This Qing is wrong

Chapter 129 Unlocks Stage 4

Chapter 129 Unlocking the fourth stage
A gleam of light flashed across the deserted island... A square formation of thousands of people appeared out of thin air on the deserted island.

All of them are all dwarfs, wearing uniform Japanese samurai armor from the Sengoku period.

Looking at the material of the armor, it was obvious that he was not from a low-level samurai. He was at least a high-level samurai during the Warring States Period in Japan, and even the banner samurai under the hands of some weaker daimyos wore nothing more than that.

After all, in the resource-poor island country of Japan, it is impossible for a low-level samurai to be able to wear iron armor, let alone ashigaru.

Every Japanese samurai wears an ugly mask like ghosts and gods. It is rumored that during the Warring States period in Japan, the samurai wore this mask to scare people...

Seeing this kind of mask at night is really scary.

Of course, the protective power is very average, and there is no comparison with Chinese and Western-style helmets.

The weapons and equipment of the Japanese samurai are exactly as described in the information, a long sword used to cut people, and a rib cage used to cut belly.

Of course, ribs can also be used for combat.

In other words, as an alternative weapon to the long tachi, it is the most common use of Rizai. After all, most samurai are just clamoring for seppuku, and there are very few people who really have the courage to do seppuku.

That was much more painful than dying in battle.

After thousands of Japanese samurai appeared, they all turned their eyes to the ship where Li Changqing was on, and found that there was a sea between them and Li Changqing, and none of the Japanese samurai moved, just staring at Li Changqing like a mummy.

At the same time, Li Changqing, who was always paying attention to this group of Japanese warriors, received a new notification from the system. A big red countdown appeared on the system panel, and told Li Changqing that if he had not wiped out the Japanese warriors on the island before the countdown ended, he would will be punished.

Li Changqing had already learned about the content of the punishment before he sent the Japanese samurai.

"Sure enough, the system that involves the rule level is impossible to give me room for opportunism. I hope that the civil war between the enemy forces in the system will allow me to safely score points."

After Li Changqing saw the prompt, he launched the next wave of system enemies without hesitation.

[Rajputs: Lightly armed soldiers with swords.

Historical origin: The Rajputs are an Indian warrior class, living in Rajasthan in northwest India, formerly known as Rajputna.Proud of their ancestry and their emphasis on martial arts, their power gradually expanded, but ended in 1616 AD.At that time, all major factions had to submit to the Mughal Empire ruled by Akbar.

Rajput warriors are most famous for their "pata knife", which is very unique and very lethal. The blade and handle are integrated into one.Early Pata knives were only 25.4 cm long, but have since evolved to be as long as 112 cm.The strong blade is effective at repelling armed cavalry, and can also be swung like a traditional sword against infantry.Akbar is also said to have wielded the Pata knife in battle, most notably at the siege of Gujarat in AD 1576. 】

Thousands of Rajputs appeared in the open space dozens of steps away from the Japanese warriors, also forming a square formation of thousands of people.

The deserted island is full of low and undulating open spaces, some of which are places for people to stand.

After the Japanese samurai and the Rajputs looked at each other, they ignored each other and looked straight at Li Changqing's direction.

"It's not the enemy. I remember that India fought against Japan during World War II. The hostile relationship judged by this system is really unreal."

Afterwards, Li Changqing's eyes fell on the newly spawned system enemy army.

He is now like a gambler, constantly throwing out the chips in his hand, waiting for the moment when Stud wins all.

Li Changqing knew that when he launched the first wave of Japanese samurai, there was no way out.

Any attempt to exploit system loopholes must be psychologically prepared to be backlashed by the rules.

[Cavalry Archers: Lightly armed Mongolian cavalry archers.

Historical origin: Nomadic horse archers used to take their cattle and sheep to nomad in the southeast of Russia.They invaded, roamed and conquered what is now Russia and Eastern Europe. Europeans called these terrible cavalry tribes Tatars, but Tatars were just one of many nomadic peoples or tribes.

Their colorful tents have brought them another, more elegant name, the "Golden Horde."Tutuo lost Khan once led the Golden Horde to occupy Moscow, but soon after, it was split into several khanates due to civil war.The Russian kingdom after the reformation of Tsar Ivan the Terror had allied itself with some of the divided khanates, while the Ottoman Empire under Mehmed II was simultaneously allied with the rest of the khanates.

