This Qing is wrong

Chapter 152 Ming Army 300 Warriors

Chapter 152 Ming Army 300 Warriors
Why did these living people suddenly become so brave when they fled?
Shouldn't they be obediently waiting to be slaughtered by my soldiers after they are defeated? ! "

The Ming army Lin Dengwan, who was not very bright, saw that when his army was intercepting and killing the Qing army's rout, more than half of them died in just one hour!

The whole person was blinded by anger.

The soldiers of the Qing army who were fleeing not far away seemed to be possessed by evil spirits. Even Lin Dengwan of the Ming army saw a Qing army soldier covered in wounds with his own eyes. , biting the throat of the soldier from the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army who killed him.

Shouldn't the soldiers under his command have the courage to do this kind of operation?
Why did the living soldiers, who were as timid as a mouse, suddenly become like this?
Most importantly, the logic of the Ming army Lin Dengwan was confused.

These living soldiers are so fierce, why were tens of thousands of people easily crushed by his troops before?
Needless to say, even if 2000 people in the living army had the determination to fight at this time, the Ming army Lin Dengwan didn't think he could win the final victory.

The contrast between the performance of the living army soldiers before and after made the Ming army Lin Dengwan angry, and the logic lines in his mind were messed up.

In fact, there is still a difference between Lin Dengwan and a real living person.

They are more like created artificial intelligence with extreme personalities.

Of course artificial intelligence is not afraid of death!
In fact, with the current ruthlessness of the Qing soldiers when they fled, if they turned around and besieged the Ming army Lin Dengwan, turning defeat into victory would not be a problem at all.

Because at this time, most of the Ming Army's Shenji Battalion under Lin Dengwan's men had been dispatched to intercept and kill the defeated soldiers, and there were very few guards around them.

It's a pity that the soldiers of the Qing army would rather kill the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming army who blocked their escape than dare to look back...

These officers and soldiers of the Qing army were mentally clear.

Turning back and killing the commander of the Yaodao war puppet, that was fighting for the Qing Dynasty and the Southern King Shang Kexi, and now killing the Yaodao war puppet who intercepted him when he was running away, he was desperately fighting for his own survival!

One is for the sake of the Qing Dynasty, and the other is for themselves. Even if the officers and soldiers of the Qing army hesitate for a second, they are not worthy of the title of traitor soldier!
The Qing Dynasty in this parallel world has not arranged to garrison the Eight Banners, that is to say, since the rise of the demon Taoist Li Changqing, all the people who fought with the demon Taoist puppets were Han Chinese, also known as traitor soldiers.

It's no different from the Han Chinese Civil War...

At this time, the Manchu Banners were basically concentrated in the Zhili area and the corner of the Northeast. The households of the Manchu Banners with a small population were assigned to farms in North Zhili, and many Manchu Banners were still registered in BJ. The courtyard in the inner ring!
If this is placed in the 21st century, everyone will start out as a billionaire!

So, how could it be possible for the soldiers of the Eight Banners to give up the colorful world in their eyes and go to other provinces to serve as garrisons for the Eight Banners?

In the history of Li Changqing's previous life, the Eight Banners of the Manchus were sent to guard the Eight Banners. It was because the San Francisco Rebellion made Emperor Kang Mazi see the lack of foundation for the Manchus to rule the Han people in the world. Many of the Eight Banners rushed to the big cities in various provinces to serve as garrisoned Eight Banners, and also set up garrisoned Eight Banners generals who were above the provincial governors.

It has to be said that the political skills of Emperor Kang Mazi in history greatly stabilized the rule of the Qing court over the Han people. Since then, although there have been many rebellions under the Qing court, there has never been a threat to the Qing court. An uprising arose.

Even the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the late Qing Dynasty became less stamina during the Northern Expedition.

However, in the parallel world where Li Changqing lives, there is no such thing as the Eight Banners being garrisoned. At most, there are some Han Army Eight Banners in each province, and they are also Han people in essence.

And because the flag-raising time has not crossed the gap of a generation, the Han Eight Banners did not really regard themselves as bannermen, but only thought that they could step on the heads of ordinary people as lackeys for the masters of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.

Lin Dengwan of the Ming army was also a dead-headed man. In order to kill as many people as possible, except for a few soldiers left as guards, the rest were sent out to intercept and kill the defeated Qing army.

As a result, the pursuit battle lasted until the sun went down, and it ended because of vision problems.

