This Qing is wrong

Chapter 151 Shang Kexi Defeated Again

Chapter 151 Shang Kexi Defeated Again
Why does a mature country and imperial court always treat the high-level people kindly, but not the low-level people?
This is not only a cost issue, but also a social influence issue brought by the two classes of people.

We all know that social status determines a person's circle.

There must be many powerful relatives, friends and former disciples in the circle of senior officials. Once such people are purged by the court, everyone else will be in danger and even have a rebellious mentality.

If it's a civil servant who won't rebel, maybe it won't cause too much harm, but what about a military officer?
Why did the founding emperor always like to kill the founding heroes?
It was because the people who held the military power made the founding emperor feel insecure.

However, the emperor who succeeded him did not have the high political skills or even personal prestige of the founding emperor, and it was impossible to slaughter the general in charge.

Therefore, he can only use generous treatment to win over the general in charge.

The same principle applies to Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi. He can kill hundreds of ordinary soldiers without worrying about mutiny, but if he kills one or two high-ranking generals, the entire army will be killed. Become unstable!
The only thing Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi can do is to demote the senior generals who made mistakes, or transfer them to other places, and replace them with new commanders.

Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi is indeed doing this, but unfortunately the effect is not as he expected.

Lin Dengwan, the Ming army, saw the slow crawling speed of the Qing army on the two wings, and sneered disdainfully: "A group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death for the Manchu Tartars!"

Lin Dengwan of the Ming army had a brain, so he naturally understood that the encirclement speed of the Qing army on the two wings could not threaten his troops at all, unless his troops were so weak that they could not even beat the Qing army in front.

How can this be?

Lin Dengwan of the Ming army also possessed the arrogant personality shared by other Lin Dengwans, and felt that the combat effectiveness of the troops he led was naturally higher than that of the living army.

The few artillery pieces of the Qing army rang out again. As before, the systematic enemy army completely ignored the casualties caused by the artillery pieces.

Lin Dengwan of the Ming army stopped the horse under his crotch in time before entering the effective range of the artillery of the Qing army.

The troops on the two wings and the troops behind stopped at the same time, and only the main attacking force directly in front was still marching forward.

They list the standard three-column row of guns.

The Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army still used matchlock guns, that is, bird guns.

Amidst the not-so-intensive artillery fire from the Qing army, when the attacking team of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming army stepped into a distance of more than 100 steps, the Qing army lined up in the distance, and sporadic gunfire erupted suddenly.

Obviously, it was the over-stretched Qing army's musketeers who pulled the trigger in advance.

These sporadic gunshots, like starting guns, caused other nervous Qing army gunners to pull the triggers one after another.

In this way, the precious first time was wasted by the Qing army's firecrackers...

Neither the Qing army's musketeers who fired ahead of time nor a Ming army soldier from the Shenji Battalion missed, and they were all sent flying.

Shang Kexi, King Pingnan at the back, saw this scene, his face suddenly darkened, and he couldn't help but blurted out to ask the senior generals of the Qing army beside him: "Why don't they learn from Li Ergou and let their soldiers carry firecrackers?" On the shoulder!"

After the surrounding senior generals of the Qing army looked at each other in blank dismay, the chief officer in charge of the front row of firecrackers replied in embarrassment: "Reporting to the lord, the last general has already issued this order, but for some reason the officers and soldiers in front did not carry it out. "

Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi took a deep breath, and he instantly figured out the key point.

It is nothing more than the frontline officers and soldiers are greedy for life and afraid of death, and dare not carry out that order.

What Li Ergou did seemed simple, but it was very dangerous on the battlefield.

This is not just a matter of courage, but that the firecrackers are completely unprotected when carrying the firecrackers, which will cause the soldiers to be overly nervous.

Waiting for the enemy to come up before putting down the firecrackers to fire, most soldiers may delay the firing time due to excessive tension.

This kind of problem occurred when Li Ergou was conducting.

When the Tsarist Russian archer army approached to a distance of 30 steps, he ordered the gunners under his command to fire.

However, the gunfire soldiers under his command not only failed to fire a volley, most of the soldiers, due to excessive tension and other reasons, did not pull the trigger until the enemy was more than ten steps away from the ink stains.

If at that time the Tsarist Russian shooter army did not rigidly execute Tsarist Lin Dengwan's orders, but stopped and fired, it would definitely be possible to shoot a round of volleys before the firecrackers under Li Ergou put down their firecrackers and fired.

