Chapter 121 Li Ergou Was Promoted Again

Li Changqing, who came from another world, couldn't understand how deeply people in this world fear the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers.

In provinces far away from the political center of the Qing court, such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Fujian, the local Han warlords and vassal kings could expel local officials loyal to the Qing court on their own in minutes if they wanted to.

Because the elite Qing troops stationed in these remote provinces were basically the private soldiers of the local Han warlords.

Even the green battalion soldiers stationed in various places, those who can fight are led by generals who are loyal to the Han warlords and vassal kings. Only the green battalion miscellaneous soldiers who are not very effective in combat, or are recruited and trained from the local area, really obey the Qing court.

However, the combat effectiveness of these miscellaneous soldiers from the green battalion is worrying, and they are not led by generals who are good at fighting. Facing the private army of those Han warlords and vassal kings, they are basically doomed at the touch of a finger.

Although everyone is called Qingjun, the inside is completely different.

When Shang Zhixin in Chaozhou prefecture was about to raise troops to conquer Qiu's family, Qiu Hui, who had a lot of connections, got the news immediately, and even found out the route of the Qing army's advance.

Compared with the intelligence system controlled by Qiu Hui, the military intelligence bureau of the Qing army is not even as good as scum...

As a matter of course, Qiu Hui, who sacrificed his own daughter, sent people to Chaoyang County to ask Li Changqing for help overnight.

Although it seems that the attacking Qing army only had about 8000 people, Qiu Hui called on the clan gentry from all over the Chaozhou Prefecture, plus the strong men that the Qiu family could arm themselves, it would be more than enough to pull out tens of thousands of people, but Qiu Hui did not dare to fight with these eight thousand Qing troops. The army is head-to-head.

After all, wars are not won by numbers alone...

Including the armed men of the Qiu family, just hearing the Qing army's attack, their momentum softened by three points, let alone a field battle, even if it was a city defense battle, he was considered a man who could stand up to deserters.

As much as those traitor warlords feared the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners, so much did these local clan and township soldiers fear the ordinary Qing army.

This is the prestige built by the Qing army on the bones.

Don't look at Li Changqing's beating so that the Qing army in Guangdong ran away with their heads in their hands, but he is a monster-like character, and there is even a question mark on whether he is a human being.

The soldiers in Chaozhou Prefecture are very self-aware. They know that they cannot compare with the demon Dao Li Changqing. The Qing army was defeated by the demon Dao Li Changqing.

After Qiu Hui heard the news of the Qing army's attack, he deeply realized how strong the Qing army's deterrent power was among the Qiu family's armed villagers.

The next day after the news spread, nearly a hundred armed men ran away!

This is still under the premise that the Qiu family is strictly guarding against death.

With such morale and courage, it is estimated that after the arrival of the Qing army, they fired a few shots, and no one dared to fight at the top of the city...

This is a fart!

When the war broke out, Qiu Hui experienced the great terror of facing the Qing army.

Qiu Shuzhen's body... oh no, Qiu Shuzhen was very satisfied with serving Li Changqing, so naturally she couldn't watch her father-in-law Taishan, who had just been named a commander, being uprooted by the Qing army.

The Qiu family's industrial chain doomed them not to be rogues, so Li Changqing decided to use a trick to cheat the world.

In the lobby of the Chaoyang County Yamen, Li Changqing told his four confidants: "I rarely show my face in front of outsiders. This time, Zhang Hao and I left quietly. You must do your best to pretend that I am still in Chaoyang County. Otherwise, if we scare away the Qing army in Chaozhou Prefecture, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future."

"General, please don't worry, the soldiers and civilians here in Chaoyang County are used to the whereabouts of the general, Shenlong, who doesn't know where he is. It won't be a problem to hide it for just a few days.

But, can Zhang Hao really protect the safety of the general alone?
The subordinates were not worried about the Qing army, but Qiu Hui. After all, the general was going to Qiu Hui's territory. "

Zhang Jianfei said worriedly.

"Naturally, I don't feel completely at ease with Qiu Hui. Even if I sleep with his daughter, who knows if this Qiu Hui is a ruthless person who can kill relatives righteously?

I went to support Qiu Hui this time, I will not enter the Qiu family's dock, I will bring a few infantry guards with me, let them act as liaison officers, and just hide around by myself.

The Qiu family's docks are all built on high points with complex terrain and in places with convenient transportation surrounded by water networks, and some of them are places for me to hide.

