This Qing is wrong

Chapter 122 Equipment Upgrade

Chapter 122 Equipment Upgrade
Li Ergou, who was full of blood, walked out of his once small home. After venting his anger, all that remained was a black hole-like emptiness.

He looked up at the sky again and murmured, "The home is gone."

With such an obvious movement, it is obviously impossible for his wife to "play poker" with other people. Li Ergou, who kicked over the door of the room, saw the scene that made his forehead glow green.

What angered Li Ergou the most was that the actor was still his little friend who played mud with him since he was a child!

It's just that the other party is just a farmer now, and there is a gap in status between him and a green camp soldier like him.

After Li Ergou became the master of the green camp, the relationship between the two gradually faded away, but every time Li Ergou came home, he would miss his old feelings and bring his own boy over, and let his wife burn some low-quality rice wine for a few sips. It can be regarded as maintaining the friendship of childhood.

But Li Ergou never expected that it was his behavior of nostalgia for his old love that made his youngest and his wife acquainted once and twice, and that coquettish bitch couldn't restrain her exuberance...

As a result, Li Ergou Yintang turned green...

"I haven't been home for only three months, Cuihua, why can't you control yourself?"

Li Ergou smiled wryly and said to himself, Cuihua was his wife's name, and she was born in the countryside like him, so it was a humble name.

"Forget it, in the future I will be free from worries, and I can work hard for Qing Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty treated me well, I fought so many defeats, and even promoted me to general manager, I, Li Ergou, was a man of conscience, and I could not disappoint the Qing Dynasty's cultivation of me. "

Li Ergou thought in a trance that his home was gone, and he was slaughtered by himself, so Li Ergou needs to set a new goal for his life.

He is in his prime and still has a good life, so naturally he can't just continue to be so decadent.

At this moment, an old man passed by here, just in time to see Li Ergou, who was covered in blood, holding a steel knife that was still dripping blood, and immediately screamed loudly.

"Kill... kill!!!!"

This sound called Li Ergou back from his lost mind-wandering about life, and the stern expression returned to his face.

Li Ergou glared at him with fierce eyes, and immediately frightened the old man who had been digging in the soil all his life and had no knowledge, his legs became weak, and he sat down on the dirt.

However, at this time, more and more people from the village had gathered, and many part-time village militia men even picked up dung forks and other weapons to surround them.

There is no police in the village these days, and the security of the village depends on the self-protection of the village. Every village has a group of strong men, led by respected people, who work part-time as militiamen in charge of security.

There are also various weapons, and spears are the best configuration.

After all, they don't train at all on weekdays, and it is impossible for impoverished villagers to spend a lot of money to build weapons.

As for the earthen guns and earthen cannons, they are all the weapons of the clan gentry in the township, and ordinary villagers cannot see them.


Isn't this Li Ergou?
Why did he go back to the village and kill someone? "

"And it's still in front of his own house!"

"Oh, I see, hasn't Li Ergou been home in the past few months?
A few days ago, I saw that Li Ergou's wife had sex with someone, probably because Li Ergou came home and caught him in bed..."

"Hey, even if you catch a rape in bed, you can't kill people, life is at stake!"

"Where is there any human life at stake, now there is a demon Dao Li Changqing in Guangdong Province, it is very chaotic, Li Ergou is the master of the green camp, he has seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield, killing people is nothing to him something?
Everyone quickly put away their weapons, Li Ergou, a green soldier like Li Ergou, shouldn't be provoked casually.

After all, he is a Qing army! "


Amidst the noise, the village militiamen, who were originally aggressive and relying on their large numbers, quickly restrained themselves.

I don't know if it's because Li Ergou is from the same village, or because Li Ergou is wearing the blood-stained Green Camp skin.

This world is not the 21st century, when ordinary people see soldiers, they will be born shorter.

Especially the brutal Qing army is enough for these obedient people to be trained honestly.

"Master Dog, I am now the commander-in-chief of the garrison camp in Guangzhou City. I came back today to take care of my own family affairs. I don't want to cause trouble. I will make way for you Lord Dog. I want to go back to Guangzhou City!"

Facing dozens of villagers, Li Ergou replied angrily. He even shook off the blood on the steel knife, and took out a piece of cloth to wipe it off.

The blade that kills people will be stained with blood and grease (just like the layer of oil you get when you cut raw pork). If you don't deal with it in time, the blade will easily rust and become dull.

