This Qing is wrong

Chapter 171 Fairy

Chapter 171 Fairy
"Your Majesty, Dagukou is just ahead."

"Why didn't I hear any gunshots, is there no Qing army stationed at Dagukou?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, when our people boarded the Dagukou, they found that the fort above and the nearby villages and towns were empty, not only the soldiers of the Qing army, but even ordinary civilians could not be found."

Li Changqing was slightly taken aback after hearing this, and quickly opened the system panel to open the small map.


The big red dot on it disappeared!
What's going on, I saw a big red dot near Tianjin Mansion a few days ago.

Now there are only a few little red dots left. Could it be that there are other people fighting against the Qing army in Tianjin?
Forget it, let's log in first and let people collect the news. The light is floating on the sea these days, and the news is seriously lagging behind. "

What Li Changqing didn't know was that the Tianjin government had been completely captured by the White Lotus Sect at this time. The attack of the Bailian rebels retreated steadily.

The methods of the ancient immortals caused the morale of the Qing army to plummet, and they did not dare to confront the white lotus sect rebels like a mob.

After Kang Mazi learned of the Heaven-defying tactics of the White Lotus Sect, he quickly sent people to evacuate the family members of the Eight Banners in the capital.

At the same time, heavy troops were mobilized to the Shaanxi-Gansu region to open up the road to the West.

The land of the Central Plains is also the demon Dao Li Changqing and the White Lotus Holy Court, which made Kang Mazi completely lose confidence, and planned to run away and ruin it...

Fortunately, in the defeats of the Qing army, the "Heavenly Soldiers" of the Eight Banners did not participate. The defeated ones have always been the new army and green battalion composed of coated slaves, as well as some elites of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty.

Kang Mazi had never led an army to defeat a battle. After all, Kang Mazi had been beating Burni on the Mongolian grassland, and he had won many battles!
Therefore, Kang Mazi's personal prestige did not drop much, and the morale of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers did not drop much.

But Kang Mazi knows very well that the current Qing Dynasty is maintained by the prestige of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers not appearing on the battlefield, and they must not allow the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers to fight against the monsters, or the perverted super saints of the White Lotus Sect. Otherwise, the reputation of the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners will be punctured, and the team will be difficult to lead.

In addition to transferring family members from the capital to the Shaanxi-Gansu region, Kang Mazi also continued to transfer the reorganized birth daughters from the outer northeast.

He was even ready to give up Shengjing.

Although Kang Mazi in this world doesn't know that the earth is round, he knows how big the difference is between going east and going west!

Going east, there is only one impoverished North Korea to eat, and then there is an endless sea. For the Qing army, which has almost no navy, it is a dead end.

If you go west, you will have a vast sea and sky, crossing the snow-covered plateau and the Western Regions, and after passing the Western Regions, there will be Persian food!
There are places to grab... oh no, to conquer.

Only when there is a place to conquer can you stabilize the morale of the troops who follow you.

Therefore, Kang Mazi couldn't care less about continuing to chase and kill Burni, and let him be a running sweat, and the army was busy escorting his family and various supplies, as well as engulfing the strong and strong Han people!

Population is an important resource, especially able-bodied men and fertile women of the right age.

Robbery is a skill handed down from the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty, so naturally it cannot be discarded.

Now in the entire northern province, only the New Army and the Green Camp are struggling to support them. In fact, they are all outcasts abandoned by Kang Mazi to delay the pace of the White Lotus Sect rebels.

The White Lotus Sect is different from Li Changqing who has no foundation. After they set off a rebellion, there was a large area. Almost every province in the north had White Lotus Sect rebellions, and the number of masters of the Jade Girl Sect was very large. Among them were the so-called super masters. There is simply no way to fight it.

Super rank is not an original grade, but a habitual name used by people in the Jianghu after the appearance of the Jade Girl Sect, which is used to distinguish first-rank warriors.

In fact, Chaopin's combat power is not even a little bit stronger than Yipin's. The young commander of the Jade Girl Sect once had the combat power to destroy thousands of Qing troops by himself!

If the Qing army in Yizhen said no, it would be gone!

If it hadn't been for Shao Siming's failure to act again, the top officials of the Qing court would have wondered if the world's spiritual energy had recovered and returned to the age of ancient immortals?
According to the records of the ancient books, the secular country really has no power, and any immortal has the ability to destroy a country, and the sect and the immortal are the masters of the ancient era.