Afterwards, Lin Dengwan of the Ming army counted, good guy, only 300 of his [-] troops are left!
However, after adapting for such a long time, the Ming army Lin Dengwan can be regarded as re-organizing his own logic.

It's just a loss of troops. For Lin Dengwan, who is not even afraid of death, is it a big deal?
What about 300 people?

The 300 warriors of the Ming army can still attack Li Changqing's position!

Therefore, the 300 soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army stayed at the lower battalion at the original site of the battlefield that night.

The systematic enemy army, who did not carry any logistical materials, simply and neatly obtained local materials, chopped up the corpses of the Qing soldiers, made a few sticks to wear, and grilled them on the fire...

The weapons and equipment left by the Qing army on the battlefield were sorted by the 300 warriors of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming army. The useless ones were thrown away, and the usable ones were gathered together.

Among them, the weapons and equipment abandoned by the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army after they died in battle became the first choice of the living soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army.

After all, ammunition can be used directly.

However, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army had been eating the corpses of the soldiers of the Qing Army for dinner, and did not touch the corpses of their own people.

It's not that these systemic enemy troops without human thoughts will pay respect to the corpses of their comrades, but the soldiers of the systemic enemy army know that their corpses after death are just "illusions" that have been realized, and they are not full of food. of.

What Lin Dengwan of the Ming army was holding in his hand was a thigh from the unlucky Qing army guerrilla general. This was already the corpse of the highest-ranking Qing army general he could find.

As the commander-in-chief of the enemy army of the system, Lin Dengwan also chooses the corpse with the highest official position when eating.

In the Qing army under the command of King Pingnan Shang Kexi, the ranks of guerrilla generals and above were all equipped with horses, so very few died in battle.

After eating and drinking enough, the enemy soldiers of the system also simply disposed of the corpses of the remaining Qing soldiers who hadn't finished eating.

Cut out the 'good meat' inside and pack it away, leaving the other parts where they are.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would definitely faint from fright.

As predicted by Zhang Tianshi on Wudang Mountain, the system enemy troops summoned by Li Changqing to this world are nothing but evil spirits in human clothes.

The reason why Lin Dengwan, the commander-in-chief of the enemy army of the system, was eager to fight and plunder as soon as they landed was because they did not carry supplies and needed food to fill their stomachs.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Changqing, who got up under the joint service of Qiu Shuzhen and Xuenv, opened the small map in the system panel habitually.

When Li Changqing saw that the small black dot representing the system's enemy army had not disappeared, he couldn't help frowning.

Li Changqing was even more unhappy when he saw the collapse of the established Qing army that had been beaten from big red dots to small red dots by the systemic enemy yesterday, and then 'grow' into big red dots again.

How could this Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi be so tenacious after so many battles and defeats?

It took only one night for the small red dot to turn back into a big red dot, which shows that the king of Pingnan Shang Kexi not only survived, but also took away a group of established Qing troops. Get back together.

The most important thing is that after the system enemy army lost contact with the red dot, it began to march towards Guangzhou City where Li Changqing was located.

He did not go after the red dot representing the Qing army.

"Sure enough, before launching the system enemy army, we must find out the enemy's strength, otherwise I will be the one who uses too much force and finally cleans up the mess."

Li Changqing glanced carefully at the administrative area between the small black dot and the city of Guangzhou. Except for the yellow dot representing the Zhendong Army, there was not a single army qualified to be marked on the small map.

In other words, if in yesterday's battle, King Pingnan Shang Kexi's Qing army failed to inflict heavy damage on the system enemy army, the system enemy army, led by Lin Dengwan, would probably penetrate all the way to the outside of Guangzhou!
When the time comes, the puppet summoned by Li Changqing will attack his secret, and will show the world...

"No, I must not let the enemy army of the system come outside the city of Guangzhou. This secret must not be known by my enemies."

Immediately, Li Changqing sent someone to convene a cabinet meeting to discuss major issues.

At the same time, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi, who gathered the rout soldiers while he was on his way, had already learned from the rout soldiers that the soldiers and horses of his headquarters had successfully disengaged from the monsters and puppets.

Of course, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi also learned that when the Qing army 'retreated', it caused heavy damage to the monsters and puppets.

It's just that this news made Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi even more frustrated.

Because this undoubtedly reminded King Pingnan Shang Kexi that his defeat was not due to the lack of strength of the army, but that the army under his command did not want to fight with their lives at all!
It's all right now, at least a few thousand people died in that battle, and I don't know how many routs can be gathered.