This is why soldiers in ancient times wiped their weapons immediately after fighting.

How dare the villagers present stop Li Ergou, this evil spirit?

What's more, he just said that he is now promoted to the general manager of the green camp!

This is a serious military officer!
On weekdays, when encountering villagers who are a head shorter than ordinary green battalion soldiers, they naturally dare not refute at this time, not to mention that Li Ergou in front of him looks very angry.

The other party has just ruined his wife's good deeds, and the man at this time is the most impulsive.

In this war-torn era, there is no law to sanction this kind of behavior of 'killing an adulterer in anger'.

In a society with an imperfect legal system, moral standards can often determine a person's life and death.

Although Li Ergou's wife is not guilty of death, but Li Ergou has the ability to rape and kill the adulterer, and everyone will not think it is wrong.

In other words, people in this era are relatively simple, so simple that adulterers are not allowed to live in a living environment, let alone asking your husband to forgive you after you gave birth to someone else's child.

If anyone dares to make such weird remarks in this era, how can there be any chance of being madly sprayed by netizens?

It is directly the life of soaking the pig cage!
Of course, this backward approach is also a disrespect for human life. The general environment of the times is different, and the bottom line of tolerance for human ethics and morality is also different. There is no absolute right or wrong.

You said that there were incestuous dignitaries and even emperors in ancient times?
In any era, the privileged class does not have to be bound by human ethics. In the 21st century, the rich and powerful play more openly than the ancient emperor's house, and no one dares to sanction them.

The bottom line of social morality restricts only ordinary people, not the privileged class.

No matter in which age, people are divided into three, six, or nine classes, but the division standards of different eras and the treatment received by different classes are different.

After Li Ergou left, a brave villager walked into the poor courtyard and came out with a pale face.

The villagers who went in originally wanted to take a look at Cuihua's 'beautiful corpse', but they did not expect to see a corpse. Even if they were not wearing clothes, even a man with a thick nerve would not have the slightest idea of ​​beauty when he saw it. ...

The rebellion caused by Li Changqing has caused frequent chaos in Guangdong Province.

The cities guarded by three classes of yamen servants and even soldiers are fine, but in those rural areas far away from the political center, the laws of the Qing court are no longer binding.

A large number of local clan gentry began to make friends to protect themselves, just like the picture of the Nanming being defeated all the way and the Qing army going south to Guangdong Province.

All of this happened after the 3-odd main force of the Qing army who was still cute was defeated by the demon Daoist Li Changqing alone.

No matter how the Qing government smeared the image of the demon Li Changqing, it was impossible to hide the news of that defeat.

Ordinary people may not be able to see the Qing army's intentional avoidance of war, but how could those well-informed clan gentry not know?

As a matter of course, the absolute prestige that the Qing court had just established in Guangdong Province was disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These potential effects cannot be seen without sending people to carefully search for intelligence.

At least for Li Changqing.

The pass delivered by Pegasus rushed into the streets of the Qing court capital, with a command flag that no one dared to intercept was planted behind it, and it went straight into the Forbidden City!

In the south study room, a skinny young man with a pockmarked face, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and casual clothes, sat in front of the imperial case, after reading the emergency documents of the Guangdong Province military situation that had just arrived.

Mentioned a little vermilion, and approved a big "Zhun" word on it.

Not long after, the chief helm of Wusi in Jingshi Town received an order from Emperor Kangxi, the current emperor. Several men and women dressed as quacks rode fast horses and left the capital to go south.

At the same time, Qing army yamen and even vassal kings in Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, Guizhou, Huguang, Jiangxi and other places received orders from the capital one after another.

A net of encirclement was slowly but firmly formed against Guangdong Province.

At the same time, one after another secret booklet was sent to the Prince's Mansion in Pingxi, Yunnan, the General's Mansion in Guangxi, and the Prince's Mansion in Jingnan, Fujian.

After the arrival of these secret documents, the tension between the Qing court center and the San Francisco eased.

The Qing armies in Yunnan, Guizhou, Fujian, Guangxi, and Huguang began to gather wantonly.

Of course, all this is too far away for Li Changqing now.

At this time, Li Changqing had just arrived at the outskirts of a Wubao controlled by the Qiu family.

According to the information provided by Qiu Hui, this will be the first Wubao that blocks the marching route of the Qing army. Of course, it is also the first stronghold that will be removed by the Qing army.

