The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 561 White Eagle's Feather

Chapter 561 White Eagle's Feather

Lu Qing and Ling rode on Wutian's back, and quickly went downstream along the river. Unlike the slow tortoise in the impression, Wutian's swimming speed was still very fast.

Although her slowly swinging limbs gave people a feeling of slowness, each swing could accelerate a lot forward. This had nothing to do with Wutian's power, but simply relying on the power of the water element.

The woods on both sides receded quickly, and the trees on both sides of the river gradually became rare. At the same time, Lu Qing felt a strange feeling here, but she couldn't tell where the strangeness was.

At this time, Wu Tian, ​​who was swimming below her, explained to Lu Qing.

"This is the valley of the storm, where the elements of the wind gather. The whistling of the strong wind used to be heard all the time, but now it has become a forbidden place where the wind is not allowed to flow."

"Yes, there is no wind here." Lu Qing slowly opened her small palm, trying to feel the flow of air.

She couldn't feel anything, obviously they were still moving fast on the river at this moment.

Lu Qing was a little puzzled. Although she didn't know much knowledge, she also knew that it would mean nothing if there was no air flow in an area.

"Why did this place become like this?" Lu Qing asked Wutian below her with some doubts.

"The withering of the sacred tree does not only affect the water element." Hearing what Lu Qing said, Wu Tian said: "Annaba used to be a forest full of vitality, but now it has turned into a dry desert under the influence of the earth element , only tenacious bugs can survive in that kind of place.”

"You know the influence of the water element and the wind element. As for the animals in the fire elemental forest, I don't know much about it. I just heard that humans have built an underground city made of steel in the place where the fire elementals gather."

"The city used blazing heat and steel to isolate all information from the outside world, including the void, but that was only temporary. If the holy tree continues to wither, the fire element will also lose its power." Wu Tian's voice sounded complicated.

Lu Qing can somewhat understand her mood. If she knows that the end of the world is coming one day, but she doesn't know when it will come, she probably feels the same way.


Wutian stopped by a river bank and looked towards a cliff in the distance.

Lu Qing and Ling turned their gazes over together, and found a huge white giant eagle standing on the top of the cliff, thinking about something.

"Is this the overlord of the sky? It doesn't look very good." Wein said in Lu Qing's mind.

"Isn't there no wind here? How did you fly?" Hearing Wein's words, Lu Qing remembered something and asked.

"Of course it's because this bird has a way to fly without wind." Wein said quite proudly.

"The way to fly without wind can't be anti-gravity." Lu Qing complained in her heart.

"Maeveline, a guest is looking for you." Wu Tian shouted to the figure above the cliff.

Her voice was not loud, and Lu Qing didn't feel any magical fluctuations, but the giant white eagle standing on the cliff in the distance heard Wutian's words and turned to look over.

It wasn't until this time that Lu Qing realized that Maeveline's right half of the wing seemed to be broken by something, and a large piece was missing. Maybe this was the reason why she couldn't fly?

Just when Lu Qing was thinking about how Maevelin could get down from the cliff without being able to fly, a surprising scene happened.

I saw Maveline stepping forward with both legs, leaping forward lightly, actually jumping directly off the cliff!

The white figure in mid-air slowly spread its wings, and the intact wing emitted a light blue light. Under the blessing of this light, her falling speed in the air slowed down unexpectedly!
"In other words, does Maeveline rely on magic to fly?" Lu Qing thought as she watched Maeveline land slowly with the help of her wings.

Thinking about it carefully, Maeveline's body is so big, how could it be possible to drag such a huge body up into the sky just by relying on the power of wings alone?

"Wutian, there is a human and an elf, what do you want from me?" Maevelin slowly landed on the ground and asked.

Her voice sounded very soft, as if being supported by the wind. After hearing Maeveline's words, Wutian said: "The main reason is that these two are looking for you. They want to go to your previous lair. Check The state of the core of the sacred tree."

"You guys have a way to heal the holy tree!?" Mevlin subconsciously widened her pupils, looking at Lu Qing and Lingdao with some surprise.

"Eh..." Ling shook his body in the air, and said, "I need to check the condition of the holy tree first, and I don't know if Ling'er can be cured."

"It's fine if there is hope for a cure." Maevelin nodded, then flapped her wings and blew a huge feather down in front of Lu Qing.

"Didn't it mean that there can't be any wind here?" Lu Qing thought with some doubts, she reached out to take the feather, and found that the feather was actually a purple-quality item.

[Prop name: Feather of the White Eagle]

[Prop Quality: Purple]

[Introduction: The feathers from Maeveline, the overlord of the sky in the forest of elves, have some special abilities after being carefully maintained with the wind element. 】

[Skills: Wind Strike, Walking with the Wind, White Eagle's Protection]

[Wind Strike: Incite the white eagle's feathers and release a stream of wind elements with a strong impact. 】

【Walk with the wind: Lift the feathers of the white eagle, and it can slowly land from a high altitude. When encountering a certain intensity of airflow, it can move in the direction of the airflow. 】

[White Eagle's Protection: The white eagle's feathers will never rot, and it is immune to some attack damage below the blue level. 】

[Remarks: Parachute, or hot air balloon?I listen to you. 】

"This is?" Lu Qing looked at Maveline with some doubts, and asked.

"As you can see, I can't fly anymore." Maevelin showed Lu Qing and Ling her injured wings, and said, "This wound was caused by the dead archbishop, who drove me out of the sky." When I was fighting with him, my wings were injured and I became what I am now."

"Archbishop Angus, why did he drive Maveline out of the lair? Is it because he can check the state of the core of the sacred tree there?" After hearing Maveline's words, Lu Qing thought thoughtfully.

"Then the feather you gave us can take us up?" Lu Qing looked at the diary and asked about the attributes of this feather.

"Of course. No."

Maeveline rolled her eyes and said, "How could it be possible to fly to the crown of the sacred tree with just one feather that I carefully prepared? What are you thinking?"

"Um, I'm just asking casually." Lu Qing scratched her cheek with her hands a little embarrassedly.

"So what are you trying to do with this feather~" Ling floated beside Lu Qing, moving up and down curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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