This Qing is wrong

Chapter 134 The Tribulation of the World

Chapter 134 The Tribulation of the World
"Where do ghost soldiers and ghost soldiers come from in broad daylight? This kind of nonsense that confuses the morale of the army will kill people!"

After Geng Jingzhong's words fell, the shocked generals of the Qing army suddenly shuddered, knowing what they should do now.

Soon, a series of sealing orders were issued, which forced Geng Jingzhong to delay his plan to raise the flag to rebel.

While he sent people to collect information on soldiers who would disappear after death, he wrote a note on the results of the battle and reported it to the capital.

With so many green battalion soldiers and banner-leading Han troops dead, it is impossible to suppress such a thing, and there is no need to hide it.

It just so happened that Geng Jingzhong could use this battle to continue to express his loyalty to Emperor Kangxi and deceive Emperor Kangxi.

Geng Jingzhong is a good servant of the Qing Dynasty until the moment when the flag is raised for rebellion.

When Geng Jingzhong was here to clean up the aftermath, Li Changqing, who was not suitable for children in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, was shocked, and while enjoying it, he closed his eyes and opened the system panel to check it in his mind.

"It seems that my experiment was very successful, the enemy army of the system was wiped out so quickly.

This shows that even if Lin Dengwan was the leader of the wave of enemy troops I launched, their combat effectiveness was not very strong, and the location of the launch was very close to Geng Jingzhong's army, so they were wiped out in less than a day.

Let me take a look at what unit templates can be extracted this time.


Suddenly, a certain hormone in Li Changqing's body rose rapidly, and then he closed the system panel and began...

After finishing the work, Li Changqing washed his body under the service of Qiu Shuzhen, lay lazily on the soft bed, and opened the system panel again.

At this time, there is an option to randomly draw the template of the basic unit, and there is a countdown behind the option. If Li Changqing does not draw before the countdown is over, the system will automatically give up this reward.

[Congratulations to the host for extracting the basic unit model pikemen.

Pikemen: Elite soldiers equipped with iron armor and helmets, and equipped with high-quality infantry spears. 】

"This troop template is really basic enough. The simple system doesn't give me information about the lottery pool. I don't even know what the basic troop template has."

Li Changqing pouted speechlessly, then opened the updated system panel.

【Name: Li Changqing

Life Body: From the physical body to the seventh-rank martial artist (No. 1 world evaluation standard)
Life Essence: 130
Life Essence Refining Furnace: It can refine up to seven ranks of body transformation pills

Unused mind control quota: 2
Unused soldier training quota: 1000
Troops that have completed training: 2370 recruits

Cumulative times of destroying system enemy troops in the fourth stage: 1
The unit template that has been extracted: Pikemen

Random task generation: None]

Compared with the previous system panel, the current system panel lacks the column of upcoming system enemies and is replaced by a countdown interface.

Li Changqing has been crazily launching system enemy troops, and the accumulated countdown is enough for him to live a small life for several years.

The enemy of the fourth-stage system has no news, and even the most basic name will not be known until after the launch.

Of course, the fourth stage of the system also has a few more options that were not available before.

"Looking at the template of this unit now, it can only be used after the number of enemy annihilations has accumulated five times.

I hope I can extract a useful unit template before using it.

The pikemen are too ordinary, at best they can be regarded as the regular army of the cold weapon era.

Now even the Qing army is equipped with firearms. No matter how bad the Western powers in this parallel world are, they are probably stronger than the history of the world I was originally in.

At least the guns used by the Portuguese in Macau are more advanced than those of the Qing army, and they have even completed the elimination of matchlock guns, and all staff are equipped with flintlock guns.

It's just that the price of flintlock guns was raised too high by foreigners, and the Qing army didn't have much demand, so they didn't buy them from the Portuguese. "

After reviewing the system panel, Li Changqing opened the small map and began to think about the next delivery target.

Since the enemy army of the system in the fourth stage is not as perverted as expected, he can naturally deploy it with confidence.

However, Li Changqing still had a conscience, and would not put it on the gray and black areas of the small map. Even if there were Qing troops there, they were only Qing troops of substandard quality.

Even if the system enemy army has the leader Lin Dengwan, they still have 100% malice towards the living.

"Don't think about the ones in the neighboring province for the time being, let's deal with the Qing army in Guangdong Province first.

The Qing army in Guangdong Province has only one big red dot, which should be where Shang Kexi is located.

No matter how the troops are divided, Shang Kexi can't let the troops around him be too small.

This big red dot is the main target location where I put the system enemy forces next.

