This Qing is wrong

Chapter 161 Annihilating 2 Routes

Chapter 161 Annihilating the Two Roads

Lin Dengwan of the Zhenghuang Banner saw the formation of the living army start from the two wings and quickly disintegrate toward the rear and center, and even the formation in the middle became loose. A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he pulled himself out with a swipe. Saber.

Loudly shouted: "Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers! Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!!!"

After yelling, Lin Dengwan, who is a little bit upright, led the Eight Banners cavalry who did not ride and shoot, and rushed up with a long gun.

The Guangxi Qing Army Middle Road, which was already terrified by the rain of arrows flying from both wings, saw the Eight Banners Celestial Soldiers charging towards them like lunatics. Disarmed and fled frantically.

Sun Yanling never dreamed that his army would be defeated by the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners!

But now is not the time to be immersed in dreams, Sun Yanling took advantage of the fact that the collapse did not spread to his commander-in-chief, and hastily issued a series of retreat orders, leaving most of the soldiers behind.

Kong Sizhen also came to his senses at this time, but Kong Sizhen didn't have the gecko's tail broken, but planned to take away all the old troops of the Kong family army.

The Green Camp was left behind by Kong Sizhen.

Zhenghuangqi Lin Dengwan's remaining sanity prevented him from rushing to the first row, but followed his own system enemy soldiers and rushed into the crowd of Guangxi Qing troops.

In addition to soldiers, the Qing army in Guangxi also had a large number of civilian and strong auxiliary soldiers, tens of thousands of people. Even if the system enemy army played an avalanche effect, it would be impossible to break through all the Qing army phalanxes in a short while.

At the same time, Zu Zeqing stared dumbfounded at the main force of the Guangxi Qing army collapsing in the distance. He never expected that the tens of thousands of troops would be beaten to the point where they could not fight back.

Also, why are the banners displayed by those monster war puppets so familiar?

Due to the distance, Zu Zeqing did not see the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers of the system enemy army, but only vaguely saw a few system enemy flags.

However, the Qing army in Guangxi fled in all directions due to their large numbers, but Zu Zeqing saw them immediately.

After Zu Zeqing saw that the main force of the Qing army in Guangxi had collapsed, it was naturally impossible to turn around to rescue them, so he immediately gathered his subordinates and prepared to flee.

Zu Zeqing's level is enough to know the 'truth' of the war puppets cast by the demon Taoist Li Changqing, knowing that after being targeted by the demon Taoist Li Changqing, the war puppets will continue to land, and it is impossible to guard against.

If the main force of the Qing army in Guangxi could withstand the strong attack of the monsters and puppets, Zu Zeqing would not dare to run away, but now that Zu Zeqing saw the situation, how dare he stay longer?

Zu Zeqing even thought about the way to retreat, and took the troops back to Guangxi directly, and then took advantage of the emptiness of Guangxi to occupy the big cities and even Guilin, recruiting troops!
Anyway, in Zu Zeqing's eyes, the world has begun to be in chaos, and this is the era when there are soldiers and the grass head king!
As long as there are people with soldiers and territory, even if Li Changqing, the demon Daoist, goes to Guangxi, Zu Zeqing will be able to get a good position after surrendering, right?

Just look at Shang Zhixin's Zhendong Jiedu Envoy!

Zu Zeqing didn't have high demands, and if he could stay in Guangxi forever, Zu Zeqing was willing to bow his knees to the Tang Empire.

Zu Zeqing was a traitor in the first place, so he didn't have any psychological pressure to be three ministers and four ministers.

In this way, Zu Zeqing didn't even do the robbery business, and ran away after hastily gathering troops.

At the same time, Sun Yanling, who had just given the order to retreat, turned his head and looked, good guy, his wife is gone!

When Sun Yanling learned from the people below that Kong Sizhen had escaped with the former army of the Kong family at the first time, he was so angry that his nose turned crooked!
Sun Yanling was the nominal supreme commander of the Qing army in Guangxi this time, so he had to command a lot of troops, and there were naturally many troubles when retreating. As a result, he was delayed and sold out by his woman who was not considerate of her husband at all!

"Damn you bitch, when I get back to Guangxi, I will definitely skin you!"

While roaring helplessly in his heart, Sun Yanling arranged for his cavalry to run away.

There is no way, after the old Confucian Army is missing, the remaining troops exclude the Minzhuang Auxiliary Army and the Guangxi Green Camp, and the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty only have Sun Yanling, the direct-controlled army of General Guangxi.

The number seems to be a lot, but most of them have become routs, and there is no way to be the last one!

Sun Yanling knew that the only role of the rear troops now was to stay and let the monsters and puppets kill for a while, so it was already difficult for him to run away with a large group of infantry, he could only run away with cavalry...

