This Qing is wrong

Chapter 172 Li Changqing's Kite Flying

Chapter 172 Li Changqing's Kite Flying

Outside the capital city of the Qing court, tens of thousands of troops... oh no, under the backbone of the White Lotus Sect, tens of thousands of rioters surrounded the capital of the Qing court with powerful weapons such as hoes and kitchen knives, supplemented by dung forks and stones !

Not surprisingly, the Manchu Qing court will be nailed to the book of shame in history because of the insulting attack of the White Lotus Sect!

You must know that even though the main force of the capital and even the family members and friends of the Manchu Eight Banners have been withdrawn, there are still thousands of Han and Eight Banners as the main military force left behind, and there are still many Han ministers and officials staying in the capital to maintain the imperial court. The frame works.

Kang Mazi didn't want to run away wholeheartedly, he was well prepared, the capital was still very important.

Being able to place thousands of Han and Eight Banners elites in the capital in the hinterland is already regarded as an important thing.

After all, before the White Lotus Sect rebelled, the enemies of the Qing court did not even cross the Yangtze River...

Shandong, Shanxi, Henan and other important provinces in the Central Plains are all under the control of the Qing army. Although the new army and the green battalion are weak in combat effectiveness, they have to be compared with whom, not to mention their numbers. Every city and traffic point Can leave a lot of troops.

Just these cities where the Qing army was stationed were not something Geng Jingzhong could chew down.

Who would have imagined that a group of rebels with the methods of the immortal family would emerge in this world in the age of doomsday.

It was really unlucky for the Qing court. It would be enough to kill Li Changqing, a monster who fell out of thin air. I didn't expect that the White Lotus Sect, which has always been regarded as a muddy leg, would rise one day.

"The Holy Maiden of the White Lotus! Forever and ever!

Holy Maiden of the White Lotus!The power is boundless! "

Under the organization of the backbone of the White Lotus Sect, a group of disheveled hungry people who were coerced by the White Lotus Sect were "armed" and shouted feebly.

Although the strength is insufficient, the quantity is definitely sufficient, and the aura of shouting is also considered qualified.

Three white lotus palanquins were carried by a group of strong men from the White Lotus Sect, and three peerless beauties sat on the lotus thrones of three colors.

With a glamorous temperament and solemn attire, Da Si Ming, who looks like a queen, sits on the black lotus throne in the middle.

The charming and captivating Yan Lingji sits on the red lotus throne on the left side of Da Si Ming.

With a head of purple hair, taciturn, like a beautiful sister next door, Shao Siming, whose alluring face is always covered by a light veil, sits on the green lotus throne on the right side of Da Siming.

What made the thousands of elite Qing troops in the capital dare not leave the city was not the starving thugs who were not even counted as tens of thousands of mobs outside, but these three white lotus saints who had the means of the fairy family!

This time, the White Lotus Sect raised the flag to rebel, and it was more organized than in the past. The main reason was that there were 5 'fairies' in the Jade Girl Sect who were able to suppress with absolute force.

As a matter of course, there were only five of the white lotus saintesses who were originally overwhelmed.

There are three people besieging the capital of the Qing court!
One of the remaining two saintesses recruited troops in Shandong, and along the way wiped out the remnants of the Qing army, and trained the White Lotus Saint Soldiers (that is, the regular army of the White Lotus Sect).

Another saint is in SX province and is fighting fiercely with the Qing army.

SD Province is the base camp of the White Lotus Sect, so the White Lotus Sect uprising in SD Province went very smoothly, defeating the Qing army in a very short period of time.

In the Zhili area, the three white lotus saints Lei Ting made a move and achieved great results. Now they have besieged the important capital of the Qing court.

Only the White Lotus Sect in SX Province was still unable to completely defeat the Qing army.

Although the White Lotus Saintess is strong, it is impossible for them to squander their immortal arts endlessly. In the end, it is still necessary to rely on normal troops to conquer the world.

Otherwise, the Saintess of the White Lotus will squander all her accumulation from the inheritance of the Immortal Family, which will not only make the White Lotus Sect lose its trump card, but also reduce their power and status in the Holy Court of the White Lotus.

Behind the Bailian rioters, groups of craftsmen captured by the Bailian sect were busy making siege equipment.

In addition, there are a few captured gunners of the Qing army, playing with more than a dozen old man cannons.

The real good guns and new guns have been transferred by Kangxi, so even if the White Lotus Sect uprising swept dozens of state capitals in a short period of time, they still haven't found a few useful artillery pieces.

