Chapter 590 Oath Amulet
The huge psychic energy erupted centered on Lu Qing, and the ground under the feet of the black mist giant and Lu Qing collapsed in an instant. Accompanied by a deafening collapse sound, the black mist giant fell to the ground in a backward posture. .

As early as when the black mist giant was swinging the battle axe, Lu Qing had discovered that there seemed to be another space under the ground under their feet, which was all she could perceive with the powerful hearing brought by the [Listener] skill.

As for what this space is. During the fall, Lu Qing glanced roughly, it seemed to be a train station.

I didn't expect that the train station I was looking for was just below the street near the castle in the center of the old capital. I hope the train was not buried by rubble, otherwise it would be troublesome then.

Although I thought a lot, the reality was only a moment in the past. When the black mist giant fell to the ground, Lu Qing came to the black mist giant and injected all the remaining spiritual power in her body into Altaïr's body. in the sword.


The rich red and black spiritual power rises from the blade of Altaïr's sword, and inevitably escapes outward. Lu Qing recalled the sword that Merren Knight swung in front of the wall of flesh and blood. I have a little understanding in my heart.

The next moment, a black-red sword light rose from the ground, which could be clearly seen even outside the city walls of the old capital. The sharp Altaïr's sword pierced into the black mist giant's body, and a large amount of spiritual power was like a spider web It generally spreads in every corner of the black mist giant's body.

[Spiritual Power Mastery LV8-LV10]

[Sword Master LV2-LV3]


The black mist giant's body slowly dissipated, and Lu Qing knelt down on the ground exhausted, holding a sword in one hand to support the ground so that she would not collapse.

At this time, Lu Qing found that at the place where the black mist giant died, an object emitting lavender light appeared in her eyes.

"Game props out?" Lu Qing thought with a boost of energy.

With some difficulty, he came to the place where the lavender light was emitting. Lu Qing picked up the game prop, and found this light golden metal badge, which was engraved with a leafy holy tree and a standard knight's long sword. .

[Prop name: Vow Talisman]

[Prop Quality: Purple]

[Introduction: The talisman made of the sacred tree and the first generation king of Fanhusda holding a long sword, which means to make an eternal oath in front of the sacred tree, representing the nobility of the royal family and a symbol of status. 】

[Skill: None]

【Remarks: Put it on, you are the new king! 】

"There is no skill effect," Lu Qing said slightly disappointed.

Items like this without skill effects are either hung on the auction house to see if others will buy them, or they are used when making card characters to see if they will be used.

In addition to the above two options, she can also sacrifice it to the hut, and she doesn't know what new functions will appear.

It was a good harvest, thinking so, Lu Qing threw the talisman into the locker of the hut, and at this moment, she suddenly realized a strange thing.

This black mist giant did not provide her with magic essence and soul after death.
Lu Qing thought of something, and instantly felt a chill down her spine, and at this moment, Ling's panicked voice reached her ears.

"Ah! Lu Qing, run quickly, this guy is not a real resentful soul, that guy's body is coming here!!" The light on Ling's body flickered violently, and hurriedly urged Lu Qing to leave here.

"I want to leave quickly." Lu Qing strenuously supported herself from the ground with Altaïr's sword, and then looked up at the surrounding environment.

She and the black mist giant fell into the underground railway station. If you want to get back to the ground, you must either jump up from here, or find a way to leave
It would be unrealistic in her current state to jump on it, so let's try to find a way to leave.

Lu Qing looked around, and walked into an underground tunnel relying on her intuition, and not long after she got into the tunnel, Ling's slightly anxious voice came over.

"Ah, that guy has already arrived at the place just now, and it's coming towards us!"

"Don't panic, calm down, Ling." Lu Qing tried to appease Ling, but the next moment, a black figure floated in front of her.


The icy breath almost froze Lu Qing's body, and she looked at the resentful soul that suddenly appeared in front of her, as if she would die in the next second.

Her heart was beating continuously at high speed, and Lu Qing subconsciously wanted to back away, but she found that she had lost control of her body at some point, and she could only watch the figure in front of her walking towards her step by step.

【The person who has truly turned into a soul of resentment is actually the queen of Fan Hushuang. She has the power to control the dead and can transform the dead into her own fighting power. 】

[The black mist giant is the most powerful undead she has mastered, because it was transformed by her beloved, King Fanhusda. 】

【Now, she is coming to you.】

The icy breath was getting closer and closer to her, and Lu Qing could already see clearly the appearance of the resentful soul in front of her.

It was made of mist, like a human female figure, and the other party was slowly opening his arms and walking towards him.

"Ah, you are not allowed to hurt Lu Qing!" Ling turned into the form of an elf at this time, a blue elf blade suddenly lit up in his hand, and quickly pierced towards the queen's resentful soul.


The queen's resentful soul turned her head to Ling, and gently exhaled a mouthful of light black mist. In just a few seconds, Ling's clean white body was polluted into a large area of ​​pitch black.

Elves are one of the most difficult creatures to adapt to the new environment after the holy tree withers. Their elemental bodies make them extremely resistant to the power of the void.

"Ling, step back!" Lu Qing regained partial control of her body, and shouted at Ling, as if the Queen's resentful soul was dealing with Ling.

"Ling'er is fine!" A light blue light appeared on Ling's body, and under Lu Qing's surprised gaze, the polluted part of Ling's body was purified in an instant.

The next moment, the pure white elven fire burned on the body of the soul of resentment, Ling's figure flashed past, and the sharp elven blade cut off the body of the soul of resentment in an instant.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The familiar screaming sound was released from the body of the Queen's Resentful Soul. Because the main ability is to control the undead, the fighting ability of the Queen's Resentful Soul itself is actually not that strong.

Before disappearing, the queen shifted her gaze to Lu Qing's body, as if being stared at by something, a cold and corrupt feeling spread from her lungs.

[You are cursed by the deathrattle curse of the Queen's Resentful Soul: Undead Transformation (48 hours)]

[The special curse that can only be released when close to death can transform normal living beings into undead creatures. 】

(End of this chapter)

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