This Qing is wrong

Chapter 138 The Tragic Abandoned Son

Chapter 138 The Tragic Abandoned Son

"Everyone, please rest assured that your family members are packing up their belongings. For every hour we stay here, all of your family members will be able to escape for an additional hour.

We are not only fighting for the Qing Dynasty, but also buying time for our family members to escape! "

The generals of the Qing army above kept propagandizing in front of the restless Qing soldiers, and the restless Qing soldiers calmed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Amidst the rumbling cannons of the French Artillery Corps, a hoarse cry suddenly came out.

"For the family, kill the war puppet!"

When the military attache of the Qing army heard it, his eyes lit up, he simply polished up the vocabulary and shouted: "Protect the family, kill the war puppet!"

"Protect the family, kill the war puppet!"

"Protect the family, kill the war puppet!"


The shouting became louder and louder, and the soldiers of the Qing army who heard it were brought into rhythm, and shouted with a little madness.

Protecting Daqing is not enough to make them desperate, but the meaning of protecting the family is completely different.

Even if there are so few Qing soldiers who don't care about their family members after stroke, they can only follow the trend at this time.

This is the power of the collective, the minority obeys the majority!
Linden Wan of France raised his binoculars and looked at the already chaotic formation of the Qing army, but suddenly calmed down again. The slogans he shouted even came faintly, which could compete with the rumble of artillery.

Lin Dengwan put down the binoculars in his hand, and wondered to himself, "It's strange, are these living people not afraid of death?"

Lindenwan of France thought for a moment and gave an order to let the artillery move the artillery forward!

Lin Dengwan believed that the Qing army on the opposite side was not afraid of shelling because the distance between the two sides was too far and the hit rate of the shelling was too low.

The French Artillery Corps, as its name suggests, is a regiment built with artillery as its core.

Although there are many infantry and even a few cavalry, these arms fight around artillery.

To put it simply, it is to bombard the enemy's main formation with artillery first, and then the infantry attack to deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

After France Lindenwan ordered, the array of the entire French Artillery Corps immediately began to operate.

The artillerymen in the middle stopped shelling one after another, and hung the artillery on the pack horse, and the artillery drove the pack horse forward slowly.

Among them, the slowest moving speed is naturally the 12-pound Napoleon field gun. In order to take care of the speed of the 12-pound Napoleon field gun, other French soldiers can only slow down.

However, the 3-pound cavalry artillery on both wings did not follow the artillery units. They walked in the forefront with the infantry brigade.

All the French cavalry guarded the cannon.

As a result, the French Artillery Corps formed a column phalanx with small artillery and infantry in front and heavy artillery in the rear.

When the generals of the Qing army saw the enemy ostentatiously transporting artillery forward under their noses, they naturally would not sit still.

Based on their understanding of the war puppets summoned by the demon Taoist Li Changqing, these war puppets who are not afraid of death are likely to place heavy artillery outside the effective range of muskets, and spray the Qing army with shotguns!
At that point, even the Qing army's infantry formation, which was inspired to be brave, couldn't hold it back.

You must know that even in the era of Napoleon, the elite infantry of various countries who were accustomed to being bombarded by artillery would often be defeated in the face of close-range shotgun salvos from artillery.

However, the war puppets on the opposite side let the infantry and cavalry cannons open the way, just waiting for the Qing army's infantry formation to take the initiative to attack.

The six-pound infantry artillery and twelve-pound infantry artillery may not be deployed in time during the Qing infantry charge, but those three-pound cavalry cannons and large-caliber mortars can certainly be fired quickly.

Not to mention that there is a large group of infantry responsible for shooting cover.

At this time, let the Qing infantry rush up, not to mention the fire interception of the French infantry and small artillery, and it is easy to fall into an anxious melee.

Once dragged by the French infantry, after the heavy artillery of the French Artillery Regiment was deployed, a few rounds of cannonballs were fired, and the Qing army that rushed up was almost finished.

Therefore, at this time, the Qing army could only send cavalry to charge.

When the general of the Qing army reported to Shang Kexi the suggestion of dispatching cavalry to attack the heavy artillery behind the French artillery regiment in a roundabout way, Shang Kexi decisively rejected it.

The reason is simple, Shang Kexi wants to escape with the cavalry!

Encountering the puppet attack of the demon Taoist Li Changqing, he is not sure how much the infantry can run, but he is still confident that he can take away all the cavalry.

At this time, how could it be possible to throw all the cavalry into the battlefield like a bottomless pit?

