The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 587 The raving of a lunatic

Chapter 587 The raving of a lunatic

"Uh, my head hurts." Charle opened his eyes in a trance, looking at the sunlight coming in from the window.

During this period of time, he had gotten used to the feeling of a hangover. The cold but hot wine flowed into his stomach, making people forget those painful things subconsciously.

Touching the bruise on his face, Char recalled what happened yesterday.

He had a fight with Gordon, and the end result was that he was drunk, not Gordon's opponent in a sober state at all, and was beaten severely by him until the guards in the city separated the two.

After that, he fell asleep because of drunkenness and didn't wake up until now.

"Ah..." Stretching his waist long, Char stepped down from the bed and touched his shaggy beard and the mud on his neck.

He soaked in the tavern for almost half a month. During this time, he neither took a bath nor shaved. Except for going to the toilet, eating and sleeping, he was drinking.

Smelling the smell of alcohol on his body, Char still felt embarrassed to touch the longbow hanging on the wall.

It was the longbow given to him by the old hunter. To Char, it was a very precious item.

First, he washed his face with cold water. Char lit a charcoal fire, boiled a large pot of hot water, took a good bath for himself, and re-styled his beard and hair.


Char stood quietly in front of the mirror, looking at himself in the mirror. He put on his hunter outfit again, took the longbow given to him by the old hunter, and walked into the icy forest.


With the sound of the bowstring trembling, Char caught a snow rabbit. He skillfully separated the fur and flesh of the snow rabbit, and roasted it with a blazing bonfire.

When the aroma of barbecue flooded into his nostrils, Char couldn't help swallowing.

Perhaps it was because he had been drinking in the tavern these days and hadn't had a good meal, this Snow Rabbit Char was delicious.

This reminded him of what happened more than ten years ago, when he was a little boy who caught a snow rabbit with a trap, but finally let it go.

"One day, you will meet the prey you must hunt."

Slowly clenching the palm of his right hand, Char hung the longbow back on his body, his eyes filled with determination again.

"Crack clap."

The memory world slowly shattered, Lu Qing opened her eyes, and saw Ling who was sticking to her face with a curious expression.

"A bit dizzy." Looking at Ling who was sticking to her face, Lu Qing narrowed her eyes slightly and said.

【Bug Hunter Mask】

[A shocking experiment, an unspeakable encounter, the insect hunter has been searching for a lifetime, and finally got a spy. 】

[Development degree: 69%]

[The effect of the skill Bug Hunter's Grip has been improved! 】

"How long did it take this time?" Lu Qing looked at Lingdao.

"Two or ten minutes more." After hearing her words, Ling floated in front of her.

"Shorter than last time."

Bringing the spirit back to the wall of the old capital, Lu Qing found that Jaegers was still carefully observing the meat of the flesh giant.

As if noticing Lu Qing's return, Jaegers slowly raised his head, looked at Lu Qing and said, "Welcome back, Your Highness, how is the matter going?"

"It's been resolved." Lu Qing randomly found a place where she could sit down, looked at Jaegers curiously, and said, "Have you researched anything?"

"I just started researching, and I didn't have much results, but." Jaegers said with a thoughtful expression on his face, "The body structure of these flesh and blood giants is a bit strange."

"Strange?" Lu Qing asked with some doubts.

"Their bodies give me a very uncoordinated feeling, as if they were specially made by someone for a certain purpose." Jaegers said after thinking for a while.

"This!" Lu Qing opened her mouth, and after thinking for a while, she decided to tell him about the flesh and blood giants, saying, "These flesh and blood giants were actually made by the Guiji sect. Strength combined."

"Has their research reached this level?" Jaegers said in surprise after hearing Lu Qing's words.

Then, as if he had thought of something, he frowned tightly.

"The power blocked in the roots of the sacred tree is so similar to the power of these flesh and blood giants. Could it be that the people of the Guiji sect blocked the roots of the sacred tree?"

"If that's the case, their skills and knowledge should be far superior to mine."

Jaeger's expression suddenly became a little frustrated, and he said: "What I can think of, people with better skills than me can't think of it. Did my research go on the wrong path from the beginning? on the road?"

Scarlet light was released from Jaeger's eye sockets, Lu Qing felt the void power unintentionally released from Jaeger's polluted eye sockets, she hurried forward and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Be sober, don't be affected by pollution."

【Spirit shock】

【Advanced Purification】

A weak mental shock hit Jaegers' mind, and Lu Qing's palm released a light blue light, calming down the restless void power in Jaegers' body again.

Purification can get rid of pollution and curses, but the pollution on Jaegers' body has reached a very serious level, and the eyeball has become a part of Jaegers' body at this time. If it is forcibly purified, Jaegers will There may be other problems.

The main reason is that the concentration of the void power in the air is too high, even just breathing will be affected by the void power, otherwise, cutting off Jaeger's polluted eyeball and performing a purification technique can also cure it radically.

"Huh..." Jaegers first felt his brain being kicked hard, and then felt a cool feeling roaming from his shoulders to his whole body, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Thank you, I feel better." Jaegers said as he sat on the ground tiredly.

"I have this unique eye, so it must be fine." Jaegers said with a smile, pointing to his polluted eyeball.

"As a priest of the Manulife Sham Cult, it's a bit ridiculous to rely on the eyeballs bestowed by the power of the void to study the power to save the holy tree." Jaegers said with a bitter expression on his face.

"If I heal the holy tree, I will become an archbishop."

"At that time, I must revise the doctrine so that even those who are polluted by the void can receive the grace of the holy tree, instead of clamoring to tie them to the stake."

"The power of the void is controllable. For example, I am using this eye to conduct research now."

Jaegers seemed to have thought of some beautiful picture, a longing smile appeared on his face, but then he shook his head again, looked at Lu Qing and said:

"It's better not to think too much, maybe the thoughts I take for granted now will also be regarded as the ravings of a madman?"

(End of this chapter)

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