Chapter 586 The Truth
"Char, tomorrow you are going to go with me to practice hunting in the field. How about it? Do you find it interesting?" Mathis Gordon came to Char and gently hugged him with his shoulders neck, smiled and said:
"Don't worry, it will be fine with me, an old hand, leading you tomorrow."

"Hunting!" Charl looked a little weird.

Ever since he escaped from the laboratory of the Death Sect, he discovered that he has a strange ability. Unlike the blessing of the holy tree, this ability is more like a very unique combat skill?

Well, this is not a combat skill either.

Charl raised his head, and his eyes met with a spider in the upper right corner of the room.

"What are you looking at?" The jet-black spider noticed Charle's gaze and replied without hesitation.

"Nothing." Charl's expression became even weirder.

He found that he could communicate with any animal, even insects, and this spider had already talked to him yesterday, so it was not very afraid of him.

"Hey, why are there spiders in your room, do you want me to clean them up for you?" Gordon noticed Charle's gaze and said to the spider web in the corner of the room.

"Don't." Char quickly stopped Gordon from moving, and said, "Let him stay here, every life is not easy."

Gordon looked at Charle a little strangely, but seeing the other party's serious expression, he decided to listen to him after thinking about it, and said, "Well, I didn't expect Charle to be so kind."

"But you're going to be a hunter in the future. If you don't want to kill a spider, how can you hunt other animals?"

"Hmm." Char dealt with Gordon somewhat vaguely, but didn't say anything.

The next day, Gordon's father, the old hunter, took Charles and Gordon to the icy snow.

He taught Char how to set up traps, and the impact of choosing where to set up traps on the success rate of traps catching prey.

Char studied very seriously, because he didn't want to disappoint his benefactor's teachings, but to his surprise, the trap he set caught a prey on the first day.

It was a snow-white little guy, with watery black pupils staring at Char pitifully, emotions such as fear, fear and anxiety were constantly transmitted from the eyes of this snow rabbit to the depths of his heart.

This made Charles couldn't help but think back to the days when he was once used as a test subject by the Quiet Sect. At that time, he was the same, fearful, helpless, and he didn't know that one day he would be selected as a test subject and die on that cold test bench superior.

He loosened the trap lightly, and sent the caught snow rabbit back to the forest. Of course, he didn't catch any prey that day.

Char did not hide this matter, but told it to Gordon's father, the hunter who adopted him, including his ability to perceive the emotions and thoughts of animals.

"Sorry, I might not be suitable to be a hunter." Char said with a dejected expression.

In addition to depression, there is still a trace of fear in his heart. If he can't hunt, is there any meaning in living in this family? If not, will he leave here?
"It's just a snow rabbit, if you let it go, let it go."

A rough palm lightly covered the top of Char's head. The old hunter smiled indifferently and said, "Gentleness does not mean cowardice."

"Although we hunters are doing the job of hunting and killing lives, don't forget that we are also a part of nature. We must learn to respect nature. Only in this way will nature respect us."

"Since you don't have the heart to kill those animals, then don't kill them. It's just that you need to continue to learn the hunting methods, because one day, you will meet the prey you have to hunt."

The time in the memory world jumps a lot. In the blink of an eye, Lu Qing came to the time when Gordon was an adult.

It was also this year that Mathis Gordon detected the aptitude of [Spiritualist] during the psychic ceremony, and was forced to leave Frey Mures to learn about the ability of [Spiritualist] with skill.

"Go if you want, you can become a psychic if you want to." The old hunter said to Gordon with a smile.

"But." Gordon, who had already reached his age, hesitated a little.

"There's nothing wrong with it, just go if you're told." The old hunter suddenly said to Gordon with a straight face.

"Brother, you can go with peace of mind. I'm here to take care of the master. It will be fine." Charle, who is 16 years old this year, said to Gordon.

This memory ends here. When the world in front of Lu Qing appeared again, Char was already 20 years old. He also awakened the blessing of the holy tree two years ago. It is the ability to slightly change the celestial phenomena, called "Apocalypse" .

Just today, he and his master received an official mission, asking them to hunt down an earthworm monster that suddenly appeared in the forest.

It is said that the earth worm monster may be infected by the power of the void. It is very powerful and dangerous. He has been killing other creatures in the forest these days. Many hunters and businessmen who rely on hunting for a living have been affected. That's why the official entrusted Char and the old hunter to hunt down this earthworm monster.

In order to be able to kill the earth worm monster without any chance, Char and the old hunter prepared for a long time, and finally found each other in a cave.
Lu Qing already knew what happened next, the only difference is that there is an extra detail in this memory world.

That is, Char was able to kill the earth worm, but at the moment when he met the opponent's eyes, Char felt the pain of the earth worm, and tried to use his ability to relieve the pain of the earth worm.

However, it was such a move that caused the earth worm to stand up and bite him at the moment when the void power in its body exploded. In order to save Char, his master, the old hunter, gave his life for this.

And the reason why Char escaped was that at the moment he was pushed away by the old hunter, he stumbled and fell off the cliff. When he regained consciousness, he found that both the old hunter and the void worm had died. lost track.

The distraught Char returned to the city of Frey Mures, and informed the client that the mission had failed, and then spent all day in the tavern, indulging in alcohol anesthesia.

Until one day, a man in the priestly robe of Manulife Sam pushed open the door of the tavern and dragged Charle out of it, who was drinking heavily.

"Brother?" Char looked at the human being who dragged him out with a dazed expression.

"Huh, look at your current appearance, it's really outrageous." Gordon said angrily, looking at Charle, who was unkempt and smelled of alcohol all over his body.

"Yes, yes, compared to the future noble Pope, I am a little hunter, and I am really shameless." Charles said drunkenly.

"Oh..." Looking at Char in this state, Gordon couldn't help sighing. Suddenly, he felt a force coming from his hand, and it was Char who wanted to break free from his hands.

"Let go of me, I will continue to drink"

"Drink, drink, drink, you know how to drink. Your master will be mad at you when he sees you like this!" Gordon said angrily, looking at Char's appearance.

"Master is dead!" Charl roared as he broke away from Gordon's hand, his face flushed.

"I'm a waste of talent." Char lowered his head in frustration, and said, "If you hadn't left at that time, if it wasn't me who accompanied the master to hunt ground worms."

"Enough!" Gordon couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed Char's collar, lifted it up and said, "How long are you going to be depressed? If you have time to drink here, you might as well practice more. Then find revenge on that earth worm!"

"Revenge? How can I get revenge!?" Char also broke out. He broke away from Gordon's hands and said angrily: "I don't have the blessing of your powerful holy tree, and I only rely on changing the glass of water. What's the use of weather that can't be filled?"

"Fuck you!" Gordon couldn't take it anymore, he raised his fist and hit Charl hard on the face
(End of this chapter)

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