It wasn't until the end of the Dharma era that the national secular regime, which gathered the power of everyone, gradually regained its home court advantage.

The super masters of the Jade Girl Sect actually use the methods of the ancient immortals, but they don't have a stable source of spiritual energy, so they can't attack frequently.

To put it bluntly, the Jade Girl Sect is now equivalent to a soldier holding a Gatling machine gun. Because there is not enough ammunition, there is no way to kill a country in the cold weapon era...

Of course, Li Changqing doesn't know all this yet.

Xuenv has been promoted to the second rank at this time, and with the addition of Pang Yan, the second rank, Li Changqing thought that his personal safety was enough to sit back and relax.

What's more, there are thousands of thunderbolt guards protecting it.

Coupled with the newly-built navy sailors of the Tang Empire, it is the full strength of Li Changqing's pan-sea and northern expedition.

Because the Liaodong iron cavalry needed to transport war horses, the navy's transport capacity was not enough, so they did not bring them here.

In fact, Li Changqing didn't intend to let the army under his command do it himself, and he always had the mentality of using the system enemy army to solve the problem, so he brought so few people.

After landing, Li Changqing did not go deep, but camped at the port of Dagukou.

Then send scouts composed of living people out to find out the news.

The living scouts are all from the Guangdong garrison. After all, it is difficult for soldiers who have been brainwashed to do a good job of scouting news.

Their ability to communicate is a big problem.

After one day and one night, the scout sent back the news Li Changqing wanted.

The Qing army in the Tianjin government was wiped out?

Or is it the hand of Bailianjiao? "

"Yes, Your Majesty.

The reason why there is no one here at Dagukou is because the Qing army here resisted stubbornly when the White Lotus Sect attacked, and was burned to death by the saint Yan Lingji of the White Lotus Sect.

The people in the surrounding villages and towns were all taken away by the White Lotus Sect and became slaves because they helped the Qing army against the White Lotus Sect. "

"What Flame Lingji?

How many people in the Qing army here at Dagukou were burned to death by a saint?

How to burn?
Does it breathe fire? "

The leader of the scout who reported the report broke out in cold sweat under Li Changqing's questioning. It was because the questions he answered next were too unimaginable, and he was worried that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty thought he was deceiving the emperor...

However, if you don't answer truthfully, what can you say?
It is said that the mob of the White Lotus Sect broke through the Dagukou Fort and wiped out thousands of Qing troops with dozens of artillery of various types?

It's even more false to say this!

How could Li Changqing not know the fighting power of the White Lotus Sect members?
Even the so-called 'elites' of the White Lotus Sect are nothing but a group of brave and ruthless people who can't even beat the Green Battalion in formations!
This kind of mob, even tens of thousands, would not even try to break through the dangerous terrain and dozens of cannons at Dagukou.

Seeing the expression on the scout leader's face, Li Changqing vaguely guessed the real answer.

Li Changqing believed that the masters of the Jade Girl Sect had intervened more than when the members of the White Lotus Sect suddenly possessed their bodies with supernatural power and beat up the Qing army.

The Jade Girl Sect is an unfathomable female boxing sect with an ancient inheritance!

Li Changqing's power as a boxer was vividly remembered in his last life!
"Tell me, did the White Lotus Sect send a master to defeat Qing Yao?"

"Your Majesty!
Yan Lingji is one of the top masters of the White Lotus Sect, she can really breathe fire, and Dagukou was breached by Yan Lingji with her own strength.

The members of the White Lotus Sect are only responsible for the finishing touches. "

Li Changqing frowned after hearing this, and asked in doubt: "When did the power of the individual surpass the army?"

The scout leader below lowered his head, not daring to answer.

He was only responsible for reporting the news he had found. The news was too horrifying, and he didn't know whether it was true or not. He just asked so many people and said so, so the leader of the scouts could only bite the bullet and come back to report.

At this time, Xue Nu who had been standing by the side suddenly said, "Go down."

The leader of the scouts left the room like Amnesty.

Li Changqing turned to Xue Nu, knowing that Xue Nu had important information to tell him, so he sent the scout leader away.

"Your Majesty, before I defected from the Jade Maiden Sect, I heard that the Jade Maiden Sect discovered a legacy of an ancient immortal and was trying to open it.

However, in order to unlock the legacy of the ancient immortals, many masters of the Jade Maiden Sect died. Everyone thought it was impossible to succeed, so I didn't inquire again until I escaped from the Jade Maiden Sect.

I think, it should be that the legacy of the ancient immortal was successfully opened by the Jade Girl Sect.

