The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 562 Storm Valley and the Wind Element

Chapter 562 Storm Valley and the Wind Element
"Do you know why Storm Valley became what it is now?" Maevelin didn't answer Lu Qing and Ling's question, but asked instead.

"You mean, wind element?" Lu Qing thought of something after hearing Maveline's words.

"That's right." Maevelin nodded, and said, "The Storm Valley used to be full of strong winds, and the power of the wind element spread from here to the whole world, affecting the weather in this world."

"However, now, there is an abnormality in the wind element. It has suppressed the wind element in the entire Storm Valley, making this place a forbidden place with no wind at all."

"But the wind has not disappeared, but has been accumulated." Maevelin said with light in her eyes: "If the wind element is restored to normal, then all the wind elements accumulated over the years will explode in an instant. come out!"

"At that time, I will be able to use the burst of wind elements to fly into the sky and send you to the crown of the sacred tree!"

When Maevelin said these words, her voice sounded a little excited, and Lu Qing could feel the other party's strong desire to fly.

"Did you prepare this feather a long time ago?" Lu Qing thought of something and asked.

"Yeah." Maevelin nodded and said, "I originally planned to make more feathers like this to take me to the sky."

"But I overestimated myself. It took more than ten years to make such a feather." Maeveline said with a look of frustration.

"So what should we do to restore the wind element to normal?" Lu Qing looked at Maeveline and asked.

"The wind element is in the deepest part of the valley of the storm, and you can reach there with my feather." Maevelin said: "The wind element is accumulated everywhere in the valley of the storm, and you can find those wind elements Where there is a lot of accumulation, use the feathers I gave you to release the accumulated wind elements."

"Then we can use the released wind elements to fly into the sky?" Lu Qing looked at Lingyu's skill [Walking with the Wind] and said.

"That's right, that's it." Maevelin nodded, then looked at Lingdao: "My feather can only help you get close to the wind element, as for how to restore the wind element to its original state, it depends on you. "

"If you can't even solve the wind element, then it's useless to get close to the core of the sacred tree." Maevelin said, her eyes focused on Ling, as if she was thinking about something.

"Ah, leave it to Ling'er!" Ling said confidently, the light on his body flickering slightly.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Maeveline nodded and said,


After a moment of silence, Maeveline asked, "Are you still leaving?"

【Maeveline wants to go back to the cliff and continue blowing, although because of the characteristics of the storm valley, she doesn't have much wind to blow. 】

[Because she can't fly, she can only climb up from the foot of the mountain in a little embarrassment. If one is not good, she will roll down the mountain like a ball if she is not familiar with walking. Summed up from years of mountain climbing experience.]

[In short, she will not walk when there are people, absolutely not! 】

"." Lu Qing looked at the contents of the diary speechlessly, then looked at Ling and said, "Ling, time is running out, let's move forward."

"Oh!" Ling was stunned for a moment, and then immediately replied.

After speaking, the two quickly left here. Maevelin looked at the backs of the two leaving, turned to Wu Tian and said, "That spirit, I always feel like I really want to see her somewhere."

"Do you think so too?" After hearing Maveline's words, Wutian was a little surprised, but after a while, she said again: "Don't the elves all look similar, and it's normal to feel familiar .”

"Probably." Upon hearing what Wutian said, Maevelin neither agreed nor opposed.

"The person has already been delivered. If there is nothing else, I will go back first." Wu Tian looked at the direction where Lu Qing and Ling left.

"Aren't you going to send them back after they come back?" Maevelin looked at Wu Tian and said.

"The Storm Valley is very big, and I don't know when they come back." Wu Tian rolled his eyes and said, "I'm going to sleep under the water first, and when they come back, you can help them wake me up." That's it"

After finishing speaking, Wutian didn't wait for Maevelin to say anything more, her body sank into the water slowly and lost her trace.


Maevelin stared at the place where Wutian disappeared, and after confirming that the other party had really gone to rest, she slowly walked towards the top of the cliff.

"No, Maeveline only said that the wind element is high in the sky deep in the valley of the storm. Did she say where exactly?" Walking on the road, Lu Qing suddenly thought of something.

"She didn't say it, probably because she didn't know." Ling slowly floated beside Lu Qing, and said after hearing her words.

"Maeveline can no longer fly by herself, and there is no way to enter the depths of the storm valley. How can she know where the wind element is?"

"Yes." Lu Qing nodded.

"Since it is a wind element, it should be more conspicuous. We should be able to see it after the distance is almost the same." Lu Qing said.

While she was talking, Lu Qing was still communicating with Wein in her heart, asking her to patrol the sky and help her find the location of the wind element.

"Wind element, I may have found it." After hearing Lu Qing's words, Wein said slowly in his heart.

"Found it?" Lu Qing raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise, "How did you find it?"

"Because the skyline is very good, I can feel that there is a very dense wind element in the sky, which is the most dense place in the entire Storm Valley." Wein explained to Lu Qing in his heart.

"Can I see it now?" Lu Qing asked in her heart.


"Okay." After hearing Wein's words, Lu Qing synchronized his gaze with Wein's, and immediately saw several huge mountains and rocks suspended in the distant sky.

From Wein's perspective, the mountains and rocks suspended in mid-air are full of unimaginable wind elements.

As Maevelin said, those wind elements did not disappear, but were accumulated together. These accumulated wind elements caused a large number of mountains and rocks to hang in the air.

If these wind elements are released
Lu Qing just roughly imagined, when the accumulated wind elements were released, a large number of suspended mountains were torn apart by the strong wind, and she couldn't help shivering.

That level is not comparable to tornadoes and typhoons. The irregular wind elements will tear everything apart. Even if the people in it are not torn apart, they will be beaten to death by the flying debris.

(End of this chapter)

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