This Qing is wrong

Chapter 178 The Northern Expedition Begins

Chapter 178 The Northern Expedition Begins

Li Changqing looked around at many ministers, and taught earnestly: "Women are the key to increasing the country's population.

If women are thrown into brothels, it can only increase fiscal revenue, but it cannot increase the population.

You also know what a brothel is, where the women don't give birth at all, or the women who work there can easily lose their fertility.

Therefore, as long as women of childbearing age do not commit unforgivable crimes, they cannot be thrown into brothels.

Adultery is the chief culprit that destroys family and marriage relations. From a moral perspective, both men and women should be severely punished.

I only punish men heavily because men cannot bear children. If husbands who rape women are willing to forgive their wives, we naturally cannot break up this family relationship that can produce population. "

As Li Changqing answered the questions about the implementation of the new law brought up by many cabinet ministers one by one, he basically established a core criterion for the formulation of the law——

All laws must serve the interests of the empire, and the interests of the empire must serve Li Changqing's personal preferences...

Moreover, only Li Changqing and cabinet ministers are the only privileged class in the empire, and no other privileged class is allowed to appear, let alone class solidification within the empire.

These new laws were only implemented in Guangdong Province under the control of the Tang Empire. In fact, they were also an experiment. If there were no major problems in the implementation of the new laws, they would be promoted to the whole country in the future.

Those provincial governors and feudal lords are not permanent.

Even Li Changqing himself did not agree to those governors, and their fiefs would never change.

The imperial court's intention was to confer them governors, not lords.

After discussing the issue of the new law, Li Changqing fine-tuned the cabinet again.

The increasingly large bodyguard office was split up, the director of the bodyguard department was replaced by Xue Nu, and the head of the division of supervision was Pang Yan.

The establishment of prisons and judicial trials previously given by Li Changqing belonged to the Ministry of Supervision, and the Guards Department was still only responsible for Li Changqing's basic necessities of life, housing, transportation and personal security.

The Military Intelligence Bureau was renamed the Intelligence Department, and the head was still Zhang Jianfei.

Since then, the Ministry of Supervision has internal affairs and the Ministry of Intelligence has external relations, but the businesses of the two sides have overlapped and communicated with each other.

The Imperial Cabinet established the Ministry of War, responsible for the logistics management of the Guards and the Imperial Army. To put it bluntly, this is a department that spends money.

The Guangdong Police Bureau is separate from the Army and is only in charge of the Police Department.

So far, in the territory directly under the Tang Empire, the army and the local garrison have been split, and the Guangdong garrison will never need to go abroad.

Of course, the busiest and largest cabinet department is still the Ministry of Government Affairs. Except for the areas that other ministries need to manage, other affairs need to be coordinated and managed by the Ministry of Government Affairs.

Such as the selection of officials through imperial examinations, the collection of taxes and so on.

However, the duty of dispatching tax inspectors to other provinces was assigned to Pang Yan's inspection department.

The legislative power of the Tang Empire was owned by the cabinet meeting, and all laws came from the cabinet meeting held by Emperor Li Changqing of the Tang Dynasty.

Judicial power and administrative power belong to the Ministry of Government Affairs, but the supervision department has benefited a lot from the judicial power, but the Ministry of Supervision only targets the bureaucratic and powerful class.

Ordinary civil judicial power is judged by the local government under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Government Affairs, just like the old officials who were promoted to judge cases.

The reason why the deprivation of judicial power of bureaucrats and dignitaries is assigned to the Ministry of Supervision is naturally because there is too much room for manoeuvrability in letting officials judge officials. Let the Ministry of Supervision, which is similar to the secret service, do this. create a deterrent effect.

Of course, doing so would also arouse the resentment of the entire imperial bureaucracy, but under Li Changqing's strong suppression, the bureaucratic group's resentment did not dare to be brought to the surface at all.

As a result, the armed forces directly under the Datang Empire, the Guards and the Datang Garrison under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Security, do not even have 2 people, including logistics personnel.

The people in charge of the guards' logistics are all officers and soldiers of the Tang garrison, and they are somewhat similar to the 'auxiliary soldiers' followers of the guards.

In this way, another batch of personnel expenses were saved...

No matter how the Tang Empire improved its government, the status of the Tang's garrison was very stable.

