The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 585 Jumping in the Air

Chapter 585 Jumping in the Air

The sword of Altaïr infused with spiritual power collided with the brass metal tower shield, fragments of sparks flew out, and the sharp sword of Altaïr immediately left a scratch on the shield surface of the metal tower shield.

【Elf Blade】

The dark spiritual power circulated on the sword of Altaïr's sword, Lu Qing was a little surprised that this sneak attack failed, she raised Altaïr's sword with both hands and stabbed straight at the neck of Saro knight!

With a slight step back, Knight Salo raised his head slightly, and used the armor plate on his chin to deflect Lu Qing's piercing attack. Then he turned around quickly, and swung at Lu Qing without retreating. cut away.

"Huh?" Lu Qing looked at Knight Salo in surprise. In her impression, the opponent's swordsmanship should not be so good.

Not intending to dodge, Lu Qing raised her left hand, directly blocked the attack with the silver-gray night wind, and then raised her leg to kick Saro Knight's abdomen.


The huge strength of Lu Qing's legs kicked Saro Knight backwards. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the opponent's body lost balance, Lu Qing raised Altaïr's sword and slashed horizontally towards Saro Knight's neck.

The sound of heavy metal collisions sounded, and the Saro knight stood firm at the last moment, and used his shield to block Lu Qing's attack. A very special force was attached to his shield, and it was Altaïr's sword. It bounced off!
The Saro knight took a step forward, and the heavy metal tower shield hit Lu Qing's chest. The dark red void power was attached to the long sword in his hand, and a huge sword light swept across in one blow!

Lu Qing dodged in time, but there was still a small wound on her cheek. After thinking about it, Lu Qing injected a large amount of spiritual power into Altaïr's sword, imitating the movement of the Saro knight just now, and swept across at the same high speed out.

【Elf Blade】

【Charge Attack】

The huge dark red sword light split through Knight Saro's shield, and even left a deep scar on his chest. However, under the scar, there is no human tissue at all, only a deep scarlet color.

A sword cut off the neck of the Saro knight, Lu Qing slowly put away Altaïr's sword, and took out the mask she had just carved.

A ray of reddish light flowed from the gradually disintegrating body of the Saro knight, and slowly gathered on the mask in Lu Qing's hand, unexpectedly giving the mask a more stern look out of thin air.

This is the inspiration that Lu Qing got from the face of the spirit frog that she obtained before. She will not seal the soul of the resentful spirit in the mask, but only absorb part of its power.

One is to accomplish the secondary goal of the dream world, and the other is because of her identity as a psychic. She has no way to bury the dead spirit, but at least, according to tradition and custom, she can carve a wooden mask It is still possible to send him off.

【Face of Loyalty】

[For a kingdom, the most important thing is not to be brave and good at fighting, but to be loyal. 】

[Development degree: 100%]

[Perseverance: After use, the pain is reduced by 50%, and part of the damage you receive is absorbed. 】

【Magic element +400】



Shaking her head, Lu Qing hung the mask on her body, then looked at Ling and said, "Ling, I want to learn new skills!"

The azure blue skill panel unfolded, Lu Qing glanced at her magic essence, and then learned the purple-quality skill [Aerial Jump].

The next moment, a lot of knowledge about how to use spiritual power to jump in the air flooded into her mind, Lu Qing digested it for a long time before turning off the skill panel in front of her.


Gently exerting force on her feet, Lu Qing jumped up from the ground, then she released her spiritual power from her feet, and stomped hard in the air.

A miraculous scene happened, and it was as if she stepped on something in the air, and she flew upwards quickly.

Lu Qing released a large amount of spiritual power from her feet, forming a temporary floor in the air. Standing on this "floor", she was actually suspended in the air.

Suddenly, Lu Qing's legs softened, and the barrier under her feet disappeared into the air, and she landed on the ground from the air. Her face looked a little pale.

Powerful skill effects often have to pay a corresponding price, and the spiritual power consumed by using the [air jump] skill is far beyond Lu Qing's imagination.

It's okay to just jump continuously in the air, and Lu Qing can bear the consumption, but if you want to suspend in the air, the amount of spiritual power you need to consume is terrifying.

"Ah, are you okay?" Ling floated beside Lu Qing worriedly and said.

"It's okay, I just accidentally used up my spiritual power, let's go back first." Standing up again, Lu Qing looked at Lingdao.

"Well, let's go back first."

Following the direction they came from, the two walked towards the city gate where Jaegers was.

I didn't meet any powerful creatures along the way, only some weak skeletons and carrion corpses exuding a rancid smell. As for the Knights of the Old King, after the Saro Knights were eliminated, they probably all dissipated.

The Saro Knight who turned into a wraith is not weak, but Lu Qing is too strong now. Even the Melan Knight who turned into a resentful soul is not her opponent. How can the Saro Knight beat her?
However, Saro Knight also has some surprises, for example, sword skills are much better than when he was alive?
Back at the city wall of the old capital, Lu Qing found Jaegers who was dismembering the flesh giant's body. He carefully observed the flesh giant's body with his eyeball infected by the void, and didn't even notice that she and Ling had returned .

After thinking about it, Lu Qing decided not to disturb him for the time being. She and Ling found a safer place and injected the newly obtained 800 souls into the bug hunter's mask.

【Bug Hunter Mask】

[A shocking experiment, an unspeakable encounter, the insect hunter has been searching for a lifetime, and finally got a spy. 】

【Development degree: 44%-69%】

A familiar feeling greeted her heart, Lu Qing slowly closed her eyes, and came to Char's memory world.

"Char, from today on you are my younger brother." A young man who looked eleven or twelve years old stood beside Char's hospital bed and said to Char.

Mattis Gordon, the son of the hunter who rescued Char, although he looks more stable in appearance, his real character is
"Actually, I have thought about having one more person to play with me before, but I want a younger sister more than a younger brother." Gordon said.

"Why?" Char asked a little strangely, obviously he thought girls were quite difficult to deal with.

"In those biographical novels, the protagonist's sister is super cute." Gordon said what he thought in his heart without hesitation.

"Ha ha."

"You also know that it's a novel. The novels are all fake. How can there be such a good sister." Charle rolled his eyes in his heart and said, but considering that the other party is the son of his benefactor, he still didn't put his heart in his heart. The idea came out, just smiled softly.

(End of this chapter)

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