Chapter 175
[Congratulations to the host for completing the random mission and occupying the capital of the Qing court, Jingshi, and rewarding 5 places for mind control. 】

"Huh, this doubled sense of security is really comfortable."

Li Changqing, who was walking in the Forbidden City, exhaled a breath of foul air from his chest, and his face was full of satisfaction.

The system notification sound was like the nectar of the nine heavens, making him feel refreshed from the inside out.

"By the way, I haven't played in places like the Nanshufang Qianqing Palace. Fortunately, this expedition brought Xuenv here, so I can feel what it's like to hold hands in the place where the power center of the Qing Dynasty used to have a 'meeting'.

No, just thinking about it makes me excited, I have to hurry to find Xue Nu! "

Li Changqing hurried to find Xuenv, and when he was doing inexplicable exercises in the solemn palace, Emperor Kangxi, who was far away in Guihua City, was receiving an important guest.

Chuoros Galdan, a high-ranking disciple of Buddhism in the Snowy Plateau and a disciple of the Dalai Lama, has a very high political and religious status in the Snowy Plateau.

When he became an adult, he inherited the identity of Huntaiji of the Jungar tribe from his father (Huntaiji is the great feudal lord among the nomadic peoples), and became the Khan of the Jungar tribe.

Afterwards, they conquered the east and west, destroyed the Yarkand Khanate that was caught in the civil war, defeated the Kazakhs and the Heshuote tribe and other Western powers, and formed a powerful Oirat alliance.

The Galdan of this world is a prairie lord who is very devout to Buddhism. He has been trying to eliminate the differences between the Buddhism of the Western Regions and the Buddhism of the Snow Region. —Yarqiang Khanate...

He also defeated the Kazakhs and the Heshuo Special Department, who were the main supporters of Buddhism in the Western Regions, and the Heshuo Special Department was broken into pieces by Ge Erdan...

Under the rule of Buddhism in the Western Regions, they can't even pick out a decent big family, which has a lot to do with Galdan.

However, although Galdan defeated the big families and powerful tribes under the Buddhist rule of the Western Regions one by one, he was very respectful to the Bodhisattvas on the holy mountains of the Western Regions, and voluntarily took on the secular affairs of many defeated tribes in the Western Regions.

It is not that the secular kingship replaced the Buddhist power, but only a replacement for the secular power in the Western Regions that had been defeated.

This allowed Galdan to gain the friendship of the Holy Mountain.

The Buddhist disciples on the holy mountain are a bit like the Taoist disciples. They only want to practice longevity. Those bodhisattvas and arhats will not go to the holy mountain for a long time. Someone takes care of the secular affairs for them and pays tribute regularly. The holy mountain is naturally is happy.

For this reason, the relationship between the Buddhism in the snowy plateau and the Buddhism in the Western Regions has obviously tended to ease in Galdan's generation, and the state of war has been lifted, leaving only differences in doctrine.

However, the holy mountain is very far away from the snowy area, and the two sides live comfortably in their own circles of belief, and the conflict of doctrines is not fierce.

Today, Emperor Kangxi met with Galdan, the uncrowned Khan of the Western Regions.

Not surprisingly, when Emperor Kangxi retreated steadily in the Central Plains, his cold relationship with Buddhism in the Western Regions also rapidly warmed up.

It is exactly the sentence - there is no permanent enemy, only permanent interests.

Of course, the main reason for the warming up of the relationship is that Emperor Kangxi chose to bow his head.

Kangxi also had no choice, he couldn't drive all the way to the Buddhist gates of the Western Regions, it would hurt his vitality.

The most important thing is that although Buddhism in the Western Regions is at its peak, the cities in the Western Regions are very poor. There are deserts all over the place, and the people of the Western Regions can only survive and multiply on oases.

It also experienced civil strife in Yarkand before.

The Yarkand Khanate is a terrible country. It is merciless to kill its own people, and they massacre the city at every turn. Most of the reason for the current decline of the Western Regions is because of the Yarkand Khanate.

It was precisely because the Buddhism in the Western Regions could not stand the aggression of the Yarkand Khanate that they accepted Galdan's strong invasion with the Zhungeer cavalry.

Otherwise, how could the Buddhist sects in the Western Regions allow the disciples cultivated in the Snowy Plateau to fight for territory in the Western Regions?
Originally Galdan originally had great ambitions and wanted to take the opportunity to unify the Western Regions, but after he went up to the holy mountain to pay homage to many Bodhisattvas and Arhats, and learned the background of Buddhism in the Western Regions on the holy mountain, he immediately gave up.

The number of bodhisattvas that Gerdan saw was as many as two hands, and the eighteen arhats were even more forceful, and there were a large number of sleeping bodhisattvas and arhats sealed on the holy mountain!
Those are Bodhisattvas and Arhats whose lifespan is about to come to an end. Buddhism has been rising for thousands of years, and its inheritance has never been cut off. The holy mountain has never been breached. One can imagine how many Bodhisattvas and Arhats will sleep in it!

