This Qing is wrong

Chapter 154 Someone Up Above Is Important

Chapter 154 Someone Up Above Is Important

"Li Ergou, in front of you is the Fucheng of Shaozhou. All the wealthy gentry in the city have already voted for Li Changqing, a traitor of the puppet Tang Dynasty. powerful.

Are you sure you can take this city? "

Li Ergou knelt down on the ground, and when he heard King Pingnan Shang Kexi's words, he shouted with ecstasy, "The last general must do his best, and if he can't take down Shaozhou City, he will die under the city!"

Wang Shang Kexi of Pingnan looked at Li Ergou, the "bravest" under his command, and nodded with a smile. This time, he specially called Li Ergou over to arrange for him the task of attacking the vanguard. Naturally, it was not to test Li Ergou. Instead, give him a credit.

Regardless of how well Li Ergou performed in the previous battle, it was a failed battle after all, and King Pingnan was gratified after the defeat. There are more than [-] people.

And lost all the artillery and a lot of ordnance, many infantry degenerated directly from musketeers to spearmen...

Shang Kexi, who suffered a huge loss and suffered a blow to his prestige, urgently needs to lay down a big city, restore blood to his troops, and at the same time re-establish his prestige.

At least, let the people under your hands have some sweetness.

What else can restore the morale of the army than taking a big city and letting the soldiers under him go to grab it?
At least, on the side of the Qing army, massacring the city is the easiest way to restore the morale of the army.

Under the premise that there is no way to win the battle, King Pingnan Shang Kexi can only use this method.

For this reason, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi rejected the protection fee voluntarily handed in by the "Tang Army" who was huddled in Shaozhou City.

King Pingnan Shang Kexi planned to let the army under his command enter the city to fetch it by himself.

However, the powerful gentry in Shaozhou city expelled the local officials of the Qing court and accepted the canonization documents of the puppet Tang rebels, which gave King Pingnan the righteousness to attack the city.

Shang Kexi, who suddenly became fierce and ruthless, caught the local nobles in Shaozhou city off guard. They couldn't even escape from the city with their families and subordinates, because the Qing army had already dispatched a large number of cavalry to clear the vicinity of Shaozhou city. .

Going out of town at this time is no different from committing suicide.

The rich families in Shaozhou City also understood the brutality of the Qing army, and knew that King Pingnan Shang Kexi was determined to attack them, but they, who had taken refuge in the Tang Empire, did not even dare to surrender.

God knows that after they surrendered, will the female relatives of the family be 'shared' by the Qing army's uncles?
The Qing army outside the city had just been defeated by the war puppets of the Emperor of the Tang Empire, and they were filled with anger. Who could guarantee that after the surrender, the murderous Qing army would vent their anger on them?
Perhaps the ordinary people below could be spared, but the wealthy family who took the lead did not dare to hand over their heads to the Qing army for disposal.

Before taking Shaozhou City, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi planned to focus on training Li Ergou.

His contribution to being promoted to a guerrilla general is already a bit 'excessive'. If he wants to promote Li Ergou's military rank and his troops, he will definitely need Li Ergou to make new contributions, so Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi will break through Shaozhou City this time. The opportunity to give Li Ergou.

"Very good, after taking Shaozhou City, I will protect you as a general!"

After hearing this, Li Ergou trembled with excitement.

This is a general!

It is the threshold to step into the senior generals of the Qing army!

In the green battalion system, the generals are already the military leaders who can guard one side alone.

After all, there are not many general officers in a province.

Li Ergou also knew the reason why he was promoted by Shang Kexi, the aloof king of Pingnan, so he naturally didn't dare to lose his "name of bravery" and kowtowed to thank him again and again.

Facts have proved that when there are people above, the promotion can really get on the rocket!
Not long after, Li Ergou came to the officers and soldiers gathered under his command and shouted loudly: "The prince has an order to not seal the sword for three days after breaking the city!"

In a simple sentence, time will raise the spirit of the Qing army to the peak.

The low morale from the many-day march was swept away.

Soon, Li Ergou personally led his troops to the back of the siege equipment that had been built.

The siege tools built by the Qing army were mainly ladders and siege towers, and there were no trebuchets.

For one thing, it took too much time to build the trebuchet, and the Qing army didn't want to delay it for too long.

