The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 530 Bishop Kaila is dead!

Chapter 530 Bishop Kaila is dead!

"Found it!" Not long after Wein flew in the direction Lu Qing said, Lu Qing saw Bishop Keira who was on all fours and running as fast as a beast.

"I know where Bishop Keira is." When she came back to her senses, Lu Qing looked at the Pope and Knight Myron and said.

"Where is it?" the Pope turned to look at Lu Qing and asked.

"It's on the other side of the window." With that said, Lu Qing pressed one hand on the edge of the window, turned over with force and jumped off the window, landing on the grass below.

"Hurry up, maybe we can still catch up." Lu Qing urged, and as soon as he finished speaking, Knight Myron followed her and jumped from the window.

"." The Pope silently glanced at the bottom of the window, which is almost as high as a five-story building. Although he was a hunter when he was young, but now
"Oh, forget it." The Pope sighed insignificantly, then turned over and jumped from the window, but after landing, the expression on his face froze for a moment, and then returned to normal.

"Are you okay?" Knight Myron asked, looking up and down at the Pope. He still remembered the scene where the Pope kicked the door just now, but the door didn't move at all.

"It's okay." The Pope said in a low tone. He would say that he seemed to be in a flash, it was impossible.

"Uh, the Pope should have other ways to get down." Lu Qing thought for a while, but still couldn't say what was in her mind.

As the pope of Manulife Sam, the world's top combat power, the pope knows a lot of spells. Even if he doesn't use spells, it is not impossible to let the soul of resentment send him down, but he still chooses to jump by himself. down.

This is probably due to the influence of Lu Qing and Knight Myron, so much so that the Pope has forgotten that he can get down in other ways.

"But it doesn't look like anything happened." Lu Qing thought when she saw the Pope's normal expression, and then she thought of something, looked at the Pope and said, "It's so high here, how did Bishop Keira jump off it? .”

Hearing Lu Qing's words, the Pope also realized that something was wrong. He frowned and said, "I don't know, Bishop Keira doesn't seem to exercise regularly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Bishop Keira running on the ground like a beast on all fours in the distance.

"That's true." Knight Myron felt that the number of times his three views were challenged today was more than the total of last year.

"She should be affected by the void, let's chase after her quickly." The Pope said with a frown. (The frown is partly due to back pain.)


Lu Qing didn't speak. In her line of sight, she found a blood-red meat ball that seemed to be made of mist floating above Bishop Keira's head.

Lu Qing turned off her eagle eye and spirit vision skills, and found that she could still see the appearance of that ball of meat.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing used the golden vertical pupils while the Pope and Knight Merren were not looking at her. The next moment, two cold and greasy tentacles wriggled from under her clothes.

"It's a bit crowded, don't move around." The two tentacles squeezed inside the clothes touched some strange places because of the running movement
Slightly controlling the tentacle, making it wrap around her waist in a circle, Lu Qing looked at the top of Bishop Kaila's head with her golden vertical pupils.

This time, what appeared in her field of vision was not a ball of blood-red flesh, but a monster of flesh and blood with a lot of stitching marks on its body.

This strange hand floated straight above Bishop Kaila, each of the five fingers was pulling a blood-red chain of flesh and blood covered with tumors, connecting Bishop Kaila's limbs and top of his head.

The next moment, the strange hand seemed to notice that Lu Qing was looking at him, and the five fingers controlling Bishop Keira stopped slowly.

"Click." The chains of flesh and blood on the fingers of the strange hand snapped, and the next moment, these chains flew straight towards Lu Qing.


Faster than a blink of an eye, Lu Qing couldn't react at all, and found that these flesh and blood chains had been connected to her body, but she didn't feel anything about it.

Just when she was about to do something, the shadow under her suddenly squirmed, and a slender and pale arm grabbed a chain of flesh and blood on Lu Qing's body.

"Come here, you." Younger sister Lu Yu's voice sounded from the shadow, and the next moment, the flesh and blood monster hand was pulled into her shadow.

There was a sound as if some kind of monster was devouring something, Lu Qing's shadow was constantly changing and wriggling, and soon calmed down.

[Congratulations to the player, Floating Spirit: The younger sister and the teddy bear have upgraded their skills! 】

[Shadow Binding - Shadow Manipulation: Manipulate the power of the shadow to control the target's body. 】

"." After being silent for a while, Lu Qing looked at her own shadow, then looked at the contents of the diary, and said in a daze, "Is this the end?"

Opening her mouth, Lu Qing looked at her calmed shadow again. For some reason, she suddenly had a feeling of "what strange thing is living in my shadow".

Of course she knew that her younger sister Lu Yu was there, but she didn't expect my shadow to be so terrifying?Lu Qing complained in her heart.

At this time, Bishop Kaila, who was running in the distance, suddenly stopped, her eyes regained the light of reason, and then...

Bishop Kayla is dead.
After sending Bishop Keira back to the infirmary, Lu Qing explained to the three of them:

"It's almost like this. Bishop Keira was controlled by a blood-red palm. After that palm found out that I saw it, it wanted to control me. In the end, I killed it with a mental shock."

"A spirit body that I can't even see." The Pope frowned, and said, "Is it something new created by the Quiet Sect?"

"I'm not very clear either. After I came to the infirmary and rested for a while, I suddenly felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, so I got up and went to the bathroom."

"As a result, I vomited as soon as I stood up." Bishop Keira said with a pale face, "You probably saw the things I vomited out, those blood-red pieces of meat."

"At that time, after I spit out these things, I wanted to perform a purification technique on myself, but before I started to act, I lost consciousness."

"Your Highness, do you see anything strange about Bishop Kaila?" After listening to Bishop Kaila's words, the Pope looked at Lu Qing and said.

Lu Qing shook her head and said, "It's gone, this time it's really gone."

"Well, so be it." The Pope lowered his head thoughtfully, then looked at Bishop Kaila and said, "Bishop Kaila should rest here, we will go to the Roots Hall to check everyone .”

"Go ahead, I'm fine." Bishop Keira nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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