Chapter 162

"General, there are only a few hundred monsters left outside. Shall we go out of the city and wipe them out?"

Le Erjin glanced at the general who made the suggestion, and knew that he wanted to take credit for nothing.

Thousands of people fight hundreds of people, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to lose!

However, the opponents are full of monster fighters who are not afraid of death, even if there are only a few hundred people, how many soldiers will die to annihilate them?

But for Li Changqing, the demon way, there are as many such puppets as there are!

Of course, Le Erjin couldn't say such dejected words clearly.

"The monster war puppets are bloodthirsty and warlike. We don't need to go out of the city to give up the city defense advantage. After a while, the monster war puppets are adjusted, and they will attack the city on their own initiative. At that time, we can use our firepower advantage to destroy them.

Remember, our task of dispatching troops is to hold back the energy of the demon Dao Li Changqing and cover the friendly army from attacking Guangzhou City. "

After Le Erjin finished speaking, the proposed general of the Qing army retreated with regret.

The chance of meritorious service is gone...

The Qing army in Jiangxi was completely different from Fujian, Guangxi, and Guangdong. The Qing army in Jiangxi was all troops of the imperial court, and there were very few private soldiers. Therefore, the generals of the Qing army were not too worried about losing the lives of their soldiers.

The most important thing is to make one's military achievements thinner and thicker.

Of course, this is also a good thing for Le Erjin, which means that the morale of the Qing army in Jiangxi is relatively high.

The high-level generals had a reason to fight, and the lower-level Qing army officers and soldiers did not know how powerful the monsters and puppets were. This was the only way to ensure that the Qing army under their command would not run away when they saw the enemy like the Qing army in Guangdong.

Spanish Lin Dengwan saw his subordinates were killed and wounded under the walls of the small county town, and he couldn't suppress his anger no matter what.

You know, the exchange ratio between the two sides in this battle made Linden Wan of Spain feel ashamed.

When will the living people who are greedy for life and afraid of death be able to increase the battle loss ratio to close to one to one?
If Linden got angry, his rationality would be overwhelmed, and his mind would be full of tyrannical thoughts of breaking through the county town in front of him and killing all the living people inside to vent.

As a result, hundreds of Spanish troops were regrouped.

The Spanish army that appeared this time was the Spanish soldiers in the era of queuing up and shooting. They were dressed in a shit-yellow military uniform, and they were equipped with bayonet-mounted flintlock guns in their hands.

In terms of armament, it still has a big advantage.

On top of that, they carried a good amount of black powder.

As if to confirm Le Erjin's prediction, before all the generals of the Qing army walked down the city, the monster puppets in the distance rushed up again.

Hundreds of Spanish soldiers lined up in two thin rows of guns and strode towards the city wall.

Soon, the artillery of the Qing army on the top of the city roared.

When these Spanish soldiers approached the city wall, they began to shoot at the Qing army's firearms on the top of the city.

It is obvious that the Qing army, which has superior firepower, will win the duel sooner or later. Le Erjin smiled and led a group of senior Qing army generals standing behind the bunker of the city gate tower, watching the dwindling number of monsters and puppets. .

"These monster puppets are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of death, and their combat power is not weak, but their brains are really stupid. This kind of battle that is sure to lose is also sent to commit suicide, haha."

Le Erjin thought proudly, and even started to plan how to use the defense of the county city under his feet, nail it here, and constantly consume the war puppets thrown by the demon Dao Li Changqing.

According to Yue Le's analysis, Li Changqing, the demon Dao, can only deploy war puppets in one place at the same time. This is the prerequisite for the Qing army to win the Guangdong campaign. Naturally, Le Erjin can only fight in this way.

If Li Changqing, the demon Daoist, can send war puppets to multiple places at the same time, no matter how many Qing troops are, it will be dead. If they stay in place and wait for the Tang Empire to sort out its internal affairs, when the army is defeated, it is better to rush out and fight.

Just as Le Erjin was thinking about the next battle plan, a general beside him suddenly exclaimed loudly: "What are those monster war puppets going to do?!"

Le Erjin followed the other party's guidance and looked over, and saw a dozen monster puppets, under the cover of hundreds of monster puppets, suddenly rushed out of the platoon of guns, carrying a large package towards the gate tower Come over from below.

The Qing gunners above and around the gate tower rushed to intercept them, but the Spanish musketeers behind them suddenly accelerated forward and pulled closer, shooting at the Qing gunners on the gate tower and surrounding walls to suppress their firepower. .

After seeing it, Le Erjin's face changed drastically, and he quickly turned and ran towards the stairs of the gate tower.

At this time, many senior generals of the Qing army also crowded each other and fled towards the stairs, crowding the narrow stairs to the brim...

