Chapter 131
In addition, the name of the enemy leader of the system is also displayed above the small black dot——

Lyndon Wan. Day!
"God damn Lin Dengwan Ri!
Is this 'day' Lin Dengwan's surname? "

After Li Changqing saw the name of the leader of the first wave of system enemy forces he dropped, he couldn't bear it any longer, and blurted out this 'slot'.

"No, since the system chose Lin Dengwan as the name of the rebel leader, it is impossible to add an additional surname due to the rigidity of the system, and the verb '日' is not suitable as a surname...

Therefore, this Japanese character does not represent Japanese forces. "

While guessing, Li Changqing used his own consciousness to 'double-click' the small black dot representing the enemy army of the system.

Sure enough, a row of brief text prompts appeared on it.

[2000 Japanese ashigaru army (corresponding to the elite ashigaru of Japan's Sengoku period). 】

Seeing this simple and rough introduction of the enemy army in the system, Li Changqing couldn't help but miss the detailed historical origin information...

He now understands that as the system continues to be unlocked, while the basic rewards he gets increase, the system enemy army will also become stronger and stronger.

This kind of strength is not only reflected in the scale and IQ level...

"Fortunately, it's just the arms of Japan's Sengoku period. From this point of view, my worries should not arise. The system enemy troops launched by the fourth-stage system still have not escaped the restrictions of the gunpowder era."

The era of gunpowder is Li Changqing's own definition of the technological level of the enemy's system.

Li Changqing named the historical period from the era when the gunpowder first appeared to the Napoleon era as the Gunpowder Age.

Going forward is the era of cold weapons, and the Napoleon era extended to the period of World War I, which was named by Li Changqing as the industrial age.

The corresponding period before and after World War II was named by Li Changqing as the electrification era, or the pre-nuclear era.

Of course, after World War II is the era of nuclear peace!
This is Li Changqing's naming based on the game habits he has played.

"Let's see how long the first wave of system enemies can survive. If the combat power is not too strong, I will bloom again.

With the mini-map function, although it is easier to destroy the Manchu Tartars, I don’t want the fearless systematic enemy to take over the status of the Manchu Tartars and launch endless pursuits to kill me.

Therefore, the deployment of enemy forces in this system cannot be overstated.

At least I have to wait until I have enough self-protection ability before letting go.

Now that I have the mini-map function, the Qing court must not know the news yet.

And the system enemy troops I am launching now all need to eat, drink and sleep. As long as they are not annihilated and disappear suddenly, it is difficult to be associated with the war puppets I summoned.

After all, the distance is there.

So what I have to do now is to establish my own orthodox forces as much as possible, use the fear of the Qing army towards me, and establish a court loyal to me near Guangzhou City and even the entire Guangdong Province!
Another advantage of my founding is that it can anger the Qing court and let them gather a large army to encircle and suppress me.

It's a pity, judging from the Qing court's fear of me, they will most likely send more powerful experts to try to assassinate me instead of sending troops to attack me.

After all, the Qing army has already suffered too much. Before I figured out my "upper limit of summoning", it is impossible to fall continuously in the same pit.

This is also the reason why I planned to try a new way of scoring points before.

However, the Qing army is only afraid of me. I personally can deter one city and one place at most. It is impossible to go to various places to intimidate the Qing army. It is gratifying to divide the troops in the state capitals of Guangdong Province. This is the idea.

Even the city of Guangzhou was given over to me.

Therefore, I want to establish a stable court, but also rely on my own army.

The formation cycle of an army composed of ordinary people and surrendered soldiers is too late, and loyalty cannot be guaranteed. It needs to consume a lot of food and salaries, and the gains outweigh the losses.

If you want to rise quickly, it is quicker to expand the brainwashing army.

What's more, after unlocking the fourth stage of the system, I can get additional templates of basic arms, and after annihilating five enemy troops in the system, I can apply [-] templates of basic arms for free.

With the current military strength of the Qing court, it is not difficult to wipe out the 2000-strong system enemy army, even if there is an extra leader Lin Dengwan with normal intelligence in the system enemy army.

In other words, the efficiency of using the system's violent enemy troops is much higher than my efficiency of slowly training the brainwashed army.

Most importantly, the training of the brainwashing army also consumes a lot of materials, and the consumption of gunpowder alone is not a small amount.