Once this happens, the Qing army's firecrackers, who are already extremely nervous, are likely to be defeated by this round of close-range guns, and they will be beaten no matter how bad they are.

The military attachés of the Qing army on the front lines are all old men with war experience, how could they not understand this truth?
Naturally, he would not risk his life like Li Ergou, who was promoted too quickly.

The most important thing is that they don't have Li Ergou's legendary promotion experience...

Not everyone can keep fighting and losing, and keep getting promoted and raising salary.

Therefore, the order to learn Li Ergou's tactics passed down from above was collectively ignored by the military attaches of the Qing army on the front line.

Only a fool would do that!
Sending them to death is not such a method. Why should they bet their lives on this battle for the Qing Dynasty and the Southern King?

After a round of firing, the formation of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army continued to move forward, while the gunfire soldiers of the Qing Army started to load in a panic.

Every time the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army took a step forward, it seemed as if they were trampling on the little hearts of the firearms soldiers of the Qing Army, causing cold sweat to break out on their foreheads and backs.

This person is prone to make mistakes when he is nervous, so in the second round of guns, a full [-]% of the firearms failed to shoot the lead bullets due to various problems.

This kind of mistake was continuously magnified in the third and even fourth rounds of firing.

The more times you reload during tension, the greater the probability of making mistakes.

Even before the soldiers of the Ming Army's Shenji Battalion opened fire, the Qing army's gunfire soldiers first experienced non-combat attrition caused by the explosion of the firecrackers...

There are many Qing army firecrackers who put a stick into the barrel and shoot it, and Qing army firecrackers who keep charging but forget to shoot...

Not surprisingly, when the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army advanced within 50 steps, less than half of the soldiers of the Qing Army were still firing...

When the first volley of guns from the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army rang out, the firepower of the Qing Army's musketeers who were still able to fire was once again attenuated by nearly half!

The tactics adopted by the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army are very simple, that is, the Xu Jin-style shooting method. After the first row shoots, stand on the spot and reload, the second row and the third row continue to move forward, and then repeat the operation of the first row.

After just three rounds of firing, the Qing army's gunfire soldiers completely lost the rhythm of firing, and less than [-]% of the firecrackers could still be fired. Most of the Qing army's firecrackers were running backwards, including their military officers!
"Run quickly, kill these monster war puppets, and there will be new monster war puppets.

Keeping your own life is the most important thing. "

"Everyone ran away, you are still standing here loading ammunition, you don't want to live!"

"Hurry up and run away, the platoon of monsters and puppets on the opposite side is very accurate, staying here will kill you sooner or later.

When you die, you lose everything! "


The collapse of the Qing army's firecracker team immediately exposed the spear phalanx behind them to the guns of the Ming army's Shenji battalion, even including the Qing army's tiger squatting artillery team!

As a matter of course, the gunners of the Qing army also ran away with the gunners...

As soon as the gunfire of the Qing army stopped, Lin Dengwan of the Ming army immediately ordered to continue advancing with the two-wing guards and rear-wing guards who had never moved.

Shorten the distance with the main attacking team in front to prevent the army formation from getting too far out of touch.

This scene made the generals of the cavalry of the Qing army ambushing in the distance on the two wings dispel the idea of ​​leading the army to charge.

At this time, if the cavalry rushed into the battlefield, they would definitely be blocked by the guards on both wings of the monsters and puppets.

Although the guards on the two wings were lined up with guns, which looked very thin, how many cavalrymen of the Qing cavalry dared to fight desperately?
This is an army without the belief in victory. It doesn't think about victory or defeat at all before fighting, but only thinks about how to take advantage and opportunistic...

If you want to fight undead, how can you win?
This is not an asymmetric war in the 21st century!

At this time, it is indeed inappropriate for the cavalry to charge into the formation, but the large formation of Qing infantry on the two wings must be posted to shoot platoons.

However, the correct tactics have never been an operation that the Qing army agrees with. The infantry formations on the two wings saw that the frontal firecracker horizontal formation was defeated by just three rounds of guns, and their slow-moving progress stopped completely.

Not retreating is considered to be a conscience of the military attaché of the Qing army who led the team.

Of course, stagnation and retreat are different in nature, and retreat is an act of desertion on the battlefield!

Lin Dengwan of the Ming army looked around at the Qing army who had already "half surrounded" him and his troops, but did not dare to shrink the encirclement, and sneered again.