Secondly, the city of Shaozhou was full of mobs, and the Qing army confidently believed that as long as they climbed the tower, they would win without any suspense.

"The Great Qing is all victorious!
Great Qing wins!


The soldiers of the Qing army pushed the siege equipment and moved forward rhythmically shouting slogans amidst the melodious sound of horns.

After seeing the Qing army's endless siege formation and the mighty momentum of the attack, the rural soldiers and even the temporarily armed militiamen on the top of the city of Shaozhou seemed to be frightened and shrank. Trembling behind the parapet.

"The Qing demon is here, I don't want to fight, I'm just a tofu seller, why did you drag me here!
woo woo woo~"

"Qing Yao is too scary, let's surrender, I'm just a blacksmith, I'm not a soldier, I can't kill people!"

"You are still unreasonable, I am a vegetable seller, why should I come up to defend the city!

I am an obedient citizen of the Qing Dynasty, I want to go home, I don't want to die here..."

A militiaman suddenly threw away his weapon as if going crazy, and rushed to the city wall corridor to escape. He was knocked down by the soldiers in charge of the formation, and he was pressed to the ground with an old punch. The militiaman screamed again and again. It didn't take long for the sound to die away.

Seeing the rolling eyes of the people below, the battering soldier finally stopped his fists and kicks, tried his breath, found that he still had breath, threw it behind the parapet, and threatened the militiamen next to him: "He wakes up!" Tell him what to do, if anyone dares to retreat, I will kill him!

If the Qing Yao breaks the city, your family members will die. If you don’t want your whole family to be slaughtered by the Qing Yao, you should try your best to defend the city! "

Although there are not many similar scenes, they have happened on different sections of the city wall. From time to time, militiamen with mental breakdowns want to escape.

As the Qing army's siege brigade got closer and closer, this situation became more and more frequent.

"Everyone, stand up, Qing Yao has already stepped forward!"

Accompanied by the sound of the ladder hitting the wall one after another, the rural soldiers in charge of guarding the formation and guarding the city frantically pulled and called out to the temporary militiamen who were still huddled behind the city head at this time.

There is no way, these militiamen were ordinary people a few days ago, it is no problem to let them fight with weapons in a village, but it is really embarrassing for them to fight against the brutal Qing soldiers...

Among the people who can survive in Guangdong Province, which one has never heard of the brutality of the Qing soldiers?

It's not like these little people are fighting hard every day. There's nothing wrong with chopping [-] knives.

While shouting at the top of his voice, a village soldier dragged the tearful coward militiaman by the neck and dragged him to the city wall.

As a result, more than a dozen lead bullets were fired in an instant, and the soldier who was pulling the person trembled, vomiting blood and fell to the ground on his back, while the militiaman who was caught by him sat down on the ground in fright. The crotch became wet at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the unpleasant smell wafted away.

There are not a few people who were scared to urinate on the city wall, and the smell of urine has long been used to by the mob guarding the city.

But soon, the smell of blood overwhelmed the safer smell of urine.

"Give it all to me!
Whoever dares to retreat, I will kill anyone! "

Li Ergou led a group of personal soldiers, brandishing big knives, driving his soldiers forward.

Under the city wall, blunderbuss soldiers and archers stood scattered, and when they saw who dared to stand up on the city wall, they immediately rushed over.

Don't look at Li Ergou has been driving his soldiers forward, he is standing relatively close to the city wall, just within the effective range of the firecrackers on the city wall.

Daring to stand here is already braver than most senior generals.

After all, stray bullets in this era are very deadly, and we don’t have anti-inflammatory drugs such as penicillin, plus lead bullets are poisonous, as long as they enter the meat, even if they are not shot, the best end will be amputation and become disabled people.

Or die in a painful infection festering.

Of course, there are also a few lucky ones who have strong resistance and can rely on their own immunity to survive.

However, even those who rely on their own immunity to survive, the foundation of the body will be greatly weakened, and warriors will even drop their grades.

With the development and popularization of firearms, the social status of warriors is getting lower and lower for this reason.

A powerful warrior can block the arrows shot from a bow and crossbow, but no warrior can chop lead bullets shot with a knife.

That thing not only has a fast rate of fire, but also has a small target...

The soldiers of the Qing army slowly crawling on the ladder were thrown down by stones from time to time, and there were also lead bullets shot indiscriminately. ?

