The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 528 X Cultists Are Disgusting

Chapter 528 X Cultists Are Disgusting

Lu Qing and Knight Myron followed Yorick, and were soon brought into a vast hall.

As soon as she entered the hall, Lu Qing squinted her eyes subconsciously. Compared with the darker corridor, this hall was a bit bright and unbelievably bright. When she raised her head, she saw the glass dome carved with intricate patterns of branches and leaves. Under the sunlight, the patterns of these branches and leaves exude a glass-like color, which looks beautiful.

The bright and somewhat dazzling light in the hall was scattered from such a dome. Lu Qing's eyes quickly adapted to the light, and she looked at the scene in the center of the hall.

The first thing that comes into view is a sturdy tree about [-] or [-] meters high, and under the tree is a piece of turquoise grass and white stone bricks neatly stacked on the edge of the grass.

On the periphery of the white stone bricks, the clear and translucent spring water was slightly rippling, reflecting the sunlight scattered from above the dome. There were a few priests scattered at the edge of the spring water, bowing their heads and praying for something.

Lu Qing looked around and found that besides these priests, there were also some civilians in the city sitting on neat wooden chairs in the hall, praying with their eyes closed.

"This is the root hall for prayers. The tree you see is actually an ultra-small branch of the sacred tree extending from the far edge."

"We used magic to make her grow leaves, which looks like a real tree, but in fact she is just roots." Yorick said blankly, looking at the roots of the holy tree in front of him.

The object of prayer is the roots of the sacred tree, so is it called the Roots Hall? The name is really straightforward. Hearing Yorick's words, Lu Qing thought in her heart.

"Is she specially adjusted by you?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Yeah." Yorick nodded, and said without hesitation: "It's impossible to carve a miniature version of the holy tree statue, even an ordinary tree is very laborious, it's better to just make the statue of the holy tree The roots are leading here, anyway, the capital is so close to the holy tree, so why not make good use of it."

"As for making it like this, it's just for looking good. After all, if it looks good, more people will be willing to pray or donate some money to the church."

"Yorick, there are still civilians here, and you are not afraid of being heard." A woman in a Manulife Sam's uniform couldn't help but said after hearing what Yorick said.

"They can't hear it, because I have already cast the sound-proofing spell." Yorick said after hearing the woman's voice, turning his head to look at her.

"Did you forget that you are not allowed to cast spells in the Roots Hall?" The woman took a deep breath, rubbed her forehead and said.

"As long as no one knows," Yorick said, seemingly nonchalantly.

"I already know"

The woman shook her head, thinking that she should stop discussing this topic with Yorick, so she turned her head to look at Lu Qing and Knight Myron.

"." As soon as she turned her head, she saw the crown on Lu Qing's head, and she couldn't help but gasp for breath, and the words she was about to say were choked back.

"Hello, Your Royal Highness, uh, I didn't bother you." The woman said nervously.

Yorick frowned, and then said: "I am introducing the structure of the cathedral to Her Royal Highness, to be honest, you bother me."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Qing interrupted him in advance: "It's nothing to disturb, it's good to know more priests."

"Huh." The woman subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Lu Qing's words, and then immediately replied: "Thank you for your tolerance, I still have a job, so I will leave first."

After speaking, the priestess left here as if fleeing. After Lu Qing saw the other party leaving, she asked Yorick curiously: "Who was that just now?"

"That is Bishop Kayla, my colleague, but because she has just become a bishop not long ago, she is not used to the bishop's work." Yorick explained to Lu Qing.

"Well, where do we go next?"

"In order, I will take you to the library next."

Half a day quickly passed when Yorick took Lu Qing and Knight Myron to familiarize themselves with the cathedral. However, after Yorick took Lu Qing to every place in the cathedral, a wave of The sound of commotion came from the front of the corridor.

"What happened?" Lu Qing looked forward curiously, but just after she finished speaking, a pungent smell of blood flooded into her nostrils.

"Something happened!" Knight Myron obviously also smelled blood. He and Lu Qing looked at each other, and quickly walked over. Seeing this, Yorick followed behind quietly.

After arriving at the place, Lu Qing realized that the Pope was also here. He was standing in front of a door with a serious face, and the pungent bloody smell came from behind that door.

"What happened?" Knight Myron strode to the Pope's side and asked directly.

"Someone has been attacked." The Pope was stunned for a moment when he saw Knight Meren, and then replied immediately.

"What's the situation?" Lu Qing also came to the Pope and asked.

"I don't know." The Pope shook his head and explained: "The thing is like this. I heard from Bishop Keira that she made an appointment with Bishop Raff to go to the library to find information."

"But when she arrived at the place, she found that Bishop Raff hadn't arrived. After waiting for a while, Bishop Keira thought that Bishop Raff had forgotten about it, so she asked someone about the location of Bishop Raff."

"Then she opened the door and found that Bishop Raff had been killed?" Knight Myron raised his eyebrows and said.

The Pope didn't speak, just nodded. After a moment of silence, a priest came out of the room, looked at the Pope with a pale face, and said, "The scene has been inspected, and it is confirmed that it was done by the Guiji Sect. There are still some traces of void erosion."

"Well, you've worked hard." The Pope nodded, then looked at Lu Qing and said, "If you want to go in, please be mentally prepared."

"I see." Looking at the pale face of the priest in charge of the investigation, Lu Qing probably guessed the bloody level of the scene inside.

The four walked into the room and saw Bishop Raff's body at a glance
"These cultists are disgusting!" Knight Myron almost couldn't hold back his expression after seeing the scene in front of him.

Before Bishop Raff died, his body seemed to undergo some drastic changes. His original limbs shrank and degenerated into four tentacles with five tiny branches. Has a half-grown eye organ.

And his body, except for his face, was shrunk and twisted together, as if he had been squeezed together instantly by some huge pressure.

In addition, his body may have suffered some kind of high-temperature burning from the inside to the outside, and there are scorched black semi-solidified flesh and blood everywhere. Just looking at this picture makes people crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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