On the frontal battlefield, the Qing army's long spear phalanx was exposed, watching the Ming army's Shenji Battalion on the opposite side about to shoot lead bullets in their faces. charge!

The archers of the Qing army behind the spear phalanx were asked to shoot arrows while advancing.

The rain of arrows streaked across a beautiful parabola, and landed in the formation of the Ming Army's Shenji Battalion, and was blocked by the armor and flying saucer helmets of the Ming Army's Shenji Battalion.

Quite a number of soldiers from the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army had arrows stuck in their bodies, but they continued to attack without delay.

Just like a normal person.

Only a very small number of unlucky ones were shot down to the ground and never got up again.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army all had iron plates on their bodies. If you want to shoot them down, you have to hit the vital parts that have no protective parts.

For example, half of the cheek and half of the neck exposed under the flying saucer helmet.

After receiving the order to charge, the pikemen of the Qing army thought that the big men above were crazy, but under the threat of the military officers' knives, they could only bite the bullet and charge forward, but the speed of the charge was about the same as that of a turtle.

The phalanx of pikemen charging at a slow speed meets the Shenji Battalion of the Ming army shooting by Xu Jin, one can imagine what will happen...

The Qing army's pike phalanx didn't last as long as the Qing army's blunderbuss team that collapsed first. After only two rounds of platooning, the Qing army's pikemen dropped a few corpses and collapsed...

Those military officers of the Qing army who threatened the soldiers of the Qing army ran faster than anyone else.

Soon, the rapid collapse of the spear phalanx triggered a chain reaction, and the entire frontline army retreated together. The Qing infantry formations on the two wings watched the main formation in the middle collapse, and began to retreat with peace of mind...

At this moment, the cavalry of the Qing army, which was regarded by Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi as a trump card, was even less likely to charge.

It's not that the Qing army cavalry thought they couldn't beat the Ming army's Shenji Battalion, which had less than 2000 people, but that they didn't want to go all out.

Just like that, the frontline formation of tens of thousands of people fell apart. The Ming army Lin Dengwan laughed like a big villain boss when he saw it, and gave the order for the whole army to charge.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army who had put on long spears no longer divided the front, rear, left, and right guards, and all charged.

With such a charge, the collapse of the Qing army became more rapid, and there were many people who lost their armor and armor.

Soon, the rout of the Qing army in the main formation on the front line poured into the ranks of the Qing army in the second large formation behind, which was already inside the Qing army's camp.

Under the psychological effect of fear of demons, the soldiers of the Qing army in the second large formation ran away with the defeated soldiers.

After setting an example, more and more soldiers of the Qing army ran away, and the collapse soon spread to the third Qing army formation, which was the center where King Pingnan Shang Kexi and a group of senior Qing army generals stayed. where the army is.

Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi was stunned to see the situation where the army was defeated like a mountain, and felt that everything had become so illusory.

Obviously, when facing the first wave of demon war puppets, the Qing army easily won the victory, and even the firecracker team in the front row was not defeated!

Why did the second wave of monster warriors with the same strength destroy two formations of ten thousand people?
There are only 2000 of them!
Not even 2000 now!

Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi's numb eyes glanced at the position of the rear army behind the central army, where Li Ergou and others were replaced and rested.

At this time, Li Ergou took on the task of guarding the rear army.

"Hey, the reason why he lost so quickly is because he didn't reuse Li Ergou immediately!"

Shang Kexi let out a long sigh, and reluctantly gave the order to withdraw the troops.

This time, he decided to take Li Ergou with him to train this hero well.

Shang Kexi found out that it is useless to know the weakness of the monster war puppets, one needs a brave general who can take advantage of it.

Shang Kexi, who has been defeated repeatedly, can only pin his hopes on Li Ergou.

King Pingnan was gratified to withdraw his troops in time, so that the Central Route Army led by him would not be coerced by the rout.

King Pingnan Shang Kexi once again left the infantry in the rear and ran away with the cavalry, but this time he personally ordered someone to give Li Ergou a good horse, and ran with this brave general .

After King Pingnan Shang Kexi ran away again, the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army slaughtered wantonly like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. The infantry left behind the palace waited until King Pingnan Shang Kexi's Wang Banner left, and immediately scattered and fled... …

No, it was an organized escape, and the soldiers all fled with their respective masters.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army tried to stop the fleeing Qing army, but they were bravely charged and killed by the Qing army.

As a result, the number of soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming army who died in the battle to prevent the Qing army from fleeing was six to seven times that of the attack!
(End of this chapter)

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