This Qing is wrong

Chapter 139 Taking the Army to Surrender

Chapter 139 Taking the Army to Surrender

"Father, are we going to retreat again?"

Shang Zhixin looked at Shang Kexi who had just entered the temporary 'Prince's Mansion' on horseback, and asked calmly.

At this time, most of the valuable things in this temporary palace have been loaded and transported away, and the female relatives and servants who have no combat power have even left from the gate on the other side of Zhaoqing Mansion. It is still good to run back at this time, but it is just to finish Work.

However, what Shang Kexi didn't expect was that Shang Zhixin, the eldest son who was relieved of his military power and worked as a rice bug at home, would stay here specially to wait for him.

After Shang Kexi heard Shang Zhixin's question, he frowned, with obvious displeasure on his face.

Can this child speak?

What is "again" retreat?

How many times has Lao Tzu retreated?

Even if there are many, you can't tell them!

Such a grown-up, don't you understand the truth that misfortune comes from mouth?

There are many things that can be done but not said!

In any case, Shang Zhixin was his eldest son, and Shang Kexi didn't show his anger.

Shang Zhixin, who lost his military power, is now an ordinary son in the eyes of Shang Kexi, and Shang Kexi's attitude towards Shang Zhixin is far more than before.

When there is no power disagreement between father and son, true family affection will be highlighted.

This is why there are often scenes of fratricide in the homes of rich and noble people, especially in the homes of emperors, where fathers and sons can be killed.

But in ordinary people's homes, the worst relationship between father and son is that they don't support the elderly.

"What are you still doing here?"

Shang Kexi asked in a majestic tone.

"Father, most of the hard work of our Shang family over the years to resist the demon Dao Li Changqing and the puppet on the front line, it's a pity to lose it like this, I want to do something for the Shang family.

Moreover, if only Shuai Qi and a few lieutenants are left on the front line, it won’t take long before the tens of thousands of troops will disintegrate in an instant. Our people have not gone far. The shorter the support time, the more dangerous it is to the Shang family. "

After Shang Kexi heard Shang Zhixin's words, he looked at his eldest son with a half-smile and replied, "Do you want me to hand over the military power of the rear army to you?"

"Father, the child is not talented, and he still has some prestige in the army. As long as my father gives me a unified title, I promise to let the tens of thousands of troops outside the city fight until the last moment.

Please rest assured, father, the child is also a person who cherishes his life. When the father's people leave, I will catch up on horseback. Everything is for the father and for the Shang family. "

Shang Kexi felt relieved after hearing the second half of the sentence.

He knew his son too well, if he said that he was willing to sacrifice himself for the Shang family, there must be some conspiracy in it.

Shang Zhixin bluntly said that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, this is the truth.

Of course, the most important thing is that Shang Zhixin is right. With him, the eldest son, on the front line to stabilize the morale of the army, at least the tens of thousands of Shangfan abandoned soldiers on the front line will not collapse instantly after discovering the truth.

But what Shang Kexi needs to do is to issue a warrant.

Anyway, they are all abandoned pawns, so what if Shang Zhixin can control them?
In any case, Shang Zhixin is also his eldest son. If he really has the ability to go to the rear and bring back some remnants, it will be a good result for Shang Fan.

Soon, Shang Kexi agreed to Shang Zhixin's request.

When Shang Zhixin arrived on the battlefield, tens of thousands of infantry of the Shang family army were being crushed and beaten by more than 1000 French puppets.

If it weren't for the fact that the puppets would surely die if they surrendered, crowds of Qing soldiers would have dropped their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

After the Qing army was sprayed by the artillery of the French Artillery Corps at close range, they launched a wave of charges under the leadership of the middle and lower ranks.

But this wave of charge was repulsed by the French musketeers and artillery volleys, and the casualty ratio of the two sides reached an astonishing one to eight!

Fortunately, the large formations on the two wings of the Qing army were still concerned about the friendly troops, and outflanked them from the two wings.

After the Qing army completed the encirclement of the sparsely populated French Artillery Corps, the real bitter battle had just begun.

Finding himself surrounded on all sides, the French Lindenvan, who had a large number of enemies, decisively adopted defensive tactics and formed a large hollow square with artillery in the middle and surrounded by musketeers on all sides.

However, the Qing army's four-sided siege soon lacked stamina, or the soldiers and even the military officers of the Qing army were unwilling to continue to die, and the two sides formed a confrontation again.

However, French Lindenwan would not watch the battle stop. As soon as the Qing army's offensive stopped, he gathered his troops to attack the Qing army's large formation in one direction.