Training needs to provide rich food and nutrition, otherwise, even the body of the brainwashed soldiers will not be able to withstand the training mode of 997, and it will be a lot of fun to train the brainwashed soldiers to break down their bodies. "

Li Changqing calculated an account in his heart. When Yan Dingjun trained the brainwashed soldiers intensively, he had three meals a day to ensure sufficient protein supply, and the money flowed out.

In this training mode, even if the brainwashing army does not need military pay, the training cost exceeds the maintenance cost of ordinary new attached troops.

The main reason is that protein-rich foods such as meat and eggs are too scarce and expensive in this era.

Even in war-torn areas, money may not be able to buy enough high-quality protein.

This is why the training intensity kept decreasing after the number of brainwashing soldiers reached four digits.

Li Changqing really couldn't afford it!

Now Li Changqing understands why the ordinary soldiers in ancient times were all skinny, and the standard of food is not as good as that of poor households in a harmonious society in the 21st century.

Because of this, Li Changqing's brainwashing soldiers never got rid of the name of recruits.

It takes more than time to train an army, the supply of supplies is the most important thing.

If the supply of materials is sufficient, three months is enough to pull out a group of good musketeers.

However, in the gunpowder era, the standing armies of many countries spent more than ten years in the army, and the ammunition they fired was not as good as the standard of three months of high-intensity training.

This has led to the armies of many countries in Europe. Although there are many veterans who have been in the army for decades, their marksmanship is still as bad as ever, because they do not train at all on weekdays.

Even if there is an occasional training camp, there will be no live ammunition training. How can the training effect be good?
Why do modern armies need actual combat experience?
It is because only in actual combat that soldiers are allowed to shoot with ammunition open.

During World War II, the kind of recruits who trained for one or two months and then took to the battlefield were high-intensity military training in the true sense. They consumed more ammunition in one month than the standing army in the gunpowder era consumed in several years.

The Qing army's conquest against Li Changqing has been clearing the fields. Wherever the Qing army passed, the Qing army retreated, but they left after looting the prefectures and counties that the Qing army passed through.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Qiu family in Chaozhou prefecture had been transshipping supplies to supply Li Changqing, Li Changqing's Qing army would have almost been exhausted when they reached Guangzhou.

Compared with the threat of the Qing army, poverty is the biggest enemy Li Changqing faces at this time.

Li Changqing, who returned to Guangzhou City, immediately recruited his four confidants to discuss the matter of founding the country.

When Zhang Jianfei, Yan Dingjun, Hao Zhongzhong, and Zhang Hao heard Li Changqing say that they wanted to build a nation, they were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses.

Fortunately, the effect of mind control is very powerful, even if the four of them are unwilling in their hearts, no one dares to refute Li Changqing's will to build a country.

"Don't think too much, everyone. The main purpose of my establishment of the country is to create a facade to fight against the Qing court, and restore the Han family's tradition of clothing and crowns in a legitimate way.

Not wanting to be emperor. "

Hao Zhongzhong: "The general cares about all the people, and his subordinates admire him."

Zhang Jianfei: "The great general's meritorious service is so great that he should sit on the throne of the emperor and rule the people."

Yan Dingjun: "The general is wise and powerful, and the establishment of a country and proclaiming himself emperor is in accordance with the will of heaven."

The three of them offered free flattery one after another, but they all had a unified answer in their minds - the general seemed to be an emperor's addiction, and only occupied a mere city of Guangzhou, thinking about becoming an emperor...

Only Zhang Hao expressed constructive opinions.

"General, proclaiming the emperor and establishing the system is a major event, should we wait (arrange) for the auspicious signs?"

Li Changqing gave Zhang Hao a sideways glance, and said in a displeased tone, "Do you want to talk about the allusion of the fish belly collecting books and the meteorite opening eyes?"

Zhang Hao was slightly taken aback, thinking where did he say something wrong?

Didn't the founding emperors in history all use these stupid routines to justify their names?

You can't just say that I am the descendant of the emperor, and everyone will believe it.

Anyway, make a fake, and cooperate with the shallow IQ of ordinary people!
Don't look at the harbingers of the founding emperors in ancient times, one by one, but with the education level of the people at that time, many people believed it, even some officials!

So, no matter how fake it is, spreading rumors... oh no, spreading auspiciousness is already a must-go process for those who build their own country.

The will of God is far more important than the support of the people.

In the eyes of modern people, this is superstition and pedantry, but in the eyes of people in this era, this is the orthodox status bestowed by God.

However, Li Changqing, who comes from the 21st century, is naturally disgusted with this kind of fraudulent behavior.

