This Qing is wrong

Chapter 128 An Attempt to Raise Points

Chapter 128 An Attempt to Raise Points

In the next few days, even though Li Changqing had already found out that all the masters above the seventh rank of the Zhenwu Division in Guangdong Province had been planted in his hands, Li Changqing was still clean and self-sufficient. The third floor and the third floor were full of more than 200 Guards infantry soldiers holding firecrackers!

Under the vigilance of three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, let alone a middle-rank martial artist, even a high-rank martial artist would not be able to approach Li Changqing's camp quietly.

Therefore, although individuals in this world have powerful individuals, as long as the superiors pay attention to their own security work, it is still very difficult for warriors to assassinate dignitaries.

Not to mention, the rich and powerful often have expert bodyguards around them.

But Shang Kexi didn't follow up after hearing the news of the assassination failure. After all, all the masters that the Zhenwu Division in Guangdong Province could handle had already been dispatched. Risky assassination.

In this way, during Li Changqing's cautious march, the Qing army arrived at the outskirts of Guangzhou without any risk.

Guangzhou City is not an isolated city. Before the Qing court banned the sea, it was a port city with a very developed maritime trade. It was both the political center and the economic center of Guangdong Province.

There are water villages and acropolis built on high ground around it.

If he attacked according to the normal way of war, Li Changqing would have to remove the water fortresses around Guangzhou City and the high-lying acropolis one by one before attacking the real Guangzhou City.

Therefore, Guangzhou City is a truly strong city.

However, in the current Guangzhou city, there is only a group of Guangzhou city garrison battalions who were left behind as abandoned children.

They were ordered to die to defend the city of Guangzhou and resist the Qing army of the demon Taoist Li Changqing...

The garrison battalion in Guangzhou City where Li Ergou was located, saw the "Li" handsome flag erected by the mighty Qing army arriving outside the city, immediately opened the gate on the other side, and fled in droves.

Originally, I wanted to compete with the demon Li Changqing for a round, and I was worthy of Li Ergou who was cultivated by the Qing Dynasty. Seeing everyone scrambling to see the enemy and fleeing, I had no choice but to be "coerced".

What Li Ergou didn't know was that the Guangzhou city garrison he was in had become a veritable hero of the Qing army.

Those who see the enemy and flee are considered brave.

Hearing the news and fleeing, he is regarded as Zhongyong.

Those who misheard and fled are regarded as brave.

People like Li Ergou fled when they saw the enemy, so they are naturally called brave.

Of course, this is all folk ridicule, and the Qing government will not approve it.

After Li Ergou escaped from Guangzhou City, he looked back at the tall city wall and sighed involuntarily: "I lost to the demon Taoist Li Changqing again. This time I lost without even shooting a gun. I don't know how to escape." Can you go to the next level when you go to other troops?

This time it was probably enough. The officials above me ran faster than the other, and no one died in battle.

If no one dies in battle, there will be no real shortage. I am afraid that I will have no hope of being promoted this time. "

Naturally, Li Changqing didn't know that there were still pawns in the Qing army who were counting on him to be promoted, and he was proud of his reputation.

As soon as the handsome flag was erected, the Qing army in the city fled seeing the enemy. How could Li Changqing be unhappy?
Compared with the history of his previous life, Li Changqing feels that he at least has the majesty of the British and French coalition forces now.

When the Qing army faced the British and French allied forces, there were also many who fled when they saw the enemy.

Otherwise, how could the Qing army, which claims to be 10,000+, be able to break through the capital of a country by the British and French allied forces of thousands of people?
The Qing army in the Battle of Baliqiao is estimated to have been the "elite" of the Qing army at that time.

When BJ City faced the British and French allied forces, it was broken without serious resistance. The tall city defense of BJ City was completely a display...

Therefore, the most important thing in offensive and defensive warfare is not whether the city defense is strong, but the hearts of the people!

Including the Shuizhai Acropolis around the city of Guangzhou, all the Qing troops ran away completely.

Of course, the direct descendants and even the family members of Prince Pingnan's Mansion had already evacuated, leaving only a group of poor Han people without background, maintaining the basic operation of Guangzhou City.

When Li Changqing's soldiers entered Guangzhou City and the surrounding Acropolis, they found that all the empty official warehouses could run away mice, and the mansions were densely covered with cobwebs!
What is infuriating is that no one lives in these mansions, and the Qing army who stayed behind insisted on not allowing the poor people to live in them, just watching the Han people who stayed in Guangzhou City live in dirty and messy houses. In the shack.

