This Qing is wrong

Chapter 153 The Expectations of the Garrison

Chapter 153 The Expectations of the Garrison
"Brother, those bandits in the battle robes of the former Ming Dynasty, their guns are too accurate, and all of them are very hard-headed, charging up against our firepower."

Standing on the top of a hill, the second younger brother of Guangzhi, the county lord of the Tang Empire, ran over to report to Guangzhihui in disgrace.

Obviously, after this battle broke out, it was completely different from what they expected.

Those militants who were identified by them as bandits from the former Ming Dynasty neither ran away after being severely injured, nor did they find cover to shoot at each other. Instead, they charged up the hillside under the hail of bullets!
And their melee combat ability is not weak. In the melee combat with less fighting, more enemies are killed than their own casualties.

The county lord Guangzhi, who has the canonization order of the Tang emperor, looked at the chaotic battle situation with a gloomy face and said, "These people may be veterans who have been with Li Dingguo before, and we have encountered a hard problem this time.

Tell the brothers, kill all these bandits, and I will share [-]% of the spoils with everyone! "

After hearing this, Guangzhi's second younger brother responded, and went down to convey the order.

The enemy army on the opposite side was carrying too much supplies, and Guangzhi would rather pay more than give up.

What's more, at least half of the enemies who rushed up to fight hand-to-hand against the hail of bullets lay down again. There are only dozens of enemies still fighting, and they are fighting under the leadership of a boss who looks like a bandit leader.

Nearly a thousand people besieging dozens of people, can they still lose?

The result is nothing more than a question of how many people die.

As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless. These clan armed forces who don't know the true identity of the system's enemy forces, relying on their large numbers and superiority, are stunned to fight more major generals and wipe out the system's enemy forces!
It wasn't until the Ming army Lin Dengwan died in battle, and all the corpses and weapons of the Ming army's Shenji battalion suddenly disappeared, that the clan armed forces present and the county lord Guangzhi woke up. What they annihilated were the war puppets summoned by the Tang emperor. !

"Brother, I have checked the pieces of meat on those people's backs, and they are all white meat."

White meat is a cryptic term for human flesh by people in the Jianghu. Many black shops will sell white meat, especially in areas where wild animals are difficult to tame.

Guangzhi heard the fact that his subordinates found the white meat, but he didn't take it seriously. What he was worried about now was that he had annihilated hundreds of war puppets summoned by the Tang emperor.

Maybe these war puppets were heading towards the city of Guangzhou where the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was located, but they were robbed by him halfway.

So many people have witnessed this incident, it is impossible to cover up the news...

How can this be good?

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty would not be intercepted and killed halfway because of the puppet he summoned, so he would vent his anger on the Guang family.

"Hey, everyone already knows what happened. This time we made a mistake. Before the attack, everyone agreed with the plan for this battle. Everyone is responsible!"

Guangzhi summoned all the big and small leaders of the clan armed forces and said.

"Brother, those war puppets cannibalize human flesh. If we kill them, we can do justice to the heavens. Isn't that wrong?"

Even if it cannibalize human flesh, it is still a war puppet under the command of the Great Tang Emperor, a dog of the Great Tang Emperor.

Is it something we can offend? "

Apparently, Guangzhi's fear of the Tang Emperor has been deeply rooted in his bones.

This is very common in Guangdong Province. After all, even the Qing army was afraid of the demon Li Changqing. How could the clan gentry in these places not be afraid?
"Brother, the Great Tang Emperor is good to his own people, and I heard that the Great Tang Emperor's summoning war puppets doesn't cost much, and he can take as much as he wants. If we take the initiative to report and admit our mistakes, we should be forgiven.

After all, the war puppets of the Great Tang Emperor don't know how to farm and produce. Although we people are lowly, we are still useful to the Great Tang Emperor.

Without the support of our small landlords, no one would cultivate the land no matter how much land the Great Tang Emperor laid down. Is this the reason? "

The leaders present nodded one after another. They felt that they were still useful to Emperor Tang.

Among other things, the tax paid every quarter is not a small amount. Without their help in collecting taxes, no matter how strong the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was, he would not have been able to go door-to-door to ask the people for money and food.

Didn't it say in the documents of the tax package system?
These local clan gentry are the bricks and stones of the Tang Empire, and they can be moved wherever they are needed!

After hearing this, Guangzhi also felt that this was the reason. Anyway, there are so many people who know the truth. Since there is no way to hide it, it is better to admit the mistake and send another batch of money and food to Guangzhou City.

"Except for the [-]% of the weapons and equipment seized this time, the rest should be sent to Guangzhou City.

