This Qing is wrong

Chapter 176 Law

Chapter 176 Law (addition for 400 monthly pass)

In August of the second year of Wuwei, Li Changqing, who spent three days and three nights playing wildly with Xuenv in the capital, returned to his cozy nest in Guangzhou City.

Li Changqing was in such a hurry to come back, not only because he missed his Chuxiu Palace, and a group of girl groups who were trained to be goddesses of silk stockings, but also not because he was in a hurry to come back to govern the country...

It was Li Changqing who discovered that he simply did not have the ability to occupy the surrounding areas of the capital.

Even with his little military strength, it is difficult to maintain the law and order in the outer city of the capital. After all, Li Changqing needs enough guards around him.

So Li Changqing left.

He left without nostalgia, anyway, he had already tried playing with Snow Maiden on the dragon chair...

No regrets!
In fact, Li Changqing's Northern Expedition was not only aimed at attacking the central government of the Qing court, but also aimed at defeating the enemy forces of the system.

There is no way, the provinces around Guangdong Province where Li Changqing is located, all kneel down, Li Changqing can't use his own people to defeat the enemy army of the system.

After that, who would dare to follow Li Changqing to fight the world?

What Li Changqing wants is not a wasteland after the war.

Originally, Li Changqing thought that in the hinterland of the Qing court, there should be many red dots for him to brush against the enemy army of the system, but it was only when he arrived at Dagukou that he discovered that there was a White Lotus Sect popping up in the northern Central Plains.

He even overturned the plate of the Qing court.

What left Li Changqing speechless the most was that there were no red dots displayed on the sites occupied by the White Lotus Cultists, not even small red dots!

How bad must the fighting power of this group of White Lotus Sect members be to be despised by the system to such an extent?

Naturally, Li Changqing had no red dots to drop on system enemies, and the big red dot that ran away obviously couldn't be used to wipe out system enemies.

For today's Li Changqing, the number of enemies he annihilates is of little significance, and the number of soldiers who are wiped out by the system and brainwashed is the kingly way.

Who can refuse the temptation to become stronger?
Even if Li Changqing didn't need to personally take risks to rush to the front line.

Who said that licking dogs can only be done by men?

I haven't seen a female licking a dog, it's just because your level is not enough.

Even for his own enjoyment of entertainment and life, Li Changqing must unswervingly improve his martial arts cultivation.

As for relying on his own hard work to practice martial arts, Li Changqing had asked Pang Yan and Xuenv to test his martial arts qualifications, and the result surprised Pang Yan and Xuenv.

Because according to Li Changqing's aptitude for practicing martial arts, he will be a seventh-rank martial artist at most in this life, and it is impossible to break through the threshold of sixth rank.

This qualification is not useless, but ordinary and superior.

That's right, to be able to reach the aptitude of a seventh-rank martial artist is already an ordinary and superior talent!
Further up, it is a real martial arts genius!
Therefore, every martial artist who can reach the level [-] cultivation base is a genius who is very good at practicing martial arts.

Talent determines the upper limit.

This cannot be changed among warriors, just like the current Yan Dingjun, all kinds of cheats and resources are stacked up, but he is still stuck at the seventh rank and cannot be promoted.

On the other hand, Zhang Jianfei and Hao Zhongzhong, after obtaining the relevant cheats, quickly broke through the threshold of the seventh-rank peak, and entered the sixth-rank realm with a lot of accumulation.

Talent is really important in cultivation.

But now in this age of doom, there will be no birth of heaven, material and earth treasures that can change a person's talent.

After cutting off the path of relying on self-cultivation and promotion, Li Changqing can only rely on system plug-ins to improve his cultivation.

To cope with the increasingly large team of show girls.

There is no way, those feudal towns and lower officials who have taken refuge in the Tang Empire all know that the current Tang emperor likes beautiful women, so they keep sending beauties to Li Changqing.

It is not necessary to ask Li Changqing to respond, just to make a good impression is enough.

Anyway, beauties are the cheapest resources for the upper class. The only problem is that many officials may encounter difficulties in finding beauties from their own clan...

Even Don Quixote, the governor of Macau, presented a big ocean horse. Don Quixote knew that Orientals don’t like the body odor of Western women. A girl who does not have the body odor of Westerners, but also has the broad mind of Westerners.