Even in order to reduce expenses, Yamen in various places no longer set up fast squads and strong squads, and all were replaced by officers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty's garrison army.

At most, the local yamen recruited some soap slaves to show off, and when they needed manpower, they recruited a batch of temporary white laborers.

For the personal security of officials appointed by the imperial court of the Tang Empire, the officials basically had to hire bodyguards out of their own pockets.

Of course, the Great Tang Empire severely punished the assassination of court officials, and the imperial minions dispatched by the supervision department to secretly supervise the court officials were actually a kind of alternative protection.

Three years after the Spring Festival in Wuwei, the internal affairs of the Tang Empire were on the right track. Li Changqing felt that he had nothing to correct, so he embarked on the journey again.

Of course, in the past few months, the Tang Empire has also prepared supplies for the expedition of two thousand 'armies'.

The two thousand troops are one thousand Thunderbolt guards and one thousand Liaodong iron cavalry. Their main duty is to escort Li Changqing to the north.

In addition to the two thousand brainwashed soldiers, there were also some servants accompanying Li Changqing.

Li Changqing's small map is limited in scope, and if he wants to continue to fight for territory, Li Changqing can only move forward.

After Li Changqing left Guangzhou City, the selection of officials in the imperial examination in Guangzhou City did not stop, and the selection officials of the imperial examination in Wuwei for three years specially issued "notices" to gentry families in Huguang Province.

It is not an admission notice, but an encouragement to the gentry families in Huguang Province to send their children to take the exam.

This is when the Tang Empire began to win over scholars under the rule of foreign provinces and towns.

Prepare for the next expansion of the territory directly under the Datang Empire.

Next, according to Li Changqing's intention, Huguang Province should be gradually incorporated into the direct jurisdiction of the Tang Empire.

Because among the neighboring provinces around Guangdong Province, Huguang Province is the richest, and Huguang is a major grain-producing province!

In this era, eating is definitely a big problem, and it is also a necessary factor to increase the population base of the empire.

As for the opinion of Li Ergou, the warlord of the Huguang Fanzhen...that's not important!
When the emperor of the Tang Empire travels, it is natural to notify in advance. The generals under the command of the "dog-style" warlords in the major cities of Huguang pulled out all the elite soldiers and strong generals under their command one by one, and arranged as neatly as possible to act as a guard of honor Come to meet the Tang Emperor.

I don't know where the gossip came from, claiming that Emperor Li Changqing of the Tang Dynasty liked neat things.

For example, according to the height and body of Chuxiu palace show women, they were ejected into strips one by one, and then...

After all, Li Changqing is not an omnipotent God, and many of his hobbies have been passed on by the restless girls in Chuxiu Palace.

As a result, it was spread from ten to ten and hundreds of times. Although it did not spread to the people, the well-informed people basically knew about it.

Inquiring about the emperor's preferences is an essential course for every bureaucrat who is good at drilling.

What Li Changqing didn't know was that he had already experienced the treatment of a public figure in the Tang Empire, and a lot of personal privacy was leaked out through various channels.

The main leak channel is Chuxiu Palace!
There is no other way, the ladies in Chuxiu Palace only look at their appearance and figure, there are a lot of people, and there are too many people talking, and because of Li Changqing's casualness in the Tang Empire, the rules of the harem are not too strict, the result is...

However, this kind of gossip leak is also beneficial, at least the people below know what kind of beauties Li Changqing likes, has a virginity complex, etc., and can be accurate when sending off girls, and will not flatter the horse's legs.

This kind of behavior of giving away girls actually didn't get much attention from Li Changqing. How many of the beautiful girls in Chuxiu Palace started with three digits, how many can Li Changqing remember?
When there are more women, men will become ruthless scumbags.

No way, things that are too easy to get are hard to cherish.

Qiu Shuzhen and Xue Nu can be valued by Li Changqing. Because of her original wife status, Qiu Shuzhen is Li Changqing's first woman after traveling to this world, so Li Changqing was deeply impressed.

Xue Nu is responsible for the value of force, which is very useful to Li Changqing. In addition, her beauty has the bonus of Jade Heart Sutra, which will leave a deep impression on Li Changqing.

However, even if the people below know that it is difficult to get Li Changqing's attention, it is a political mistake if others do this kind of thing and you don't do it.

Not being noticed by Li Changqing is not a big deal, but being remembered by Li Changqing that you didn't give away your daughter and everyone else did, that would be a catastrophe.

