This Qing is wrong

Chapter 101 The Immediate Battle Puppet

Chapter 101 The Immediate Battle Puppet
"Portuguese soldiers should have no enmity with Japanese soldiers."

After Li Changqing collected the little historical knowledge in his mind, he confidently and boldly put the Portuguese pikemen on the battlefield.

At this time, the Japanese longbowmen had just come into contact with the Qing artillery formation.

And Li Changqing, who was taken to the sky by Zhang Hao, happened to see the tragic scene of the Japanese longbowmen being shot by the Qing army's invincible general, and finally understood why the previous Chinese Liannu soldiers were wiped out so quickly.

[Portuguese Pikemen: Portuguese mercenaries equipped with muskets in the Napoleonic era.

Historical origin: Portuguese pikemen are light infantry of Portugal in the Napoleonic era. The original name comes from the Portuguese word "hunter".Their battalion consisted of five companies, or four companies of Portuguese pikemen and four companies of elite Spanish infantry.

Nineteenth-century Portuguese pikemen wore brown military uniforms, brown knapsacks and gray blankets, armed with muskets or rifles, and wore tall caps with prominent green feathers on the front. 】

"Look, there is another wave of war puppets behind!

The demon Li Changqing summoned two waves of war puppets with a size of a thousand people in succession. He is so strong! "

"Didn't you notice that the new war puppet military uniform looks good?

Alas, it's a pity, if the war puppets summoned by the demon Taoist Li Changqing leave corpses behind, I must take off the military uniforms from those Bai Yi-looking war puppets, it will definitely be useful to find a wife. "

"You're thinking too much, if you really put on that suit, you won't be afraid of being arrested by the government when you go out?

Oh, without the government, our adults can take care of you. "

"Hurry up and work, if the war puppet rushes up, everyone will be punished!"

A scolding sound came, planning a discussion between the two Qing soldiers on the uniforms of the Portuguese pikemen.

At the same time, Li Changqing is thinking about a historical issue.

"What is the historical relationship between Tsarist Russia and Portugal?

The distance between the two countries is so far, there should be no hostility.

And now those Japanese longbowmen are probably almost dead. "

Li Changqing thought while looking at the enemy information of the system that had just been brushed out.

[Russian Archer Army: Russian soldiers equipped with matchlock guns and long-handled two-handed battle axes.

Historical origin: The Russian Archer Army belongs to Russia's light infantry. It was created by Tsar Ivan IV in the middle of the sixteenth century and was the first standing infantry in Russia.They were paid salaries, small plots of land, and rations of food and wine, but the salaries were still not enough to live on, and they often had to find additional sources of income.The elite cavalry of the Russian pikemen served as the Tsar's bodyguard. This position was hereditary, and only their descendants could hold this position.

The word "independence" was derived from the Russian word for bow and arrow (which also once stood for archers), and later became synonymous with Russian ranged infantry.Russian pikemen carried cumbersome muskets, sabers, and two-handed axes.The ax had a sharp point that could be driven into the ground to provide a stand for the bulky Russian arquebus. 】

The next moment, the Russian Archers appeared next to the Portuguese Pikemen. The interval between the appearance of the two sides was only a few minutes. When the Russian Archers appeared, the Portuguese Pikemen had just completed their transformation.

After the two sides looked at each other silently, they walked towards the direction where the living people gathered.

The target of the Portuguese pikemen was the Qing army, but the target of the Russian archers was the Japanese longbowmen who had just been swept away by the second round of shotguns from the Qing army and no longer maintained their formation.

At this time, the musketeers of the Qing army walked from the back to the open space in front of the artillery position and shot at the Japanese longbowmen just like they did against the Chinese crossbowmen before.

At this moment, a strange scene happened. After the appearance of the Russian archers, the Japanese longbowmen stopped their progress, exchanged a few words in Japanese, and turned around one by one, completely ignoring the soldiers behind them. Qing musketeers pointing their guns at them.

The gazes of the Russian archers and the Japanese longbowmen met in the air, confirming that the other party is their mortal enemy!

It's just that the Qing army's musketeers didn't care whether the Japanese longbowmen would advance. They handed over their backs to themselves, and the Qing army's musketeers performed better.

As a result, the Japanese longbowmen were shot to the ground by pieces of lead bullets before they could move towards the Russian archer army.

The truth of the civil war in the war puppet society summoned by the demon Taoist Li Changqing was buried like this.

It can only be said that the timing of Li Changqing's choice of launch is just right.

Just when the Qing army musketeers retreated to reload contentedly, the two new waves of systematic enemy troops suddenly gave up their strict formation and rushed towards the Qing army formation at a jog.

Whether it was the Portuguese pikemen or the Russian archers, they all clustered together and charged towards the Qing army's position!
It's a pity that Li Changqing didn't see this scene, otherwise he would be surprised to find that the enemy troops of these systems would adjust their tactics temporarily based on the failed tactics of the enemy troops of other systems.

That's right, the reason why the Portuguese pikemen and the Russian archers did not line up but instead charged was because they saw the scene of the Japanese longbowmen being massacred by the Qing army.

However, the rush of the Portuguese pikemen and the Russian archers caused the generals of the Qing army to panic, issuing new orders to each team.

The gunners of the Shenwei Invincible General Cannon, who were chatting and farting leisurely, also showed obvious panic on their faces.

Fortunately, the officers behind have issued a new military order, allowing them to temporarily abandon the artillery and retreat after firing a round of shotgun shells.

Soon, the Portuguese pikemen and the Russian archers rushed into the effective range of the Shenwei Invincible General's cannon almost side by side.

Because this time they were not arranged in a dense formation, the casualties were much smaller than those of the previous Chinese Liannu soldiers and Japanese longbow soldiers.

Moreover, as the distance between the two sides narrowed, the Portuguese pikemen and the Russian archers ran faster and faster.

After firing a round of shotgun salvos, the gunners retreated in a panic, while the Qing army musketeers, relying on the heavy Shenwei Invincible General Cannon, lined up in a row of guns, aiming at the running Portuguese pikemen and Russian archers. .

I don't know if the sprinting puppets put too much psychological pressure on the gunners of the Qing army. The density of the guns in this round is obviously not as good as in the past. In the second round of the guns, many firecrackers did not fire!
Just after the second round of the Qing army's volley, the surviving Russian archers and Portuguese pikemen had stopped. The Portuguese pikemen stood upright, raised their flintlocks and pulled the trigger.

The Russian archers first inserted the bottom point of the two-handed battleaxe into the mud, and then set the bulky matchlock gun on it to fire.

Compared with the Portuguese pikemen, the shooting speed of the Russian archers is several times slower!
(End of this chapter)

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