And taking advantage of the artillery, the Qing army was beaten back steadily.

The Qing army in other directions knew the truth of the cold lips and teeth, so they had to bite the bullet and launch an attack to attract the attention of the French army and reduce the pressure on the friendly army.

At this time, the tens of thousands of Qing military attaches who were divided into four parts knew very well that the collapse of any party would cause a chain reaction.

The military officers have always used the life and death of family members in the rear to inspire the blood and courage of the soldiers of the Qing army.

'Protect the family, destroy the war puppet! ' The shouts showed no sign of stopping.

It was in this scenario that Shang Zhixin completed the transfer of command.

Those generals who were left to guard Shang Kexi's handsome banner, after receiving Shang Kexi's warrant, handed over the command to Shang Zhixin with joy on their faces.

And since Shang Zhixin chose to stay behind, it is naturally impossible for him to come alone.

After he heard that the war puppet of the demon Taoist Li Changqing had appeared outside Zhaoqing Prefecture, he began to contact his old department.

The last time Shang Zhixin was defeated, the old ministry he brought back was also affected, those who were demoted were demoted, and those who were idle were left idle.

After all, most of the people Shang Zhixin brought back were military officers.

Naturally, these marginalized military officers will not receive the treatment of "the first batch of evacuation". Their situation is not as good as that of Shang Zhixin who has a prince and father.

Therefore, when Shang Zhixin convened the old departments, these old departments naturally happily joined Shang Zhixin's small group.

This time they were all brought over by Shang Zhixin.

Soon, Shang Zhixin began to fully take over the command of tens of thousands of troops through these old subordinates as tentacles.

At this moment, Shang Zhixin's status as the son of the eldest son played a big role. In addition, no one was fighting for power with Shang Zhixin, so the Qing army at the bottom thought that they had received orders from Shang Kexi.

Of course, these Qing troops were willing to obey Shang Zhixin's orders. The most important reason was that Shang Zhixin dispatched a large army to fight and retreat, and retreat towards the rear of Zhaoqing Prefecture.

This is right in the arms of the Qing army officers and soldiers on the front line.

In this way, in the pursuit of the French Artillery Corps, the main force of the Qing army dropped a lot of corpses and successfully retreated into the city of Zhaoqing Prefecture.

It is actually not difficult to do this, Shang Kexi is unwilling to do it, mainly because he knows that it is meaningless for him to do so.

After all, Li Changqing, the demon Daoist, could launch a second wave, a third wave, or even countless waves of war puppets to surround the capital of Zhaoqing Mansion.

Even as long as the demon Taoist Li Changqing is willing, he can directly throw war puppets into the city.

That would deal a greater blow to the Qing army retreating into the city.

The Qing army in the wild can still rely on the formation to fight. If the Qing army in the city encounters the puppet summoned by the demon Dao Li Changqing who descended from the sky, they can only fight brutal street fighting.

The end of the street fighting is obvious. How could the Qing army fight too hard against the puppets who are not afraid of death and have no number limit?

Therefore, the Qing army was defeated in a field battle, but retreated into the city was a disastrous defeat...

However, can't Shang Zhixin see this?

No, he knows that very well!
The reason why Shang Zhixin did this is very simple-to expose his father's true face of deceiving everyone, and let this army break away from the Qing court.

In other words, to break the Qing army's illusions about Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi, when the Qing army was confused and the high-level power was vacuum, he replaced him.

After all, all the senior generals of the Qing army have run away, and Shang Zhixin got a position as the commander, and is now the highest-ranking general in the entire Qing army.

Sure enough, the soldiers of the Qing army who retreated into the city immediately learned the truth through the family members who failed to escape.

When the main force of the Qing army retreated into the city, the last batch of fleeing family members had not yet finished running.

These family members are the family members of Qing army soldiers who are responsible for maintaining order in the city. They have the lowest status, so they are at the bottom...

Then he was blocked by the Qing army who retreated into the city as an abandoned child.

This time, everyone don't want to run away!
As a matter of course, the "belief" of the tens of thousands of Qing troops in Shang Kexi, King Pingnan, also completely collapsed.

At the same time, Shang Zhixin took advantage of his time-limited command power to summon all the middle-level military attaches of the Qing army.

These people are already tens of thousands of military officers with the highest rank in the Qing army.

Outside the city, the French Linden ordered the artillery to continuously bombard the city walls of Zhaoqing Mansion without any surprises.

It was only a matter of time before the city walls were blown down.

Shang Zhixin's goal is to take advantage of this time to win all these mid-level military officers under his command.

Shang Zhixin's method of attracting people is very simple.

He clarified several elements to many middle-level military attaches.