However, when the planks of the siege towers fell on the city wall, and a group of Qing soldiers armed with firecrackers fired row after row at the town soldiers who had the courage to resist on the city wall, the will of the town soldiers to resist was instantly destroyed.

Soon, the Qing army gained footholds one by one on the city wall, and quickly expanded around.

Those young militiamen who were greedy for life and afraid of death found that the township soldiers guarding them had collapsed, so they naturally fled frantically, throwing away everything they could throw away, let alone weapons in their hands.

It took more than an hour from the sound of the offensive horn to the Qing army gaining a firm foothold on the city wall. Li Ergou watched more and more soldiers under his command on the city wall, and thought to himself:
"I, Huanghuang Daqing, are really powerful. If there hadn't been the demon Daoist Li Changqing, who would be my opponent in this world?"

As the gate of Shaozhou city opened wide, King Pingnan Shang Kexi, who held a telescope behind him, put down the telescope in his hand, smiled and said to the senior generals of the Qing army beside him: "This Li Ergou is not only brave enough , The ability to lead troops is also good, and the city gate was opened in such a short time.

Let's send troops into the city according to the order discussed earlier.

Three days without sealing the knife! "

Although the generals slandered in their hearts, no one dared to touch Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi's brow at this time.

No matter how many times he was defeated, the military power of the Qing army here in Guangdong Province was firmly held by him.

Many of these high-ranking generals are either members of the Shang family or their nephews!

This is why Shang Kexi has been defeated repeatedly, his personal prestige has been declining, and he can still firmly grasp the military power.

After Li Ergou's troops entered the city, the complaints about Li Ergou, the general, disappeared immediately.

Although Li Ergou was a little harsh on them, but being able to win the first chance to enter the city shows that he is still a good boss!

The picture of being a soldier is nothing more than the same.

First, generals who can win battles.

Second, generals who can lead them to make a fortune.

And the first is often accompanied by the benefits of the second.

After all, winning a battle usually leads to a fortune.

Even picking up corpses can still earn income.

Now that Li Ergou can lead the big guy to make a fortune, the Qing soldiers will naturally support this general.

In the city of Guangzhou in the Tang Empire, Li Changqing had just received a report from a county head.

The puzzle of the annihilation of the system enemy army is solved.

What Li Changqing didn't expect was that the county lord and his clan's armed leaders, after learning that what they annihilated were the war puppets summoned by Li Changqing, even brought a lot of property and seized weapons and equipment to make amends.

Afterwards, Li Changqing convened a cabinet meeting and issued a message to the feudal lords under the Great Tang Empire, announcing to the world that Li Changqing summoned endless war puppets, and it didn't matter how many they died, so that the feudal lords below would not have to worry about 'accidental injury'.

At the same time, Li Changqing also issued a notice to praise the integrity of Guangzhi County Lord. Not only did he not punish him, but he also issued an additional approval to promote Guangzhi as a commander.

Of course, Li Changqing didn't specify the specific fiefdom of this commander, it can only be regarded as a title.

Under the current tax package system, the official positions of those feudal lords from small to large are township lord, county lord, state commander, and festival envoy.

The number of Jiedu envoys will be strictly controlled by the Tang court. So far, there are only two Jiedu envoys, but the official positions below the Jiedu envoys are basically issued indiscriminately.

The initial evaluation standard is to distribute the titles in batches based on the population, land and even the amount of taxes paid by the local smugglers.

Now Li Changqing does not have enough human resources to go to various places to verify, so he can only judge based on the data reported by local snakes.

However, the Tang Empire clearly stipulates that anyone who dares to lie or underreport will be punished by ransacking his family and exterminating his family after verification!
It was precisely because of this cruel punishment that the tyrants of the clan were deterred. Even if they reported less, they did not dare to make it too obvious.

Most local snakes usually choose to buy power with money to keep them safe. To Li Changqing, that piece of paper is just plain white paper, but to local snakes it is a talisman.

Avoid Li Changqing's amulet thrown by the war puppet.

Now Li Changqing's ability to drop war puppets from a distance has long been proven. It is this terrifying ability that has deterred the entire Guangdong Province.

"Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi's big red dot stopped in Shaozhou City, probably stationed there.

There is a high probability that they are already in the city. At this time, if I launch the system enemy army, it should not make Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi run away quickly. "

(End of this chapter)

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