These are all first-rank and second-rank masters!
At this point, Galdan understands why in the impoverished Western Regions, those feudal lords and kings still wholeheartedly serve the golden sign of Buddhism in the Western Regions, even if they themselves are not doing well.

After some exchange of courtesies, Emperor Kangxi successfully forged a 'deep' friendship with Ge Erdan of the Zhungeer tribe. Today Ge Erdan came to Guihua City in person at the invitation of Emperor Kangxi to decide the future situation of the entire northern grassland.

Emperor Kangxi was very clear about Galdan's ambition - to unify the entire grassland and achieve the glory of Genghis Khan back then.

For this alone, it is impossible for Burni, who has the blood of the golden family, to become Galdan's friend, and Burni's strength is not qualified to be valued by Galdan, who has a string control of 10,000+.

Originally, the Qing Dynasty, which controlled Monan Mobei and the host Mongolia, was also regarded by Ge Erdan as the target of conquest, but before Ge Erdan turned his spearhead, the Daqing himself finished the calf...

That's right, if you send someone to inquire about the situation in the Central Plains, you will know how miserable the Qing Dynasty has become.

In the Han area of ​​the Central Plains, except for the Shaanxi-Gansu region and parts of Shanxi, plus the leftovers from AH Province and other provinces entangled with Geng Jingzhong, the forces of the Qing Dynasty have completely withdrawn from the Han area.

Moreover, this retreat has not stopped. It won't take long for the Jurchen hometown in the northeast to be abandoned by Emperor Kangxi.

After all, Emperor Kangxi and the dignitaries of the Eight Banners did not want to hide in the old forests in the outer northeast to suffer again...

To the east of the outer northeast is the sea, there is no way out, and to the north is a place where even the old man feels cold!

Although the Qing Dynasty lost a lot of territory, its military strength was not damaged. Emperor Kangxi was naturally unwilling to hide in the old forest and become a savage.

Even a fool can see Li Changqing's ambition as a monster, and he will not allow the Northeast, which is not too far away, to become independent.

Therefore, Emperor Kangxi can only go north, and can't fight all the way, otherwise, wouldn't he be the pioneer of the demon Dao Li Changqing?

How could the clever Emperor Kangxi do such a thing of making someone else's wedding dress?

What's more, Gerdan in the west doesn't look weak at all...

That is not comparable to Burni and his ilk.

"Kangxi, I have been with you for a long time, and I finally met the real person."

As soon as Galdan met, he unceremoniously called Kang Mazi by his name, without any respect for the Qing emperor in his tone.

However, Emperor Kangxi didn't care. As his running plan became more and more perfect, Emperor Kangxi's majesty in the Qing Dynasty inevitably declined.

Although Emperor Kangxi never fought against the demon Li Changqing, and Yujia's personal conquests were all victorious (the opponent was well chosen), but the blind man can see the decline of the Qing Dynasty. How could Kangxi, the emperor, have no responsibility?

The majesty of the emperor has declined, and Emperor Kangxi is naturally more cautious in doing things, and he is no longer as harsh as before to the people below, especially the generals who hold military power. In order to win the hearts of the people, Emperor Kangxi directly took the highest honor of the Qing Dynasty-Batulu Warriors The name opened the way.

Now that the Qing Dynasty has expanded its army under the Eight Banners, all the people above the general level have the title of Batulu per capita. Anyway, this honorary title does not cost money...

Honor is still useful, at least after Baturu's title began to depreciate, the recognition of Kangxi by those generals in charge no longer declined.

After all, this is a Mingjun. The big guy has not won a few battles, but Long Live Lord has discerned his eyes and discerned that he is Batulu. If this is not Mingjun, who is?

Everyone carries the sedan chair, and a Batulu rewarded by a wise king with a bright eye like a torch can have the same gold content as a Batulu rewarded by a weak king who has defeated the country?

What's more, many of Emperor Kangxi's actions were indeed good.

For example, Emperor Kangxi's expansion of the army and the withdrawal of the Eight Banners' family members to Guihua City in advance, and then moving to the Shaanxi-Gansu area a little bit, are very correct!
If there was no advance arrangement by Emperor Kangxi, the White Lotus Sect would have killed many disciples of the Eight Banners who were making trouble in the Central Plains at this time!

This is a good strategy to greatly preserve the population of the Eight Banners.

In addition, there is also a policy of wooing Galdan, which was also approved by the Qing Dynasty.

They didn't have much animosity with the Zhungeer tribe. The big guy just wanted to escape from the clutches of Li Changqing, the demon Dao, and didn't want to fly all the way to conquer the world.

It is naturally the best result to be able to pass through the impoverished Western Regions without fighting.