The city of Guangzhou was slaughtered by Shang Kexi back then, so the big families in the city either died or were driven away.

Before the rise of the demon Taoist Li Changqing, almost all the real estate in the city of Guangzhou was taken over by the dignitaries, the soldiers and their families.

If labor is not required for work, it is estimated that those Han people are not eligible to live in Guangzhou.

As a result, even though the Qing army masters in Guangzhou had left, the remaining Qing army still refused to let those rising people live in. Li Changqing was amazed at the deep-rooted class concept.

"Although all the goods were removed by the Qing army, at least there is no water in the city, so it can still be used after tidying up."

Li Changqing stood in the courtyard of the Pingnan Prince's Mansion, which occupies a large area, and said happily.

He can finally live in a real mansion in this era.

There are so many houses left in the city of Guangzhou, thanks to the brave men of the Guangzhou City Garrison who fled after seeing the enemy.

Shangfan didn't burn down the city of Guangzhou, probably because he was lucky enough to return after he wiped out the demon Daoist Li Changqing.

But Li Changqing did not believe that Shang Kexi would not give the order to burn the city when he came to commit the crime.

It's just that the executor stretched his hips too much and ran away.

It may also be that the executors were worried that Li Changqing would retaliate against them, so they didn't dare to burn the city before running away.

All in all, Li Changqing got a large amount of real estate in Guangzhou, which is regarded as a place to settle down.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the random mission to occupy Guangzhou City and gain two places for mind control. 】

Hearing the system notification sound in his head, Li Changqing smiled even wider.

A full two mind control quotas will allow Li Changqing to sleep more comfortably in the future, and he doesn't have to restrain himself from holding hands with Qiu Shuzhen for self-protection.

At this time Qiu Shu is really the best age, if you don't enjoy it at this time, the taste will change when you get older.

Why do young people like to fall in love on campus, especially middle school students?

It's because middle school students... are tender!
Puppy love on campus has been banned repeatedly, and there is a reason for it!
Fa Qingjun and his family moved into Guangzhou City and the surrounding port water villages and acropolis, so naturally Li Changqing didn't have to worry about it. The trio under him were busy going around, and even Zhang Hao was busy arranging Li Changqing's residence and security work .

The most important thing is diet.

Qiu Shuzhen is a girl from a wealthy family who was pampered and spoiled since she was a child, and she can't cook!

It's not that they can't do it at all, but it's obviously far behind the level of professional cooks.

For Li Changqing who traveled from modern society, eating is definitely a big problem.

There is no way, for Li Changqing, the common people's food in ancient times is similar to the dark food, and Li Changqing can accept it only if it is the exquisite Chinese food enjoyed by the rich and powerful.

It is not difficult for Li Changqing to find a professional cook, but how to ensure that this professional cook is not sent by the Qing court.

After all, poisoning is a very common assassination method.

On weekdays, Zhang Hao often personally supervises the cook's cooking, and will take a silver needle to test for poison when it is ready, double insurance.

Because of this, it seems that Zhang Hao's job is the easiest, but it's just that he is busy in a different place.

After settling down in the city of Guangzhou, Li Changqing sent people to contact the gentry and clans in various parts of Guangdong Province, and pulled people to follow him to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

The latter is more important than the former.

Because Li Changqing realized a serious problem, the Qing army, who had always avoided fighting with him, could no longer be used to wipe out the system's enemy troops.

Therefore, Li Changqing was eager to find a self-sufficient and safe enough way to wipe out the system's enemy troops.

After all, in the system description, it seems that there are many loopholes that can be exploited, but the previous Li Changqing had no conditions to implement it.

As long as there is money to pave the way, the news of ships and isolated islands is not a problem in the boundaries near Guangzhou City.

Not long after, Li Changqing boarded a "bought" sea boat, which was built by a clan gentry. Because he "admired" Li Changqing's demeanor, he only received a tael of silver as a symbolic reward, which was almost equivalent to free...

The fishermen and boatmen who operate the boats are easy to find. There are many Han people left behind in Guangzhou City. Once the money is scattered, a lot of civilians will rush to work for Li Changqing.

Li Changqing's status as a rebel is not a problem at all in the eyes of ordinary people, it is far less important than eating!
After boarding the ship, Li Changqing saw an isolated island within half a day of sailing.

The area of ​​the isolated island is very small, and it is bare, without even a single tree. Naturally, it is impossible for people to live on such a barren island, which just meets Li Changqing's needs.