Coincidentally, with this victory, I can justly ask Qiu Hui to pay another remuneration, and also show those clan gentry in Chaozhou Prefecture, I can guarantee their safety by following the Qing army!

According to the news from the Qiu family, although there are only [-] Qing troops in the Chaozhou Prefecture, they are all banner-led Han troops under the direct control of the Pingnan Palace. The gratifying eldest son, Shang Zhixin.

Defeating this Qing army can further weaken the Qing army's military power in Guangdong Province, which is of great strategic significance.

Now we are in a cat-and-mouse game with the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong Province. There are many Qing soldiers but they are afraid of me. Their intelligence network is stronger than ours, and they can avoid me in advance. Therefore, if you want to weaken the Qing army, you must Take every opportunity.

Otherwise, even if there are too many elite Qing troops in Guangdong Province, we will never be able to completely occupy Guangdong Province.

Those rural soldiers organized by the clan gentry who took refuge in us were too timid to face the Qing army and could not be reused. "

"The general is wise!"

The four mind-controlled people echoed in unison.

Li Changqing has been called "wise" by his subordinates for a long time, and sometimes he can't help but have an illusion, is it possible that he is really wise?

But Li Changqing remembered that when he played the "Four Great Art of War" in his previous life, he only dared to choose the simplest mode to play the game, so he immediately woke up.

He doesn't even dare to challenge the dungeon of hell even playing games, let alone fighting in reality?
He is not called wise, he should be called 'cheating'!
Isn't the system the biggest cheater?

Without a cheating device, Li Changqing reckoned that he had just crossed over and was snapped off by the magistrate Chen because of his unqualified hairstyle.

Li Changqing, who is very good at the game, always reminds himself not to lose himself in the compliments of his subordinates, and to always be vigilant that he is just a lucky player who cheats, not a real intellectual superman...

Li Changqing felt that apart from being handsome, his own strengths probably lay in his self-knowledge.

Li Changqing left, and Qiu Shuzhen finally recovered from the happy life of fainting every night.

Qiu Shuzhen, who was under house arrest, sighed. She was not lamenting that she was violently used by Li Changqing, but she was lamenting that her resistance was too weak. Every time, she couldn't make it in time.

Qiu Shuzhen feels that she is very happy, her husband not only looks good, but even 'too good.

It seemed that it was time to find a concubine for her husband to share the pressure on her.

It's a pity that her husband's vision is too high, and Li Changqing, the dowry girl she brought over, doesn't like any of them. Either she dislikes her buttocks for not being round enough, or she despises her for not having a well-developed weapon...

This made Qiu Shuzhen very distressed, after all, it was hard to find a woman with her good looks and figure!
In Li Changqing's previous life, there were many beauties in the society, not only because of beauty filters and various cosmetics, but more importantly, in Li Changqing's previous life, the society realized the dream of overnutrition per capita. , Don't even have to do housework.

How could it be possible not to raise a fair and tender girl?

In Li Changqing's previous life, in modern society, the living conditions of daughters of many ordinary families were comparable to those of rich families in this world.

Although the development of a beautiful woman depends on genes, it also has a lot to do with the acquired living environment.

No matter how beautiful the natural beauty is, it will be abolished after working on the construction site for a year and a half.

Li Changqing, who secretly left Chaoyang County, didn't know that his virtuous wife was so overwhelmed that she even thought of taking a concubine for him.

In the society of his previous life, even rich people dare not imagine it!

The wives of rich men are most keen on fighting wits with women such as the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. How can they take the initiative to find a lover for their husbands?

Sure enough, women of different ages have different patterns.

Because of this, even if Li Changqing was killed, he wouldn't think about that...

As the saying goes, the three views determine the upper limit of imagination.

When another war is about to break out in Chaozhou Prefecture, Li Ergou, who has been running shit luck since he met the demon Daoist Li Changqing, is promoted again!

As a veteran deserter, his promotion came too suddenly. Until he went back to his hometown to visit his wife on vacation, Li Ergou was still immersed in incredible happiness.

Li Ergou is now a glorious Guangzhou city garrison commander.

He is always a serious green battalion officer with a well-established iron rice bowl!
Li Ergou never dreamed that he would rise from a pawn to general manager after repeated battles and defeats.

But Li Ergou also knew that his handle was always wet.

He was not directly stuffed into an established green flag garrison battalion as the general, but in a newly built garrison battalion, because he was senior enough to become the general.

As for the identity of the rout soldiers, it doesn't matter at all.

