Chapter 560

"What you mean by isolation is to swallow all the power of the void?" Ling's voice sounded a little angry, and said, "Even if you have the blessing of the holy tree of [The Eater], you can't do it like this!"

"." After a moment of silence, Bolton slowly said: "It is the most stupid way to block the river directly. I have to let the water flow continue to circulate, but I can't let the pollution from the void pass by, so this It's the best way."

After a pause, Bolton looked at the spirit curiously, and said, "Even if it is an elf, there should be only a small number of them who know that the blessing of my holy tree is [The Eater], which elder did you hear it from?" ?"

"Ah, this..." Ling looked a little flustered and dangled in the air, and said, "I, I am a doctor of the elves, and there are many things to understand. These, these are what my teacher told me."

"That's about it." Bolton seemed to think of something in the middle of the sentence, so he shook his head and said, "No, it's nothing."

[Bolton actually wanted to ask Ling about Fang Qingrou and Muir, since the elves asked them to come here, why did Ling seem to have nothing to do with it when he said it just now? Reason for no impression. 】

[But when the words were about to be spoken, Bolton felt something was wrong, so he stopped. 】

[Ling should not have any malicious intentions. Maybe he didn't know or pretended not to know for some reason. No matter what the purpose is, if he said what he just said, it will affect Lu Qing's feelings towards Ling to some extent. Trust me, thinking of this, Bolton chose to remain silent. 】

The diary suddenly trembled, Lu Qing looked at the words on the top of the diary, then at Ling, but said nothing.

"Ahem, the chatting here is almost over, tell me, what is the purpose of you coming here to find me." Coughing twice, Bolton looked at Lu Qing and Ling and asked.

"Ah, I almost forgot the business." After Bolton's reminder, Ling finally remembered the purpose of coming here with Lu Qing, and said:

"We are going to Maeveline's lair to check the state of the core of the sacred tree and see if the tree can be cured, but since we don't know where Maeveline is, I'm here to ask you."

"Maeveline." Bolton said with a complicated expression on his green face, "I do know where Maeveline is living now, but you want her to take you to the top of the sacred tree?" , I’m afraid I’m going to be disappointed.”

"What happened to Maeveline?" Ling asked with some doubts.

"She can't fly anymore." Bolton said after a moment of silence.

"Hey!? Why?" Ling asked in surprise.

"I don't know the specific situation." Bolton looked at Ling who was very surprised, and said, "I only know that Maeveline's wings were injured, and now she can't fly anymore."

"For details, you can go to her and ask, maybe it can be cured."

"But here you are." Ling looked at Bolton hesitantly, and said, "I have a way to get rid of the pollution of the water element, as long as I can get close to the water element."

"The pollution of water elements is not so easy to get rid of, you." Bolton looked at Ling unexpectedly, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said, "Don't worry about me, you go to Maeveline's side first."

"If the holy tree can be cured, the water element here will not be a problem."

As Bolton said, without giving Lu Qing and Ling a chance to reply, his body slowly sank into the water. Not long after Bolton sank to the bottom, a giant tortoise with a body length of about five meters crawled out of the water. come out.

"Your Highness the human princess, and this elf called Ling, hello, my name is Wutian." Wutian came to Lu Qing and Ling and said.

"Uh, hello." Lu Qing greeted this tortoise named Wutian.

"." After a moment of silence, Wu Tian stared at Lu Qing, and suddenly said: "This beautiful princess, can you show me your underwear?"

Lu Qing: "???"


"No." Came back to her senses, Lu Qing refused without hesitation.

"Oh." There was no change in the expression on Wutian's face. After a while, she suddenly said: "Sorry, please ignore my sometimes crazy words."

"I was learning human divination recently. I found that using a turtle shell as a divination table is very useful, but I accidentally summoned a human soul."

"This guy will cause me to have some strange thoughts from time to time, and it should be fine after a while." Wu Tian explained to Lu Qing.

"How long do you mean recently and after a while?" At this moment, Ling seemed to have thought of something and asked.

"The nearest is within 500 years. After a period of time refers to waiting for the soul attached to me to dissipate. It may take a month or two." Hearing Ling's words, Wu Tian replied.

"Ling'er knows it!" Lingyi said in such a tone as expected: "You turtles have such a poor sense of time. Even elves have a long life and don't always remember the wrong time."

"I have a good sense of time recently. I go to bed every night and get up during the day the next day." Wu Tian retorted in a low voice.

"This is the habit of the human soul in you, not yours." Ling floated beside Lu Qing, saying flickeringly.

"Whatever." Wutian suddenly became lazy, and said, "Let's go, Bolton asked me to take you to find Maeveline."

"You guys will sit on my back later, and it only takes an hour to get to Maeveline's place by water."

"Huh~ You don't secretly look up at your underwear, do you?" Ling said with a look of disgust.

"I said it was not my idea, and how could I see that kind of thing when Her Royal Highness is sitting on my back. The most important point is that I am a female turtle and I am not interested in same-sex underwear!" Hearing Ling's words, Wutian said with black lines all over his head.

"Well, don't care about this, maybe you will be excited if there is a beautiful girl sitting on your back, you bastard, big hentai!"

"." Wutian was really numb. If you want to ask her how she feels at this time, she must regret it, very regretful. If she didn't perform that divination, she would not be possessed by human souls, and she would not be possessed by human souls. Possession, it will not.
"Hmph, I'm so angry, I like to sit or not." Wu Tian said with a face full of reluctance while lying in the river.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'll just sit." Lu Qing smiled softly covering her mouth, and then sat on Wutian's turtle shell with her legs like a duck.

"Stop laughing, Ling, come here quickly." Lu Qing waved to Ling.

"Come, come, come." Ling came to Lu Qing's side and said.

"Strange, why does this elf feel familiar?" Wu Tian thought a little bit puzzled when he heard Ling's voice.

And just as she was thinking this way, a strange feeling rose from her heart.

"Hey hey, such a beautiful girl rides on me."

"Asshole, you're almost done!"

(End of this chapter)

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