"This Qiu Hui is a capable person, he can even get this kind of spotting telescope."

Today's Li Changqing's equipment has been upgraded.

He was holding an exquisite monocular with Latin engraved in his hand, which was sent by Qiu Hui, saying that it was a high-end product bought from a Portuguese maritime merchant at a high price.

Li Changqing doesn't know if it's a high-end product, but this thing is indeed farther than he can see with the naked eye.

No, Li Changqing's field of vision has already included all eight thousand Qing troops.

Li Changqing ordered someone to buy this kind of spotting telescope before, but he couldn't find a seller at all. As a result, Qiu Hui immediately ordered someone to send it over when he learned that Li Changqing needed it.

Facts have proved that whether it is doing business or rebelling, channels are very important!
This is the first time Li Changqing has seen the ability of these local snakes.

They may not be good at fighting, but that doesn't mean they are bad at doing things.

"General, the people from the Qiu family are eager to see us. They simply don't have the courage to fight against the Qing army."

"Send someone to tell the steward of the Qiu family to stay in Wubao well and leave the rest to me. They are not qualified to see me yet!"

Naturally, Li Changqing would not show up. Although he is an eighth-rank martial artist, it is not difficult to kill an eighth-rank martial artist these days.

Zhang Hao's face was tangled, and he reminded in a low voice: "The armed servants of the Qiu family in Wubao are very excited, and they want to surrender to the Qing army.

The Qing army had just sent an envoy to convey the terms of surrender to the people in Wubao. "

Li Changqing put down the binoculars, and took a look at Zhang Hao: "Whether this Wubao of the Qiu family falls or not has nothing to do with me?

Our goal is to annihilate this Qing army. As long as this goal can be achieved, sacrifices are inevitable.

Since the armed servants of the Qiu family in Wubao want to surrender to the Qing army, don't send our people to contact them.

Otherwise, if it is exposed, Shang Zhixin on the Qing army's side will know and run away again. "

As soon as Li Changqing finished speaking, a white flag slowly rose from the high point of Qiujiawu Fort...

In this parallel world, raising the white flag means surrendering. I heard that this rule was passed down from the West back then, and it was popularized during the Ming and Qing wars.

Just as Li Changqing was about to raise his binoculars to continue observing the Qing army, out of the corner of his eye he suddenly caught a glimpse of the conspicuous white flag on Wubao in the distance, and the Qiu family who was sent out by a group of armed servants of the Qiu family in the open gate of Wubao. Steward...

" this down?"

Li Changqing hastily raised his binoculars to watch the scene carefully, then he quickly switched the "camera" and threw a thousand Chinese pikemen into the open space next to the Qing army arrayed.

Fortunately, Li Changqing acted quickly. When the small troops sent by the Qing army to accept the surrender came into contact with the tied up Qiu family steward, they immediately learned the news that Li Changqing was lurking nearby, and hurriedly drove to the front of the Qing army formation.

Just then, a thousand Chinese spearmen appeared.

Shang Zhixin, riding on the back of an Andalusian war horse purchased from the Portuguese, saw the Nayu cavalry he had sent over panicked and galloped in front of his own formation with horror on his face. As soon as he frowned, he saw There was a glimmer of rumors on the left wing of the big formation.

Then there was a horizontal and vertical phalanx, all green battalion soldiers with cloth face armor and uniforms, and the Qing army's standard spears and waist knives appeared in Shang Zhixin's pupils.

The left-wing soldiers of the Qing army in the formation saw the sudden appearance of the soldiers wearing the green battalion shirts. At the first moment, they did not think of Li Changqing, a demon, but a question popped into their minds - which friendly army is this? , appeared in such an exaggerated way?

But it didn't take long for most of the soldiers of the Qing army to realize that this is not a fantasy script!

It is impossible for a normal army to pop out at once.

That is, when the soldiers of the Qing army reacted, the dull sound of the battle horn sounded, and the sound of the drums, which was more intense than the sound of the battle, was transmitted to the ears of the soldiers of the Qing army in formation.

"This is the war puppet summoned by the demon Taoist Li Changqing, everyone is ready to fight!"

The grassroots military officers of the left-wing Qing army who reacted quickly shouted loudly, driving the soldiers under their command to turn their spears.

(End of this chapter)

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