The reason is simple. Ninety-nine percent of the Guangzhou garrison where Li Ergou was located was composed of broken soldiers.

That's right, this newly-built Guangzhou city defense battalion was simply reorganized and kneaded together after Shang Kexi gathered the routs of the green battalion, and left it in the top of Guangzhou city.

Although Shang Kexi is ready to give up the city of Guangzhou, but such a big and strong city is thrown to the demon Taoist Li Changqing, no matter how you think about it, I feel unwilling!
Moreover, Li Changqing, the demon Taoist, hasn't come yet, so he can't give up Guangzhou City in advance.

What a waste.

The elite of the Pingnan Palace cannot stay in Guangzhou City and wait for the demon Taoist Li Changqing to come and kill him, but it does not mean that Shang Kexi is willing to make Guangzhou City an undefended city.

As a result, the gathered green battalion broke out and used waste to form a new garrison battalion in Guangzhou City.

Obviously, this garrison battalion is an overstaffed battalion-level organization.

Li Ergou was promoted to general because he had enough seniority in the army and was defeated... oh no, because he had enough actual combat experience.

Except for a few generals, the military officers in the Guangzhou City Garrison Battalion, who were regarded as cannon fodder, were all promoted from the defeated soldiers. In Shang Kexi's eyes, this Garrison Battalion will be the first to put down the demon Daoist Li Changqing. After the chaos, it was disbanded and split up.

Naturally, the green battalion military officers in the garrison camp were promoted without any scruples.

Of course, this kind of thing will not be told to the pawns below.

Li Ergou just passed through the situation that the garrison battalion was composed of rout soldiers, and he felt that he was always hydrated, but even the garrison leader who was full of moisture had completed the class transition from soldier to official!

With such a general qualification, will he be promoted to the general manager after losing one more game in the future?

Li Ergou thought happily.

It's not that there is something wrong with his head, that he thinks that he can be promoted if he loses the battle, but that he encountered a series of illogical promotions in reality, which made Li Ergou have to go wrong...

Li Ergou also knew the underlying logic of his defeat and promotion.

It was nothing more than the fact that the casualties of the officials above were too severe, so a pawn with senior experience like him was quickly promoted to take his place.

After all, fighting a war requires enough grassroots military officers to lead the team.

In many cases, the number of military officers at the grassroots level is more important than the number of pawns, because with the morale of the current Qing army, there are not enough military officers to guard them, and it is estimated that they will run away before they see the enemy.

At least, this was the case for the morale of the Guangzhou City Garrison that Li Ergou had seen.

The defeated soldiers of the garrison battalion in Guangzhou City were all the green battalion and even armed men who had fought against the demon Taoist Li Changqing, and their backbones had been broken by the demon Taoist Li Changqing long ago.

This is also the reason why Shang Kexi never expected them to be able to defend the city of Guangzhou under the attack of the demon Taoist Li Changqing.

After the establishment of the Guangzhou City Defense Battalion, the big figures above did not allocate much military expenditure, so the Guangzhou City Defense Battalion naturally did not train to improve their combat effectiveness.

As we all know, military training costs money!

In the history of Li Changqing's previous life, the Qing soldiers in the late Qing Dynasty lacked training. It was not due to the laziness of the officials, but because they had no money for training, or the military expenses for training were all allocated by the officials...

There was no need for training, and no one was in charge of the food, so Li Ergou naturally went back to his hometown to have a look as a vacation.

The garrison battalion in Guangzhou City is on duty in rotation, and the duty is basically the same as clocking in at work, with patrolling and security.

Obviously, it doesn't take a lot of hands.

Food is only taken care of when they are on duty, and other officers and soldiers who are not on board can only eat themselves.

Fortunately, these routs still have some savings, so they won't starve to death.

The most important thing is that they have no other place to go now, so they can't fall into trouble.

Participating in the crusade against the Qing army is even more unreliable. Li Changqing, a monster, is a monster that eats people. How can a living person give his life to a monster?

At least Li Ergou never thought of joining the Qing army in the past, it was too dangerous!

Arriving in front of his courtyard, Li Ergou, who wanted to surprise his wife, didn't wait to open the door, when he suddenly heard a louder voice from the room...

Li Ergou looked up blankly at the noon sun.

In broad daylight, under the bright sky, this hat is a bit green...

Li Ergou, who came back to his senses, pulled out his waist knife angrily, kicked open the door with a bang, and rushed into the back room aggressively.

(End of this chapter)

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