Well, among the beautiful women in Macau, only young girls can maintain a perfect body.

These days there is no "touch" repair surgery, and there is no such technique to falsify.

Everyone else sends original goods, but you send second-hand goods. Isn’t this giving the Tang emperor eye drops?

The emphasis on chastity these days is not at all what people in the 21st century can imagine.

Even the West, which is not relatively open, restricts premarital sex as much as possible.

Don Quixote's efforts are still fruitful. Under the background of the same oriental beauties, a big ocean horse with western aesthetics and no body odor suddenly appeared. How could Li Changqing not like it?
The freshness alone is enough!
Therefore, Li Changqing decided not to cross the river and demolish the bridge for the traitorous Portuguese governor for the time being, and let him continue to serve as the governor of Macau.

The Westerners in the Governor-General of Macau were still very useful to Li Changqing, because they had mastered advanced flintlock guns and European artillery casting technology at the same time.

It costs a lot of money to build flintlock guns and artillery in large quantities, but Li Changqing has no problem building them in small quantities.

He plans to replace all the more than 3000 brainwashed soldiers under his command who have not applied the template of arms with the same standard guns and weapons as Western Europe.

The Tang Empire can still afford this expense.

At this time, the directly-administered officials of the Tang Empire had taken over the big cities in Guangdong Province, and they were now transferring power to the county-level cities.

The original clan gentry in Guangdong Province now have two choices.

The first is the most stable, but there is not much room for improvement, that is, the whole family will devote themselves to the imperial examinations, serve as officials in the Tang Dynasty, and transform into a bureaucratic family without guns.

The prospect of the Great Tang Empire can be seen, as long as Li Changqing does not die, he is an invincible existence in the world!
Therefore, serving as an official in the Tang Empire is a very stable iron rice bowl.

There are not a few Cantonese clan gentry who choose this path.

And the noble gentry of the Cantonese clan who chose this path all gave Li Changqing beautiful girls.

In a sense, they can barely be regarded as Li Changqing's "foreign relatives"...

Of course, the political status of beautiful women in the Tang Empire was very low, equivalent to private concubines, or even housemaids.

In the Tang Empire, only the first woman Li Changqing came to this world—Qiu Shuzhen, and the woman who was very useful to Li Changqing—Xue Nu had real political status.

Qiu Shu is really a noble concubine, and Xue Nu is a noble concubine.

There is always a first come first served.

Today's Chuxiu Palace is basically managed by Qiu Shuzhen.

Xue Nu followed Li Changqing all day long as a female bodyguard.

The kind that stays on the bed and under the bed.

The second way is to move out of the fief.

Li Changqing is still very generous, the transferred land must be larger than the original land, and can be given priority based on military exploits.

But there are also risks. It is necessary to lead troops to participate in the battle. If soy sauce is used in the war, it is safe enough. After all, the Tang army will not fail.

It's just that the new fiefdom that was allocated by doing so is probably a backcountry with an empty area but a small population.

There are many such wastelands in Guangxi Province and Fujian Province, and large tracts of mountains and forests are entrusted to you. The area must be enough, but what is the use of this?
When the fief is developed, it is estimated that more than ten generations have passed away.

This is the way for the clan gentry in Guangdong Province.

Naturally, the original official positions such as the township lord and the county lord commander were also abolished.

The official positions of those feudal lords were changed to the names of the army, because they were nominally under the jurisdiction of the governors of various provinces.

According to the territory, population and the size of the army under his command, the lowest can start from general, and the highest can be canonized as general officer.

Of course, so far no feudal lord has been canonized as a general of the army, and even few of them have been able to become guerrilla generals.

The general positions of the Tang Empire were simplified.

From low to high, they are general general, general general, garrison, capital division, guerrilla general, general, deputy general, and general.

Every rank has a deputy.

There is also the title of admiral above the general soldier, and above the admiral is the governor of the province.

However, the title of admiral will not be awarded to those feudal lords.

In this way, although the Great Tang Empire was a system of enfeoffment, it was called centralized power on the outside. In fact, those feudal lords who controlled the local military and political power did not dare to disobey Li Changqing's orders at all.

Not much different from centralization.

The biggest advantage of doing so is that the cost of governance has been suppressed to a very low level.