A lot of coastal defense cannons were seized, but they couldn't be transported at all, so with the organization and logistics capabilities of the White Lotus Sect, they wanted to transport the coastal defense cannons outside the capital city. It is estimated that Kang Mazi had already opened the Northwest Passage. ...

The Saintesses of the White Lotus Sect have plenty of time, but the tens of thousands of rioters under their command do not have such a long-term food reserve. The longer the time drags on, the more the food that the White Lotus Sect robbed will be consumed. Once there is a shortage of food, the White Lotus Sect will kill Yingye. It is also impossible to organize tens of thousands of people to attack the city.

The city defense of the capital is not a simple city wall. The outer city and the inner city of the Forbidden City are four full circles!
Each circle has urns and spacious moats.

It would be very exhausting for the White Lotus Saintess to go in alone, let alone rush in with a group of rioters...

The white lotus saintesses are all very selfish, they would rather die as much cannon fodder as possible, and don't want to consume more spiritual energy.

Li Changqing, who lacked information, did not know about the siege of the capital by the White Lotus Sect at this time. He opened the small map and saw a big red dot entrenched in the capital, thinking:
"It seems that Kangxi has not given up on the intention of the capital.

My primary goal now is to occupy the capital, and with systematic urgency, it doesn't matter whether the capital I occupy is an empty city or not.

That being the case, I don't need to personally take the risk of bringing people close to the city wall of the capital, and let the system enemy troops grind it slowly.

Maybe the systematic enemy army can't break through the city defense of the capital, but as long as a wave of systematic enemy troops are thrown into the capital city, the Qing army's morale in the capital will probably be broken.

And I just need to wait in the port for the system enemy to destroy the red dots in the capital. With the bloodthirsty nature of the system enemy, when they finish defeating the capital and march towards me, all obstacles along the way will probably be wiped out by the system enemy .

I now have the Thunder Gun Guards of the former Ming Dynasty in my hand, and I have also occupied a port. I can monitor the strategic movements of the enemy forces in the system through the small map, and send scouts to judge the specific strength of the enemy forces in the system.

If there are many enemy troops in the system, I will leave by boat and fly a kite with the enemy troops in the system!
There are few enemy troops in the system... I have to leave by boat and fly a kite with the enemy troops in the system!
After all, the number of brainwashing soldiers is precious, and it is not worth dying. "

In just a few seconds, Li Changqing considered the simple and crude "flying a kite" tactic.

From the beginning to the end, on the small map, Li Changqing only saw a big red dot, which represented the elite Qing army in the capital city, and the tens of thousands of white lotus mobs outside the capital city were not displayed on the small map at all.

Although the three white lotus saintesses are powerful, they belong to individuals rather than the army in the judgment of the system, so naturally they will not be marked with red dots.

Outside the capital city, the holy sedan chair on which the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus sits occupies a very large area, and there is a canopy and silk gauze curtains to cover it.

There are beds and seats in the palanquin. When marching, someone carries it underneath. When not marching, the palanquin is put down and covered with curtains. It is a ready-made field tent.

Generally speaking, there are only three white lotus saintesses in the holy sedan chair, and there are middle and high-grade female warriors from the Jade Girl Sect outside to listen to orders.

Not only are the five beauties the rulers of the White Lotus Sect, but all the middle and senior ranks are female warriors from the Jade Girl Sect. It is a true organization where women are superior to men, and it is even more extreme than female boxing in the 5st century!

But here in the White Lotus Sect, women have the final say inside and out, which is simply unreasonable.

Only the small bosses at the grassroots level are rough and strong men who are the backbone of the White Lotus Sect.

These strong men of the White Lotus Sect have all been trained by the Jade Girl Sect, the serious kind of training!
Therefore, they did not dare to disobey the female warriors of the Jade Maiden Sect, and served the big bosses of the Jade Maiden Sect like slaves.

Once the will of the Jade Girl Sect is violated, those female warriors will use various punishment methods that men cannot bear to look at directly, making them feel that death is a relief.

Women are gifted in torturing people, and many punishments in the White Lotus Sect are even inferior to the Qing court.

It is this kind of high-handed rule that made the White Lotus Sect change from a loose civil organization to a rebel sect with strict upper and lower classes.

With faith as the spiritual support, food as the bait, and violence as the bondage, today's Bailian Holy Court is formed.

The White Lotus Sacred Court is the name of the country created by the White Lotus Sect uprising.

Just by the name, you can tell that this is a **** organization.

Except for warriors, the White Lotus Holy Court is extremely repulsive to Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. However, many teachings in the White Lotus Sect are all excerpts from Taoism and Buddhism...

