This Qing is wrong

Chapter 133 Could it be that they are Yin soldiers and ghost soldiers?

Chapter 133 Could it be that they are Yin soldiers and ghost soldiers?

Geng Jingzhong felt that he had overestimated the Japanese bandits on the opposite side, but he was still surprised.

I saw that those Japanese thieves were baptized with lead bullets like sprinkling water (the number of the Qing army shooting at each other was twice that of the Japanese army, and the weapons on both sides were matchlock guns, so the Qing army had more firepower), while methodically reloading and marching forward. line salvo.

The three rows of iron cannons suddenly fired a row of guns at about the same interval.

Where have the green battalion soldiers in Fujian seen such a uniform row of guns?
The Fujian Green Battalion soldiers were beaten back again and again by the Japanese elite Ashari's platoon guns, but Geng Jingzhong, who was in charge of supervising the battle, led the Han army under the banner of the headquarters, and stubbornly stood against the formation of the Fujian Green Battalion soldiers, preventing them from retreating.

As a result, fighting and fighting, the entire formation of the Fujian Green Battalion soldiers was crowded into a ball, and many of the soldiers were panicked, and very few were able to fight back.

Many Fujian green battalion soldiers with blank minds ran wildly towards the battlefield ahead in despair. As a result, they were taken care of by the Japanese ashigaru as expected, and none of those who escaped from the array survived.

In the green camp in Fujian, there were even mentally broken people kneeling on the ground, throwing their weapons aside, crying loudly, begging for mercy and calling their mother...

Behaving like a child.

As for the middle and low-level military officers of the Fujian green battalion, each of them was frightened by the continuous lead bullets, and kept putting the soldiers under their hands in front of them as human shields. In the name of killing his soldiers on the spot!

It wasn't until this time that Geng Jingzhong confirmed that the 4000 he had sent to the front... Oh yes, the Fujian Green Battalion soldiers, who should have less than 4000 now, were unable to continue to fight, so they had to order Ming Jin to withdraw their troops.

The Fujian green camp soldiers who heard the sound of gold swarmed and fled towards the passage left behind by the evacuation of the supervising team as if they were about to receive an amnesty.

Thousands of Fujian Green Battalion soldiers were shot out by the brave Japanese elite Ashigaru in the First World War...

However, Geng Jingzhong didn't blame the Fujian green battalion soldiers for being unbearable. All the generals of the Qing army who were watching the battle knew that the Fujian green battalion soldiers lost more than they were, not because they were too stretched, but because the enemy was too strong!
From the beginning to the end, none of the Japanese elite ashigaru on the opposite side panicked, and there was not even a hand shake.

On the road the Japanese soldiers passed by, there were corpses of their own people all over the place, but those Japanese soldiers didn't even look at them, they raised their legs and walked over without hesitation, without slowing down at all.

Geng Jingzhong even doubted whether he was fighting with the human army or a group of emotionless ghost soldiers.

It's just that the big sun above his head dispelled his 'underworld thoughts'.

Even if there are really dark soldiers, it is impossible to rush out in broad daylight.

But apart from this point, the Japanese soldiers on the opposite side are really not much different from the legendary Yin soldiers.

His face was expressionless, without any emotion, and he was so cannibalistic!
Isn't this the folk description of ghost soldiers and ghost soldiers?
However, Geng Jingzhong now has no chance of regretting it. After the Japanese elite ashigaru defeated the Fujian green battalion, they only stopped briefly to fill the vacancies of the dead soldiers, and rearranged the loose formation into a dense volley formation. , he stepped forward again, pressing towards Geng Jingzhong's headquarters.

At this time, Geng Jingzhong didn't care about preserving his strength anymore.

Fujian is mountainous and forested, and there are no horses to supplement it. After King Jingnan moved to Fujian Province, the proportion of cavalry has gradually decreased. Today, most of the banner-leading Han troops swarming in front of Geng Jingzhong are infantry.

Seeing that the Japanese army is about to get close to their faces, if they retreat at this time, as long as the opponent makes a sudden charge, the retreat will turn into a rout!

I don't know how many people will die by then.

Rather than losing troops in the retreat, it is better to fight with the opponent. At this time, Geng Jingzhong gathered more than 6000 Han troops under the banner of Gengwangzhuang. Five hundred?
Four times the strength of the troops, and the Han army led by the banner is an elite who followed King Jingnan's lineage to conquer the north and south, so how could it be possible to lose?

Of course, Geng Jingzhong’s flag-leading Han army is not limited to this, but he has not been gathering troops for a long time, and other sites controlled by Prince Jingnan’s palace also need to stay there. There are only a few thousand people.