Pleading guilty requires the gesture of pleading guilty. "

At the same time, Li Changqing in Guangzhou suddenly received information from the system that the Ming army Lin Dengwan had been wiped out.

At this time he was still holding a cabinet meeting!
Li Changqing interrupted the discussion of the cabinet ministers, and said to Zhang Jianfei, who was in charge of the Military Intelligence Bureau: "The fish that slipped through the net has been wiped out.

Zhang Jianfei, send your people to find out who is the one who wiped out the war puppets. "

Regardless of the number of clan armed forces, it is difficult for the comprehensive score to reach the standard of the small red dot on the small map, so Li Changqing can't see the system enemy army representing the small black dot on the small map, and who was eliminated.

Regardless of the remaining strength of the system enemy army, small black dots will appear on the mini-map until the entire army is wiped out.

After hastily closing the cabinet meeting, Li Changqing opened the system panel and clicked the button to randomly draw templates for units.

This time, what Li Changqing drew was from the Ming Dynasty, which is related to the relatively large proportion of the Ming Dynasty background in the riding and hacking mods that Li Changqing played.

What was drawn was a melee cold weapon hand-to-hand combat unit template-Sergeant of Mingweisuo.

The historical prototype is the elite of the guards in the Ming Dynasty, not the beggar soldiers of the guards in the late Ming Dynasty.

In terms of weapons, compared with the open sword players, they only have more spears.

From this point of view, the combat effectiveness of the arms templates is not at the same level, and the strength can be seen from the armament alone.

Of course, what Li Changqing is most concerned about is that after accumulatively annihilating the enemy 5 times, he can apply a unit template to the reward of thousands of brainwashed soldiers.

In order to choose the arms he needed, Li Changqing specially sent people to inquire about the news about the Five Thunder God Machine.

Li Changqing's Military Intelligence Bureau really found out that the Wulei Shenji is a multi-barreled firecracker from the pre-Ming Dynasty.

That is, the barrels of five matchlock guns are fixed together and share a fire door for alternate firing.

When shooting, after firing a shot, the shooter needs to turn the barrel, and then pull the trigger to insert the ignited matchstick head into the fire hole of the new barrel, and continue to shoot the second round of bullets.

By analogy, the five Thor machines with five arquebus barrels can shoot five times in a row.

Although turning the barrel of the five Thor machine requires manual operation by soldiers, it is also much faster than the normal single-barreled matchlock gun.

The reason why this five-thunder machine, which is similar to a revolver, was not used on a large scale by the Ming army is because of its great flaws.

First of all, the barrels of the five matchlock guns of the Wuthor machine are not very stable when shooting. This is mainly due to the quality of the build...

Li Changqing doesn't have to worry about this problem at all. After all, after he applies the unit template, the five Thunder God machines that appear are all produced by the system's actualization rules, and there will be absolutely no problem with the quality!
Secondly, the construction cost of the Wuthor machine is very high, and the price/performance ratio is far inferior to that of ordinary bird guns.

The continuity of firepower brought by the Five Thunder God Machines can be fully compensated by deploying more bird gunmen, which is much cheaper than building a large number of Five Thunder God Machines.

Of course, this is not a defect for Li Changqing.

In other words, in reality, it is difficult to deploy a large number of Five Thunder Machines, but for Li Changqing, these defects can be avoided through the realization of the system.

"According to the information I got, the only thing I need to worry about is that after firing five lead bullets, the reloading speed of the Five Thunder God Machine is extremely slow, which is much more troublesome than reloading five lead bullets for ordinary bird guns.

However, in the army of this era, who can withstand five salvos without collapsing?

The burst of firepower of these five Thor machines is exactly what I need! "

Soon, Li Changqing made up his mind to apply the qualifications of 1000 soldiers as Ming Thunder Gun Guards.

Before applying the arms template, Li Changqing personally came to the barracks of the Guards and ordered 200 strong soldiers from the Guangdong Province Garrison to be transferred in from outside to be trained as brainwashing soldiers. exhausted.

Immediately afterwards, Li Changqing selected 1000 brainwashed soldiers who had only recently been brainwashed and had not received much training according to the length of the brainwashing period, and lined up on the school grounds.

In order to keep it secret, Li Changqing has cleared all the "idlers and others" around the school grounds.

The next moment, Li Changqing put in the quota of one thousand Ming Thunder gun guards.

In an instant, the brainwashed soldiers who had nothing in their hands, only wearing ordinary single clothes, a white light flashed across their bodies, and rows of elite soldiers in Ming Dynasty armor appeared in front of Li Changqing.