In the central court of the Tang Empire, apart from the guards composed of brainwashed soldiers, the only thing that really needs to be supported is the Guangdong garrison.

This is also the only army directly under the central government of the Great Tang Empire.

Guangdong Province is also the only province directly under the central government of the Tang Empire and ruled by officials.

In other provinces, the Tang Empire will only send tax inspectors to supervise the taxation of each province.

Li Changqing can allow local officials to control the military and political power, but the money and food of the local provinces cannot be less.

If the money and food are not enough, use local specialties to make up for it!
If it's not enough, make up for it with a strong prisoner or a young female prisoner!

Strong prisoners can be sent to work in the official mines of the Tang Empire, female prisoners...

As we all know, the flesh business is a huge profiteering business!

In such a lucrative industry, how could the Datang Empire officials not take a share?
If it weren't for the embarrassment of the imperial court, those brothels would have to be directly operated by the government!
In Guangdong Province, which is directly under the central government, Li Changqing still attaches great importance to the profiteering industry. Gambling and pornographic places are strictly managed. Only state officials are allowed to set fires and people are not allowed to light lamps!

The translation is that you must obtain an official license to do business. If you dare to compete with the serious industry chain for business in private, as long as you find out, the whole family will be arrested.

The old man beheaded, the children were sent to the orphanage directly run by the government, and they were brainwashed and re-educated from an early age, the sensible men were sent to work in the mining area until they died, and the women...well, men understand.

With such a severe punishment, whoever dares to commit a crime against the wind will be really screwed...

Li Changqing, who is short of money, has a very simple goal, which is to monopolize these two profit-making industries.

Li Changqing doesn't understand other industries, but these two industries that can make money lying down are not easy to do?
To put it bluntly, these two major industries are to make money from human defects.

In addition, there is another huge benefit of official direct marketing, which eliminates the phenomenon of forcing good people into prostitution and seducing gamblers to borrow money and lose their fortunes.

Anyone who enters the casino must verify their assets. Those who are heavily in debt are not allowed, and those who have eaten their last meal but have not finished their next meal are not allowed to enter!

To put it bluntly, this is an activity for the rich to entertain!
Li Changqing is well aware of how crazy gamblers who have ruined their fortunes are. They are one after another unstable bombs in society. Naturally, this kind of people cannot be allowed to breed. Even if the review is stricter and the money is less, this phenomenon must be put an end to it.

As a matter of course, the imperial court of the Tang Dynasty also intervened in the business of borrowing money from banks, and severely cracked down on illegal lending and violent reminders.

Compared with the casino industry, which is strictly audited and requires asset verification, the business of brothels is very open.

No matter who you are, you can come and play.

However, there is a strict rule in the brothel brothel, you can't come to play with sickness, especially infectious disease!
Once found, it will be treated humanely...

In addition, the girls in brothels and brothels undergo regular physical examinations, mainly for infectious diseases.

In fact, as long as this business is controlled by the imperial court, it is still easy to prevent the spread of diseases.

Although it is not easy for customers to check that kind of disease, as long as the punishment is severe enough and the sentence is death, the sick customers themselves will be afraid and dare not go in.

Not only that, Li Changqing also wrote the monogamy system into the law.

It is stipulated that a man can only marry one wife, and if he wants to take a concubine, he must pay a high concubine tax!
And the concubine tax is still increasing geometrically, the tax for marrying a No.2 concubine is twice that of a No.1 concubine!
Every time it will increase by twice, if you have money, just keep taking concubines!
Obviously, this law is used to protect ordinary men, and the reason why Li Changqing protects the reproductive rights of ordinary men is very simple, he needs to increase the population of Han people!

Otherwise, a few wealthy people occupy a large number of high-quality female resources. No matter how good their bodies are, how many cubs can they have?

What's more, the bachelor itself is also one of the factors of social instability. The best way to tie a man is to give him a woman to live, so he won't have the heart to think about it all day long...

Of course, this kind of fine-like restraint is ineffective for the rich and powerful, such as Li Changqing himself...

In addition, the objects controlled by Li Changqing's mind also have the privilege of not having to pay concubine fines.

In the entire Tang Empire, except for the warlords in other provinces, only these people have privileges in the territory directly under their jurisdiction.

The other provinces did not promulgate this set of laws, mainly because of the difficulty of supervision and management.

(End of this chapter)

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