This Qing is wrong

Chapter 105 Testimonials and more promises

Chapter 105 Testimonials and more promises

Available on March 3st
Thank you readers for your support for this book, and also thank the editor and the starting point platform for the promotion. This book can achieve its current results, thanks to everyone.

In order to make the readers more enjoyable, I will post four updates in a row after it goes on the shelves at 0:[-] tonight, and I just hope that the readers can support Qidian’s genuine subscription.

Each of your subscriptions is the source of my code words!
Subscriptions really don’t cost much. My main source of income for writing books is subscriptions. I hope everyone can feed me, please!

This book promises to add one chapter for every 100 monthly tickets, and there is no upper limit.

The average subscription is more than [-], and the guaranteed date is [-] words!
I am writing at home full-time, so you don't have to worry about me being unable to repay the debt of Jia Geng.

On the tipping fan list, one more chapter will be added for each additional rudder leader, and every time the rudder rises above a fan level, one chapter will be added, and one more leader will add five more chapters!
The same is not capped!
I will try my best to write a cool article that pushes the world horizontally. You don’t have to worry about the problem of collapse in the later stage. After all, after the Qing Dynasty is destroyed, there will still be the West and the New World. After all, this is not a traditional historical background. This is a parallel world with extraordinary power. world.

If any reader wants to play a cameo role, they can find me if the fan value exceeds [-]. If the fan level can reach the helm master, I can arrange a character you like for you.

The full-time author is so humble, in order to eat, he can only bow to the evil money.

After all, raising a family is a very real problem.

I hope everyone can understand and support genuine subscriptions.

I didn’t see my response in the book reviews, it’s not that I don’t read book reviews, but my book review account was blocked...

Alas, I don't know why I was blocked, but please rest assured, I will read every book review carefully, and the higher the fan level, the more I will accept it with humility.

Many book friends commented, I have explained in detail later, and tried my best to make the content of this book as rigorous as possible.

I wrote this book with great feeling, and I will definitely write a refreshing article that everyone will enjoy reading.

(End of this chapter)

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