Those system enemy troops are all riding horses!
Several hours later, those who should run have already run away, and those who haven't run are lying on the ground. The corpses of the Qing army at the highest position are stacked five or six layers!
Zheng Huangqi Lin Dengwan looked at his achievements with a cheerful smile on his face.

Killing is the greatest joy for him.

After counting the battle damage, there were only a few hundred people killed under Huang Qi Lin Dengwan's hands, but the number of people they shot and hacked to death was at least five figures.

On average, each person guaranteed to kill five Qing troops!

Zheng Huangqi Lin Dengwan, who was in a good mood, patrolled the battlefield full of corpses.

Because there was no place to step down, Zhenghuangqi Lin Dengwan had no choice but to dismount and walk.

Zhenghuangqi Lin Dengwan enjoyed the softness of unknown organs and the stickiness of thick blood.

Of course, most of the time, there were corpses under Lin Dengwan's feet in Zhenghuangqi.

Very creamy kind.

As he was walking, Zhenghuang Qi Lin Dengwan suddenly let out a small snort, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, you dare to pretend to be dead right under my nose."

Zheng Huangqi Lin Dengwan strode towards the blood-smeared but well-preserved 'corpse', and drew out his saber with a swipe sound, without any unnecessary nonsense, and accurately slashed across the exposed neck of the other party.

After receiving the scabbard, Zhenghuangqi Lin Dengwan admired the Qing soldier who was pretending to be dead, clutching his bleeding neck, and made a sound of '翯翯', just kept watching, as if admiring a work of art.

The biggest difference between Lin Dengwan, who has a brain, and the enemy army of the system is that he knows how to appreciate the art of death and enjoy the process of killing.

"Damn it, all of this can be discovered, it can't be hidden anymore!"

Zhenghuangqi Lin Dengwan, who was admiring the art of death, did not realize that a 'corpse' with rounded eyes was watching all of this. The excruciating pain expression of that comrade before he died made the fear deep in his heart Zoom in to the other extreme.

"go to hell!

Ahhh! ! ! "

Zheng Huangqi Lin Dengwan obviously didn't expect that the person who pretended to be dead would still have the courage to carry out a sneak attack. When he heard the voice and turned around, a Qing army-style waist knife pierced his stomach with a puff, and his back corresponded The location is revealed!

This soldier of the Qing army was also a veteran. He skillfully kicked Zhenghuangqi Lin Dengwan away, drew out his own waist knife, and chased after Zhenghuangqi Lin Dengwan who was lying on the ground and wanted to get up. It's just a horizontal chop.

With a soft chirp, a thick column of blood sprayed the soldier of the Qing army. He looked around and looked at the "Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers" who surrounded him, thinking that when he was dying, those Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers would be negligent. disappeared.

The Qing army soldier looked down at the suspected commander who was killed by him blankly, and found that his body and weapons were gone.

As the low-level Guangxi soldiers, they were not informed of the specific details of the Yaodao war puppets, so this Guangxi soldier did not know the secret of the Yaodao war puppets' disappearance.

After being dazed for a few seconds, the Qing soldier suddenly screamed crazily, shouting 'Damn it' and ran away.

As everyone knows, he inadvertently wiped out tens of thousands of systematic enemies that the Guangxi Qing army could not defeat.

When the Qing army in Guangxi was severely beaten by the enemy troops of the Zhenghuang Banner system, the miscellaneous Qing army from Fujian Province marched listlessly along the wide official road.

Suddenly, this miscellaneous Qing army marched near the middle of the open space on both sides, and there were gleams of light flashing.

Because the open area is not enough, the systematic enemy troops were scattered and dropped on both sides of the marching team of the motley Qing army.

More than half of the soldiers in this miscellaneous Qing army are the people who have been pulled out temporarily to make up the numbers. Of course, it is impossible for Geng Jingzhong to equip them with any good weapons. They are all cheap wooden spears without red tassels on the spears. ...

In this army, the veterans of the green battalion are already the pinnacle of individual combat power.

Scattered on both sides of the official road are a group of ronin wearing tattered cloth robes, speaking authentic Japanese, and holding only one or two samurai swords.

The prototypes of these ronin are land-lost warriors in history, so all of them are so poor that they only have samurai swords left...

Only the Japanese Lin Dengwan who took the lead was wearing a black samurai armor.

Among a group of beggar-like ronin warriors, the armor on this Japanese Lin Dengwan is particularly conspicuous. Even ordinary farmers can tell that he is the boss of this gang of war puppets.

Different from the Qing army in the other three provinces, Geng Jingzhong didn't expect this miscellaneous Qing army to make any achievements at all, so he told this miscellaneous Qing army all the secrets he knew about the monsters and puppets.

