This Qing is wrong

Chapter 160 The Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers Are Coming! Run!

Chapter 160 The Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners are Coming! Run!

The punishment of the Japanese mercenaries was considered a trivial matter in the Great Tang Empire. When the people below understood that Li Changqing didn't care about the lives of the Japanese, everyone would know how to deal with those Japanese!

People in this era generally have the idea that people who are not of our race must be different, which is completely different from the open international thinking of the 21st century.

Just as people in the 21st century cannot understand why there is racial discrimination and why black people are abused, people in this era also cannot understand why people in the 21st century allow black students to receive education on their own land?

Black people in this era have a special title - Kunlun slaves.

That's right, if any black man dares to wander around in the land of China, he will be caught as a slave immediately.

No matter how kind people are, they will take it for granted, because they don't regard Kunlun slaves as human beings like themselves.

This is actually the conceptual generation gap brought about by the times.

Although the Japanese were not as miserable as the Kunlun slaves in this era, the Han people in the coastal provinces generally did not have a good impression of the Japanese. The reason was naturally the Japanese pirates during the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, everyone did not feel that the Tang Empire's treatment of the Japanese was too cruel.

However, the Qing court did not give Li Changqing time to digest Guangdong Province in peace.

Before the imperial examination in Guangdong Province had time to be held, Li Changqing received a message from the Military Intelligence Bureau.

The four routes of the Qing army invaded Guangdong Province from the four provinces of Huguang, Jiangxi, Fujian, and Guangxi.

Burning, killing and looting along the way, doing all kinds of evil, the momentum is like a broken bamboo!

However, after Li Changqing opened the small map, he felt something was wrong.

The Qing troops in Guangxi, Huguang, and Jiangxi were all big red dots, and only the small red dots remained in the province. Only the Qing troops from Fujian Province were small red dots, and the big red dots still stayed in Fujian Province.

Is this what is going on?
How dare the Qing army in Fujian Province play the trick of retaining strength?
Li Changqing thought about it carefully, the leader of the Qing Army in Fujian Province at this time seems to be Geng Jingzhong!

This makes sense.

"Geng Jingzhong certainly doesn't dare to violate Kang Mazi's imperial decree now, but he sent Qing troops at the level of the little red dot in an open and above board manner. These Qing troops could not be outsourced.

Are they all just strong men and green camp old and weak?

Well, the size of the red dot is determined by the overall strength, and the quantity is only one of the reference factors.

But in reality, the statistics of the army are generally based on the number of troops. If a group of civilians are armed and then put on green battalions, the difference will not be obvious without careful inspection.

By doing this, Geng Jingzhong didn't intend to establish himself as king.

Is he crazy about wanting to be an emperor?

That's right, if I can annihilate the four-way Qing army, the military power of the Qing court in the four provinces will be wiped out. At that time, Geng Jingzhong will raise his arms, and it will not be difficult to establish his own country.

Of course, this is without considering the future situation.

Forget it, let’s first wipe out the Qing army that disturbed my internal affairs from the four routes. It happened that the Qing army divided a wave of enemy troops along the way. I hope that the Qing army from the four routes can be more powerful. Thousands of system enemy troops can't defeat..."

A county under the jurisdiction of Zhaoqing Prefecture is like a purgatory on earth at this time. Zu Zeqing stepped on the corpse of a girl covered in blood, kicked an inexplicable part, and felt the softness with his boots.

"That's it?
Dare to establish yourself as the Tang Empire?

Li Shimin probably wakes up from the grave laughing when he finds out. "

Zu Zeqing looked at the clan armed forces who were being chased and killed by his soldiers like pigs and dogs, and taunted wantonly.

Zu Zeqing's army was not considered a strong force in the Qing army in Guangxi because of military discipline issues.

However, it was such a Qing army with poor military discipline that beat the Tang army with a similar number (the clan armed forces who took refuge in Li Changqing would all display the Tang banner) until they cried and cried, and were defeated without even holding up a round of charge.

Zu Zeqing looked back at the flag of the Qing army fluttering in the wind in the distance, and thought indignantly: "Hmph, Sun Yanling, who eats soft food, sees that I am not a direct descendant, so let me take the lead and consume my troops.

I wish you to be hit by the monster Li Changqing's puppet sooner or later! "

Just as Zu Zeqing finished cursing in his heart, a gleam of light suddenly flashed beside the large formation of the Qing army in the sky, and a new line of soldiers appeared in Zu Zeqing's vision.

At the same time, Sun Yanling and his wife Kong Sizhen stood side by side on a handsome big white horse under the commander-in-chief standing in the center of the main formation of the Qing army in the rear.

Although Sun Yanling has become a general of Guangxi, his reputation is not very good, and many banner leaders of the Han army under his command obey the orders of Kong Sizhen instead of Sun Yanling.