At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise under the city gate, and Le Erjin felt himself flying out, and then the world in his eyes quickly became dark, and he lost consciousness...

The Spanish Lin Dengwan in the rear saw the city gate tower and the county gate that had been suicide bombed by a dozen Spanish soldiers carrying explosives. He laughed wildly, waved his hand, and gave the order for a general attack.

At the same time, Le Erjin, the commander-in-chief of the Jiangxi Qing army, ascended to heaven together with a group of senior Qing army generals, causing the command center of the Jiangxi Qing army to disappear instantly, and the blown down of the gate tower greatly affected the morale of the Qing army. .

When the monsters and war puppets rushed in from the ruins of the collapsed city gate, there were not many Qing troops to intercept them!
Some Qing troops were looking for their own generals, some Qing troops fled in all directions, and more Qing troops were wondering what happened...

After all, the width of the county wall is limited, and most of the Qing troops stayed in the county to rest.

As the Spanish Musketeers rushed into the county, the Qing army could not find Le Erjin and other high-ranking Qing soldiers. More and more officers and soldiers of the Qing army became flustered, and instead of fighting the enemy, they began to run away.

Even if there were scattered Qing troops resisting in an organized way, they would be defeated by the fearless Spanish Musketeers.

In this way, the collapse formed a chain reaction and quickly spread to the entire county.

The other entrances and exits of the county town were crowded with fleeing officers and soldiers of the Qing army, and there were even vicious incidents of trampling on each other.

The Jiangxi Qing army, which had lost its organization, behaved no differently from Min Zhuang Xiangyong. Everyone was scrambling to escape for their lives, for fear of falling behind their comrades and becoming a scapegoat.

In the end, only a few officers and soldiers who were loyal to the Qing Dynasty were left hiding in the county town, fighting brutal street battles with the small number of Spanish troops.

This street fighting lasted all day and night, and the gunfire did not disappear until noon the next day.

The reason for the disappearance is very simple. After half of the soldiers under Lindenwan in Spain were killed in battle, they personally joined the street fighting. As a result, they were shot coldly, and the remaining system enemy troops disappeared immediately.

However, none of the remnants of the Qing army who won the victory in the county showed a smile on their faces. They knelt down beside their comrades who fought side by side and were willing to swear to kill the enemy for the Qing Dynasty, crying bitterly.

Many officers and soldiers of the Qing army who stayed here, to put it bluntly, stayed for loyalty, not really willing to die for the Qing Dynasty.

However, shouting slogans must not be shouted like this...

After a brief count at the end, there were only more than [-] remaining Qing soldiers in the county.

The real number of people killed in battle was actually not many, and most of them escaped.

Coupled with the inexplicable death of a group of senior Qing army generals such as Le Erjin, the Jiangxi Qing army has actually been defeated.

The remaining Qing army and the Jiangxi Qing army who ran away did not continue to go deep into Guangdong Province, and all of them chose to return to their old nest in Jiangxi.

At this point, the third Qing army was also defeated.

Time went back to one day and one night before, the Spanish army appeared one second before the Qing army in Jiangxi.

Li Ergou took the initiative to ask Ying to become the vanguard of the Qing army in Huguang Province, leading an army of tens of thousands to open the way ahead.

Obviously, Li Ergou's behavior was recognized by Yue Le and other high-ranking officials in the Qing army. He felt that although this newly promoted commander-in-chief had a humble background and extremely low cultural quality, at least he had a good sense of bravery.

You know, Li Ergou has fought against Yao Dao and Zhan Puppet several times, and he still maintains such bravery, how rare it is!

On the other hand, General Pingnan Shang Kexi, Yue Le put Shang Kexi and his cavalry at the back of the army, and took charge of the rear.

It seems to indicate Shang Kexi's behavior of fearing the enemy like a mouse in Guangdong Province.

Huguang Province has the largest number of Qing troops and firearms, and naturally has the strongest overall strength.

Including the civilian husbands and auxiliary soldiers accompanying the army, the total number has exceeded [-]!
However, the systematic enemy troops were not surrounded by the trailblazer Li Ergou's troops, but appeared behind the Huguang Qing army, which was the chrysanthemum position of Shang Kexi's cavalry troops.

2000 Polish hussars, dressed in gorgeous clothes and with wings behind them, lined up in a uniform formation of heavy cavalry.

The length of the lance in his hand is longer than that of the cavalry and the body of the horse!

Naturally, Shang Kexi was the first to notice the arrival of the monsters and war puppets. His confidantes all looked at Shang Kexi. Figured it out, pulled out his saber, and called all the cavalry to line up and attack formation!
So, on a small flat area, the aging Shang Kexi led his 3000 cavalry from the headquarters to confront the Polish hussars who had completed the shock formation on the opposite side.

