This Qing is wrong

Chapter 102 The Shocked Qing Army General

Chapter 102 The Shocked Qing Army General

Although the gunfire of the Portuguese pikemen and the Russian archers was scattered and incoherent, they caused a lot of casualties to the Qing army musketeers standing upright.

The positions chosen by the Portuguese pikemen and the Russian archers to stand were the positions where they could maximize the power of their muskets. At this distance, whether it was the musketeers of the Qing army or the system enemy musketeers, it was difficult to miss the target.

The hit rate is generally above [-] to [-]%.

This is the real queue to shoot!

At the same time, Zhang Hao, who saw this scene all the way, jumped off the big tree and reported to Li Changqinghui: "General, those puppets you launched changed the previous tactics of marching in formation, and replaced them with running and charging, and rushed to the distance. The Qing army stopped shooting only when they were very close.

How is this going? "

After Li Changqing heard this, a ray of light suddenly bloomed in his eyes.

"Did the change in tactics of the war puppets appear after seeing the scene where the war puppets were slaughtered?"

Zhang Hao nodded slightly and said, "Indeed."

A crisp sound.

Li Changqing clenched his right fist and landed on the palm of his left hand, muttering to himself: "I understand.

This is the third time the system has unlocked the enhanced system enemy intelligence.

The ability to adapt to circumstances at the tactical level!

In this way, as long as I continue to deploy system enemy forces on the premise that the previous system enemy forces have not been defeated, the system enemy forces can always cause casualties to the Qing army.

Instead of giving away completely for nothing like the Chinese Liannu soldiers.


Li Changqing's eyes fell on the new system enemy information.

[Forest Wanderer: An Iroquois musketeer who is good at raiding and skirmishing.

History: Even now, the stereotype of the Iroquois remains that of cat-like warriors hiding in the forest, with keen instincts and armed with muskets.The Iroquois' sneak attack tactics were so powerful that European armies at the time felt as if an invisible enemy was shooting at them from the bushes and woods.Most people who are attacked by surprise react immediately by retreating to the town or fort, but this is where the fearsome Iroquois siege tactics come into play.

This elusive tactic was favored by the Iroquois and used by the American Army against the British in the 1776 War of Independence.For the Americans had learned this tactic of exploiting the forest from their constant conflict with the Iroquois. 】

"The Native Americans must be antagonistic to the European army. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to launch it now..."

Li Changqing withdrew his 'gaze' at the system panel in the sea of ​​consciousness, and told Zhang Hao: "You continue to observe, and come down and tell me after all the war puppets I put down fall."

Zhang Hao nodded, and tapped the tree trunk with his toes to climb up.

At the same time, as the casualties gradually increased, the formation of the Qing army's musketeers became uneven. On the other hand, the Russian archers and Portuguese pikemen, after seeing the opponent's formation becoming scattered, began to move forward while reloading. Then stop and shoot.

Go ahead and shoot!

When the distance between the two sides was less than ten steps, the Russian archers threw away their matchlock guns, turned their two-handed battle axes, and shouted wildly: "Ulla!!!"

Then I went over...

The Portuguese pikemen also shouted the Portuguese version of the charge slogan, and rushed forward with their bayonet-mounted flintlocks.

At this time, the remaining number of Russian archers and Portuguese pikemen was less than [-]%, but the momentum of the charge firmly suppressed the Qing army's musketeers. The team disintegrated in an instant.

The Qing army musketeers, which were ten times larger than the enemy, were crushed just like that!
The generals of the Qing army obviously did not anticipate this scene, and hastily dispatched the spearmen of the Qing army in the back row to push up, barely stopping the rout.

After all, the Qing army has a large number of people.

After the momentum of the retreat was stopped, the Qing army quickly relied on the advantage of its large number of people to complete the division and encirclement of the Russian archers and Portuguese spearmen who rushed in without thinking, forming a situation of fighting more and fighting less.

At this time, the outcome of the two sides is no longer in suspense.

However, Li Changqing once again seized the opportunity to put the forest wanderer on the battlefield!
After the forest wanderer appeared, the surrounded Portuguese pikemen immediately tried to 'break out' from the back, only to die faster...

After the forest wanderer appeared, there was another flash of white light, and 1000 Wachina riflemen appeared next to the forest wanderer!
[Wakina Riflemen: Elite Sioux shooters equipped with muskets.

Historical Origins: Sometimes the Sioux had to fight with their feet because it was impossible to kill all of their enemies from horseback.At this time, they will become fierce and tenacious fighters.But in general, the Sioux are known for the accuracy with which they shoot their rifles. 】

They are also Native Americans, so naturally they will not be in a state of hostility.

Historically, the Sioux and the Iroquois lived far apart, and there was no all-out war between the two sides.

However, Li Changqing was not satisfied with this systemic enemy army. He wanted to cause a large number of casualties to the Qing army to prevent the Qing army from dispatching enough troops to search for his hiding place.

Then, another gleam flashed, and 1000 Chinese arquebus soldiers appeared.

[Arquebus soldiers: The Qing army equipped with arquebus guns.

Historical origin: This gun was transformed from the European matchlock gun by Asian countries in the 16th century.In 1543 AD, the Portuguese businessman Philauman Pindo accidentally landed on Tanegashima, Japan, and introduced the matchlock gun to the Shimadzu family, which changed the Japanese war ever since.Within a decade, Portuguese arquebuses could be seen on every Japanese battlefield.

Although the arquebus has the effects of small size and disturbing sound, it also has many disadvantages, such as slow reloading, which puts the user in danger of being shot by a fast archer, and its hit rate is extremely low.Using this weapon requires training and takes some time.Once trained, however, this weapon is a deadly threat to the enemy, especially after the development of mass fire technology shortens the reload time.

Japanese monk warriors have always been the first to use mass shooting in battle. In the Battle of Nagashino in 1575 AD, they fired 3000 rounds of matchlock bullets at Oda Nobunaga's army.With the blessing of this new weapon, these monks were able to repel the daimyo and save the city.Such amazing firepower made the arquebus the main weapon of the Japanese army when Toyotomi Hideyoshi conquered Korea in 1592.

The time when the Chinese began to use matchlock guns was roughly the same as that of Japan, but there is no clear record.It is generally believed that this kind of weapon in China is derived from the weapon in the hands of pirates, and the pirate's arquebus is imitated by the Portuguese version.After the matchlock gun entered China, it became a standard weapon.In 1558 AD, Gunners built 1 matchlock guns for the Chinese Imperial Forest Army. 】

When the generals of the Qing army saw the battle puppets wearing the Qing army's green battalion-style robes and battle hats, the expressions on their faces could no longer be tense.

(End of this chapter)

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