Chapter 132

There is Gengwangzhuang in the southeast of Fuzhou, which is the boundary where Lin Dengwan with the surname 'Ri' descended with his troops.

After Jingnan Wang Yimai 'moved town' to Fujian Province, he built Wangfu and Wangzhuang on a large scale in Fuzhou, the political center of Fujian Province.

It is mainly concentrated on the fertile southeastern ground of Fuzhou.

With the Wangzhuang chosen by Geng Jimao, the king of Jingnan, as the center, there are more than 300 enclosed houses, and [-] mu of pastoral land nearby was occupied to build the palace.

For the enclosed houses, 8 taels of silver are rewarded for the large room, 6 taels for the middle room, and 4 taels for the small room.The pastoral area is 3 taels per mu.Residents were immediately expelled and not allowed to return.So the location of the palace was called "Gengwangzhuang", or "Wangzhuang" for short.

The construction of Prince Geng's Mansion is very luxurious.

For example, the pair of stone lions in front of the gate are specially selected "white stones" produced in Gaoyao County, Guangdong.This kind of "white stone" is transparent and moist, extremely white, like glass.

Yang Yong, the magistrate of Gaoyao County, selected the most superb craftsmen to carve carefully according to the size.

The wood used in the palace was distributed to the government offices in various places to purchase precious varieties such as Huangnan, Boxwood, Wuli, and Gao Yang, and thousands of craftsmen were hired to rush to work.When King Geng arrived in Fuzhou, he brought several Indian elephants with him from Guangzhou to raise them near the palace, and established an 'elephant garden'.

Of course, this is Geng Jingzhong's core lair.

Since the news that Li Changqing, a monster in Guangdong Province, beat up the Qing army in Guangdong Province, and even Shang Kexi could only temporarily avoid the edge, spread to Jingnan Prince's Palace, there began to be rumors in Fuzhou that "the Son of Heaven is split into fire ears" 'The rumor.

It is obvious that people from Jingnan Palace are trying to create momentum for Geng Jingzhong to rebel and proclaim himself emperor!

That's right, Jingnan King Geng Jingzhong and Pingnan King Shang Kexi, who is loyal to the Qing Dynasty, belong to two extremes. They dream of being emperor all day long and want to become emperor on their own!

If Wu Sangui's rebellion was forced by Kangxi, then Geng Jingzhong's rebellion began when he succeeded King Jingnan.

Now the entire Qing army in Guangdong Province has been beaten helplessly by a monster named Li Changqing. Emperor Kangxi’s appeasement secret package was delivered to Geng Jingzhong in person. Why didn’t Geng Jingzhong know that the opportunity he wanted has come?

Geng Jingzhong knew very well how much Emperor Kangxi wanted to eradicate the power of the San Francisco, so that Kangxi could bow his head and cancel the established strategy, and he also took the initiative to send people to send secret documents to appease and drive Li Changqing, the demon they encircled and suppressed. Obviously, he was already strong enough to make Emperor Kangxi feel To the point of threat!

Even Kangxi, who is rich in the world, is aware of the crisis, which can only show that Li Changqing, a monster, is even more powerful than the rumors.

Sure enough, Geng Jingzhong sent someone to inquire, and found that Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi even lost his hometown of Guangzhou City!
Therefore, Geng Jingzhong took the secret document of Emperor Kangxi and began to gather troops. In name, he was preparing to enter Guangdong Province to suppress the rebellion. In fact, Geng Jingzhong planned to raise troops in Fuzhou and establish his own country.

Geng Jingzhong was not reconciled to being a lackey of the Manchu Qing. Although his fief was in Fujian Province, he did not have the power of Wu Sangui's "Official Selected from the West", nor did he have the smuggling business controlled by Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi to enrich himself.

The so-called King Jingnan is just a King of Fuzhou, and his control over Fujian is not very strong.

Naturally, Geng Jingzhong felt that King Jingnan was not good enough for him!
In Geng Jingzhong's eyes, the rise of the demon Daoist Li Changqing is an opportunity for chaos in the Qing Dynasty. He naturally wants to take advantage of the situation instead of helping the Qing court and the demon Daoist Li Changqing to fight for his life.

What's more, Geng Jingzhong has been paying attention to the battle situation in Guangdong Province, and he is not sure that he can defeat Li Changqing's war puppets. After all, Li Changqing's war puppets are too evil, and there is no limit to the number of summons...

Confronting this kind of enemy, Geng Jingzhong couldn't see the slightest hope of winning. It would be easier to dig out a piece of meat from the Qing court that was about to go into chaos and establish a country by himself as emperor.

Even being the emperor of a small country is better than living under the fence!
Geng Jingzhong is a typical character who would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

However, Geng Jingzhong, who was gathering troops to order generals, suddenly heard news from his servants that a group of 'Japanese pirates' appeared outside Gengwangzhuang and wanted to attack them!
God is sorry, since the Japanese island nation was ruled by the Tokugawa shogunate, the Japanese pirates along the southeast coast have disappeared.