The ancient immortals seldom leave good things behind, but as long as they do, it must be good enough to drive us mortals crazy.

Because the ancient immortals would only leave a legacy to select their own successors only when they planned to leave their own inheritance to prevent their own inheritance from being cut off.

Few ancient immortals have too much obsession with the transmission of their own inheritance, because ancient immortals can achieve true longevity through cultivation. Since they can live forever, they naturally don't need to worry about their inheritance being cut off.

This is the reason why the ancient immortals left few marshes.

Later, when the Dharma-ending Era came, the ancient immortals shattered the void and left this world before the aura was exhausted. Every resource was very important to the ancient immortals at that time, and they naturally would not leave any legacy.

This makes the legacy of the ancient immortals very rare, and the number is rare. For thousands of years, except for the opening of the legacy of the ancient immortals when the Dharma-ending era just arrived, there has never been a similar event. I did not expect that this time the Jade Girl Sect would encounter it. "

"You mean that the masters of the Jade Maiden Sect may use the legacy of the ancient immortals to push their personal combat power beyond a certain limit?"

Snow Girl nodded solemnly and replied:
"Your Majesty, the legacy of the ancient immortals is often selected for successors. The ancient immortal who is willing to leave his inheritance cannot be bored. He must hope that his inheritance can be carried forward.

Therefore, the legacy of the ancient immortal often needs to create one or several powerful descendants, so that these descendants are qualified to carry forward his inheritance in the world.

This makes the legacy of the ancient immortals similar to the enlightenment of mortals by masters, and in a short period of time, a master is created to be responsible for the inheritance.

This is how the powerful masters of the Jade Girl Sect should have come.

They themselves are inheritance, and their individual combat power is extremely high. "

"Then how high can their combat power be?"

"It's hard to say.

In terms of combat power alone, the so-called first-rank martial saints are rubbish in front of them, because first-rank martial saints and ancient immortals are completely two life forms. In ancient times, martial saints were nothing more than stronger mortals in the eyes of immortals.

And the inheritance of the ancient immortals, even if it is just to encourage growth, will definitely make the inheritor reborn and fade away from the mortal womb! "

Li Changqing's eyes widened suddenly and he interjected: "Doesn't that mean we are going to fight a group of gods?
No wonder the Qing army had no power to fight back against the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus Sect! "

"Your Majesty, please listen to me.

If it was in the era when the ancient immortals were full of aura, the inheritors would naturally be enough to crush us mortals with a wave of their hands.

However, Your Majesty, don't forget that this is the Dharma-ending era when the aura is exhausted, and the aura in the body of those who have been inherited is used up and down, and there is no source of replenishment.

Even if they have obtained some secret methods from the ancient immortals to reduce the consumption of spiritual energy, spiritual energy is spiritual energy, and any use of ancient immortal methods will inevitably consume spiritual energy.

Therefore, those inheritors are a group of people who sit on the mountain and eat nothing, and they dare not use their abilities too much.

But even without the supply of spiritual energy, without using spiritual energy, their personal combat power is still higher than that of first-rank martial saints. After all, they are no longer ordinary people, but real fairies. "


Li Changqing rubbed his chin, his thoughts drifted away.

What would it be like to be a fairy?
Xue Nu blinked her big eyes and asked curiously, "Your Majesty, what are you thinking about?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm just thinking about the fairy and my war puppet, which one is stronger and weaker."

Xue Nu covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "It must be His Majesty's war puppets winning. Those fairies are rootless water, and the spiritual energy in their bodies cannot withstand consumption, but His Majesty's war puppets are endless, and it is impossible to lose to the so-called fairies. of."

"That's true, but our strategic goal next is the capital, and it's best not to confront those fairies of the White Lotus Sect before occupying the capital.

When we occupy the capital, all the fairies will submit to me. "

After hearing this, Xue Nu's eyes brightened slightly, and she asked directly without any scruples:
"Your Majesty is referring to the method used against me?"

This is the result of mind control. Even if the other party knows the truth, they are willing to give everything to Li Changqing!
Li Changqing nodded without any scruples, and admitted: "At that time, you will have a few more sisters.

Maybe you can also let them pass on the fairy art to you to practice. Although it is impossible to train the body of a fairy in the age of desolation, it should be no problem to upgrade to the realm of a first-rank martial saint. "

Xue Nu was overjoyed, she used her towering pectoralis major to press Li Changqing's back, and said coquettishly: "I love Your Majesty to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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