The teachings of the White Lotus Sect fully explain what is called "bringing doctrine". As long as the top leaders of the White Lotus Sect think that it is useful to confuse the people, they will be used as the teachings of the White Lotus Sect.

It is precisely this kind of plagiarism that the top leaders of the White Lotus Sect have to reject the scriptures of Taoism and Buddhism. Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the congregation to discover the plagiarism?

The members of the White Lotus Sect are all illiterate, so there is no need to worry about them secretly studying the scriptures of Taoism and Buddhism.

"Kang Mazi, the demon head of the Qing Dynasty, should be planning to give up the capital and the Central Plains, otherwise we wouldn't have taken down so many territories so smoothly."

Yan Lingji said to Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming with a smile.

"Doesn't this prove that our Jade Girl Sect is destined by destiny?"

Da Si Ming replied solemnly.


After hearing this, Yan Lingji laughed so loudly that her branches trembled wildly. She didn't stop her smile until Da Si Ming's face became gloomy, and said in a soft voice:

"If our Jade Maid Sect is destined by destiny, there won't be a demon Li Changqing in Guangdong.

What Qingyao Yaotou is afraid of is not our Bailian Holy Court, let alone the Jade Girl Sect, but the invincible demon Daoist Li Changqing! "


The demonic Li Changqing's ability to summon war puppets is indeed invincible on the battlefield, but the demonic Li Changqing's personal force is a huge shortcoming. Isn't this the advantage of our White Lotus Holy Court? "

"The master's mana is boundless, and my little girl dare not assassinate the demon Taoist Li Changqing. I have heard that the masters of the Qing court's military division have been broken by the demon Taoist Li Changqing one after another. Being controlled by the demon Taoist Li Changqing, he became the demon Taoist Li Changqing's bed plaything.

I have been clean and pure for decades, but I don't want to take advantage of that demon Li Changqing for nothing after becoming a fairy.

When I think that I will obey a stinky man, I want to kill someone! "

Yan Lingji smiled like a flower, but the words that came out of her mouth were creepy.

"Since we already have the body of a fairy, how can we be controlled by the mere demon Daoist Li Changqing?

There are many ways for the ancient immortals to manipulate the soul, but they are all aimed at ordinary people. I have never heard of an immortal being controlled by someone in the ancient books.

Since Yan Lingji is afraid of the demon Li Changqing, I will personally kill him when the time comes, so that the White Lotus Holy Court will stand forever in this world! "

Shao Siming looked at the heroic Da Siming, opened his mouth slightly, but didn't say a word, just stretched out a pair of small hands and patted.

The three women here are all beautiful in their twenties, but only Shao Siming's age really fits this appearance.

The remaining Da Si Ming and Yan Ling Ji just looked young and beautiful.

They are all bonuses brought about by the Jade Heart Sutra.

At this moment, the three women suddenly heard screams coming from outside.

As soon as the three girls stood up, the door curtain was opened, and a third-rank master of the Jade Maiden Sect stepped into one knee and knelt on the ground, holding a long sword and reporting: "My lord, there are war puppet cavalry summoned by the demon Daoist Li Changqing outside." , They are attacking our camp!"

Yan Lingji glanced at Da Si Ming with a solemn expression, and said mentally: "This demon Li Changqing is really evil. Just talking about him, he smashed the war puppet on my mother's face!"

Da Si Ming clenched his fists with both hands, bloody and dead air spread all over his body.

"Come on, I want to see what the monster war puppet looks like."

At the same time, a group of French cuirassiers, under the command of French Lindenwan, raised their sabers high, divided into several groups and rushed into the messy crowd of the White Lotus Sect.

With the help of the momentum of the horsepower, France Lin Dengwan quickly passed by a running mob from the White Lotus Cult. With a light swipe of the saber, a terrified head was lifted by the blood column and flew to the side.

The headless body of the White Lotus Sect member ran forward for another dozen steps before falling to the ground!
French Lindenwan laughed heartily, raised his blood-stained saber and shouted: "Great France! Long live!!!"

The French cuirassiers who followed the guards all raised their blood-stained sabers in unison, and shouted in unison: "Great France! Long live!!!"

The three white lotus saintesses got out of the holy sedan chair, and what they saw was a Shura field.

Facing the fearless charge of [-] French cuirassiers, tens of thousands of members of the White Lotus Sect could not even organize a decent counterattack. There were corpses of members of the White Lotus Sect and seriously wounded people lying on the ground crying!
Da Si Ming's face was furious, and he flew up in place. The blood in the corpses close to Da Si Ming left the corpses one after another, and the corpses became pale and dry at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, a bloody disc made of blood appeared under Da Si Ming's feet!
(End of this chapter)

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