Later, the biggest pirate, Old Zheng’s family, was murdered by the Qing court. Zheng Chenggong was even driven to Taiwan Island, and had to beat the Dutch away to get a foothold. How can there be any powerful pirates on the southeast coast? ?

Not to mention Japanese pirates.

But Geng Jingzhong knew that his servants would not dare to lie about this even if they had ten thousand guts, so he could only quickly put on his armor and head to the scene of the incident with his personal guards.

At the same time, on the flat farmland in the southeast of Fuzhou, a group of ashigaru dressed in Japanese ashigaru armor, with long spears on their backs, long swords on their waists, and iron cannons in their hands, were facing the wailing King Geng on the ground. Zhuang farmers and tenants make up for the knife.

These Japanese ashigaru are all expressionless, or full of indifference to life. In order to save ammunition, they stabbed the necks of farmers and tenants who were not dead on the ground with long swords, but did not cut off their heads. Save a complete corpse, then drag it to one place and stack it.

Behind these Japanese ashigaru are wooden houses that have just been lit.

Obviously, these are the properties of Gengwangzhuang, and the tenant farmers who were massacred are also slaves of Gengwangzhuang.

Not far away, there is a battle formation composed of more than 1000 Japanese ashigaru, and they are confronted by the Qing army that has gathered during this period of time.

Among them are not only the Zhenghuang Banner Han army loyal to Geng Jingzhong alone (the Jingnan King inherited by Geng Jingzhong belongs to Zhenghuang Banner), but also a large number of Fujian Green Battalion soldiers.

A big man with a Japanese samurai Tsukiyo head on his forehead, two samurai swords hanging from his waist, one long and one short, wearing the iron armor of a Banner samurai, a standard Japanese samurai dress.

The ghost-faced helmet was held by his waist, and he stared at the living army not far away.

"I'm lucky. There are so many living soldiers on the opposite side. If you kill them, you can not only get enough air-dried meat as a food reserve, but also get a lot of weapons and equipment from them. The ammunition for the iron cannon should also be taken from them. Obtain.

After dealing with the corpses of the farmers, they can attack the army of living people in front of them. "

Although the soldiers of the enemy army of the system need to eat, drink and sleep just like living people, they are still different from real living people.

For example, eating human flesh will not cause prions.

The living bodies of the soldiers of the enemy army of the system are similar to the digital bodies in the game. On the surface, they look the same as the living people born in October, but their flesh and blood are the manifestation of rules, and they will not be different from ordinary people. disease.

For example, the problem of acclimatization to the environment is completely invisible to the enemy soldiers of the system.

Of course, this does not mean that the enemy soldiers in the system are invulnerable to all poisons, they will also be poisoned.

Just don't get sick.

As for using human flesh as rations, there is absolutely no psychological pressure on the enemy army of the system, or they themselves do not have the seven emotions and six desires of a living person.

Soon, Geng Jingzhong's Wang Banner appeared behind the confronting Qing army, and at the same time Geng Jingzhong brought more Qing troops.

Lin Dengwan, surnamed Ri, saw that his enemies were getting more and more, and immediately dropped the freshly roasted human legs in his hand, and began to order soldiers to gather with curses.

Obviously, this Linden Wan Ri knew that he couldn't wait any longer, otherwise the number of enemies would increase.

And his ferocious and tyrannical character, which is not afraid of death, does not allow him to give up the "fat" in front of him.

That's right, the Qing army with sufficient weapons was regarded as fat in the pot by Lin Dengwan of Japan.

He didn't even bother to think about whether he would shatter his fangs before swallowing this piece of fat...

Each of these Japanese ashigaru is equipped with a pair of armor, not to mention that there are infantry spears, long swords, and iron cannons. They are all equipped with weapons, which are comparable to multi-functional arms.

In addition, they also have their own flags and drums and bugles, which are used to command operations.

As soon as Geng Jingzhong arrived at the front line, he saw the plaster flag erected by a group of troops wearing uniform armor on the opposite side.

That's right, the system enemy army did not respect history, but directly took out the Japanese plaster flag to use...

In fact, during the Warring States Period in Japan, the famous names of all parties did not use plaster flags at all.

"How is this going?

Who are the people on the opposite side? "

Geng Jingzhong could tell at a glance that although the army on the opposite side was flying the Japanese flag, they were not Japanese pirates at all.

The reason is simple, it is impossible for Japanese pirates to have such abundant 'armed equipment'.

What kind of pirates and Japanese pirates are these? It's all Japanese elites who came here!
However, the Japanese island country is far away from the ocean, how could it be possible to come to Fuzhou quietly?

"Reporting to the lord, all the people we sent to negotiate were killed by these Japanese bandits.

