This Qing is wrong

Chapter 179 Terrorist Marksmanship

Chapter 179 Terrorist Marksmanship
When Li Ergou received Li Changqing's order, he naturally didn't dare to neglect it, even though he didn't want to go to war in his heart.

Looking at history, future generations may think that expanding the territory is a very cool thing, but except for the kind of war madman, most people do not regard war as fun.

There is no other reason, marching and fighting are too hard!

It's hard to satisfy the appetite alone. Staying in your own territory, you can let the people below search for all kinds of delicacies, but how can there be such conditions for marching and fighting?
In this era, there are no refrigerators or other things that can store ingredients for a long time.

Therefore, even a general in command of the army eats very simply during the march and battle, and it is difficult to even eat meat every meal.

Not to mention the ease of having parties, drinking and playing with women all day long.

Li Ergou was born in a humble background, so he was doomed to have no lofty ambitions. After he occupied Huguang, the vigor and vigor in his heart had long been swallowed up by the decadent feudal imperialist life.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal!
Now that the Tang Empire is invincible, Li Ergou has the thickest thighs in his arms, so he can lie flat and enjoy his life, and then give birth to a few children and spend his comfortable old age leisurely. How would he want to go to war?

This is why after Li Ergou occupied Huguang, his aggressiveness was never seen again.

In addition, there is another point that Li Ergou is more worried.

According to what Li Changqing did in Guangdong Province, once he captured Henan and other northern provinces, would this rich Huguang Province be taken back by the central court of the Tang Empire?
In the previous dynasties, if the emperor wanted to take back or transfer the real power of the local border officials, he might have a lot of scruples. Back then, Kang Mazi had to rack his brains in order to move Wu Sangui.

But in the Tang Empire, there is no such problem at all. Who dares to refuse to accept, and waves of war puppets hit your face, and you don’t know how to die...

Local warlords like Li Ergou need to raise soldiers, and they definitely need a large piece of land to support them, unless Li Changqing doesn't plan to have this warlord thug.

So Li Ergou before was not worried that Li Changqing would kill the donkey. After all, he was not the only provincial governor of the Tang Empire, and Geng Jingzhong occupied a larger territory than him!
However, after the success of the Northern Expedition, can he return to Huguang with the army?
Today's northern provinces are far less prosperous than Huguang because of the war and the White Lotus Rebellion. At that time, Li Ergou's counterattack did not break out in Huguang, which was empty of the Qing army. Huguang did not suffer too much from the war and retained a lot of vitality.

This is also the reason why Li Ergou can live a luxurious life.

In other words, after the success of the Northern Expedition, Li Ergou is almost certain that the territory he transfers will be even poorer...

With a premonition of this future, it is strange that Li Ergou is happy!

However, the low-level officers and soldiers under Li Ergou's command are exactly the opposite of Li Ergou's thinking. They are all soldiers of the Qing army. In their eyes, fighting is robbery. There are not many opportunities for low-level officers and soldiers to make a fortune. .

What's more, they are fighting with the invincible emperor Li Changqing of the Tang Empire. Which soldier doesn't like this battle that must be won?

In this way, Li Ergou led a group of senior generals who also disliked the Northern Expedition, and according to Li Changqing's order, he set out for Hen Province with Wuchang Mansion as the starting point.

After Li Ergou left with his troops, the central court of the Tang Dynasty in Guangdong Province immediately dispatched part of the Guangdong garrison into Huguang Province, and began to reorganize the troops of various state capitals from south to north.

Obviously, this is preparing for the establishment of the Huguang garrison.

It is impossible for Li Ergou to take away all the troops. What he took away were all the old subordinates who were originally under the command of the Qing court, that is, the field troops mainly composed of veterans.

There are still a small number of Qing troops stationed locally.

These remaining soldiers were also soldiers of the Tang Dynasty in name, and the central court of the Tang Empire held Li Changqing's imperial edict, so naturally no one dared to disrespect them.

Not to mention that Li Ergou and his party didn't know, even if he knew, he wouldn't dare to disobey this order.

Li Ergou led a full [-] elites into Hen Province, so it was naturally impossible to hide the Qing army in Hen Province.

Henan and Shaanxi-Gansu areas are the only remaining large areas of the Qing court in the Han area, and the rest are corners and corners, which have not been captured by the White Lotus Sect. ...

The main forces of the Qing army fighting against Geng Jingzhong gathered in Hen Province at this time, and it was precisely because of this that the White Lotus Sect's uprising in the northern provinces went so smoothly.

The main force of the Qing army in the northern provinces has been transferred to the front line to confront Geng Jingzhong!
The rest are either old and weak from the green battalion or the new army of coated minions that have just been reorganized.

