He had carefully studied those magic circles at that time, and knew what the functions of those magic circles were, so he also knew that the Guiji sect needed a lot of bloodstones.

However, during this period of time, the Guiji sect has been being attacked by the major forces in the kingdom, and the scope of activities has been greatly reduced. How can it be possible to gather the bloodstone needs that can only be met by the population of four small towns?


Hearing the Pope's question, Lin pursed her lips, and after a moment of silence, said: "Those Quiet believers, they carried out a massacre on their own people to collect the blood stones that could not be collected."

"This..." The Pope opened his eyes wide, completely unaware that Lin would give him such an answer.

"This is really, even more surprising than when I heard you say that the Guiji Sect will make a big move."

(End of this chapter)

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