Chapter 529
"Is everyone in the Void Sect have this kind of painting style?" Lu Qing's eyes twitched twice, and she subconsciously stepped back. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that the lump of flesh and blood on the ground was still alive, and could vaguely I saw signs of wriggling, but in the blink of an eye, that feeling disappeared, and the flesh and blood stopped wriggling.

"Burn Bishop Raff's body." The pope waved his hand and said to the priest behind him. Although he was a little sorry for Bishop Raff, the body had become like this, so it was obvious that he couldn't keep it anymore.

Maybe there are still some curses or plagues left on it, so you must treat it with care.

"Report this matter to the guards and let them send people to seal the cathedral." After thinking for a while, the pope added two more sentences.

"I see." The priest nodded, then looked at Bishop Raf's body with somewhat horrified eyes, and left the room without looking back.

"Let's go to Bishop Keira to see if she knows anything else." The Pope turned and walked out the door.

"Okay." Hearing what the Pope said, Lu Qing nodded, and hurriedly followed behind the Pope. After walking out of the room, the Pope looked at Yorick standing at the door of the room and asked, "Bishop Yorick, Do you have anything to do next?"

"No." Yorick shook his head and said, "I have finished all the work I should do today. If possible, I hope to take a good rest in the future."

After a pause, Yorick looked at the Pope who was silently looking at him, and said, "But you are the Pope, so you have the final say."

"Very good, I knew I could rely on you at a time like this." The pope smiled, and then said: "Please call the bishops and priests in the church to the root hall, I want to use the power of the roots of the holy tree Check for traces of void."

"I see." Nodding, Yorick walked towards the other side of the corridor without looking back.

"." Lu Qing looked at Yorick who was going away, and then at the Pope, hesitant to speak.

"Are you wondering why I let Yorick leave?" the Pope asked, seeing what Lu Qing was thinking.

"Well, didn't you let us monitor him before?" Lu Qing nodded and asked with some doubts.

"Because I'm just skeptical, not sure." The Pope looked at the place where Yorick disappeared, and continued: "Also, no matter whether Yorick is an undercover agent or not, he will definitely do what I arranged for him. .”

"Let's go, let's go to Bishop Kaila." The Pope turned and walked to the other side of the corridor.

Knight Myron glanced at the priests who sealed off the room, then looked at the Pope and said, "Didn't you say that Bishop Keira was the first to discover Bishop Raff? Why isn't she here?"

"She is in the infirmary now." After hearing what Knight Myron said, the Pope said: "When Bishop Kaila opened the door of Bishop Raff, he was cursed by the ritual circle behind the door. The news I got is actually I got it from the priest who came with Bishop Keira."

"Cursed magic circle." Hearing the Pope's words, Lu Qing recalled the knowledge she had learned these days in her mind.

The spells of the curse series are generally not very powerful. Their effects are mainly weakening and tormenting, and the casting conditions are relatively harsh. The only advantage of this spell is its concealment.

The spells of the curse series have only a very small fluctuation of spiritual power, and they are almost undetectable when they are released. Once they hit the target, the curse will be as difficult to remove as a bone necrosis, and the most important point is that this thing will automatically Recovering energy maintains its own existence, and there is no need for the caster to continue to maintain its energy consumption.

It is precisely because of this that most people can't find the person who cast the curse after being cursed, which can be described as extremely disgusting.

So the question is, why is such an easy-to-use spell not learned?
The first point is because most of the curse spells are not fatal, mainly to torture people, and the second point is that it is too difficult for this thing to hit the target.

There are those that must be released against the face, and those that need the user's hair or blood. Don't think about just picking up a few hairs on the ground. What kind of curse can you put on that hair, at most it will make you sneeze.

In addition to the above two points, there is a third point, that is, this thing is too hated, maybe the two sides are just a little contradictory, plus the curse instantly becomes the enemy of life and death.
After talking about the curse spell, let's talk about the curse circle. This thing is an improved version of the curse spell. It can be fixed in a certain position and cast a curse after someone triggers it, thus avoiding the process of contact with people.

And relying on curse spells, the organization that invented the curse circle is the Guiji Sect.

That's right, this thing was developed by the Guiji sect. In addition to the conventional curse spells, these Guiji believers who are full of voids have added the void part to the original basis of the curse spells.

This has led to the fact that most of the curse spells arranged by the Cultists are related to the void, and the fatality rate is much higher than that of traditional curse spells. People who died from this curse circle. For details, please refer to Bishop Raff who is being transported to be cremated.
"Bishop Kaila, is she okay?" Lu Qing said worriedly, recalling the information about the curse circle.

She also met Bishop Kaila this morning, and she couldn't see her for a few hours, and she would become something indescribable.

"Fortunately, the treatment is timely, and it will be fine for two days at most." The Pope said after hearing Lu Qing's words.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Qing saw the entrance of the medical room not far away. The Pope came to the door of the room and knocked lightly on the door with his hand.

"." There was no response in the room. The Pope frowned, then took a step back, raised his foot, and kicked hard on the door of the medical room.


The door remained motionless, and the pope silently lowered his right leg, then looked at Knight Meren and said, "You are old and don't have the strength you had when you were young. Knight Merren, you go."

"I won't pay for the kick." Knight Myron held back his desire to laugh out loud, and said with a tense face.

He came to the door of the infirmary, raised his right leg and kicked it hard.


The door of the infirmary was kicked away in an instant and hit the medicine cabinet opposite the door. Lu Qing and the other three walked into the room, only to find that there was no one on the bed sheet.

And on the ground next to the bed in the infirmary, some wriggling, black-red, smelly pieces of meat were lying quietly on the ground.

"This taste is really strong." Knight Myron waved the air and said.

"." Lu Qing and the Pope did not speak, but quietly observed every corner of the room.

Lu Qing opened her eagle eyes and found that on the edge of the window of the medical office, there were marks left by someone stepping on it with bare feet.

Closing her eyes, Lu Qing switched to Wein's perspective.

"Vin, fly to your left and see if there is anything worth noting." Lu Qing commanded Vein in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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