Chapter 106

Line up and shoot at close range, this is the special skill of the Red Army Musketeers!
As a matter of course, the system enemy army naturally inherited this.

The historical prototype of the Gurkha mercenaries had also fought side by side with the British army, and even received training from the British army instructors. Naturally, they are not unfamiliar with the queuing and shooting tactics, and they are also in the same line as the British army.

These Gurkha mercenaries summoned by Li Changqing are all Gurkha soldiers who cooperated (conquered) with the British, not the Gurkha soldiers during the independence period.

Some of the Gurkha mercenaries and red-clothed musketeers continued to besiege the remaining cavalry of the Qing army, while most of the remaining troops gathered together and strode towards the battle line of the Qing army.

After seeing this scene, the general of the Qing army who was in charge of commanding the gunfire soldiers of the Qing army hurriedly ordered the advancing Qing army gunfire soldiers to stop and set up a defensive platoon array on the spot.

Moreover, the tactics of shooting in one row and reloading in the next rows are adopted.

The generals of the Qing army recognized the flintlock guns in the hands of the Gurkha mercenaries and the red-clothed musketeers, so naturally they did not dare to line up and shoot them at close range. It only takes one round of charge for the Yaodao war puppets to defeat thousands of Qing army musketeers!

The reloading speed of flintlock guns is three or four times that of matchlock guns. Once they line up to shoot, the Qing army's musketeers will fall into a huge disadvantage. Therefore, the Qing army generals took advantage of their own strength and let two-thirds of the troops take charge of the fire. Reload.

Even so, the Qing Army Musketeers, with only one-third of its troops responsible for shooting, still did not lose firepower to the Red Army Musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries.

Moreover, because the gunfire soldiers of the Qing army who are in charge of shooting do not need to reload, they can just take the firecrackers from the loading hand behind and shoot. Musketeers.

The only disadvantage of the Qing army's musketeers in the confrontation is that the queue is not dense enough.

There is no way to do this, whether it is a bird gun or a turtledove foot gun, they all rely on an open flame to ignite a match to fire.

Therefore, there must be a short distance between the gunfire soldiers of the Qing army. They should not be like soldiers using flintlock guns. They can walk side by side and shoot platoon guns.

This is doomed to the firepower density of the firecrackers using matchlocks, which is not comparable to that of flintlock guns.

In fact, in terms of effective range, a matchlock gun with mature technology has little disadvantage compared with ordinary flintlock guns.

The main reason why the matchlock gun was eliminated by the flintlock gun was the slow loading speed and the inability to be arranged in a dense formation side by side.

It is these two major flaws that caused the arquebus and flintlock to be completely crushed when they were shooting each other.

The problem of loading speed can also be made up for by having more loaders, but in a dense formation side by side, arquebus gunners will be completely blinded.

However, at this time, the Qing army's musketeers had no choice but to launch their arrows on the string, and they could only grit their teeth and stiffen their teeth.

What's more, although the formation of the Qing Army Musketeers is not as dense as the opposite Red Army Musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries, but because the battlefield is spacious enough, the Qing Army Musketeers can all be deployed in a row of guns. As long as the formation is placed in a diagonal line, it can shoot at the flanks of the Red Army musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries.

It can also output tons of damage!
Because of this, the generals of the Qing army believed that if the enemy and us were shooting at each other, their chances of winning were quite high.

In this way, under the strict order of the generals of the Qing army who thought they had a high chance of winning, the Qing army musketeers arranged in an inverted ladder formation ushered in the red-clothed army musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries who came in stride.

The next moment, a white mist of guns shrouded the front of the Qing army's musketeers.

After firing a shot, the gunfire soldiers of the Qing army immediately handed the firecrackers in their hands to the loader behind him, and then took the loaded firecrackers from the loader's hand.

The Qing Army Musketeers used a mix of bird blunderbuss and turtledove foot blunderbusses. Because the Red Army Musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries had been advancing, they planned to line up and shoot at close range, so the Qing Army Musketeers kept the enemy close to 50 The first round of salvo was fired at a distance of [-] steps.

Within this distance, even the turtledove foot firearm with a relatively short effective range can hit people.

Because of the help of a special loader, the Qing army musketeers fired more lead bullets than flintlock guns in a short period of time.

Red Army Musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries, the road ahead is covered with corpses!

And as the distance got closer, the casualties of the Red Army Musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries became higher and higher.

Soon, the white mist in front of the Qing army's musketeers was so thick that it could not be cleared away. The aim of the Qing army's musketeers was seriously affected, and they could only aim at the blurred silhouette line in the lingering smoke and pull the trigger.

At this time, the Red Army musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries had advanced to within 30 steps and stopped.

Afterwards, the red-clothed musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries half-kneeled on the ground in the front row, and stood upright in the back row. Without any command from the officer, they fired a loud volley.

System enemy forces naturally don't need to worry about the problem that squatting and kneeling soldiers are unwilling to stand up and reload, so they adopt standard double-row gun tactics.

This tactic can use all the firepower of the double-row musketeers, and there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring the front-row allies when the second-row musketeers fire.

If there are two rows of standing musketeers firing together, the second row of musketeers needs to pass the barrel from the side of the front row of musketeers, and there is a certain probability that the shoulders and even ears of the front row of musketeers will be injured.

It is for this reason that the tactics of three-column salvo and two-column salvo were gradually eliminated, and finally evolved into a row-by-row salvo. The soldiers were unwilling to let the muskets behind them fire...

Of course, the training is stricter, and countries that do not care whether soldiers live or die will still use three-column salvo and two-column salvo tactics, such as the United Kingdom!
After the red-clothed musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries fired the first salvo, there was a commotion in the frontal formation of the Qing army musketeers.

In an instant, batches of Qing army firecrackers fell down, horrifying the surviving Qing army firecrackers.

In this kind of open wilderness, it was a very difficult test for the Qing army's firearms to line up with the enemy face to face within a distance of 30 steps.

However, after the military officers of the Qing army chopped off dozens of heads trying to escape, the commotion was quickly suppressed, but the firing frequency of the Qing army musketeers dropped significantly.

The shooting was still going on. At this time, because of the excessive number of volleys, the Qing army musketeers had started to shoot freely and no longer pursued salvo.

But the red-clothed musketeers and Gurkha mercenaries on the opposite side were loading their ammunition neatly and firing at the same time!

The shooting frequency is not even much different from free shooting.

After each round of volleys, the formation of the Qing army's musketeers would cause riots, and the screams were endless.

 After the charges are put on the shelf, no words of thanks to the readers for the reward will be added in the chapter, please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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