This Qing is wrong

Chapter 112 Join the Qing Army

Chapter 112 Join the Qing Army (Seventh update please subscribe)
On the bloody battlefield, the soldiers of the Qing army in the second battle formation collectively turned their cold eyes to the Qing army's cavalry supervising team in the rear.

The Qing troops on both wings also turned their guns one after another, towards the Qing cavalry patrolling outside.

Several guerrilla generals and generals who were in charge of the frontline command were surrounded by many low-level Qing soldiers on the spot, disarmed and pulled down their horses.

The mutiny came so suddenly that these Qing army generals who were on the front line had no time to react.

The commander-in-chief of the Qing army in the rear saw the sudden mutiny of the Qing army in the second battle formation, and his face was full of horror. Surrounded by the guards of the Qing cavalry and cavalry, he galloped to the front of the mutinous second battle formation of the Qing army.

At this time, among the mutinous Qing army, the highest rank was only a garrison officer.

Almost when they wiped out the last standing Yaodao war puppet, they immediately turned their spearheads to those high-ranking officials.

Many grassroots military officers personally led the rebellion!

"Are you all crazy?
This is a rebellion? !
Immediately release those generals and continue to resist the monsters and war puppets. I allow you to atone for your sins. "

At this time, the highest-ranking commander-in-chief of the Qing army sternly shouted at the mutinous Qing soldiers.

At the same time, Zhang Hao went down the tree and reported to Li Changqing, who was about to drop the Chinese pikemen: "General, the situation has changed. The soldiers of the Qing army who just won the battle seem to have turned their backs.

I saw many generals of the Qing army riding tall horses were pulled off their horses and tied up by the soldiers.

There were even many personal guards of Qing army generals who were hacked to death on the spot. "

A strange look flashed across Li Changqing's face, and he confirmed, "Did you see it clearly?"

"General, how dare your subordinates be careless in such matters?"

Li Changqing rubbed his chin, rolled his eyes, and said to Zhang Hao: "The Qing court has no way, this is our opportunity to defeat the Qing army and make great progress.

You are the best in martial arts, go there yourself and tell those soldiers of the Qing army who turned their backs..."


"Lord Chief Soldier, in the eyes of us pawns, you are a big man who is rare to meet once, and we know that our status is incomparable to yours.

But we are human too!

We have shed blood and suffered for the Qing Dynasty, why should we die here! "

"That's right, it was he who gave the order to let us kill our former comrades.

If you have to rely on killing your own people to win a war, staying in this kind of army is meaningless! "

"We're not going to fight with the Qing Dynasty anymore, we're going against this goddamn imperial court!
The demon Li Changqing is so powerful, he was sent by God to destroy the Manchu court! "


The words of the commander-in-chief not only failed to deter the soldiers of the Qing army who had defected, but instead attracted their condemnation.

"You really want to rebel?

Don't care about the lives of the family members? "

The general of the Qing army threatened with a gloomy face.

As soon as these words came out, the chaotic and noisy scene fell silent, and many Qing soldiers showed painful expressions on their faces.

Family is their weakness!

At this time, a Qing army general stood up and replied calmly: "My lord, we don't want to rebel, we just want to survive, as long as your lord orders those cavalry to get out of the way and allow us to go home. "

"Yes, we just want to go home, not to rebel."

"Lord Chief Soldier, don't force us to die, otherwise you are forcing us to rebel!"

At this time, the general of the Qing army found that there were no new monster war puppets in the distance.

As soon as these soldiers defected, Li Changqing, the Demon Dao, stopped throwing puppets. Naturally, the general officer of the Qing Army would not naively think that Li Changqing, the Demon Dao, was mentally exhausted at such a time.

In other words, the demon Li Changqing saw the scene of the Qing army's defection.

The commander-in-chief couldn't help thinking: Shang Keai is right, the demon Li Changqing is hiding somewhere nearby, and has been observing the situation here in the camp!
However, it doesn't seem to make much sense to confirm this at this point...

Shang Keai led the Han army with the flag under the jurisdiction of the Pingnan Palace and withdrew long ago. Even the cavalry of the Qing army who stayed to supervise the battle were all from the green battalion.

The green battalion cavalry responsible for supervising the battle had long known that they were also in the process of retreating and that they didn't have to fight to the death here, so no one agreed with the thoughts of the Qing soldiers who turned against each other.

This is human nature.

It's not just those officials whose ass decides their head, even ordinary people, because of their different positions, will do things like their ass decides their head.

At most, these green battalion cavalry sympathized with those comrades who died tragically in their hearts.

The soldiers of the Qing army who turned against each other did not really want to rebel against the Qing Dynasty. They were forced to a situation where they had no way out. Coupled with the tragic situation of those comrades before, this mutiny was caused.

Even so, the mutinous soldiers of the Qing army did not attack the cavalry of the Qing army who supervised the battle. They even begged the general officer, hoping to let go of a way out!
The words are filled with the humbleness of human nature.

The commander-in-chief of the Qing army mentally estimated the time, and felt that at this moment, his mission as the queen was almost completed.

Moreover, the soldiers of the Qing army who turned back in front of them were obviously impatient. If they confronted them at this time, they would not get the slightest advantage, and it would easily cause a firefight.

The cavalry cavalry of the Qing army who stayed behind the palace did not have as many Qing army infantry who turned their backs.

"Okay, release all the captives in your hands, and I promise you to make way for your life."

The commander-in-chief of the Qing army, who wanted to understand, said in a slow tone.

The soldiers of the Qing army who defected did not really want to kill all the officials, and that would not do them any good.

Soon, they were all released, including the personal guards of the generals, and even their horses were returned.

It can be seen from this that the soldiers and military attaches of the Qing army who turned back were still afraid of the general officer of the Qing army in front of them mentally.

This is a psychological inertia that has been formed for a long time.

What's more, at this time, the Qing Dynasty is still in full swing, and even in Guangdong Province, most Qing soldiers still don't think that the demon Li Changqing can win.

However, just after the transfer of prisoners was completed, a man without braids ran from far to near to the front of the defecting Qing army.

Standing outside the effective range of the Qing army's archers, Zhang Hao pumped the energy in his body, vibrating the air and spreading his voice throughout the entire defected Qing army array.

"General Faqing is aware of everyone's defection.

The Manchu and Qing Tartars massacred us Han people, and it was wrong to win the world. Your actions of turning against the Qing are in line with the righteousness of heaven.

Now join the Qing army and eliminate the traitors and running dogs of the Manchus on the opposite side, and everyone will be their own!

You have ten breaths to make a decision, otherwise a new wave of war puppets will be thrown in front of you. "

In just a few words, the defected Qing army was forced into a dilemma again.

"Ten breaths are very short, hurry up and attack the Qing cavalry, otherwise it will be difficult to regret it once the war puppet comes out."

(End of this chapter)

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