The monster Li Changqing has as many war puppets as he wants, and killing all the war puppets is meaningless to Shang Kexi, and he still counts on the thousands of cavalry under his command as his old base.

Shang Kexi saw that most of his direct troops were about to be wiped out by the demon Taoist Li Changqing, so he naturally wanted to retain as much strength as possible at this time.

Otherwise, if Guangdong Province is lost and military power is lost in his hands, how will the emperor of the Qing court treat him?

Shang Kexi, who has fought all his life, knows very well that in the eyes of the Qing court, the greatest value of a traitor king with a different surname is the soldiers in his hands, without which he is nothing!

Shang Kexi's preservation of strength is not to deal with the demon Li Changqing, but to keep the Shang family's power and position in the Qing court.

Shang Kexi not only rejected the proposal to send cavalry, but also began to arrange for the cavalry to retreat secretly.

At this time, the formation of the Qing army had been transformed, and the pawns were all placed in front.

Three super-large horizontal formations on the left, middle and right were formed.

The cavalry has always been in a position hidden from the sight of ordinary Qing soldiers and middle- and lower-level Qing military attaches. As long as the Qing generals deliberately conceal it, the Qing soldiers in the three large formations on the front line will have no way of knowing that the main force of their cavalry has started to run away.

As for the families of ordinary Qing soldiers in Zhaoqing Mansion, they naturally did not organize large-scale escapes.

Only the generals of the Qing army, relatives and family members of Shang Kexi, and family members of the cavalry team escaped in an organized manner.

After all, the more people organized to escape from Zhaoqing Mansion, the longer it would take.

Many family members of the infantry of the Qing army who saw this scene rushed to the street to inquire, while the Shangfan guards who were in charge of maintaining order lied to them that they would arrange for the big guys to run together later.

As for the reason for running away, it was naturally that the war puppet of the demon Dao Li Changqing came to kill him!
As long as this explanation is given, there is no need to arrange other reasons at all, and the big guy will spontaneously prepare to escape.

The entire city of Zhaoqing Mansion suddenly became chaotic, and even those wealthy Han families began to rush to load their cars and run away.

It's just that the gates of the city have been controlled by the soldiers of the Qing army, and everyone has to give way to the 'first batch' of running crowds, and it is impossible to leave the city of Zhaoqing Prefecture.

So many people are busy running, naturally benefiting from the Qing government's black propaganda of the demon Daoist Li Changqing.

Only those Han people who were impoverished and did not eat their last meal did not join the running army, but looked at this group of people numbly.

Many poor Han people even planned to wait for the old bannermen to leave, and then secretly ran to the houses they left behind to see if there were any useful things left behind.

In fact, most of the Han people on the streets are locals of Zhaoqing Prefecture, but after the Qing army came over, they robbed their houses and wealth, and then fell to the streets...

The migration of Shangfan was a disaster for the Han people at the bottom.

On the battlefield outside the city, the soldiers of the Qing army in the front row watched the puppet summoned by the demon Taoist Li Changqing dragging the artillery towards them. Some of them couldn't help asking: "Why do we fight them in the wilderness? Can't you go back to the city and rely on the city wall to fight these brutal war puppets?
At least, then we don't have to face the shells! "

"What are you thinking!

The city is organizing our family and relatives to run away. If we enter the city, when these demonic Li Changqing's war puppets surround the city, how can our family run away?
I heard that the war puppets summoned by the demon Taoist Li Changqing all kill people without blinking an eye. We can't put these war puppets in front of our family. "

"I heard that the war puppets of the demon Dao Li Changqing don't have any brains, they only know how to charge with weapons, but today I saw that those people are talking nonsense.

Not only did they not charge mindlessly, but they also brought so many artillery pieces that they knew that the infantry would cover the artillery pieces.

How can this be a war puppet without a brain!
It is no different from the army formed by our normal people. "

"That's right, how did the puppet summoned by the demon Daoist Li Changqing become so smart, can Daqing really beat the demon Daoist Li Changqing in the future?
Will we be treated as cannon fodder and die in the hands of the monster Li Changqing's puppet..."

"It's a pity, the demon Daoist Li Changqing is a man-eating monster, otherwise I will definitely join the demon Daoist Li Changqing as a soldier.

This Daqing, in my opinion, is no match for the demon Li Changqing at all. "

"Oh, who said otherwise?

If Li Changqing, the Demon Dao, didn't eat people, it would be safe enough to be a soldier under him. Li Changqing, the Demon Dao, would have many puppets fighting for him, so he wouldn't need to go to the battlefield at all. "

The soldiers were chattering, and the surrounding grassroots military officers did not suppress it.