That is to say, even a strong pawn in the miscellaneous Qing army knows that he can win by killing the commander-in-chief of the Yaodao war puppet.

At the same time, it is also very clear that the monster war puppets never keep alive, even if they die, their corpses will be eaten as rations.

Coincidentally, this Japanese Lin Dengwan's team appeared scattered, and there were only dozens of Japanese ronin holding samurai swords around him.

As a result, there were two extremes in the miscellaneous Qing army that was suddenly attacked.

The green battalion veteran and the courageous Min Zhuang Xiangyong who were close to the Japanese Lin Dengwan swarmed towards the Japanese Lin Dengwan to kill them.

The miscellaneous Qing troops in other positions were easily defeated by the Japanese ronin warriors who were far fewer in number than them.

This Japanese Lin Dengwan was an extremely bloodthirsty man. When he saw a group of living people rushing towards him, he screamed excitedly and pulled out his katana sword, leading the only few dozen Japanese ronin warriors around him to meet him.

A scuffle broke out immediately on the official road in Guangdong.

Except for the location of Lin Dengwan in Japan, other places are systematic enemy troops chasing and killing miscellaneous Qing troops. The military officers of the Qing army who stayed in order to maintain order were either hacked to death by Japanese ronin samurai, or they saw that the situation was not good. Miao ran with the rout.

After the miscellaneous Qing troops at both ends heard that their marching formation was cut in half by the monsters and puppets, many military officers took the lead in fleeing!

They are all miscellaneous soldiers, and the wages given by the Qing Dynasty are not enough to support their families, and no one wants to work hard.

The reason why those miscellaneous Qing troops who met Lin Dengwan in Japan were desperate because they found themselves surrounded!
As a result, more and more miscellaneous Qing troops who found themselves surrounded by monster puppets with fewer numbers than them joined the battle to besiege Japan's Lin Dengwan.

The miscellaneous Qing army could clearly distinguish the situation. Those systematic enemy troops completely ignored their own boss who was being besieged without receiving the order from Japan's Lin Dengwan...

The main reason is that in the outer circle around Lin Dengwan in Japan, there are layers upon layers of living people, and the system enemy army can't see the figure of his own commander at all. As a result, this group of artificially retarded system enemy troops just patronize themselves and kill people!

The few systematic enemy troops who hacked and killed the miscellaneous Qing army in the outer circle of Lindenwan in Japan could not penetrate this encirclement at all.

Fortunately, dozens of Japanese ronin warriors around Lindenwan in Japan were loyal to protect the lord, and even took the initiative to block the knife for Lindenwan in Japan. For this reason, Lindenwan in Japan persisted in the siege for more than an hour before he was hacked to death .

It was this crucial moment of more than an hour that caused tens of thousands of miscellaneous Qing troops to disintegrate on their own.

The governor of Fujian who led the team did not expect his army to be so vulnerable. This loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty organized his confidants to charge the Japanese ronin warriors in order to repay the cultivation of the Qing Dynasty, or to say apologetic, and was chopped up Became a piece of meat...

More than two-thirds of the troops guarding the governor of Fujian threw away their weapons and fled when the Japanese ronin samurai pounced on them...

In this way, when the besieged Qing army finally hacked to death Japan Lin Dengwan, the supreme commander of the Qing army from Fujian Province, the governor of Fujian, died, and most of the officials and soldiers below ran away. But it didn't go far...

The miscellaneous Qing troops left on the battlefield were also temporary organizations without any fixed relationship. When they saw that there were no officials in charge of them, they simply made a fortune on the battlefield, and then went back to their respective families to find their own mothers.

The four waves of system enemy troops summoned by Li Changqing are launched at the same time.

Le Erjin, the Jingkou general who led the Qing army in Jiangxi, was very lucky to have just captured a county when he encountered monsters and puppets.

After Le Erjin received a report from his subordinates that the Qing army outside the city had been attacked by monsters and puppets, he promptly moved all the troops into the county seat.

Then I watched thousands of Qing soldiers who were left behind frantically slapped the closed county gates, and were massacred with volleys of guns by the chasing Spanish army.

Of course, when the Spanish army massacred the abandoned Qing army outside the city, Le Erjin was not idle. He set up the cannons that had been pulled into the city on the low walls of the county town, and slammed them towards the monsters outside the city. boom.

At the same time, the walls of the county town were filled with musketeers, and while the Spanish army was slaughtering the Qing soldiers in the city, they fired rounds of guns at them.

In this way, Le Erjin took advantage of the opportunity of the systematic enemy army to slaughter abandoned sons and clear soldiers, and wiped out most of the Spanish army!

If the Spanish Lindenwan hadn't ordered the retreat in time, all the Spanish army would have fallen outside the county walls.

(End of this chapter)

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