Chapter 104

After Shang Keai's order was conveyed, the senior generals in the Qing army knew that they could finally retreat!
Of course, the Qing army at the middle and lower levels didn't know it yet, especially the military officers and ordinary soldiers at the grassroots level. They were often the targets of being fooled by the "adults" above, especially on the battlefield.

The senior generals of the Qing army learned that Shang Keai wanted to retreat, but the order of the Qing soldiers below was to fight to the death!

Including the cavalry brigade that was called back to charge towards the forest wanderers, Wachina riflemen, and Chinese arquebus soldiers.

Before the cavalry of the Qing army appeared, Li Changqing kept holding down the newly created system enemy troops and did not launch them, because he was worried that the Qing army, which was at a disadvantage, would be overwhelmed and disintegrated.

At this time, 7 waves of the thousand-man system enemy army were released, and there was still half the way to the 15th wave. Li Changqing was naturally reluctant to let the Qing army collapse now.

Otherwise, how would he be promoted to rank seven martial artist?

However, when the Qing cavalry broke out, the systematic enemy skirmish line without formation was immediately killed by thousands of Qing cavalry and went back and forth.

The forest wanderers and Wachina riflemen, who were very accurate at fighting infantry, failed to hit the fast-moving light cavalry repeatedly. They had no concept of retreating. Hack and Slash' game.

The heads of the enemy troops of the system rose into the sky one after another, and blood was sprinkled all over the ground. In less than half an hour, the three enemy arms of the system were completely wiped out!

The long-lost cheers suddenly sounded in front of the Qing army's formation. They were too miserable to be suppressed by the system enemy army. At this moment, they felt a sense of elation and elation.

However, before the cheers stopped, a thousand Gurkha soldiers suddenly appeared in the open space around the Qing cavalry.

[Gurkha mercenaries: Gurkha mercenaries equipped with muskets and Nepalese machetes.

Historical origin: The Gurkhas are an ethnic group in Nepal. They claim to be descendants of the Rajputs in northern India (experts have verified that they are of Mongolian origin, and the Rajputs are in the west of India near the sea), but the name of the ethnic group is From the Gorkha province of Nepal, which they conquered in the early 16th century.The Gurkhas have continued to expand eastward for 200 years, aiming to conquer the entire Nepal.

In the middle of the 18th century, they successfully took over the entire country and made Hinduism the state religion.The Gurkhas entered the map of XZ, but failed (defeated by Fukang'an), and a war broke out with Britain in India, and their power gradually declined.However, they later established a good partnership with the British occupying forces in India.

The Gurkhas are known for their short cutlass "Kukli" and are in service with the Indian and British armies.During World War I, more than 20 Gurkhas fought side by side with the British army, and joined 40 battalions in World War II. 】

It was the first time to see the cavalry of the Qing army in the scene of the monster Li Changqing throwing the puppet, and he couldn't help being taken aback.

However, these cavalry troops of the Qing army were all battle-tested veterans. After being dazed, they immediately raised their sabers and charged the Gurkha mercenaries not far away again.

At the same time, the Gurkha mercenaries either raised their muskets or pulled out their Nepalese scimitars, and faced the Qing cavalry without retreating.

This time, because there were many Qing army cavalry galloping in the open space outside the camp, the Gurkha mercenaries released did not appear in the form of a thousand-man phalanx, but in the form of a hundred-man small phalanx.

The small phalanx of a hundred Gurkha mercenaries immediately cooperated with each other and broke out a fierce battle with the Qing cavalry.

Soon, the cavalry of the Qing army discovered that they could not break through the small phalanx of a hundred Gurkha mercenaries, which seemed to have a small number.

The dense formation of the infantry, coupled with the fearless fighting will of the Gurkha mercenaries and their superb hand-to-hand combat effectiveness, caused a lot of losses to the Qing cavalry that rushed up.

The commander of the Qing cavalry was also a decisive person, and immediately led the Qing cavalry to withdraw to the periphery.

However, before the cavalry of the Qing army began to retreat in a large area, another messy gleam flashed, and a group of British lobster soldiers in red uniforms and white breeches appeared on the battlefield!

[Red Army: The standing active force of the United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland.

Historical origin: The Red Army Musketeers belong to the infantry service. When fighting, they will line up in two or three rows to shoot in turn. When one row shoots, the other rows will take the opportunity to reload.

The Red Army Musketeers have received the most rigorous training, so they can stand in front of the enemy at a distance of 73 meters without flinching.Mauser bullets are about 1 cm to 2 cm in diameter.Mausers were the infantry's best shooting weapon until rifled-barreled long guns were developed to be refiable within 2 minutes.

The red-clothed musketeers have a short range and limited accuracy. Their fighting style is very similar to that of the longbowmen. They shoot row by row in the direction of the enemy without locking the target. Rows of lead bullets will always hit some enemies .Qualified Red Army musketeers can shoot three times a minute, four times slower than longbowmen, and twice as fast as early riflemen. 】

After the Red Army Musketeers from the British camp appeared, they immediately formed a close combat ally with the Gurkha mercenaries.

Historical origins work wonders.

The more disciplined red-clothed musketeers caused even more casualties to the Qing cavalry than the Gurkha mercenaries.

At this time, under the strict orders of the generals of the Qing army, the infantry in the Qing army stepped out of the outer positions of the camp with their muskets on their shoulders, and stepped towards the center of the battlefield.

He intends to rescue the cavalry and cavalry of the Qing army who were scattered by the war puppets that appeared one after another.

At this time, the cavalry of the Qing army had long lost their will to fight, and the high casualties made the cavalry of the Qing army on the periphery of the battlefield choose to flee immediately, while the cavalry of the Qing army trapped in the battlefield were like headless chickens everywhere. Lead bullets flying away.

Like the Gurkha mercenaries, the red-clothed musketeers were not released in a concentrated manner, because there was not enough open space on the battlefield, but scattered in various open spaces.

This delivery method happened to trap a lot of cavalry cavalry of the Qing army in the middle!
This is the main reason why the Qing cavalry was defeated.

None of them knew why rows of musketeers suddenly appeared beside and behind them and shot at them.

For the cavalry of the Qing army, they seemed to be trapped in the hell of Shura, with deadly lead bullets in all directions, and war puppets holding Nepalese scimitars and screaming at them.

Fortunately, the Qing army infantry and musketeers who rushed up from the brigade allowed the panicked and helpless Qing army cavalry to find the direction to escape. The continuous Qing army flags provided the Qing army cavalry with clear running coordinates.

Then the cavalry of the Qing army discovered that they couldn't break through the interception of the war puppets in front of them!
The Gurkha mercenaries and the red-clothed musketeers found that a large number of Qing army musketeers were marching in formation, and immediately gathered into a double row of horizontal formations. The Gurkha mercenaries and the red-clothed musketeers had no sense of disobedience The soldiers were mixed together and lined up, facing the horizontal formation of the Qing army's firecrackers.

(End of this chapter)

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