The other little red dots are too scattered and there are too many of them.

If every little red dot drops an enemy army of the system, Guangdong Province will probably be reduced to the world of the dead, and it won't do me any good.

The current enemy army in the system is a double-edged sword, and I have to take good care of this water outlet. "

Although most of the small map has a gray and black background, there are still basic provincial boundaries.

Li Changqing found that almost all the prefectural capitals and cities in Guangdong Province have a small red dot, and some large counties also have small red dots.

These cities, like mountains and rivers, are only marked with a name.

For example, the big red dot is located in the city of Zhaoqing Prefecture.

From the small map, it is impossible to tell whether the army is inside or outside the Fucheng city, because there is only a title-like Chinese character on the small map showing Zhaoqing Prefecture.

Of course, the cities that were not marked with red dots did not mean that there were no Qing troops stationed there. It was just that the comprehensive evaluation of the quantity and quality of the Qing troops did not meet the system's evaluation standards, so they were not displayed.

What is the specific standard, no accident, the simple system does not have any prompts...

This system is overbearing, but in terms of humanized service, there are really bad reviews. Many things need to be explored by Li Changqing himself.

"Let's take Shang Kexi first.

The first wave of system enemies has been wiped out, and it won't take long for Geng Jingzhong in Fujian to suspect that those system enemies were launched by me.

For Shang Kexi who knows me well, seeing the scene where the system's enemy army is destroyed and then disappears, he may be able to immediately confirm that it was me who launched it.

When Shang Kexi realizes that he is not safe no matter where he is, there is a high probability that he will gather all the troops to protect himself.

At that time, the Qing army scattered in Guangdong Province may be regrouped by Shang Kexi.

I don't believe that Shang Kexi will continue to adhere to the strategy of dividing troops under the crisis of life and death.

As long as I control the consumption speed of the Qing army and the system enemy army, I don't have to worry that the system enemy army will eat me back too much.

Sure enough, as long as I operate properly, no matter how strong the system enemy army is, it is just a sharp knife in my hand.

After the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong Province was wiped out, the training of the new army on my side has almost been completed, and a thousand professional soldiers can be drawn from the template of the arms, so it is no problem to take over Guangdong Province.

With a province and a powerful system, the dream of overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and putting Kang Mazi to death at the Meridian Gate of the capital could easily come true! "

Li Changqing did what he thought, and launched a wave of systematic enemies towards the only big red dot in Guangdong Province.

For some reason, this time the system only indicated that the launch was successful, and did not respond to Lin Dengwan's reply.

Could it be that Lin Dengwan, who was released this time, is more 'shy'?
After the release, Li Changqing's eyes fell on the system enemy black dot marked on the mini-map.

"The name of the rebel leader Lin Dengwan Ying?
2000 British elite redshirts...

My God, Shang Kexi has won the lottery, and the British Lobster Soldiers have been brushed out in no time! "

When Li Changqing was holding a small map to launch the system enemy army, the white-haired and white-bearded old man who was retreating in an ancient Taoist temple on Wudang Mountain suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp light burst out from his pupils, and the air in front of his eyes burst A wisp of electric spark came out.

Afterwards, the old man counted his fingers, stood up with a face full of shock, and turned his back to the sky.

"It turned out to be a sign of a catastrophe in the world.

The origin of the omen also comes from people from beyond the sky, what's going on? "

The old man with a face full of shock closed his eyes again, pinched his fingers and counted again, and his tone couldn't help but play a strange tone.

"It's strange, it's obviously a catastrophe, but why did I calculate the future of the great prosperity of the Eastern Han people?

Could it be that the source of the catastrophe is us Han people?
That being the case, why did the person at the source come from the outer world?

It doesn't make sense logically.

No, no matter whether the east is prosperous or not in the future, the whole world will be turned into ruins by the chaos of war. I must stop that alien visitor!
The Manchus and the Tartars only had national luck for more than 200 years. Once the Manchus were destroyed, the East would usher in great prosperity after going through hardships. This future is the prosperity of all peoples in the world.

The future under the interference of aliens may allow the Eastern Han people to be superior to other ethnic groups, but after all, it will bring about the loss of life, and it is unknown how many living people will survive when he finishes conquering the world.

This kind of future buried in the war, even if the Eastern Han people are prosperous, so what?
After all, it is ordinary people who suffer.

Moreover, that foreigner seems to have bad intentions towards my Taoist lineage, we must not allow him to grow stronger! "

This old man who calculated the past, present and future is the only Taoist celestial master known by the imperial court in the world today.