After exploring the isolated island, Li Changqing left the soldiers of the [-]st Guards Infantry Regiment to control his ship, and the rest of the fishermen and boatmen drove to other ships to stay away from the island.

The experiment that Li Changqing is going to do, naturally cannot be exposed to the eyes of ordinary people, otherwise he will have to kill people to silence him, which is really troublesome...

After entering Guangzhou City, Li Changqing selected a group of soldiers from the [-]st Guards Infantry Regiment to learn how to handle the boat.

Although the learning time is not long, at least it can ensure that the offshore sailing will not capsize.

After Li Changqing's experiment is over, signal flares (that is, colored fireworks) will be fired to let the distant boats approach, and skilled fishermen and boatmen will be sent up to operate the boats.

Therefore, Li Changqing's ship has very low technical requirements for the soldiers of the [-]st Guards Infantry Regiment who operate the ship.

After Li Changqing made sure that all the irrelevant ships around had left, he first launched the system enemy troops into the deep sea in the distance.


The host is launching system enemy forces into dangerous areas, and the launch request is rejected. If the host repeatedly operates, the fourth stage of the system will be unlocked in advance, and the system enemy forces will become more intelligent and powerful. 】

"Sure enough, opportunistic tricks that directly throw the system's enemy forces into dangerous places will not work, and it is easy to promote the 'evolution' of the system."

For Li Changqing now, unlocking the next stage of the system is not necessarily a good thing, because he doesn't know how 'smart' the enemy army will be in the next stage of the system.

Li Changqing didn't care much about whether the system enemy army would become stronger, but the system prompt said that the system enemy army would increase in wisdom, which made Li Changqing vigilant.

The enemy army of the system in the third stage knows to learn from the combat experience of the 'predecessors' and temporarily change their tactics. How far will the enemy army of the system in the fourth stage increase in wisdom?
What if the enemy army of the system knows how to avoid unnecessary enemies and directly pursues and kills Li Changqing?
Li Changqing has only been married for less than a month, and even Qiu Shuzhen is not tired of it, so naturally he doesn't want to die young so soon...

"Even sea water can't be released, let alone dangerous places like craters, man-made traps are also excluded, it seems that we can only try it on an isolated island.

If you can't eliminate the system enemy army, it's good to be able to trap them temporarily. "

Li Changqing took a deep breath and dropped the system enemy troops on the open space of the remote island.


The place where the host is placed does not have a safe path for the supply system enemy to pursue the host. If the host is forcibly released and the system enemy is not wiped out after a certain period of time, a system navy that is hostile to the host will be automatically refreshed, and the delivery system enemy will chase and kill the host. Host. 】


This time it is not that it cannot be delivered, but that it has consequences.

I seem to be able to bear the consequences.

Who is it that there is a hostile relationship between the enemy forces in the system?

As long as I destroy the system enemy troops dropped on the isolated island within the specified time, no naval units will be spawned, and I can keep scoring points!

It's worth a try! "

Li Changqing's eyes suddenly fell on the panel of the enemy's system.

[Samurai: A Japanese samurai equipped with two samurai swords.

Historical origin: Japanese samurai are warrior aristocrats who practice bushido. They rose up in the clan wars in the 12th century.Bushido, or "the way of the warrior," has at its core tenets of unwavering loyalty to one's lord, acts of self-sacrifice and devotion, and the fearlessness of pain.

From the 12th century to the establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1603 AD, samurai have always been the main body of Japanese society. Many samurai served the feudal lords who fought for years like knights.

When Tokugawa Ieyasu officially became the shogun and set out to consolidate the regime, he encouraged the samurai to put aside their role of protecting the village and take up the government's bureaucratic work in the castle, that is, to give up their role as soldiers and earn government salaries.This was done to reduce the threat to Tokugawa Ieyasu's dictatorship from samurai who had lost their lords (aka ronin).

However, there were still many samurai who could not adapt to the upheaval of culture and finally overthrew the shogunate from 1867 AD. 】

"Japan has a lot of enemies in history. I should be able to easily find systematic enemies that are hostile to Japanese samurai. At worst, I will keep fighting. Even if it collapses in the end, I can still rely on the strong and tall city defense of Guangzhou City. The system resisted."

Li Changqing's eyes were fixed, and he started his own death... Oh no, it's a journey to earn points!
 The loopholes raised by readers in the book review have been filled. If there are other loopholes, you can continue to raise them in the book review. As long as it is logical, I will consider it.

(End of this chapter)

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