This Qing is wrong

Chapter 150 Ming Thunder Gun Guards

Chapter 150 Ming Thunder Gun Guards
Li Ergou stood beside the clearing where Tsarist Lin Dengwan's body disappeared, looking around, looking at the battlefield that suddenly became quiet, with expressions of surprise, joy, and relief intertwined on his face.

He was right!

I have found a flaw in the monster war puppet!
Li Ergou knew that he had made meritorious service, but he still didn't quite know how much credit he had made.

I don't even know what his contribution means to Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi who is in a desperate situation!
At the same time, Li Changqing, who was giving Xue Nu a pectoralis major muscle massage in Guangzhou, suddenly put down the 'work' in his hands, stood up and opened the system panel in his mind.

"I didn't expect that Tsarist Lin Dengwan would disappear so soon this time. Is it because the place where I dropped it happened to collide with Shang Kexi's Qing army?"

At this time, on the small map in Li Changqing's system panel, there are very few Qing troops who are eligible to become the little red dots, and they are all concentrated in the border cities of Guangdong Province and neighboring provinces.

On the small map, there is only one big red dot left for the Qing army in Guangdong Province. Combined with the information provided by the Military Intelligence Bureau, it is not difficult to guess that the big red dot is the main force of the Qing army gathered by Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi.

So as soon as Shang Zhixin led the Zhendong Army to leave, Li Changqing casually threw a wave of systematic enemy troops at the big red dot.

Unexpectedly, before he finished a round of massage, the massage here was over!

With 2000 systematic enemy troops led by Lin Dengwan, when did they become so useless?

Although the Tsarist Russian shooter army in history was dressed like Santa Claus, it was impossible to have the same combat effectiveness as Santa Claus.

Not to mention that the Tsarist Russian shooter army was also given the buff of fearless death.

Li Changqing looked at the big red dot that didn't get smaller at all, and knew that the Qing army should have won a major victory in this battle.

Before Li Changqing became famous, it is not surprising that the Qing army could achieve such a result. After all, it was 2000 people fighting against [-] Qing army, and the Qing army could not be defeated no matter how stretched their hips were.

But when is it now?
Can Li Changqing not know how much the Qing army in Guangdong Province fears him?
Since Shang Zhixin has taken refuge under Li Changqing's command, Li Changqing naturally knows that the king of Pingnan, Shang Kexi, was scared off by a mere French artillery regiment.

Once the army loses its courage, its combat effectiveness will not drop a little bit, and it is not uncommon for an army to collapse without a fight.

Therefore, Li Changqing thought that this time he once again dropped the system enemy army from a long distance, which should scare the Qing army away again, and no matter how bad it was, it would greatly weaken the military power of King Pingnan Shang Kexi.

Break the big red dots into small red dots.

"Although the Qing army led by Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi is a little bit stronger than I expected, it just allows me to fight a few more waves of system enemy troops."

While thinking, Li Changqing clicked the random selection button consciously.

This time Li Changqing drew a unit that he had never heard of - Ming Thunder Gun Guards.

In addition to the basic Ming army standard armor saber, the firearms of the Ming Xunlei gun guards were replaced by Wulei Shenji.

What is the Five Thor machine?

It sounds like a very powerful look.

"When the next wave of system enemies is wiped out, I have wiped out five system enemies in total, and I can have [-] rewards for applying the templates of existing units.

At that time, let's take a look at what kind of army the Ming Thunder Gun Guards are.

If nothing else, it should be a game unit.

If I had known that I would time travel, I would not have played so many games or even game mods!
But as long as it is a firearm, it shouldn't disappoint me. "

The games Li Changqing played in his previous life were too messy, and there were many mods, especially the mods of the game Riding Hack and Slash. Li Changqing played dozens of them. Many mods were not studied in depth at all, but they just went in and experienced it. Disappointed and uninstalled.

This caused Li Changqing to be unable to remember the arms in those game mods at all.

The next moment, Li Changqing threw another wave of systematic enemy troops at the big red dot. After glancing at the Ming Dynasty Shenji Battalion troops led by Lin Dengwan Ming, he stopped paying attention and continued to massage the snow girl.

Li Changqing has fallen in love with massage since she had Xue Nu.

It can not only cultivate sentiment, but also increase the amount of exercise and exercise the body, killing two birds with one stone!
When Li Changqing launched the next wave of systematic enemy forces, Li Ergou was honored to be personally summoned by Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi.