A courtier who left a bad impression on the emperor, or a real emperor who monopolizes all his promises, isn't this courting death?

What's more, Li Changqing's image of a tyrant has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the establishment of the Ministry of Supervision and the strong implementation of the new law.

Who is not afraid of a capable and ruthless emperor?
Look at Li Ergou's generals in Huguang Province. After receiving the news that Li Changqing's Northern Expedition was going to enter Huguang Province, all of them cursed and complained behind their backs.

But after Li Changqing's escort team entered the territory of Huguang Province, the civil and military officials were more attentive than each other, fully demonstrating the self-cultivation of a qualified dog licking...

What Li Changqing asks for will definitely be the best, and what Li Changqing doesn't ask for, must be as perfect as possible according to Li Changqing's preferences.

For example, every time he went to a place, the head of the local government would send a few beautiful girls with yellow flowers to serve Li Changqing.

After all, Li Changqing led the army forward, and he only brought a snow girl with him. He faced a woman all day long, no matter how beautiful the woman was, he would inevitably feel boring.

Therefore, providing some fresh high-end products at this time can easily get "good reviews" from Li Changqing.

Even if this praise is worthless, the local leaders in Huguang Province must do it, at least they can feel at ease!
Don't worry, the Emperor Datang, who killed people without blinking an eye, became murderous when he was dissatisfied with himself.

Take a look at the bureaucrats and dignitaries in Guangdong Province, which is directly under the jurisdiction of the Tang Empire, how they have been tossed by the new law?

Anyone dare to fart?

The bureaucrats and dignitaries in Guangdong Province are only non-violent and uncooperative, and the Tang Empire has an extra supervision department dedicated to rectifying them. Who would dare to make the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty feel uncomfortable?

However, Li Changqing was still an emperor with great power all in one body, and the people below had to bear with it even if they were dissatisfied. After all, the fate of the Qing Dynasty was vividly remembered...

Even the Qing Dynasty, which had hundreds of thousands of soldiers, ran away. They were nothing in front of Li Changqing!

Li Changqing himself enjoys all kinds of services from the leaders of the major cities in Huguang Province with peace of mind.

Even walking, even Li Changqing found that the high-level people in Huguang Province began to roll up.

There is no way, no one dares to set the standard of serving the Emperor of Tang Dynasty lower than that of the previous state capital, and they are afraid of comparison in everything. What if Li Changqing feels that he is not as good as his 'predecessor' and loses his temper?
If you don't do it well, you will die!
The local generals in Huguang Province simply thought they were spending money to eliminate disasters...

As a result, Li Changqing rushed all the way to Wuchang Mansion, causing chaos in Huguang Province. The wealthy and big families in Huguang Province did not know how much was apportioned by those local generals.

The common people in Huguang Province under the rule of Li Ergou are like slaves. They can't squeeze out any oil, not even beautiful women...

After all, a daughter born in a poor civilian family has to do rough work since she was a child, and it is impossible for Li Changqing to accept her just because of her skin.

Li Changqing's taste has long been spoiled by the beauty of Xue Nu.

If it weren't for being obsessed with girl groups, Li Changqing wouldn't even hold hands with the beautiful girls of Chuxiu Palace.

As a matter of course, the common people can't squeeze oil and water, and the wool can only be produced by the big gentry families in Huguang Province. The generals under Li Ergou's hands are all former military officers of the Qing Dynasty, and they are all ruthless. Blast stabs in front of them.

You can't let someone with military power pay for it.

Therefore, Li Changqing's Northern Expedition made the big gentry in Huguang Province complain, but they dared not speak out. They could only complain in private, and they were afraid of being heard by the enemy in Li Changqing's ears.

There is a strict order in the new laws of the Tang Empire-those who make false comments on the government will be dealt with severely!
As a matter of course, Li Changqing himself, the emperor of the Tang Empire, is the biggest 'government'.

If you dare to speak ill of the emperor behind your back, it will be bad if you are reported.

In this way, Li Changqing entered Wuchang Prefecture where Li Ergou was located like a tourist.

After arriving in Wuchang City, Li Changqing summoned Li Ergou immediately, and ordered straight to the point: "I want to attack Henan in the north, and your troops will be the vanguard. I will give you a month to gather troops and order generals!"

(End of this chapter)

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