For this reason, Emperor Kangxi drew a blueprint for the future for the people below. According to the news of the Westerners, after crossing the Western Regions and crossing the Central Asian prairie to the south, there is a heavily populated and rich land, which the Westerners call India.

This India is not only rich, but its combat effectiveness is not too strong!

Westerners can land and occupy a city by sending hundreds of troops!

Isn't this the emerging land bestowed by heaven on Qing Dynasty?

Anyway, the Central Plains was not the territory of the Jurchens in the first place, so if you lose it, you will lose it. The most important thing is to lead everyone to make a fortune.

Emperor Kangxi gave the subordinates a piece of cake to get rich, and the subordinates naturally stopped making trouble.

"Khan laughed.

Today I invite Da Khan to come here, mainly to talk about the matter of borrowing the road to move west. "

"Emperor Kangxi, you are also a Buddhist now, and everyone is your own, so don't be so polite.

It's just a borrowing, and there will be no objection on the side of the holy mountain. "

Gerdan patted his chest and promised.

In fact, Holy Mountain doesn't care at all whether the Qing Dynasty will borrow the way. What Holy Mountain cares about is belief and all kinds of good things that the people below give them tribute.

In other words, the Buddhist eminent monks on the holy mountain are a group of 'house men and women'.

If it weren't for being a human being who needs to eat, drink and sleep, the Buddhist monks on the holy mountain would not even be willing to intervene in the affairs of the secular government.

How can power have the joy of studying Buddhist scriptures?

Therefore, whether the Western Regions borrow the road depends on Galdan's intention.

Galdan is now not only the king of the secular government under the snow-covered plateau, but also the king who helps manage government affairs under the holy mountains of the Western Regions.

"Then it will be sweaty."

Emperor Kangxi's posture was very low, after all, he was the one who wanted something from others.

Ge Erdan replied with a smile: "Since you Qing Dynasty is leaving, the territory of Monan Mobei and the host Mongolia..."

"Of course it's sweaty.

As long as the Great Khan can provide sufficient food supplies for our westward team, the Shaanxi-Gansu region will be handed over to the Great Khan's people to take over. "

After hearing this, Galdan was so excited that his beard almost stood up.

His dream in this life is to unify the grassland and become Genghis Khan back then. He didn't expect this dream to be realized so soon, and he didn't even need to spend a single soldier!
As for the westward migration of the Qing Dynasty that would take away the vast majority of the population, it was not a problem for Galdan at all. A territory with no population is easier to manage.

What's more, what Galdan wanted was a large enough territory, and the population was not important. If there was not enough population, it would be a big deal to go south to snatch the Han people.

Ge Erdan didn't understand the situation in the Central Plains, and his understanding of Li Changqing was that the opponent was a monster who relied on war puppets to fight, and he didn't have a specific concept of how strong he was.

Naturally, the Qing Dynasty deliberately concealed it from Galdan and his Zhungeer Khanate.

If Ge Erdan knew that the demon Li Changqing was invincible, would he still be willing to be a successor?

Of course, Gerdan is not a fool. He knows that Kangxi's Qing Dynasty was driven away by others, and it's not that he can't think about it and wants to travel thousands of miles in exchange for local tourism.

However, Galdan, who is full of self-confidence, has always felt that his army is stronger than the Qing army, and he can deal with the enemies that Kangxi can't deal with!
Galdan was not blindly confident. The cavalry he controlled was larger than the Qing army, and the Zhungeer Ministry could import a large amount of firearms and black powder from Tsarist Russia. The firearms equipped rate was no less than that of the Qing army!

It is even more advanced. After all, most of the artillery of the Qing army are inherited from the old man of the previous Ming Dynasty.

What is the standard for judging the combat effectiveness of the army these days?
It is the size of the cavalry and the equipment rate of firearms!

No matter how many infantry there are, they cannot withstand the attacks of cavalry and artillery on flat terrain.

Everyone knows that on flat terrain, no matter how many phalanxes the infantry has, or how determined their fighting will is, they will be blasted open by cannons.

When the time comes, another team of cavalry will be sent to break through this gap, and the infantry formation of many people will also be crushed!
Therefore, in the field battles of pure infantry troops in this era, on terrain that is not steep enough, they cannot beat enemies with superior artillery and cavalry at all.

Only in the mountains and forests can the role of infantry be brought into play.

Of course, infantry is also the main force in the siege and defense.

However, the territories controlled by Galdan are all large tracts of grassland, and the scattered cities are not very important, they are just a trading base.

Nomads can live well without cities.

On the steppe, Galdan thought his cavalry and artillery regiments were invincible.

It is precisely because of this self-confidence that Galdan had the idea of ​​​​attacking the Qing Dynasty before.

Soon, Kangxi and Galdan finalized the final finishing work of the Qing Dynasty's westward migration.

(End of this chapter)

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