First, they have been abandoned by the Qing court monk Kexi!
That's right, according to Shang Zhixin, they were not only abandoned by their father, but also by the Qing court!
Now if they escape into territory controlled by the Qing court, they will be arrested as deserters.

Obviously, it was Shang Zhixin who was cutting off their retreat.

The second article is good news for these military attaches of the Qing army. Almost all their family members are in the city, and the big guys don't have to suffer from the separation of their wives and children.

This gave many Qing army military attaches a reason to continue to struggle.

The third article is also the most important one that Shang Zhixin believes.

He wanted to let the many military officers of the Qing army present understand that they had no way out at this time.

In Guangdong Province, they have turned into bandits. They have no popular base, and there are many ordinary people and clan tyrants in Guangdong Province who want to kill them.

Continue to be a dog for the Qing Dynasty, and wait to be sent as cannon fodder to the war puppet of the demon Dao Li Changqing.

However, Shang Zhixin patted his chest and promised that he could lead everyone out of a way out.

In addition, Shang Zhixin also made it clear that he has severed his father-son relationship with his father, because he has seen through the essence of the Qing court.

That being the case, Shang Zhixin was naturally unwilling to continue to be a dog for the Qing court.

Everyone is a traitor for the sake of prosperity and wealth, not to be buried with the Qing Dynasty!

These remarks instantly resonated with the military attachés of the Qing army present.

If it weren't for the war puppets of the monster Li Changqing not taking prisoners, they wouldn't be so desperate!
You said to let everyone go to the demon Taoist Li Changqing to surrender?

What if the demon Dao Li Changqing eats his heart and liver!

"We have tens of thousands of hands, the world is so big, where can we go?
We don't need to be in the middle of this battle between the demon Taoist Li Changqing and the Qing court. Everyone has soldiers and weapons in their hands, and we can completely fight our own world and live freely! "

After Shang Zhixin finished speaking, the military attaches of the Qing army immediately agreed.

They have no way out now, and Shang Zhixin in front of him seems to be a sensible person. What can everyone do besides follow him?
Moreover, the big guys were not worried that Shang Zhixin was lying to them. Shang Zhixin did not lead the crowd to fight against the demon Li Changqing, but prepared to run away, even if it was against the order of the Qing court and the Southern King Shang Kexi.

He cut himself off from the side of the Qing court, how could he deceive everyone?

The purpose of Shang Zhixin's doing this is naturally to get out of his father's control.

There is no way, Shang Zhixin knows very well that his father Shang Kexi is a diehard loyalist of the Qing Dynasty, and now there is no hope of victory in the war between the Qing Dynasty and the demon Daoist Li Changqing.

This battle tossed most of Shangfan's vitality, how could Shang Zhixin still want to continue to follow Daqing?
Self-reliance is just Shang Zhixin's rhetoric to fool people, his real purpose is to lead troops to join the demon Dao Li Changqing!

However, Shang Zhixin was very aware of how much these soldiers believed in the rumors that Li Changqing, a demon, cannibalized people. If he made it clear that he wanted to surrender to Li Changqing at this time, he would definitely not be able to convince them.

Therefore, we can only fool everyone into uniting to break through the sky.

"There are not many war puppets outside the city, now everyone go and explain the situation clearly to your soldiers, in the future we will no longer fight for the Qing Dynasty, but only for ourselves!

Before the war puppets outside the city entered the city, we sent our family members out of the city first. All the Han people in the city were plundered and killed. The young and strong were kept as slaves, and the young women were used as rewards for the soldiers who fought.

Zhaoqingfu will be our first carnival city! "

Shang Zhixin knew all too well what the officers and soldiers of the Qing army wanted.

After the big truth is finished, the real benefits are released immediately.

If you don't grab a fortune, how can you win people's hearts?

As long as he survives this catastrophe, Shang Zhixin will be able to establish his personal prestige, and then it will be easy to completely control this army.

Of course, Shang Zhixin did not expect this army to fight tough battles.

Losing the background of the Qing army and becoming rootless, they can only be regarded as a group of rebellious soldiers who gathered together to bully the weak and fear the hard.

It is okay for them to deal with some civilian armed forces and bandits and civilians, but it is absolutely impossible for them to fight against the regular army.

This is why Shang Zhixin never thought of leading these people to create a piece of the world by himself.

Shang Zhixin is just to increase his investment capital.

If he surrendered to Li Changqing alone, would he get the same benefits as surrendering with an army?

Of course, in order to successfully win the support of this army, Shang Zhixin must first eliminate the war puppets outside the city.

(End of this chapter)

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