The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 589 Black Mist Giant

Chapter 589 Black Mist Giant

A violent explosion sounded from the center of the old capital. Accompanied by a large amount of smoke and debris, the castle with a long history that had stood in the center of Vanhusdar for an unknown number of years collapsed.

If this world can continue, in the future thousands of years later, will future generations regard this as a major loss in history and use it to criticize Lu Qing, the culprit who blew up the castle?
Of course, it was impossible for her to know this kind of thing. At the moment when the castle of the old royal capital collapsed, a piercing and terrifying scream came from the depths of the castle.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The ear-piercing scream almost shattered Lu Qing's eardrums, she focused her attention on the direction of the sound, and was alert to the spirit of resentment that would rush out from there at any time.

However, no imaginary figure appeared, but the gray-black mist that permeated the old royal capital slowly gathered together, gradually forming a man wearing gray-black steel armor, holding a huge battle axe, and the mist constantly billowing under the armor Huge humanoid.

Lu Qing found that the other party was wearing a gray-black crown on the top of his head, which seemed to be the one that the king usually wears on his head.

"Could it be that the main body of the king's resentful soul is those fogs?" Lu Qing looked at the fog that shrouded her side, and couldn't help becoming vigilant in her heart.

Every time she breathes, she will inhale this mist into her belly. If this mist is the soul of resentment, things will be troublesome.

The giant also found Lu Qing at this time, he bluntly raised the battle ax in his hand, and swept across the street where Lu Qing was!

The sharp battle ax overturned the houses on the street, and the strong wind caused by the terrifying force almost blew away the bricks on the ground. The giant's seemingly slow movements were just illusions due to its huge size.

There is no doubt that with this terrifying blow, even if Lu Qing is wearing a lot of game props, she will be seriously injured after being hit!
【Super Jump】

The dark black spiritual power surged under her feet, and Lu Qing quickly jumped up from the ground, dodging the attack of the black mist giant, and then quickly stroked the sword of Altaïr's sword with her palm, spreading the black and red spiritual power Inject it.

【Elf Blade】

【Charge Attack】


She made a movement of swinging her sword in the air, and her black-red spiritual power radiated soaring, and instantly slashed on the breastplate of the black mist giant, leaving a faint scratch.

"What a high defense." Lu Qing thought as she looked at the faint scratches on the black mist giant's breastplate.

Most of the weapons she uses rely on their own sharp characteristics to cause slashing or stabbing damage. These weapons are very powerful, but they will inevitably appear a little weak when facing huge enemies .

She is not yet strong enough to cut that huge enemy in half with a single sword. Even if she uses the charged strike combined with the huge slash from the Elven Blade, the damage is far inferior to the power at close range. .

The farther away the spiritual power sword blade is, the less it will be cohesive, and its power will naturally not be much higher. After this dream world is over, should she find a way to make it easier to deal with? What about weapons for large volume enemies?
Without much time to think about this problem, after the black mist giant swept away with one blow, he suddenly raised his battle axe, and slashed at Lu Qing who was jumping in the air from top to bottom.

If she hadn't learned the [Aerial Jump] skill, she would have to find some other way to evade or resist this blow, but after learning the [Air Jump] skill, she could only You need to step hard in the air to easily dodge this attack.


The huge battle ax fell on the ground, and immediately smashed a huge crack in the streets of the old capital. The soul of resentment who lost his sanity would not be surprised why Lu Qing, who was jumping in the air, was able to dodge his own attack. With a low cry, he raised his battle ax again with both hands and slapped Lu Qing in the air.

This attack is an attack that swings the side of the battle ax as a war hammer. Its attack area is very large, and the black mist giant's attack speed is extremely fast. It is difficult to dodge it even if it jumps in the air.


The howling air flow brushed the soles of her feet and passed under her body. Lu Qing dodged the sweeping blow without any risk. However, the black mist giant seemed to be waiting for this moment. At that moment, her right foot trampled on the ground and roared loudly at Lu Qing.

Huge sound waves and air currents instantly knocked Lu Qing down from the air to the ground. The black mist giant's huge body jumped up, and the heavy battle ax fell vertically to hit Lu Qing's body.


Seeing the steel tomahawk falling from the sky, Lu Qing suddenly opened her eyes wide, and flew towards her side while rolling and crawling.


The huge battle ax fell to the ground with a bang, and a large amount of gravel flew around with great force, hitting Lu Qing's back like a bullet, and one of them hit the inside of the knee of her right leg, making Lu Qing Qing's right leg gave way and she half-kneeled on the ground.

At this time, the battle ax in the giant's hand suddenly pressed down, and a burst of lavender light pressed down centered on the giant of the black mist.


The ground suddenly sank downwards, and Lu Qing felt a huge force pressing down from her whole body, instantly pushing her down on the ground.


There was the sound of bones breaking, and Lu Qing spat out a mouthful of blood.

I'm careless, unlike the souls of resentment I met before, the black mist giant in front of me is too strong. The most important thing is that I don't know his moves, and I have been fighting unknown enemies
"But there is still a chance"

Lu Qing's bloodshot eyes widened as she watched the black mist giant raise the battle ax in his hand and smash it down at her who was under the pressure of gravity magic.

[Escape into the shadows! 】

The prop effect of the silver-gray evening wind, walking in the shadows will accumulate shadow points, and when the shadow points reach [-], you can escape into the shadows.

Lu Qing's figure disappeared on the ground in an instant, dodging the attack of the black mist giant, and Lu Qing quickly ran to the interior of a nearby building, tremblingly using her medical knowledge to join the broken bones together.

[Emergency reply! 】

This is a skill of the Nightmare series, which can heal wounds in a short period of time by consuming a lot of stamina.

The violent airflow howled, it seemed that the black mist giant had found her position, Lu Qing quickly jumped out of the window, the next moment, the huge battle ax smashed the house, the black mist giant raised the battle ax high, and the lavender The light flashed by.

"We can't let him release the gravity magic!" Lu Qing thought so, opened her lips quickly, and roared loudly.

[The Roar of the Dragon! 】


The huge roar of the dragon knocked back the black mist giant's body, and at this time, Lu Qing released her long-stored skills.
[Charging Flame + Charged Strike! 】


(End of this chapter)

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