The cavalry archer's clothing is very light, consisting of loose trousers, vest, long coat and leather cap. The main clothing colors are blue and red, and beautiful patterns will be embroidered on the clothing.Cavalry archers usually carry a variety of weapons. In addition to the main bow and arrow, sometimes swords, spears and other weapons are also included, and later they can be equipped with firearms.Although Tatars are mostly reminiscent of cavalry, they are also brave and capable infantry. 】

After watching the introduction of the cavalry archers, Li Changqing finally showed a trace of relief on his face, and then threw thousands of cavalry archers into the open space next to the Japanese warriors.

After the twilight flashed, the Japanese warriors finally stopped staring at Li Changqing. They shouted in Japanese that Li Changqing could not understand, drew out their long swords, and took the initiative to charge towards the cavalry archers who had just appeared!
And those cavalry archers, some of them put on spears and sabers, and ran into the Japanese samurai's charging group, while the other part drove their horses to detour towards the Japanese samurai's charging group, bending their bows and shooting arrows while galloping their horses, playing Played the housekeeping skills of the Mongols - riding and shooting.

Since the Japanese samurai had armor on their bodies, these cavalry archers were all very close, even less than ten steps away, and all their arrows were armor-piercing arrows.

It should be mentioned here that these archers are very well equipped. Although they don't have a piece of iron on them, they are equipped with a spear and a saber, two arrows filled with different arrows, and two light and heavy weapons. Different riding bows.

Arrows are divided into light arrows and armor-piercing heavy arrows, and riding bows are also divided into ordinary riding bows and heavy bows.

Obviously, the former is used for long-distance projectiles against unarmored and lightly armored targets, while the latter is designed to deal with heavy armored targets.

In this civil war against the enemy, the cavalry archers uniformly used heavy bows with armor-piercing heavy arrows, and the distance was close enough. In addition, the quality of the armor on the Japanese samurai was not as good as that of the western and eastern powers. The key point can be brought down.

"The tactical thinking of the enemy army in this system is still not enough. If it were a cavalry archer composed of living people, nearly half of the cavalry would not change into a melee weapon and rush into the crowd of Japanese samurai. They would all fly kites around the Japanese samurai and shoot arrows. .

Anyway, the two short legs of the Japanese samurai could never catch up with the cavalry archers, and the area of ​​the deserted island was enough for the cavalry archers to circle around. "

Li Changqing commented in a good mood when he saw the beaten Japanese warrior.

The fact that the system's enemy troops will be engaged in a civil war on the desert island means that Li Changqing's speculation has been confirmed, and his plan to earn points has been successful!

This is naturally a big event to be happy about.

If Li Changqing had tens of thousands of brainwashing troops under his command, he could completely push the Qing army flat, and he would no longer have to worry about the backlash from the systemic enemy!

Feeling happy, Li Changqing opened the system panel again, and his eyes froze slightly when he saw the newly spawned enemy army in the system.

[Qi Xue: The Khan Guards of the Mongolian Empire.

Historical origin: The Mongol Empire is the largest empire in human history. Its cavalry archers are proficient in compound bows and unpredictable light cavalry skills, making them fearsome.The composite bows they used were made of a variety of materials, including wood, animal bones, and glued together with animal hides.

The shooting range of Qixue knight archery can reach more than 305 meters (not the effective killing range).They often carried two bows, one for short-range attacks and one for long-range volleys, and their quiver was stocked with a variety of arrows for different purposes, including igniting arrows, armor-piercing arrows, and A loud arrow that scares and scares the enemy.

Kexue's most famous ability is that he can still move his bow freely while galloping, such as turning 360 degrees and aiming at and attacking enemies immediately.They often assault the enemy in a half-moon formation, encircling them from both sides.When this tactic fails, they retreat quickly to lure the enemy into pursuit.

Kexue were not pure warriors, they were the imperial guards hand-picked by Genghis Khan. They first developed from 1000 personal guards to a brave army of 1.During the war, Ke Xue was directly ordered by the Khan, and when the Khan went to the battlefield, he must be escorted by Ke Xue.These imperial guards are usually responsible for management, including supervising court deacons, taking care of horses and maintaining luggage. 】

"It's Mongolian soldiers again, those Japanese samurai are not enough to kill, and there are a thousand Rajputs standing and watching the theater, this deserted island will not be ruled by the Mongolians.

Forget it, anyway, sooner or later it has to be released, and those Japanese samurai were almost killed. "

The enemy troops of the system are all fearless soldiers, and they are very wild when fighting, which naturally means that the number of soldiers is consumed very quickly. After a while, the Japanese samurai are almost exhausted.

With the appearance of thousands of warriors, more people besieged the remnants of Japanese samurai soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, these cavalry archers and cavalry were transferred to new targets, because this time Li Changqing was randomized to the Japanese arms.