Because Sun Yanling was just a small person, Kong Sizhen's father was a high-ranking traitor, if Kong Sizhen's father hadn't died in battle, maybe he could have obtained a "King of Guangxi" town.

It's a pity that when Kong Youde, Kong Sizhen's father, was in charge of Guangxi, Li Dingguo, the last powerful warlord of the former Ming Dynasty, attacked Guangxi by surprise and captured Guilin, the capital of Guangxi Province.

Only the blood of Kong Sizhen fled to the capital and was adopted as an adopted daughter by the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang.

Of course, this is mainly to calm the hearts of those big traitors and let them continue to work for the Qing Dynasty.

Kong Youde was a traitor veteran of the Qing army, and his fate was so miserable, how could the Qing court not treat Kong Youde's only descendant favorably?

Kong Sizhen, who was adopted as an adopted daughter by the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, was canonized as Heshuo Gege, and he was the highest of Gege with a Han body!
Ron is great!

Later, after Kong Sizhen married Sun Yanling, Kong Sizhen, who was born in a noble family, was arrogant in front of her husband Sun Yanling, comparable to a housewife in the 21st century...

Sun Yanling was a rather insidious person. Although he held a grudge against Kong Sizhen's attitude of controlling himself, he kept coaxing Kong Sizhen in everything and asked Kong Sizhen to ask for a Guangxi guard for the two of them.

Later, Kong Sizhen brought Kong Jiajun and her husband Sun Yanling to settle in Guangxi and became a tyrant in Guangxi.

Sun Yanling even relied on Kong Sizhen's nepotism to obtain the rank of a Guangxi general. Kong Sizhen was extremely benevolent to Sun Yanling.

However, after Sun Yanling was firmly established as a general in Guangxi, he felt that he did not need to make compromises, and began to raise his head in front of Kong Sizhen to be a manly man.

At this time, the family is generally dominated by men.

But Kong Sizhen had the support of Kong Youde's old department under his command, so he didn't need to bow to Sun Yanling, and Sun Yanling turned his face and refused to recognize anyone after he gained power, which made Kong Sizhen very disgusted, and the harmonious relationship between husband and wife broke down.

However, both of them put the overall situation first. In front of outsiders, Kong Sizhen and Sun Yanling still behaved like a normal couple.

The reason why Kong Sizhen came out with the army this time in Guangxi was because he didn't want Sun Yanling to win over all of Kong Youde's old troops under his command. Kong Sizhen knew very well that with Sun Yanling's white-eyed wolf temperament, once he was allowed to control all the military power, he would definitely treat Kong Sizhen at home. kind of harsh treatment.

The seemingly harmonious Qing army in Guangxi was split into two factions long ago by Kong Sizhen and Sun Yanling's family civil war.

"This Zu Zeqing is lucky. He has slaughtered a whole county, and he hasn't encountered the war puppet sent by the demon Daoist Li Changqing yet."

Holding up the binoculars, Sun Yanling said in a frivolous tone while watching the battlefield where the ancestral army was raging.

Suddenly, Kong Sizhen's eyes widened and she looked to her left side.

"The demon Li Changqing is after us!"

This time the Qing army's four-pronged attack was a gamble. The gamble was that the monster Li Changqing could not launch war puppets remotely in four directions at the same time.

Therefore, the commanders of the Qing army knew that when they faced the monster Li Changqing's war puppets, they must not run away like the escaped prince Shang Kexi, and what they needed to do was to delay as much as possible.

The Qing army in Guangxi had never seen the power of the monster war puppets, and the high-level officials of the Qing court had been blocking the news of the monster war puppets, so when the Guangxi Qing army suddenly encountered the monster war puppets, they did not panic, and behaved better than others. The Qing army in Guangdong did not know how many times stronger it was.

The Qing army led by Sun Yanling and Kong Sizhen formed a four-sided defensive formation, no matter which direction the enemy suddenly appeared from, they could quickly turn to deal with it.

However, this time, after the Guangxi Qing army saw clearly the appearance of the Yaodao war puppet, there was obvious commotion. Kong Sizhen and Sun Yanling were even more stunned after seeing the Eight Banners armor and lightning rod helmet on the Yaodao war puppet.

Under Zhenghuang Banner Lin Dengwan's order, the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers, all in Zhenghuang Banner armor, dispersed into three groups with good training.

The left and right roads began to outflank the two wings of the living army ahead, and the speed changed from slow to fast!

The Heavenly Soldiers of Zhenghuang Banner and Eight Banners in the middle surrounded Lin Dengwan in Zhenghuang Banner, and all of them put on spears suitable for charging into battle.

In fact, the cavalry and archery tactics of the so-called Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers all learned from the Mongolian cavalry.

Even if the Mongolian cavalry's cavalry tactics continue for hundreds of years, it is not outdated!