Of course, this does not mean that the Qing army has relaxed its vigilance. Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi has been beaten so many times by Li Changqing's war puppets. Until I dry you out?
However, the Qing army was numerous and powerful, and the Qing army that had just been fighting on the front line all retreated to the rear to rest, and the Qing army that had not participated in the battle was replaced.

At this time, Li Ergou's image in the eyes of the Qing army has undergone a shocking reversal.

The original title of ramming became a warrior without any violation, and even many soldiers of the Qing army privately discussed that Batulu of the Qing Dynasty was only at the level of Li Ergou.

You must know that the title of Batulu has not been flooded at this time. Batulu is the highest honorary title given to warriors by the Qing Dynasty. It is very valuable and is rarely awarded to Han people.

It can be said that comparing Li Ergou with Batulu of the Qing Dynasty is already the highest evaluation of Li Ergou by these Qing army officers and soldiers.

Unsurprisingly, after being encouraged by Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi, Li Ergou was promoted to the rank of garrison by the commander-in-chief of his army on the spot, and he promised that after the battle, as long as Li Ergou performed well, he would at least be promoted to the rank of capital commander. !
This is already a serious middle-level military officer.

Even Li Ergou was promised to enter the Han army banner.

However, entering the flag is not as easy as being promoted to an official position during wartime. The Manchu and Qing courts had great restrictions on bannermen, because one person carried the flag and the whole family enjoyed the blessings, and the Manchu and Qing courts could not only consider military exploits.

A 'political review' is also required.

Of course, Li Ergou's position has been promoted, but he has not allocated new sources of soldiers. After all, the crisis of the monsters and puppets has not yet been lifted.

Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi only discovered the flaws of the monster war puppets, rather than directly curbing the emergence of the monster war puppets.

The battle is still to be fought.

Not long after, a gleam of light flickered again in the open space in the distance, and a group of Shenji Battalion waving Ming Dynasty flags appeared right in front of the Qing army formation.

As before, Commander Lin Dengwan of the Myojin Ji Battalion also rode the only horse.

These Ming Army Shenji Battalion troops are not only good at shooting, their melee combat ability is also good. Every soldier of Shenji Battalion carries a long spear on his back and a bright knife hanging on his waist. Just by looking at the equipment, he can tell that he is an elite teacher.

"This time it was the Ming army who appeared. Could it be that the spirit of the Ming army that we killed before the Qing Dynasty revived and came to seek revenge on us?"

"What nonsense.

The war puppet summoned by the demon Taoist Li Changqing has nothing to do with ghosts. He is just a demon Taoist, not a true god. How could he resurrect the dead?
The adults above have said that the battle puppets summoned by the demon Taoist Li Changqing have similar combat effectiveness, they just changed their skins.

Li Changqing, the demon way, did this, probably because of his personal character, and he doesn't like the same style of war puppets.

Anyway, that's my guess. "

"Oh, as long as it's not a ghost, otherwise I don't know if the weapon in my hand can kill those war puppets.

Alas, I don't know when this battle will end. There is no upper limit for the war puppets summoned by Yaodao Li Changqing. Does it mean that we will always fight desperately with Yaodao war puppets here? "

"What are you fighting for? It's important to save your own life when you fight later. No one will bury you if you die these days!"


King Pingnan Shang Kexi didn't know about the ordinary soldiers below, but they generally retreated when they saw the second wave of enemy troops.

At this time, he held up the binoculars in his forehand, and looked straight at the commander of the monster and puppet who was riding on the horse.

Immediately, when the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army was in motion, King Pingnan Shang Kexi mobilized some of his cavalry, who looked like his precious son, and placed them in the open area on both wings, and turned towards the distance.

Just to rush to the commander of the monster war puppet at the critical moment and kill him.

As for the option of sending masters to rush into the battlefield to kill, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi never thought about it.

Let's not mention the question of whether those martial arts masters are willing to work for the Qing Dynasty.

Even if a group of martial arts masters really rushed into the battlefield, the speed of the surprise attack may not be faster than that of an experienced veteran.

On the battlefield of bullets and bullets, martial arts masters are easy to be killed, let alone escape when caught in gang fights.

The most important thing is that martial arts masters often don't know how to cooperate in battle formations, and it is difficult to attack and break through formations.

Unless, the commander of the demon war puppet on the opposite side sent all the guards around him away and left alone, then the martial arts masters would have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

But this possibility is too low. Although the previous Tsarist Lin Dengwan had no guards around him, he has been following directly behind his own army, only a few dozen steps away from the front line of troops.