Naturally, it is impossible to fight against the White Lotus Sect rebel army led by the White Lotus Saintess.

Aixinjueluo Jieshu, Manchuria Zhenghong Banner.The royal family and important generals of the Qing Dynasty, the great-grandson of Nurhachi, the great-grandfather of the Qing Dynasty, the grandson of Daishan of Prince Lilie, the third son of Husai, Prince Huishun, and one of the six princes of the Qing court.

He is the commander-in-chief of all the Qing troops currently stationed in Hen province, and he is also the nominal commander-in-chief of the Qing troops in the northern provinces that have not been captured by the White Lotus sect.

When Kang Mazi suppressed the Mongolian Golden Family, he was ready to abandon the northern Han land, so he handed over the general garrison in the northern Han land to Jie Shu's command.

At that time, Jie Shu was very high-spirited, and many provinces in the north wanted to provide help for his army. This is also the reason why Jie Shu was able to repeatedly defeat Geng Jingzhong's Northern Expedition.

If there had been no White Lotus Sect uprising, Jie Shu would have launched a counterattack against Geng Jingzhong long ago.

Of course, today's Jieshu would never dare to hope for a counterattack.

The White Lotus Sect uprising in the provinces behind Jieshu was in full swing, and Geng Jingzhong in the front even took refuge under the command of Li Changqing, the demon of the Tang Dynasty, and had an iron-like backing!

However, Emperor Kangxi's westward migration required a lot of time and a large amount of materials. Although Galdan promised to provide rations for the westward migration team along the way, after leaving Galdan's territory, the westward migration team of the Qing court still had to eat themselves?

Naturally, Jieshu's troops couldn't abandon Henan, the land of the Four Wars, and they had to firmly nail it here, scraping three feet of Hen province while blocking the route of the Northern Expedition of the Tang Empire.

At the same time, it can also contain the White Lotus Sect of the Great Uprising.

This position is really important!
Because of this, Li Changqing wanted to use Henan as the first stop of the Northern Expedition, and when Jieshu was destroyed, all the plates of the Qing court in the northern provinces were smashed.

It can even take Henan as the foundation and sweep the Shaanxi-Gansu region.

At that time, the westward migration team of the Qing court will have no way to move from the Han area, and can only go to the Monan grassland.

That would consume more supplies for the Qing court's westward migration team.

When he learned that Li Changqing had arrived in Wuchang Mansion and that Li Ergou had been ordered to make the Northern Expedition, Jie Shu summoned the scattered generals of the Qing army to discuss matters.

Because Jie Shu encountered the same problem that Yue Le faced back then—his beating is unbeatable, and not beating would violate the sacred order!

"General, Li Ergou's troops are equipped with a large number of firearms. Once we divide our troops, it is easy to be defeated by Li Ergou's puppet Tang rebels."

"Concentrate our forces, what if the demon Daoist Li Changqing sends out war puppets?
Now our soldiers and generals already know how powerful the demon Dao Li Changqing is, and they don't have much fighting spirit in the face of the war puppet, and there is no limit to the number of war puppets that Yao Dao Li Changqing can put in, so it is impossible for us to win. "

The two generals quarreled in front of Jay Shu.

These are also the two major choices facing the main forces of the Qing army in Henan today.

Divide troops or gather troops.

Originally, the main forces of the Qing army in Henan were gathered together, so that they could have combat effectiveness.

But when Li Changqing came to Wuchang Mansion, the meaning became different.

No matter how powerful the main force is in the face of Li Changqing, it will end in defeat. Shang Kexi and Yue Le are the lessons from the past!
If the troops are divided, Li Ergou's more than 2 troops are all the original soldiers of the Qing army, and all of them are veterans. How to fight?
Obviously, the dispute between the generals was meaningless. Jie Shu saw that the generals could not come up with a good strategy, and it was impossible for him to evacuate Henan, so he had to adopt a compromise method.

The main force retreated, leaving a small number of troops stationed in various cities that were easy to defend and difficult to attack, consuming Li Ergou's troops.

In this way, Jieshu took the main force of the Qing army and retreated all the way to Kaifeng Mansion before stopping.

Just when Jieshu thought that his strategy could greatly delay Li Ergou's advance, he could not only complete the time-delay order issued by Emperor Kangxi, but also prevent the main force of his troops from being hit by monsters and puppets. Jieshu received a report about the appearance of monsters and war puppets outside the city of Kaifeng...

Soon, Jie Shu appeared on the gate tower of Kaifeng Mansion, holding a binoculars in his hand to look at the approaching demon war puppets.