Because these mid- and lower-level military officers of the Qing army discovered that their fate at this time was not much better than that of the big soldiers under their hands!

As the artillery of the French Artillery Corps got closer and closer, those senior generals all rode back to the rear!
"You said, we won't be sold."

A grassroots military officer walked to his colleagues and whispered.

"Probably not.

Without us, would King Pingnan still be considered King Pingnan? "

"It's true, the prince has always brought us by his side, isn't it just to hold on to the military power?
However, those generals have all left, and I feel panicked.

If you are left behind..."

"When the time comes to fight, it depends on the situation. If things cannot be violated, life-saving is the most important thing.

This world of the Qing Dynasty is not very reliable in the face of the demon Taoist Li Changqing's ability to summon war puppets. Being a slave to the Qing Dynasty may not be the way out for people like you and me. "

"However, our hands are all stained with the blood of the Han people. If we don't follow the Qing Dynasty, we will be torn to pieces by those remnants of the former Ming Dynasty and the Han people sooner or later. We can't go back to our hometown in Liaodong to farm.

If we really fall into that situation, what are we trying to do all these years? "

"Hey, ever since Li Changqing, a demon Taoist, came out in Chaozhou Prefecture, our life has been getting worse day by day. The farm that has been in operation for several years has disappeared if it is said to be gone, and we have not seen compensation.

Even the prince and the old man were frightened by being chased by the demon Taoist Li Changqing.

If it weren't for the demon Li Changqing who likes to eat people's hearts, we might as well vote for the Qing army.

At least it's much better than turning grass into bandits.

People like us in Guangdong Province can't get any benefits without the support of the big tree of the imperial court.

Don't mention how much the Han Chinese in Guangdong hate us. "

"At the beginning, how could I have imagined that the Qing Dynasty, which was in full swing, would become like this so quickly.

Even characters like Emperor Yongli and Li Dingguo were beaten to death by the Qing Dynasty, but a demon Li Changqing popped up unexpectedly. Could it be that God is going to destroy the Qing Dynasty?

Otherwise, the Qing Dynasty, which is rich in the world, shouldn't have suffered so many disasters and be reduced to this point. "

"The war puppets on the opposite side are coming up soon. Let's finish this battle first. People like us have no way out in Guangdong Province. If we don't follow King Pingnan, we can only be street rats!"


Under the terrified gaze of the Qing army, the French Artillery Corps did not encounter any obstacles, only sporadic tiger squatting guns fired shells with extremely poor accuracy, taking the lives of several French soldiers from time to time.

In this way, Lin Dengwan of France easily deployed his artillery, and pointed the muzzle at the Qing army formation in unison.

And, all loaded with shotgun.

When Lin Dengwan from France saw that everything was ready, he couldn't help wondering: "The living people on the other side are so stupid, they just watched me deploy the artillery, and it was still at such a short distance.

Could it be that they don't even have a cavalry?
Moreover, do not retreat!

This is the rhythm of courting death!

That being the case, I will give you a ride. After this battle, I should be able to add a lot of black powder. "

French Lindenwan grinned wide, showing his big yellow teeth, and gave the order to fire with a smile.

The command flag was waved, and a whole row of black-holed muzzles aimed at the pale-faced soldiers in the front row of the Qing army.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers in the front row of the Qing army couldn't help asking themselves: "Why are we standing here and being bombarded?
Are all those officials fools?
Or do they want us dead? ! "

This idea has not yet been fermented, accompanied by the earth-shattering salvo of artillery, pieces of cannonballs were sprayed by six-pound infantry field guns and twelve-pound infantry field guns in front of the front row soldiers of the Qing army.

For a while, the Qing army's formation was crumbling from the bombardment!
It was the first time that the military attache and soldiers of the Qing army were stunned when they saw so many artillery bombarded with shotgun shells. They did not expect the lethality of artillery bombardment at close range to be so great!
Many military attaches of the Qing army could no longer wait for orders from their superiors, and gave orders to charge on their own.

Otherwise, if you continue to stay like this, you don't need the enemy to attack, and your own formation will be bombarded by the enemy's artillery!
At the same time, where Shang Kexi's commander-in-chief was located, Shang Kexi himself and the senior generals had long since disappeared, and only some deputies were left here pretending to be senior generals to give orders.

This is why the Qing army on the front line has not received the military order for a long time.

They have become outcasts.

(End of this chapter)

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