This Qing is wrong

Chapter 111 Prelude to Mutiny

Chapter 111 Prelude to Mutiny
When the Indian musketeers walked this distance, even the rain of arrows thrown by the Qing army's second battle formation could fall on their heads.

However, these Indian musketeers only had a gaudy turban wrapped on their heads, and they didn't even have any iron armor on their bodies. In the rain of arrows pulled by gravity, people kept being shot down.

The Qing army never expected that in this long and high-intensity battle, their bows and arrows made their first contribution to a group of musketeers wearing turbans on the opposite side.

This is the first time that the green battalion archers have achieved such a great result since the Qing army started the war.

The Indian Musketeers who were shot down by the rain of arrows caused even more casualties than the first line of green camp firearms who had no morale.

This is a surprise.

Because a large number of Indian musketeers learned their British father's tactics and wanted to shoot at close range, but they didn't fire, so they lay down more than half of them...

When the Indian musketeers stopped to fire a volley, the sparse firepower did not even have a round of guns to destroy the morale of the opposite side. The morale was extremely low, and it was all the first battle formation of the Qing army that was escorted by the supervisory team.

Before the Indian musketeers fired a second salvo, there were less than 200 of them standing...

Fortunately, at this time, the phalanx of thousands of Spanish spearmen behind them also came forward, and the arrows of the Qing army fell on them, causing casualties that were at the extremes of those of the Indian Musketeers.

Except for a very few very unlucky Spanish spearmen who happened to be shot by arrows in parts that were not protected by armor, and their eyes were not covered by helmets, the Spanish spearmen basically ignored the rain of arrows thrown by the Qing army.

The arrows thrown down couldn't even penetrate the breastplate of the Spanish spearmen, at most they left a shallow white mark on it.

The gunfire soldiers in the front row of the first battle formation of the Qing army retreated to the back row of the first battle formation one after another when they saw the hand-to-hand combat puppets stepping up. The soldiers are in front.

In the next moment, amidst the scattered gunshots of the Indian musketeers and the rain of arrows falling from the sky from time to time, the spear array of the Spanish spearmen slammed into the first line of the Qing army. The remnants of the Dao battle formation will be defeated!

The gunfire soldiers of the Qing army in the back row of the first battle formation immediately turned around and ran towards the back after seeing their entire formation collapsed.

His face was full of desire to survive.

"Don't kill me, we are all our own people, ah!"

While running, a gunner of the Qing army pleaded with the spearmen of the Qing army who were getting closer and closer to the second line of battle.

What greeted us was a spear tip stained with the blood of other deserters...

"You bastard, you don't let me live, I drag you to die together!"

A rout of the Qing army with a blunderbuss in his hand, watching a large number of deserters being massacred by his own long spear formation, he was emboldened, dare not point the gun at the monster puppet, but raised the bird Gun, and pulled the trigger on the pikemen of the Qing army in the second battle formation.

Obviously, it is impossible for only one Qing soldier to shoot at his own people.

This time, the Qing army supervising team was too ruthless. It was obvious that the first battle formation had completely collapsed and was still massacring defeated soldiers. The blood of the Qing soldiers on the second battle formation was almost more than the front The attacking demon war puppet is gone.

However, the generals of the Qing army who were in charge of the command watched all this indifferently from the beginning to the end, and the death orders were passed on to the Qing army ranks in the second battle formation like no money.

They all mean the same thing - never let any deserter leave!

The soldiers of the Qing army in the second battle formation were not only the pikemen in the front row who were killing people, but also the green battalion archers who retreated to the back also kept their bows and arrows, throwing them "blindly" forward.

Pull the defeated soldiers of the Qing army and the monster puppets into the killing range together.

Such a resolute massacre and supervisory battle finally made some Qing troops in the first line of battle frightened. After they found that the supervisory team in the rear didn't care about the feelings of their comrades in the past, they could only cry and wave their hands. Weapons, turned around to fight hand-to-hand with the Spanish spearmen and Indian musketeers who had lost their formation.

After the Spanish pikemen launched a spear charge, the Indian musketeers found that their fronts were covered by the backs of the Spanish pikemen.

The Indian musketeers and the Spanish lancers had no tendency to civil war, so naturally they would not open fire on the back of the Spanish lancers, so the Indian musketeers inserted their bayonets and rushed up one after another, changing from musketeers to short spearmen.

In this way, the soldiers of the Qing army in the first battle formation were quickly slaughtered under the attack of their own supervising team and the monster puppets.

In less than an hour, there were very few Qing troops left in the first battle formation...

Many soldiers of the Qing army who still had a conscience in the second line of battle saw their former comrades died in the hands of the enemy and their own people, and they couldn't help crying on both sides of their cheeks, "What are we doing? !

They just want to live, just like us! ! ! "

As soon as the shout came out, it resonated immediately, and the soldiers in the phalanx kept questioning the souls of the military officers behind them.

This time, they were not pulled out to be executed by their own military officers, because these grassroots military officers also witnessed the tragic end of the death of military officers of the same level as them in the first battle.

They couldn't help but cast their gazes at the supervising team on horses behind them.

"Get rid of the monster war puppets in front of you first. The monster war puppets will not keep prisoners. If we don't kill this wave of monster war puppets, we will all die!"

A rational military attache of the Qing army shouted loudly, and the surrounding sober military officers responded one after another.

The tense battle situation and the threat of monsters and puppets prevented the Qing army in the second battle formation from mutinying immediately. They gritted their teeth, shed tears, and held up their spears to follow the Spanish spearmen and Indian spearmen who had just slaughtered the defeated soldiers. The musketeers collided.

On the other hand, through Zhang Hao's observation, Li Changqing was always paying attention to the casualties of the Indian Musketeers.

Because Li Changqing's next wave of enemy troops in the system is the Chinese pikemen, which are obviously hostile to the Indian soldiers.

[Chinese pikemen: Qing Dynasty hand-to-hand soldiers equipped with long spears and wearing cloth armor.

Historical Origins: The Gun is often referred to as the "King of Weapons" because it has been the longest and most reliable weapon in China, making it an extremely popular weapon.Its handle is slightly elastic wax wood, and the length can range from 2.1 meters (for infantry) to 3.9 meters (for cavalry).Guns have been common since the Shang Dynasty (17th century BC to 11th century BC) and were still used with little change until the end of the Qing Dynasty (1616 AD to 1911 AD).

At the top of the gun is a leaf-shaped knife with a tuft of horsehair at the end near the handle.When swung, this decorative lock of horsehair creates a blurred focus effect, making it impossible for an opponent to effectively capture the weapon.It is said that this lock of horsehair also has a function, which is to prevent blood from flowing onto the wooden handle, otherwise the wooden handle will become sticky and difficult to handle. 】

After Li Changqing saw the introduction of the Chinese Pikemen, his first reaction was: Why are the Chinese identity units in the enemy army of the system all from the Qing Dynasty?
(End of this chapter)

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