The real decline of the Mongols was actually a change of belief.

The Changshengtian belief, which is suitable for war, was replaced by the yellow religion belief that is more gentle and beneficial to rule the people. The Mongols have begun to eat fast and chant Buddha. What fighting power can they have?

The most important thing is that the Mongols don't believe in the Buddhism of the Western Regions, but the Buddhism of the Snow Region.

If you look at the Indian Ah San who believes in Buddhism, you will know how terrible the yellow religion thought is to weaken the country's combat effectiveness.

However, the Yellow Sect belief is far more advantageous than the Changshengtian in spreading. Changshengtian is simply a backward totem belief, which is not competitive with the mature religious system.

In addition to using the sword to open the way to spread religion, the most important thing is to be able to convince the ruler and most civilians.

The ruler believes that this religion is good for ruling, and the common people believe that the propaganda of this religion gives them support and hope in their lives, so it is doomed that this religion will inevitably spread.

It just so happens that the theory of reincarnation propagated by the Yellow Sect satisfies these two requirements.

However, the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties did not believe in the Yellow Sect. They also learned the Mongolian riding and shooting tactics, so their combat effectiveness would naturally not be too bad.

After all, the Mongolian iron cavalry back then had fallen and could never be found again.

With the master gone, the disciple of Manchu Eight Banners can naturally be called the dai king.

As a matter of course, the prototype of the Zhenghuang Banner dropped by the system enemy is the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers at its peak, that is, the full Eight Banners elite before and after entering the customs.

The Guangxi Qing army saw thousands of Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers suddenly descending in front of their eyes. Even if they rationally told themselves that those people were monsters and war puppets, the impression that the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers were invincible still made them panic.

Not to mention the ordinary soldiers of the Qing army, even the officials were stunned, not knowing how to fight against the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners.

That is the strong man who has swept across the entire north. Everyone is working hard for the Qing court. To put it bluntly, isn’t it because they are afraid of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers?

Invincible, who is not afraid!
If there is a choice, who wants to be a traitor and a running dog?

Really can't beat it!
Those former members of the Confucian Army saw the Heavenly Soldiers of the Zhenghuang Banner and Eight Banners, and they were fighting with each other. They didn't know what to do.

Although they knew that the opponent was definitely not the real Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers on BJ's side, but even if the Yaodao Zhanpuppet was a 'replica', they couldn't beat it!
At this time, the Qing army in Guangxi was just like the army of the former Ming Dynasty. Seeing the arrival of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers, they were timid before fighting!
"It's unbelievable that Li Changqing, a demon, can even summon the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners. Could it be that he is really a fairy in the sky?"

Kong Sizhen's eyes sparkled, and he muttered to himself, not knowing what he was thinking.

Sun Yanling realized the seriousness of the problem, and issued a series of orders angrily, trying to stabilize the flustered morale of the army.

It's a pity that Sun Yanling didn't have radio communication technology, and before his orders could reach the ears of the frontline soldiers, the extremely efficient Zhenghuang Banner and Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers, with cavalry and archers on both wings, approached the Guangxi Qing army's formation.

"Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers!
Invincible!Invincible!Invincible! ! ! "

Before the enemy of the system bowed their bows and set their arrows, there was a sudden loud shout from their mouths, and the voice could even be clearly transmitted to the ears of the soldiers in the front row of the Qing army in Guangxi.

The already chaotic front-row gunners of the Qing army were immediately so frightened that they didn't even dare to shoot the first lead bullet, so they threw away the weapon in their hands and turned around and ran away!
Their chief didn't try to stop them, but ran along with his own soldiers!


The Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners are coming, we can't beat them! "

"Hurry up and run for your life, the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners are going to kill someone!"


The chaotic frontal phalanx of the Qing army was suddenly shot out by pieces of Zhenghuang Banners and Eight Banners soldiers, and the rain of arrows fell from the sky.

At the same time, the screams of the Qing army in Guangxi became one piece, and even the officers and soldiers of the Qing army who were still maintaining their formation couldn't bear it anymore!

The reason is very simple, these Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers are real Heavenly Soldiers, otherwise how can they explain their cavalry shooting so accurately!
The best horse archer in Guangxi Province, his archery skills are nothing more than that!

However, the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners have thousands of people shooting arrows at them!
Sun Yanling looked desperately at the two corners of the formation he had carefully laid out, as if being bitten by a dog, it crumbled and fled in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the frantically fleeing rout entered other phalanxes, it brought about a chain reaction.

Originally, the Qing army in Guangxi was terrified by the armor of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers and the lightning rod on their heads, but now it was confirmed by the rout soldiers themselves, who would dare to fight for their lives?
Many soldiers of the Qing army in Guangxi even forgot that they were facing a systematic enemy army, thinking that what was attacking them were real Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers!
(End of this chapter)

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