"Our Shang family has been greatly favored by the Qing emperor, today is the time for our Shang family to die for the Qing Dynasty!

I am gratified, I am a man of Qing Dynasty in life, and a ghost of Qing Dynasty in death!

Everyone, charge with me! ! ! "

The generals of the Shang family and the generals surnamed Shang, after hearing Shang Kexi's speech, their faces changed suddenly, and they wailed in their hearts: "My lord, if you want to be a loyal minister for the Qing Dynasty, you can't bring the big guy to die together. ah!"

However, Shang Kexi has pulled the atmosphere to this point, and the main force of the Huguang Qing army who is changing their formation is watching behind them. What can they do?
It's too late to stop Shang Kexi!
If you don't follow the charge, is it possible to be a deserter?

In this way, the soldiers under Shang Kexi's command were coerced by Shang Kexi, bit the bullet and charged towards the 2000 Polish hussars.

These 3000 cavalry are all elite cavalry with armor and guns. After all, they were originally Shang Kexin's core army, and their equipment is naturally the best.

Therefore, in theory, 3000 people should have a better chance of winning against 2000 Polish hussars.

It's a pity that the 2000 Polish hussars on the opposite side are all war machines who are not afraid of death, but the 3000 Shangjia cavalry charging are all afraid of death!

What's worse is that they are used to following Shang Kexi and running away when the monster puppet descends, and now they are suddenly asked to fight with their lives against the monster puppet, this is a big turning point!
As a result, Shang Kexi led the charge of 3000 cavalry and charged, but the formation became more and more scattered, especially the cavalry of the Shang family near the two sides. Some people left the brigade and became deserters in full view!

In contrast, Polish hussars.

Poland Lindenwan held up the lance in his hand and shouted loudly: "Long live Great Poland!"

Then 2000 Polish hussars lined up in a neat wave formation, and slammed into Shang Kexi's cavalry, which was getting looser and looser.

As a result, not surprisingly, Shang Kexi's cavalry did not wait to meet the enemy, more than half of his own troops dispersed, and all of them became deserters!

Riding a horse is convenient, and you can run whenever you want.

Holding a binoculars from behind, Yue Le, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, cursed with a livid face: "This is gratifying, I want to die on the battlefield to gain my name behind me, but I gave three thousand elite riders to the monsters and puppets in vain!

hateful! "

The reason why Yue Le cursed was simple.

Shang Kexi couldn't figure out what kind of mentality the 3000 cavalry under his command had towards the monsters and war puppets?

Letting them confront the cavalry of the Yaodao War Puppet, this is forcing the elite cavalry under their command to renounce their morality!

After all, no matter how loyal a person is, they will change when they face life and death.

As a result, there was no accident. Before contacting the enemy, most of the cavalry of the Shang family dispersed.

Some generals who followed Shang Kexi even ran away!

But Shang Kexi doesn't care anymore at this time, he just wants to fulfill his posthumous reputation, and fight to the death for the Qing Dynasty under the eyes of everyone!

No matter how disgusted the Qing court was with him, how dare they bury the name of a general like him who died in battle?

Shang Kexi worked his whole life for the Qing Dynasty, he didn't want to fall from the clouds when he was about to enter the coffin, and end up with the reputation of fearing the enemy like a mouse.

After King Pingnan's title was cut off, Shang Kexi understood that it was impossible for him to become the king with a different surname in the Qing Dynasty.

As long as Li Changqing, a demon in Guangdong Province, cannot be suppressed, the Qing government will suppress him, the chief culprit, wave after wave.

And Shang Kexi knew very well that Li Changqing, the demon Taoist, was capable of defeating him, so Shang Kexi was ready to die on the battlefield before going out from Huguang.

Unexpectedly, the demon Taoist Li Changqing gave him face so much, and directly put the war puppet beside him, Shang Kexi can go with peace of mind.

Shang Kexi slowly put down the gold-plated lance in his hand, looked at the lances in the hands of the fast-approaching monsters and puppets, and muttered to himself: "Great Qing, my loyalty will be praised by generations to come !"

Among the Han kings of the opposite sex, Shang Kexi's loyalty to the Qing Dynasty is the purest, because without the Qing Dynasty's entry into the Guan and the destruction of the Han people, it would be impossible for Shang Kexi to be a king of a different surname in this life, let alone sing every night , the woman is constantly!

Shang Kexi believes that his glory and wealth are all given by the Qing Dynasty, so he wants to draw a successful end to the end of his life as a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty.

In the end, the Shang family cavalry, whose number was less than a thousand, collided with 2000 Polish hussars!
(End of this chapter)

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