The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 563 The Blade of the Elf and the Charged Strike

Chapter 563 The Blade of the Elf and the Charged Strike

"This is really spectacular." Lu Qing looked at the rock walls floating in mid-air in the distance with the help of Wein's line of sight.

The wind element is just above those rock walls. If she and Ling want to get close to the wind element, they can use the help of these hanging rock walls.

Withdrawing her gaze, Lu Qing roughly judged the direction, and then led her spirit to the depths of the Storm Valley.

The road here is not very easy to walk, there are rugged mountain roads and rocks everywhere, if an ordinary person walks here, I am afraid that he will have to stop and rest within two hours.

Fortunately, Lu Qing is not an ordinary person. For her, walking here is not much different from walking in the forest. As for Ling, she does not need to walk, she uses to fly.

As long as Lu Qing takes a step forward, Ling will automatically take a step forward, no matter how fast she is, Ling can keep up.

Of course, this is not controlled by the spirit itself. In fact, the moving speed of the elves in the elemental state is very slow. The Pope told Lu Qing about this.

[In order to solve this problem, elves usually act in groups of two, one maintains the appearance of an animal, and the other transforms into an elemental form, floating beside the animal companion. 】

[When acting together, the elements on their bodies will be pulled together, so that the elves in the element form can move together with the elves in the animal form. other side. 】

These are the exact words of the Pope. Due to some special reasons, Lu Qing can now be regarded as a half elf, so it is not too difficult to link the elements with the spirit.

In fact, the reason why she was able to wake up from sleep was thanks to this skill.

【Walking LV2-LV3】

The diary suddenly trembled, recording the information about Lu Qing's skill upgrade.

Lu Qing glanced at it, but she didn't think it was a surprise. In a place like Storm Valley full of rugged rocks, walking too much can indeed improve the proficiency of the [Wild Walking] skill.

Compared to this, Lu Qing is more concerned about some creatures that appear in her field of vision not far away.

No, that kind of thing is not a living thing at all, Lu Qing thought looking at those illusory figures in the distance.

It was dozens of huge blue ants, gathered together and didn't know what to do, and Ling seemed to know those guys, and explained to Lu Qing:

"Those guys are spirit-eating ants. As their name suggests, they are creatures that specialize in eating souls."

"They are new species catalyzed by the power of the void after the holy tree withered. Probably because of too little food, they have evolved the power to devour souls."

When Ling said this, he paused slightly, and said: "But later, because the number of dead creatures decreased, well, it is better to say that the number of dead creatures decreased, and their food became scarce again."

"This led to the death of a large number of spirit-eating ants, and the remaining spirit-eating ants have become a terrifying species that will actively attack and kill creatures when they encounter creatures, and then devour their souls."

When Ling said this, her voice was mixed with complex emotions of pity or fear. The light on her body flickered a few times, and said: "In short, don't pity them, end this deformed life!"

"A deformed life?" After listening to Ling's words, Lu Qing looked at the spirit-eating ants in the distance and asked.

It is indeed a deformed life. It survives by devouring the soul, but the soul can only be obtained by killing other lives.

This sounds no different from eating meat, but the soul itself will gradually dissipate and cannot be preserved for a long time. If these ants want to survive, they must either kill other creatures or kill each other. Massacre, there is no third way to go.

Shaking her head, Lu Qing pulled out Altaïr's sword, and slowly walked towards the spirit-eating ants.

Altaïr's sword is worthy of being a purple quality item, even after being roughly used by the resentful soul of Knight Meron for 50 years, it has not suffered much damage.

However, it is impossible to say that it is not affected at all, but it is completely enough to deal with these spirit-eating ants.


The spirit-eating ants standing still in place noticed Lu Qing's approach, and each of them suddenly became excited, and the tentacles on the top of their heads kept colliding with each other to transmit information.


Lu Qing felt a mental wave being released from the bodies of these spirit-eating ants. It was a special attack similar to a mental shock!
Without hesitation, Lu Qing's legs were slightly bent, her red lips opened, and a deafening roar came out from her small lips.


Almost at the moment when Lu Qing released [Dragon's Roar], the gathered power of the spirit-eating ants burst out.

However, it was almost a face-to-face meeting, and the spiritual impact released by the spirit-eating ants was destroyed by Lu Qing's [Dragon's Roar], and after destroying the spiritual impact released by the spirit-eating ants, the [Dragon's Roar] Roaring] It hit the spirit-eating ants with undiminished power.


The spirit-eating ants let out a scream one after another, emitting a light blue light from their entire bodies.

Lu Qing would not let go of such a good opportunity, picked up the sword of Altaïr infused with spiritual power, rushed into the formation of the spirit-eating ants and killed all directions.

After a while, the corpses of these spirit-eating ants collapsed to the ground, bleeding dark blue blood. After they died, those seemingly illusory bodies gradually became real. Blue skin tones also turned dark gray.

【Magic element +410】


"Can these spirit-eating ants still provide souls?" Lu Qing said with a feeling of surprise.

"Of course, after all, their food is the soul." Ling shook his body briskly, constantly flashing light blue light and said:

"After they die, the souls stored in their bodies will also be released together. Coupled with the dissipation of void power, they will change from semi-spiritual bodies back to ordinary bodies."

"That's it." Lu Qing looked at the light gray corpses of spirit-eating ants, and then at the blood flowing out of them, it turned dark red as expected.

"So much magic essence and soul, Ling, I need some skills!" Lu Qing looked at her magic essence and soul and said.

"Okay, okay." Ling nodded.

The next moment, time paused, and a familiar skill panel appeared in front of Lu Qing.

【Super Jump (Blue)】

[After a short charge, the body is ejected like a cannonball, and you can jump to a higher and farther position. It may damage the items under your feet, please be careful. 】

[250 magic element to unlock]

At this time, only this skill remained in the skill panel. Without hesitation, Lu Qing chose to learn super jump. After she learned this skill, two new skills appeared on the skill panel again.

【Elf Blade (Purple)】

[Charge Strike (Purple)]

(End of this chapter)

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