Because of this, sending martial arts masters to make a surprise attack is not as likely as sending cavalry to kill the commander of the monster war puppets.

Of course, if a high-grade martial artist takes action in person, perhaps the success rate of the surprise attack will be greatly improved.

However, Gaopin Wufu is not a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road. He can be transferred as soon as he is said. Except for Emperor Kangxi, no one in this world can let Gaopin Wufu carry out the combat mission of narrowly dying.

The task of breaking through the enemy's formation on the battlefield and killing the enemy's commander-in-chief is more dangerous than assassinating the demon Li Changqing. Even if there are high-ranking warriors under King Pingnan Shang Kexi's command, high-ranking warriors will not accept such a deadly task .

After all, Gaopin Wufu is a high-ranking figure wherever he goes, and he will be honored as a "Warrior Master" in the Jianghu.

Even those famous sects are not willing to easily offend a high-quality martial artist, it is too difficult for them to sacrifice their lives.

Compared with the wild Santa Claus soldiers, Lin Dengwan of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army was much more cautious in his command.

In fact, if it weren't for the banner of the Manchu Qing on the opposite side, this Ming soldier Lin Dengwan would have sent someone to negotiate.

But when Lin Dengwan of the Ming army saw the flag of the Qing army clearly, he wanted to fight the opponent to the death regardless, at all costs.

The formation listed by the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army is very standard. The front row is a row of guns, and there are about 1000 people.

There are thin columns on both sides, with a total of more than 600 people. Behind the Ming army Lin Dengwan riding a horse is a row of thin rear guards. The number is the smallest, but they also form a seemingly thin but actually very strong row array.

Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi was dumbfounded when he saw the tight formation of the monsters and puppets.

How is this completely different from the previous tactics of the monster war puppet?

Even the senior generals of the Qing army could not find fault with the battle formation formed by Lin Dengwan of the Ming army. It was square and square. If he wanted to attack the core position of Commander Lin Dengwan, he had to break through a barrier.

How does this make the Qing cavalry play raids?
Based on the demon phobia of the Qing army at this time, do those cavalry dare to charge bravely and fearlessly towards the front of the monsters and puppets?
The current Qing army in Guangdong Province is not a question of whether it can fight, but a question of whether it dares to fight.

Adopting a defensive and counterattack formation in the field has already inspired the greatest courage of the Qing army, let them take the initiative to attack, let's go to sleep...

Of course, it was precisely because of this that Mr. Li Ergou's counterattack was instantly remembered by Shang Kexi, the aloof king of Pingnan.

The battle formation set up by the monster puppet in front of him has no flaws, so he can only fight hard.

"Although there are flaws in the monster war puppet, it has also become smarter at the same time, all of this should be due to the commander of the war puppet.

Li Changqing's magic power is really getting stronger and stronger, and even this kind of wise war puppet commander was created by him. "

Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi's inner joy has been washed away completely at this time, and that loophole does not seem to be as effective as expected.

To implement the battle in front of us, we still need actual combat.

Even if it was a battle between living people in the past, it was not an easy task to win the commander-in-chief out of a thousand armies, not to mention fighting through the demon warriors under the heavy guard of the fearless demon warriors. The puppet's central army, kill the monster and puppet commander?

Li Ergou's success can only be said to be a lucky coincidence.

Of course, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi, who figured this out, would not cancel Li Ergou's reward. After all, the current Qing army needs a brave general as a role model.

The monsters and puppets are not invincible, the decline in the morale of the Qing army is the most deadly.

With the approach of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army, two large infantry phalanxes emerged from the two wings of the Qing Army again.

It's a pity that even if the commanders of the two-wing infantry phalanx changed, they would still grind like a turtle after leaving the formation, taking one step and stopping three steps!

Of course, no matter how good the command at the top is, the execution of the officers and soldiers below is not strong enough, which will lead to the failure of the entire battle.

However, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi couldn't behead those slack generals of the Qing army. After all, the Qing army is in this way at this time. , will collapse in an instant.

No one likes a commander who kills senior generals at every turn.

This is a completely different concept from hacking and killing minions.

When you kill the little soldiers, at most it will cause dissatisfaction and fear among the soldiers. Soldiers are nothing, they are just the bottom without any rights.

If the offenders are senior generals, these people are really capable of launching a mutiny!

(End of this chapter)

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