The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 591 Minasha and the carriage and the attack

Chapter 591 Minasha and the carriage and the attack

【Magic element +800】


"Ling, are you okay?" After regaining control of her body, Lu Qing hurriedly came to Ling and asked with concern.

"Oh, Ling'er is fine." Ling maintained his physical state, and waved away the blue elf blade.

The light blue energy radiance flickered, and Ling returned to her usual appearance like a ball of light. Lu Qing looked at her and asked curiously, "Will you not be affected by the power of the void, Ling?"

Just now, the queen's resentful soul spread the pollution to Ling's whole body, but with a burst of spiritual power fluctuations, all the pollution on her body disappeared.

"Is that thing a purification technique?" Lu Qing thought with some doubts.

Thinking that since the spirit can purify the void power in the polluted elements, it seems that it is not surprising to remove the pollution from your body.

It's just that the process of the spirit being gradually polluted in front of my eyes just now makes people unable to help but worry about her state.

"It's because of Ling's special ability that Ling came here to heal the sacred tree." Ling probably knew what Lu Qing was thinking, so he said.

"However, when maintaining the physical state, it needs to consume a lot more spiritual power than usual, so Ling'er will always maintain the elemental state."

Looking at Ling who was no different from usual, the stone hanging in Lu Qing's heart was finally let go. There is no doubt that Ling is different from other elves. It is even said that Ling may have other things to hide. looking at her.

This is easy to see, because the clumsy Ling is really hard to prevent people from seeing what she is hiding, but it is also because of Ling's clumsiness that Lu Qing will not worry about whether Ling will do something endanger her.

Just wait patiently, maybe when the time is right, Ling will take the initiative to tell the secret she is hiding.

"And that's it."

"Cough cough."

After clearing her throat, Lu Qing felt that her lungs seemed to be corroded by something, and every time she took a breath, she could feel the faint smell like rotten tree roots.

"Are you okay!" Inspired by Lu Qing's cursed breath, said quickly.

"It's fine for now." Shaking her head, Lu Qing looked at the countdown displayed on the top of the diary, and said, "Ling, can you purify this curse?"

"Well, you have to take a look first to find out." Ling said after thinking about it.

After she finished speaking, her body like a ball of miraculous light got in from her chest. After a while, Lu Qing felt a cool feeling coming from her chest, and the faint smell of rotten tree roots disappeared. without a trace.

But the curse was not lifted. Lu Qing opened the diary and found that the countdown on it had changed.

【Undead Transformation (360 hours)】

From the original 48 hours to 360 hours, that is, [-] days, although the curse has not been completely resolved, I still can't help feeling a sense of relief in my heart.

After all, fifteen days is much more than two days no matter how you look at it.
The spirit flew out of Lu Qing's body, and the light on his body flickered and said: "This is a regular curse in the soul of resentment. It will be triggered automatically after death. The spirit can't be purified, so it can only be delayed later. .”

"It's enough to delay later." After hearing Ling's words of self-blame, Lu Qing comforted her.

Fifteen days may sound urgent, but it only took one day for them to purify the wind element and Fan Lingshui lake. As long as the holy tree is cured within fifteen days, she will leave this dream world. What is the curse? It doesn't affect her either.

"Oh, if the holy tree is cured, Ling'er can also use the power of the holy tree to lift the curse." After thinking for a while, Ling'er spoke again.

"Then let's aim to heal the holy tree before the curse erupts." Lu Qing said with a smile.

"Mmm!" Ling cheered up as if infected by Lu Qing's optimistic spirit.

After the conversation with Ling, Lu Qing looked at the core of the soul of resentment floating beside her. She took out the mask of the queen carved by herself, and introduced the power of the core into the mask with ease.

A light black mist floated on the surface of the mask, and two lines of blood-red tears flowed from the corners of the mask's eyes, looking like a crying woman.

The familiar drowsiness came, and Lu Qing slowly closed her eyes and entered the queen's memory world.

Minasha, this is the Queen's name, she has no surname. Her father is a wandering businessman who has been wandering around for many years, traveling from various cities to do business, and accumulating his own wealth.

One day, in a tavern in the countryside, a man who passed by the town on the way walked into the tavern, and unexpectedly ran into a beautiful woman with long gray hair.

This is the story of the encounter between Minasha's father and mother. As for what happened afterwards, the man didn't say anything.

"Gulu Gulu." The carriage was driving fast on the road full of dirt pits, and the bumpy feeling brought Minasha back to her senses.

"Where are we going?" Minasha looked at her father curiously.

"Hehe. You'll know soon." Minasha's father, a middle-aged man, smiled mysteriously. Wrinkles slowly piled up along with the smile on his face that had aged prematurely due to years of travel.

"It doesn't matter if it's nothing." The wife next to him gave him an angry look, then gently hugged Minasha into her arms, and said, "Come, sit here with mom, so as not to hurt your butt."


The carriage continued to bump on the road, and Minasa sat obediently in her mother's arms. The constant bumping of the carriage really made her feel as if her body was about to fall apart.

"Father is going to take you to a very big place~" Mother said softly, holding Minasha in her arms.

"It's a big, big place." Minasa's father added.

He looked at his wife and children with a gentle face. This man, who had spent most of his life in business, was finally about to find a place where he could live with peace of mind.

Perhaps it was a gift from the goddess of fate. After marrying Minasa's mother, Minasa's father's business became much better than usual. This has something to do with him working harder after getting married, but more , or lucky.

Oh. There is also encouragement and support from his wife. Minasha's mother also has a very unique vision, and at the same time, she is much better than him in financial management.

Being able to find such a smart and virtuous wife and give birth to a cute and well-behaved daughter may be the greatest luck in his life. Soon, their family will become official residents of the capital of Fanhusda, and they no longer need to make a living. And running around in the wild.

Minasha will take classes in a beautiful and clean college, and her wife can live an elegant and comfortable well-off life
In Minasa's father's beautiful fantasy, the carriage suddenly shook violently, and a loud shout of killing came from outside the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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