Geng Jingzhong wanted to raise the flag to rebel, instead of concentrating all his forces on one point to rebel, but to assign his confidant generals to kill and arrest Manchu officials in multiple cities at the same time, so as to control the cities and even the Qing army inside.

Only in this way can a large enough momentum be created in the first time when the flag is raised for rebellion.

Geng Jingzhong's gathering of troops and generals was more like dispersing the Qing army forces that did not belong to him in Fujian Province, and privately summoning his confidants and old troops to plot the specific details of the rebellion.

It's a pity that Geng Jingzhong was selected by Li Changqing lying down before raising the flag...

When the Japanese elite ashigaru passed by the tiger squatting cannons discarded by the retreating Qing army, they didn't respond at all. Only Lin Dengwan brought a few close friends to the tiger squatting cannons, and squatted down to study them carefully.

After Lin Dengwan gave the order to attack, he didn't give another order. The execution efficiency of the enemy army in the system was too high, and the commander didn't need to worry about it at all.

"This small cannon is a good thing, and it seems to be quite simple to operate. Do you want to try it?"

Lin Dengwan looked at the tiger crouching cannon in front of him, and said to himself with a smile.

As for the battlefield not far away, it was completely ignored by this careless Japanese Lin Dengwan.

As a matter of course, Japan's elite ashigaru, who did not receive a new order, continued to attack.

As long as the commander does not give an order to stop, they will continue to fight until all enemies in sight are wiped out.

The Qing army on the opposite side began to mobilize frequently. The banner-leading Han army under the command of King Jingnan, who had iron plates on his body, quickly changed into three battle formations under Geng Jingzhong's command and dispatch.

The left and right wings are a column formation, and before the Japanese elite ashigaru can get close, they turn around and outflank the two wings.

On the front is a row of guns like the previous Fujian green battalion.

It's just that there are many senior archers in these flag-leading Han troops who can draw hard bows. The front row is the bird blunderbuss and the turtledove foot fire blunderbuss, and the back row is the archers.

There are no special pikemen, because every Han soldier who leads the banner is an elite soldier of three battles!
They all carry a long spear on their backs, and after shooting the guns or bows and arrows, they can immediately change to long spears to form a dense long spear array to meet the enemy.

If caught in a melee, they will also draw out their melee weapons.

These elite flag-leading Han troops have two kinds of melee weapons, one is a blunt weapon such as a mace, and the other is a waist knife for cutting people.

As we all know, it is more powerful to use a sword to deal with unarmored and lightly armored targets. A casual touch will result in a bloody gash.

There are only two situations in which he was stabbed several times like in a film and television drama, and his whole body is covered in bloody knife wounds, and he can still fight fiercely.

The first is the beautification effect of film and television dramas, where the director forcibly adds scenes!
The second is that the quality of the armor on this person's body is too good, and most of the dripping blood on his body is from other people. Under the defense of the armor, the wound can only be regarded as a flesh wound, and the fierce battle can only continue if there is no injury to the inside.

However, the second situation seldom happens, because no one is a fool on the real battlefield. Seeing you slashing hard with a sword in an iron shell, do you think you have more strength or more physical fitness?

When encountering lightly armored or unarmored units, the soldiers may not use any weapons to meet the enemy, blunt weapons can also kill people!

But when encountering heavy armored units, as long as they have blunt weapons in their hands and their brains are not twitching, soldiers will choose blunt weapons to attack instead of using swords with armor-piercing effects to defraud the enemy.

Lin Dengwan, who was still studying the tiger crouching gun and even wanted to ride up and shoot it himself, didn't realize that his team was in danger.

Obviously, although this rebel leader has the wisdom of a normal person, his personality flaws are too great, and he is completely impulsive and violent!
The timing on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and Geng Jingzhong has successfully put the advancing Japanese elite ashigaru into his pocket formation after a delay of more than ten minutes.

In the standard pocket formation, the front side uses a row of guns to line up with the opponent to shoot, while the two wings circle around and outflank the past, and then shoot the Japanese elite ashigaru from the side.

All of a sudden, the battlefield was full of gunpowder, and the Japanese Ashgaru, who was shot by guns from three sides, completely ignored the firepower of the guns on both wings because there was no order from Japan's Lin Dengwan. Shooting continued to press down on Geng Jingzhong's banner-leading Han army.

At this moment, Geng Jingzhong's flag-leading Han army felt the tremendous pressure that the Fujian green battalion soldiers felt. Every minute and every second, some of them fell down, and not only a few at a time, but at least double-digit starts.