What they held in their hands was the Five Thunder God Machine, and the package on their backs contained a full hundred rounds of ammunition.

These brainwashed soldiers who applied the template of the unit gave Li Changqing the illusion that he was seeing the enemy of the system.

"The ultimate form of the 'evolution' of the brainwashed soldiers under my command, could it be those system enemies?

However, I now have an elite team that can be pulled out for field battles.

Moreover, the veterans of the brainwashing soldiers were all kept by me. If you wiped out the system enemy troops 5 times, you could get 1000 brainwashing soldiers.

In this way, the more than 3000 brainwashed veterans can continue to train, and sooner or later they can use time to accumulate into elites. "

Li Changqing opened the updated system panel while thinking.

【Name: Li Changqing

Life Body: From the physical body to the seventh-rank martial artist (No. 1 world evaluation standard)
Life Essence: 210
Life Essence Refining Furnace: It can refine up to the second-grade Flesh Transformation Pill

Unused mind control quota: 0
Unused soldier training quota: 0
Army that has completed training: 3170 recruits, 1000 Ming Thunder gun guards

Cumulative times of destroying system enemy troops in the fourth stage: 5
The unit templates that have been drawn: Pikeman, Bright Sword Player, Ming Shenji Battalion, Ming Thunder Gun Guard, Ming Weisuo Sergeant
Random task generation: None]

With the cheat library in Pang Yan's mind, Li Changqing's upper limit for refining the body transformation pill directly soared to the second grade.

It's a pity that the sixth-grade body transformation pill needs a full 500 points of life essence, and Li Changqing's life essence reserves are far away...

But now that Li Changqing already had second-rank Pang Yan and third-rank Xuenv personal bodyguards, he was no longer so urgent to improve his own strength.

"What I lack now is not military strength, but the essence of life. The gap in improving the realm is too big. It would be great if those useless unit templates could be replaced with essence of life.

I only have one template for Ming Thunderbolt Guards. "

Perhaps sensing the host's thoughts, the system suddenly popped up a prompt.

[The host can exchange unnecessary unit templates for 20 points of life essence. 】


This is the first time that the system actively responds to my thoughts. It seems that the system interacts with me more during the process of unlocking the permissions. "

Li Changqing was overjoyed when he received the system prompt, and he replaced the templates of the four types of soldiers that he didn't need, the Pikeman, the Bright Sword Player, the Mingshen Machine Battalion, and the Sergeant of the Mingweisuo, with 80 points of life essence.

Because Li Changqing has learned that the Ming Thunder Gun Guards are not only powerful musketeers, but also not weak in hand-to-hand combat after applying the template of the Ming Thunder Gun Guards, and their armors are all equipped with iron plates, which are very protective against arrows. powerful.

It belongs to the all-round infantry that can not only shoot from a long distance, but also fight in close combat.

That being the case, Li Changqing naturally doesn't need templates for other arms, so it's better to exchange them for life essence that is more useful to him.

The strength of the Guards was not known to outsiders, only the officers and soldiers of the Garrison in Guangdong Province knew, and two hundred "lucky ones" among them were promoted to the Guards.

Enjoy far more generous army meals and high military pay than theirs!

The Imperial Guards belonged to the only standing army in the Tang Empire, while the Guangdong Garrison was an army that took turns to serve, and everyone would be summoned only in emergencies.

On weekdays, only about one-third of the Guangdong garrison is on duty, and they basically do dirty work...

The Guangdong garrison under the jurisdiction of the Tang Empire is equivalent to the culmination of urban management, criminal police, armed police, auxiliary police, prison guards, civilian police, community workers, volunteer workers, and public welfare posts in the 21st century.

These jobs that are needed in different positions in the 21st century are all covered by the Guangdong garrison!
It can be said that they have to take care of everything except administrative work and war!

However, these Guangdong garrison troops are still at the feet of the emperor, and the guards supervise them in real time. The soldiers of the Guangdong garrison army dare not do it if they want to exploit and bully ordinary people!

Otherwise, if you are captured by the law enforcement team of the Guards, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die.

Even if you make a small mistake, you will be fined. If you can't pay the fine with enough money, it will be deducted from your future salary, which will make the Guangdong garrison miserable.

The only hope for the Guangdong Defenders is to perform well, and look forward to the moment when they are selected by the top to join the Guards.

Every time Li Changqing received a reward quota for annihilating the enemy troops in the system, he would select 200 "good performers" from the Guangdong garrison to brainwash them into the army.

(End of this chapter)

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