And they also eat people!
The subordinates witnessed with their own eyes that the leader of the group of bandits cut off the leg of the envoy we sent and roasted it in front of everyone! "

The leader who reported to Geng Jingzhong was also a well-informed person. He recognized the Japanese flag on the opposite side and told all about what he had seen and heard.

No matter what era it is in, cannibalism is not a good thing, and it is bound to be associated with words such as barbarian cruelty.

Obviously, the cannibal is also the object of the teacher of justice to do justice for the sky.

Not to mention, the leader of the Japanese army on the opposite side still ate the Qing army's own people.

Geng Jingzhong looked gloomy at the Japanese bandits who had gathered on the opposite side, and when he found that there were only 2000 of them, he immediately ordered in a loud voice, "Beat the drums, get ready to fight!"

Afterwards, under Geng Jingzhong's series of orders, it was no accident that the green battalion of the Qing Army in Fujian Province was placed at the forefront...

Fortunately, the generals of the Green Battalion have gotten used to their status. Now Geng Jingzhong hasn't raised the flag to rebel, and he is still the high-ranking King Jingnan of the Yellow Banner.

He has the highest status in Fujian Province.

Now it's time to wipe out the man-eating bandits again. Why do you have any reason to refuse to fight?
The most important thing is that none of the people, including Geng Jingzhong, knew that the opponent was the war puppet summoned by the demon Daoist Li Changqing.

After seeing the soldiers on the opposite side laying out the offensive formation, Lin Dengwan of Japan quickly issued a military order.

Lin Dengwan, who belongs to the unknown young general of Japan, naturally does not have too high military literacy, but only basic tactical command.

For example, if you see that the enemy is going to attack, you will list a platoon of guns.

Fortunately, the enemy soldiers in the system are soldiers who are prohibited by orders. They don't need to spend too much energy to command, and the orders issued will be 100% executed. There is even no need for military officers to restrain the soldiers and straighten the formation.

Geng Jingzhong's expression changed suddenly when he saw the uniform formation of the Japanese bandits on the opposite side. He never expected that this gang of cannibal Japanese bandits had such a high military quality.

Even the banner leader Han army under his direct control can't do this step!
Of course, the ability to fight does not depend entirely on the neatness of the formation.

Since the Qing army gathered in a hurry, no heavy artillery was brought, only a few light tiger squatting artillery.

Amidst the sound of rumbling drums, the Green Battalion Army of Fujian Province began to move forward slowly, with the artillerymen and standard bearers carrying tiger cannons walking in the forefront.

The Japanese Lin Dengwan's troops also listed three rows of horizontal formations, and the distance between the soldiers was fully separated by one person.

All the Japanese ashigaru were replaced with iron cannons, the matchlocks were lit, and they waited for the firing order.

After the attacking brigade of the Green Battalion of the Qing Army broke away from the formation, Lin Dengwan let out a shout, and the Japanese Ashigaru, who lined up in three horizontal rows, stepped forward in unison.

The steps forward like a guard of honor moved the Qing army generals in the rear and the green battalion soldiers in the front row.

Everyone in the Qing army realized that they had encountered a real strong army, not that kind of stuff.

If the opponent hadn't killed his envoy and roasted his legs in front of the Qing army, Geng Jingzhong would never have fought the opponent so abruptly.

Even if Geng Jingzhong's subordinates had gathered tens of thousands of troops at this time.

The green camp of the Qing army responsible for the attack has more than 4000 people, which is exactly double the strength of the Japanese ashigaru troops. The battlefields of the two sides are on relatively flat wilderness and farmland, with no shelter. Geng Jingzhong believes that his chances of winning are still very high .

The Fujian green battalion is not a hip-tight army. Although the firearms equipment rate is not as good as that of Guangdong Province, it is not too far behind.

The green battalion soldiers in the southeastern coastal provinces are not short of firearms such as bird guns.

The green battalion of the Qing army stopped first, and the gunners of the tiger squatting guns put down the artillery, and immediately loaded the ammunition and fired.

On the opposite side, the Japanese ashigaru, limited by the effective range of the iron cannon, are still striding forward.

tong tong~
The small tiger squat gun took the lead in firing projectiles, smashing into the Japanese Ashgaru queue.

The casualties caused by the shelling not only did not stop the Japanese ashigaru, but they were driven by Lin Dengwan to speed up, and the Japanese ashigaru didn't stop until the Qing army's gunner shot the first round of guns. , while the green camp bird musketballer was loading ammunition, he fired the volley gun.

This is the true sense of queuing up and shooting!

After the Japanese ashigaru shot a round, the first row stood in place to load ammunition, the last two rows continued to move forward, and then the second row stopped shooting.

In this way, the row that had finished shooting stopped to reload, and the row that hadn't fired moved forward a few steps before stopping to fire the guns, and so on.

In just a few rounds of musket shooting, the Fujian Lvying bird musketeers were blinded!
 I am very puzzled, I didn't write about women in Chapter 130, why was it reviewed?If Chapter 130 does not come out, please wait patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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