If he's not strong enough, it's fine if he needs to win over the natives of this world. Now that he's a systematic hacker, why should he still play these foolish routines?
Wouldn't it be nice to push it straight?

Whoever refuses to accept it, just suppress it in the middle of the hand!
"I've said it all, I didn't build the country to be an emperor, I built the country to fight against the Qing Dynasty, establish Chinese orthodoxy, and restore the clothes of the Han people.

I am not following the will of God to build a country, I am building my own country for the people of China!
I don't care whether people believe that I have legal authority or not. If anyone disagrees with me, the worst thing is to send troops to fight over.

Therefore, there is no need to do those silly things.

I called you here today because I want you to make arrangements for the founding of the country.

I have already thought about the name of the country. Since my surname is Li, it is natural to establish the Great Tang Empire. "

"Your Majesty is wise. The Great Tang once ruled the world. Your Majesty is a descendant of the Li and Tang royal family. Anyone who dares to doubt that His Majesty's name is not right is questioning the orthodox status of the Great Tang!"

Zhang Hao, who was in a hurry to express himself, immediately changed his title, shamelessly even calling out the word "Your Majesty".

After hearing this, the other three followed up and said, "Your Majesty, as a descendant of the Li and Tang royal family, should rule the land of China."

Li Changqing stared blankly at the four subordinates in front of him who were making fun of him, and didn't bother to correct their slip of the tongue.

Anyway, he has nothing to lose by promoting him as a descendant of Li Tang's royal family...

The establishment of the Tang Empire was simply because Li Changqing's surname was Li, and the royal family of the Tang Dynasty also had the surname Li, so he had a natural affection for him.

It's just a national title, and to the current Li Changqing, it's nothing at all.

After all, he is fundamentally different from the previous emperors. Li Changqing's founding of the country was not based on the support of the crowd, but on the power of the external system.

This alone is enough for Li Changqing not to care about the country's name and legitimacy.

After some flattery that made Li Changqing feel boring and boring, Zhang Hao noticed the lack of interest on Li Changqing's face, and changed the subject: "Your Majesty, I wonder if there is a favorite Emperor?"

Speaking of the title of emperor, Li Changqing finally lifted his spirits again.

"I use force to intimidate the world, so the emperor's title should be called Wuwei."

Since then, the Caotou team has made the decision to establish the Tang Empire and change Yuan Wuwei against the Qing army.

The year Li Changqing was in was changed to the first year of Wuwei.

Li Changqing didn't even want to wait until next year to change his reign name.

Because of always using the Kangxi chronology, Li Changqing felt sick...

Coincidentally, Li Changqing has not yet passed a year since his time travel, and the first year of Wuwei can also be used to commemorate his initial time limit.

When Li Changqing gave an order, although the soldiers and civilians under the Qing army were very surprised, they still got busy, running around for the ceremony of Li Changqing's enthronement and proclaiming emperor.

Li Changqing doesn't need too complicated rituals, let alone a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven.

Li Changqing from the 21st century is not superstitious at all. God is not as good as the system in his eyes. Why should he be made to kneel down?
Li Changqing only kneels to his parents and elders in his life, not to the sky or to the ground!
Without the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, coupled with the simplicity of everything, the establishment of the Great Tang Empire, in the eyes of outsiders, is really extremely simple, and it can't even be connected with the enthronement ceremony.

However, such a simple enthronement ceremony made Shang Kexi very nervous.

They never expected that Li Changqing, the demon Daoist, had such great ambitions that he won the empty city of Guangzhou and became the throne and founding the country!

How crazy does it have to be to do this?

However, Li Changqing, the demon way, still has the capital of madness, Shang Kexi didn't even dare to send troops to crusade.

After Li Changqing ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he immediately put Shang Kexi in a dilemma.

In his jurisdiction, an anti-thief force appeared in Jianyuan who proclaimed himself emperor. Should he suppress it or not?

If troops are sent to suppress, it is not certain who suppresses whom.

If you don't send troops to suppress it, how can you explain to Emperor Kangxi?

Anxious, coupled with being too old, Shang Kexi, whose body was hollowed out by women, unexpectedly fell ill overnight!

At least, Pingnan Palace declared that Shang Kexi fell ill...

The timing of Shang Kexi's illness was very good. With such a reason, even if Emperor Kangxi asked him to be held accountable, he would be able to prevaricate it. There was no need to send troops to suppress the demon Li Changqing.

Shang Kexi only had these possessions in his hands, so he didn't dare to confront the demon Li Changqing head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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