As the distance gets closer, even triple digits can fall at a time!
Every round of firing guns is a serious blow to the soul of Geng Jingzhong's banner leader Han army.

Fortunately, the flag-leading Han soldiers have many guns, and there are three-dimensional strikes in the back row, and arrows are thrown.

The Japanese elite ashigaru, who had been baptized by guns on three sides, continued to drop arrows from above their heads, causing more casualties, and they were almost dead before they reached the front of the flag-leading Han army.

Naturally, the sound of gunfire on the battlefield has also become more and more sparse.

The Japanese Lin Dengwan, who had just been studying the loading of ammunition for the tiger squatting gun, heard the sound of gunfire on the battlefield not far away became sparse. He stood up and looked up suspiciously, and then his eyes widened.

"Where are my soldiers?
idiot! ! ! "

In order to solve the language problem, as the leaders of the rebel army, Lin Dengwan will master at least one foreign language in addition to their native language.

That is, the lingua franca of the countries in which they were placed, and the Chinese spoken by Li Changqing.

Generally speaking, Japanese Lin Dengwan seldom speaks his native language except for giving command orders. This can be regarded as a simplified language setting of the system enemy army.

Now Lin Dengwan in Japan is even swearing in his mother tongue, obviously out of anger to the point of losing his mind.

When Japan Lindenwan was roaring, a team of Han Eight Banners cavalry rushed towards the direction where Japan Lindenwan was.

Lin Dengwan had only single-digit personal guards around him. Lin Dengwan never expected such people to protect his safety, he just left some people to help him.

When the remaining Japanese elite ashigaru saw the enemy cavalry approaching, they raised their iron cannons one after another, and skillfully lit the ends of the matchlock.

On the other hand, Lin Dengwan of Japan looked at the direction of the Qing army's cavalry with vicious eyes, picked up the tiger crouching cannon in front of him, and turned around.

The ammunition inside has already been filled, and it was filled by Lin Dengwan himself in Japan...

At this time, Lin Dengwan didn't care whether the ammunition he loaded was correct, his eyes were full of angry hatred, and he lit the matchlock behind the tiger crouching cannon.

There was a loud bang, and no accident, the Japanese Lin Dengwan, who stuffed black powder into his death, was blown away by the tiger crouching cannon in front of him...

Even the Japanese elite ashigaru who was guarded by Lin Dengwan was overturned by the shock wave.

When they were about to get up, the cavalry of the Qing army had already killed them. With a spear, the Japanese elite ashigaru and even the Japanese Lin Dengwan who had just got up and had not had time to pick up their weapons were killed by the cavalry of the Qing army almost at the same time. The spear stabbed into skewers.

After the Japanese Lin Dengwan lost his breath, all the corpses of the Japanese elite Ashgaru on the battlefield and the weapons and equipment they brought disappeared, even the lead bullet fragments they shot into the Qing soldiers disappeared.

This fantastic scene immediately silenced the noisy Qing army brigade.

Several timid soldiers of the Qing army even sat down on the ground, trembling unconsciously.

"It' broad daylight, are we seeing a ghost?"

"We weren't fighting with ghost soldiers and generals just now, why have all the corpses and weapons of those people disappeared?!"

"Mantian gods and Buddhas, Jade Emperor, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Tathagata Buddha... I beg you to bless me, don't let me be contaminated with ghosts..."

On the battlefield, many Qing soldiers began to whisper prayers.

It's a pity that these Qing army soldiers are good at cutting people, but they are completely laymen in prayer.

The senior generals of the Qing army beside Geng Jingzhong looked at each other, unable to understand what was going on for a while.

After all, they had never fought against the demon Taoist Li Changqing, and the demon Taoist Li Changqing was in Guangdong Province, which was too far away from them, so they didn't think about the demon Taoist Li Changqing at the first time.

Or dare not think in that direction.

Summoning a war puppet in the field of vision can still be said to be a monster, and throwing a war puppet across a large province, this damn is definitely a fairy trick!
If Li Changqing, the demon Taoist, is a living god, everyone should stop serving the Qing Dynasty and kneel down to welcome the living god!

"It's not really ghost soldiers and ghost soldiers who are fighting us.

Today's Japan is ruled by the Tokugawa shogunate, and it is impossible to be an enemy of us. The Japanese soldiers who fought against us wore the same clothes as the Japanese soldiers who invaded Korea during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. "

As soon as these words came out, Geng Jingzhong glared at the leader who spoke.

 Chapter 130 has been released, and there is no deletion at all. You can subscribe with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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