After all, it cannot be expected that all the defeated Qing troops who fled will be willing to return.

After this defeat, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi became very determined in his obsession with cultivating a brave general who dared to fight against the monsters and puppets.

As a result, Li Ergou, who followed the retreat all the way and did nothing, soared all the way to the position of guerrilla general, and he is still a guerrilla general with real power!
King Pingnan Shang Kexi stuffed all the rout soldiers he had gathered into Li Ergou, and he didn't stop until the soldiers under his command were full.

After all, many other generals have less than half of their troops under their command, and even some generals have less than half of their troops left.

Not surprisingly, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi's continuous promotion of Li Ergou caused dissatisfaction among some senior Qing army generals, but no one dared to speak out.

They also understood the intention of King Pingnan Shang Kexi to promote Li Ergou.

It's just that if you understand it, you must understand that the tone of self-interest being damaged must not be swallowed.

And Li Ergou, who was immersed in the great joy of becoming a general, completely forgot about human relations, or Li Ergou, who was promoted too quickly, did not understand the communication rules among the high-level Qing army.

As a result, Li Ergou, who was about to float while walking, was isolated by those senior generals of the Qing army.

However, Li Ergou was too busy accepting the soldiers allocated to him by Shang Kexi, the King of Pingnan, so he didn't have the time to take care of such 'trivial matters'.

Li Ergou knew that he came from a humble background, so he didn't ignorantly force himself into the circle of senior generals.

Although guerrilla generals are the lowest rank generals, in Li Ergou's eyes, as long as they are generals, they are great people!

He is already worthy of his parents who died in the war!
In order to thank Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi for his cultivation, Li Ergou planned to train his soldiers to be brave.

Well, the direction of bravery he himself identified.

In this way, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi led the defeated army back all the way north, while Li Ergou began to take care of his real team.

On the other hand, the 300 warriors of the Ming army led by Lin Dengwan encountered a battle before they left the territory of a mansion.

The clan armed with thousands of people saw these people wearing Ming army uniforms and carrying a large number of weapons and equipment that made them jealous, and planned an ambush against the 300 warriors of Lindenwan.

Because the 300 warriors led by Lin Dengwan needed to carry too much spoils, the speed of the journey was very slow.

Lin Dengwan had no scouts to explore the way at all, and when he walked on an official road with sloping forests on both sides, he had already figured out their marching route. Thousands of clans who had ambushed were armed under a trumpet gun, and the clouds stood up .

On the erected banner is written "Guangzhi, County Lord of the Great Tang Empire".

Obviously, this is a serious feudal lord with Li Changqing's license to wholesale documents.

The Ming army uniforms worn by the soldiers of Lin Dengwan's troops did not have any deterrent effect on these clan armed forces.

If it was Qing army robes, it might make them a little bit afraid, but Ming army uniforms would only make the clan armed forces think that they were some bandit armed left over from the previous Ming Dynasty.

Bandits, of course everyone should get them and punish them!
This is not robbery, this is called doing justice for the sky!

What's more, the clan armed forces with a Datang license in their hands have long drawn a clear line from the former Ming forces.

Which one of these local snakes who can occupy one side under the rule of the Qing court is not the master of the wind and the rudder?
Now in Guangdong Province, all fools know that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty is the real master. When the mighty Qing army comes, they will dodge it. The bandits made up of the remnants of the former Ming Dynasty are just a fat sheep in their eyes. .

Li Changqing never expected that before he arranged for people to find out the remaining forces of these systemic enemy forces, the systemic enemy forces led by Lin Dengwan plunged into the pocket formations ambushed by local clan armed forces.

The moment the flag was raised, the clan armed forces shot at the 300 warriors under Lin Dengwan's command with their guns, blunderbuss, and even a few bows and crossbows.

The ambushing clan armed forces had the height advantage brought by the slope, and took the lead. Before Lin Dengwan's Shenji Battalion of the Ming Army unloaded the packages on their backs and took up their own weapons to fight, they were shot down with a crash. A big piece!

According to visual estimates, there are at least hundreds of people!
After fighting a wave, the leader of the clan armed forces did not let people rush down. Those were all battle scenes arranged by film and television dramas for artistic effects.

On the real battlefield, smart people know that if they can shoot the enemy from a long distance, they must avoid brutal hand-to-hand combat as much as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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