The name is Zhang Feng.

It is precisely because of his retreat on Wudang Mountain that a Taoist court was established on Wudang Mountain, and it became the existence of the general rudder of Taoism in the world.

It's just that Taoism emphasizes avoiding the world and self-cultivation, so the world doesn't know the name of Tianshi Zhang. Only the well-informed and the high-ranking officials of the court know the existence of Zhang Feng and the Taoist court.

When the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, Dorgon personally led people to set foot on Wudang Mountain, but Zhang Feng was refused when he asked Zhang Feng to come out of the mountain to assist him.

At that time, Dorgon sent troops to besiege Wudang Mountain in a rage. As a result, when the Qing army attacked Wudang Mountain, they did not see any Taoist people, even ordinary Taoist boys disappeared, let alone Zhang Feng, a genius. teacher.

On the top of the entire Wudang Mountain, there is only an unnamed stone tablet left, on which it is written that Dorgon offended the Taoist court, how many years will be lost, and in which year will he die!
When Dorgon saw the stele, he didn't take it seriously while being angry.

As everyone knows, since returning from this siege without success, Dorgon's health has deteriorated day by day, and eventually died of illness on the bed.

From then on, the news was strictly sealed by the top officials of the Qing court, and the Manchu Qing court even sent people to the mountain to apologize.

Miraculously, this time the envoys sent by the Manchu Qing court saw the scene of a prosperous Taoist court on Wudang Mountain. Zhang Tianshi also greeted the Qing court envoys in person, and agreed that the two sides should not interfere with the water of the river.

From then on, the Taoist court on Wudang Mountain continued to live a life of indifference to the world, and the Qing court did not continue to persecute the Taoist lineage.

Even hired several Taoist priests with real skills.

The realm of Taoism is very crude. The lowest level of Taoism is an ordinary person. Only after enlightenment from the altar can one become a real Taoist priest.

And the Qing court hired only Taoists at the level of Taoists.

Real people who are above Taoist priests don't even bother to show up, let alone be hired by the Qing court. As the only known celestial master, Zhang Feng, on behalf of Taoism, signed a 'non-aggression treaty' with the Qing court.

The Qing court was willing to compromise, mainly because the Qing court could not do anything to Zhang Feng's Taoist court, but the Taoist school could accurately calculate the lifespan limit of the Qing court's senior officials, and even shortened the Qing court's senior officials' lifespan!

May I ask, what else can the Qing court do besides bow their heads?
Taoism is pure-minded, has no intention of power, and its whereabouts are mysterious. What else can the Qing court do besides maintaining neutrality?
Of course, this kind of Daoist power that stands aloof from the world is also liked by the high-ranking officials of the Qing court. It is much cuter than the Buddhist sects in the Western Regions who always send spies to the Central Plains...

Zhang Feng, as the peak celestial master of the Taoist cultivation system, originally had no desires other than longevity, but it was a pity that Li Changqing appeared out of nowhere, making him aware of the coming catastrophe.

This is not only a catastrophe for the whole world (this world refers to the whole world), but also a catastrophe for the Taoist lineage. How could Zhang Feng ignore it?

He even saw a scene of his own demise in the future, it was too horrible to look at!

Zhang Feng, who pursued longevity all his life, was naturally unwilling to accept this kind of future.

He called a few real disciples, and ordered the Taoist court to send people to Tiannan to investigate the rising rebels.

Zhang Feng didn't know the specific identity and name of the visitor from beyond the sky, but he only knew that the other party would definitely turn against the Manchu and Qing courts, and he would use all-powerful means, and the starting point was in the south of the sky.

The sky-reaching means of this visitor from outside the sky is the root of the catastrophe of annihilation.

Once the aliens grow up, the whole world will fall into a long period of high-intensity war.

Therefore, the first thing Zhang Feng has to do is to determine the identity of the alien.

This is not difficult, as long as there are any Manchu rebels with great achievements in Tiannan, you will know.

The extraterrestrial visitors have cruel means, as long as they rebel, they will definitely not be able to hide the news.

After Zhang Feng made the arrangements, he sat cross-legged in his retreat with his brows tightly furrowed, and began to look inside at his body.

The practice goal of the Taoist lineage is to pursue immortality, which can be said to be the most thoroughly researched practice system on longevity in the world.

In Zhang Feng's inner vision, he can already see the cell activities in his body.

According to previous studies and his own practice for many years, he already knew that it is not the soul, the ghost, but the flesh and blood that limits the lifespan of a mortal!
(End of this chapter)

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