[Yabusame: Japanese cavalry archers.

Historical origin: Yabusame is an ancient art of riding and shooting, which is called "bowdo" in Japanese.The history of Yabusame can be seen in the legend, which began in 530 AD.At that time, the No. 20 nine Japanese emperors prayed for "peace in the world" and "a good harvest", and then shot three arrows towards the target from the horseback.Yabusame equestrianism has not changed much since ancient times, and it is still a kind of etiquette for worshiping gods and praying for blessings.

Minamoto Yoritomo, Japan's first feudal shogunate, highly regarded Yabusame equestrianism and incorporated it into standard military training.During Minamoto Yoritomo's reign, he also established the Ogasawara Teaching Field, which specializes in training infantry and riding archery; he also opened the Takeda Ryukyu Mado Yabusame Shrine, allowing the best Yabusame archers to perform.The first session was held on August 1187, 8, and it has been uninterrupted every year except for the suspension during the Pacific War of World War II. 】

After the appearance of these Japanese cavalry archers, they quickly formed a melee with the Mongolian cavalry, but the situation between the two sides was obvious. The system enemy troops on the Japanese side suffered far more damage than the Mongolian side, and it was only a matter of time before they were all killed.

The Rajputs continued watching the theater...

Naturally, Li Changqing would not wait for the Japanese to be annihilated. The red countdown always reminded Li Changqing that he must continuously deploy enemy troops.

[Dutch Lancers: Cavalry who use pistols.

Historical Origins: The Dutch Lancers are light cavalry that use pistols as their primary weapons. They usually carry multiple pistols, and even have entourages who carry extra pistols full-time, because there is usually no time to reload once they are in range.Fire at close range with a pistol was usually fatal, and if not immediate, usually died from infection and inflammation with the level of medical care available at the time.Due to the small size of the pistol, it is convenient to shoot on the move, making the power of the Dutch Lancers not to be underestimated.

The Dutch Lancers wore light armor and carried multiple pistols, and once the ammunition was exhausted, they would use additional sabers and axes. 】

"It's another unit for watching dramas!"

Li Changqing let out a foul breath, and continued to drop the system enemy troops!

[Lance cavalry: Spain's assault cavalry.

Historical Origin: The only cavalry unit that is not vulnerable to musketeer bayonet attacks is the spear hussars, because their spears can attack farther than bayonets.In the wars of the past, the figure of light cavalry with spears was always indispensable, and the Poles in the [-]th century made this unit shine on the battlefield.

The spears were made of wood, sometimes ash, and ranged in length from 3 to 5 meters, and had swallowtail-shaped flags attached to the iron spikes.Cossack cavalry were sometimes armed with spears, while most Lancer regiments were armed with both spears and carbines. 】

After the spear cavalry appeared, they charged directly at the Dutch Lancers who were watching the show, and the melee on the desert island became more intense.

Li Changqing also became excited.

[Naginata cavalry: Japanese hand-to-hand cavalry.

Historical origin: Naginata is an ancient Japanese weapon. It was very common in Japan's feudal period. It is similar to a European halberd. It is a long oak handle with a machete about 30 to 60 cm long.The size of the naginata depends on personal preference and battlefield conditions. Although its shape is simple, it is actually difficult to wield and master.Naginata Jutsu, the technique of wielding a naginata, is still practiced today.

Naginata was first used by the entourage or monk soldiers of Japanese samurai. It can effectively disintegrate the combat effectiveness of cavalry units at close range.However, after the advent of gunpowder weapons, the importance of the naginata declined immediately, and it was usually left at home when it was on the battlefield.Because it became the main weapon for Japanese women to defend their homeland, it became a symbol of Japanese women.It is also the weapon of choice for female samurai, and the beautiful and fierce legendary samurai Sakata fights with it.

Today, naginata is still regarded as a female martial art and a symbol of women's dedication to the family.The trainees are more female than male. 】

The addition of naginata cavalry caused the casualties of the dominant Mongols to soar.

However, before Li Changqing launched the next wave of system enemies, a red alarm suddenly popped up on the system panel.


Detecting that the host is fooling the rules, the system unlocks the fourth stage in advance, and the system enemy army joins the leader of the unknown young general.

All system enemies that the host has released are destroyed, and the host receives a full reward for annihilating them. The system has been updated to the fourth stage. Please check the host's requirements for dropping system enemies in the fourth stage immediately. 】

Li Changqing looked at the sudden increase of rewards on his system panel with a confused face.

Is he maxing out the system by collecting points?

(End of this chapter)

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