When Jie Shu saw that the French Chagers had no protective but good-looking uniforms, he knew that these people were really monsters and war puppets!

"Too far……

The distance between the monster Li Changqing and the puppet is too far away! "

Jie Shu murmured to himself in despair.

While Jie Shu was observing the French Chase, Lin Dengwan, the commander of the French Chase, was also holding up a binoculars to observe the living army on the city wall of Kaifeng Prefecture.

The prototype of the French Chase is the elite light infantry of the French Army formed in the Napoleon era in the European history of Li Changqing's previous life.

Specifically designed to hunt enemy infantry and officers.

Of course, the French Jaegers can also form a line to fight in square formations, but doing so would be too wasteful of the marksmanship of the French Jaegers.

The French jaegers that were released were equipped with front-loading rifles, which were the ones that required a small hammer to knock lead bullets in when loading.

Front-loading rifles have a slow rate of fire, but because of the existence of rifling, they can hit farther and more accurately.

As a matter of course, the French Lindenvan who led these French hunters also changed his command style.

become more insidious.

"These living troops really don't know how to live or die. They actually gathered so many people on the city wall. It's our hunting time."

Under the order of Lin Dengwan in France, 2000 French hunters lined up in a smooth skirmish line and slowly approached the city wall of Kaifeng Mansion.

At this time, the few Qing army artillery on the city wall of Kaifeng Mansion had already opened fire, causing single-digit damage.

But soon, the artillery on the city wall of Kaifeng Prefecture failed to fire one by one!

The French hunters who entered the effective range first aimed at the only Qing army artillery that could cause damage to them and called them one by one.

In just a few minutes, the gunners of the Qing army at the head of the city were so ordered that they did not dare to step forward to use the cannons. Even the military attache of the Qing army could not use threats with knives. Whoever got close to the artillery would die!
All this happened too quickly. Just as Jie Shu sent someone to ask why the artillery stopped, and after the French chasing soldiers of the Qing army gunners were dealt with, thousands of people aimed their guns at Jie Shu's position.

There is no way, the armor of the senior generals of the Qing army is too bright. In the eyes of the French hunters with excellent eyesight, Jie Shu and the senior generals of the Qing army who follow him are golden targets!
And Jie Shu has never seen the power of a front-loading gun, or he has never seen a musketeer who can hit as far as the French Château!

The effective sniping range of the French Chase has reached the effective range of the small-caliber artillery of the Qing army!

Jie Shu didn't see the artillery from the Yaodao War Puppet, in order to get the best view, he still stood on the top of the city gate tower to look out.

As a result, thousands of French jaegers came down with a row of guns, and Jie Shu, who was observing the enemy's situation, suddenly fell on his back on the ground, and Geshha and senior generals beside him fell with Jie Shu!

Thousands of French Jaegers fired their guns precisely, and brought down nearly half of the people standing in the gate tower!

After Jie Shu fell, the people who were still alive around were suddenly panicked. Ghoshha, who was not dead, lifted Jie Shu who was lying down, trying to hug him, only to find that Jie Shu’s face was shot with a blood hole by a lead bullet. , eyes wide open.

This Geshha put trembling fingers on Jie Shu's breath, his body froze suddenly, and he cried loudly: "The general died in battle!"

There was a panic around, and people who were lying or squatting to avoid the bullets all froze when they heard the sound, and then rushed over to confirm Jie Shu's life and death.

Jieshu's face was pierced, and it was obvious that he couldn't die anymore...

What kind of marksmanship is this that can hit so far?
The shooting distance is more than twice that of the Qing army bird musketeers!

"This is sorcery!
The demon Li Changqing is using the puppet he summoned to snipe and kill us from a long distance. This is how General Jie Shu was killed by a sneak attack! "

A surviving senior general of the Qing army shouted in a panic, while climbing on the ground towards the stairs to 'walk'.

There's no way, the monster war puppets outside the city are too accurate, it's safer to crawl forward at this time...

After the others saw it, they followed suit and crawled towards the stairs, and a spectacle suddenly appeared on the top floor of the gate tower.

Among the seriously wounded and corpses scattered here and there, the living people crawled forward like turtles, not to mention how ugly it was!

The loyal Geshha dragged Jieshu's tragically dead body, carried it behind him, and climbed forward together with one person carrying two people supporting him...

Don't look at this picture as disrespectful, but the effect is surprisingly good. No matter how accurate the French hunting soldier's marksmanship is, it is impossible to shoot an invisible enemy.

But the Château de France still has plenty of targets to shoot.

In just half an hour of precise shooting, there was no Qing army who dared to stand on the head of Kaifeng Fucheng...

Those who were timid turned into turtles and climbed down the city wall!

(End of this chapter)

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