This Qing is wrong

Chapter 181 Lie down and win

Chapter 181 Lie down and win (Add more updates for the 500 monthly pass!)
This was the first time that Li Changqing saw small red dots running side by side instead of a whole big red dot.

Under what circumstances would the Qing army split from one big red dot into several smaller red dots?
The supreme commander was killed, and the surviving generals refused to obey anyone?

But why did the generals of the Qing army who refused to obey anyone rush to the common goal?

Li Changqing thought for a moment, smiled and said to himself: "They are not in a hurry to surrender to Li Ergou, are they?"

What Li Changqing said was a declarative sentence, and he had already confirmed the answer in his heart.

Li Changqing naturally knew how much the Qing army feared him, and it seemed reasonable for the Qing army to do so without the supreme commander.

"The strength of Li Ergou's army is still good, and it will not be quickly defeated by the divided Qing army. I want to see what the Qing army wants to do in the direction of Li Ergou's army.

If it was to attack Li Ergou's troops, I admire their courage. "

After figuring out the key, Li Changqing closed the mini-map and opened the lottery drawing interface.

Extract the troop template.

[Congratulations to the host for drawing the template for the flintlock light infantry unit. 】


This time, a useful unit template was extracted.

Light infantry should be in the line era, walk in front of the line infantry, and form skirmish lines to shoot and kill enemy infantry.

This unit is not only equipped with flintlock guns, but also has great marksmanship, which is exactly what I need!

Historically, there were two types of light infantry equipped with front-loading rifles and high-precision flintlock guns.

What I extracted should be the latter.

High-precision flintlock guns are also smoothbore guns. The accuracy and effective range are definitely not as good as front-loading rifles, but the advantage is that the rate of fire is as fast as ordinary smoothbore guns, and they can be used as line infantry when needed.

It just so happened that I once again accumulated 5 times to annihilate the enemy army of the system, and got the opportunity to apply the template of 1000 soldiers. Let's apply the flintlock light infantry. "

Afterwards, Li Changqing ordered that [-] recruits of the right age be selected from the newly recruited recruits in Wuchang Prefecture to come to the school grounds.

The next day, Li Changqing came to the school grounds, and below were a thousand recruits who had just been brainwashed.

Li Changqing has been keeping the newly obtained brainwashing quota, which is to wait for the accumulation of 5 times of annihilation, and then use it to apply the template of the unit.

Because you can get 5 brainwashing quotas just by destroying the system enemy army 1000 times, and the application of the template is also 1000 people...

Obviously, the system has already arranged the numbers for this reward, just to facilitate Li Changqing's operation.

The next moment, Li Changqing waved his hand, and the thousand recruits below who only wore their own civilian clothes appeared handsome but defenseless modern military uniforms.

The color is black, I don't know if it came out randomly...

There are no badges on the military uniforms that indicate official rank or national identity, which is quite in line with the system's 'neutral attitude'.

After finishing all this, Li Changqing opened the updated personal panel.

【Name: Li Changqing

Life Body: Flesh body to rank six martial arts (No. 1 world evaluation standard)
Life Essence: 150
Life Essence Refining Furnace: It can refine up to the second-grade Flesh Transformation Pill

Unused mind control quota: 5
Unused soldier training quota: 0
Troops that have completed training: 3170 veterans, 1000 Ming Thunder Gun Guards, 1000 Ming Liaodong cavalry, 1000 flintlock light infantry

Cumulative times of destroying system enemy troops in the fourth stage: 15
The unit templates that have been extracted: Ming Xunlei Gun Guards, Ming Liaodong Iron Cavalry, Fusiliers Light Infantry

Random task generation: None]

The brainwashed soldiers who did not apply the template of the unit became veterans, but Li Changqing couldn't figure out the system's criteria for judging veterans.

Because the more than 3000 veterans have been scattered now, hundreds of them have entered the rank of martial arts to become the law enforcement team of the Ministry of Supervision, and the rest stayed in the "Imperial Palace" in Guangzhou Mansion as professional palace guards, watching Li Changqing's harem.

Some of them entered the bodyguard office as Li Changqing's personal security personnel.

Li Changqing’s harem is Chuxiu Palace. Except for the palace guards who are brainwashed soldiers, no man is allowed to enter. Even if the beautiful women in Chuxiu Palace want to meet their relatives, they can only see their parents and women. relatives……

In order to prevent himself from being cuckolded, Li Changqing took great pains!
After all, Li Changqing had read "The Legend of Zhen Huan", in which he even dared to wear the green hat of the Qing emperor, which shocked Li Changqing to this day.

What happened to the official history? Li Changqing doesn’t know. Li Changqing only knows that Zhen Huan in the TV series is really awesome. I don’t know if it’s the director’s audacity or the social atmosphere that led to such things as cuckolding the emperor...

Because the ending of The Legend of Zhen Huan shocked Li Changqing too much, he has strict management of his harem and only trusts the brainwashed soldiers.

Although these brainwashed soldiers have not been castrated, they are more reliable than castrated eunuchs without emotional desires.

As for giving full play to the subjective initiative of soldiers...

Come on, what year's war was that?

What kind of war is it now?
When the dense formation has not been fully replaced by skirmishing, what officers like most is not soldiers who are full of subjective initiative, but well-behaved soldiers who honestly follow orders and line up.

Obviously, today's Li Changqing does not need soldiers with subjective initiative, he is fighting in dense formations.

It was the Maxim heavy machine gun that really swept the dense formation into the dust of history. Now Li Changqing can't even see the shadow of the Maxim heavy machine gun!
But having said that, if it really comes to the era of owning machine guns, Li Changqing believes that the system will definitely give him a template for using more advanced weapons.

The application of unit templates is not a simple change of weapons, tactical thinking and combat skills will be forcibly implanted.

For example, those brainwashed soldiers who were imitated by the template of Liaodong iron cavalry could go to the circus to make a living.

The marksmanship of the Thunderbolt Guards of the Ming Dynasty even made the experienced gunners in the surrendered troops of the Qing army sigh for it.


Therefore, Li Changqing never worried about brainwashing soldiers without emotions. Who said that soldiers without emotions would not have enough combat effectiveness?
That being the case, why did Li Changqing, a powerful country in the 21st century in his previous life, invest so much money in the research of war robots?

The robot thing is the real iron lump without emotion!

Obviously, there is no necessary connection between lack of emotion and subjective initiative in combat. It is enough for brainwashed soldiers to know how to fight.

After more than ten days passed, Li Ergou, who was in the province of Hen, suddenly received the surrender form of the Qing army from the people below.

Those Qing troops who surrendered were quite authentic, and the official surrender form was produced.

As for why the Qing army, which possessed a large amount of supplies, did not flee to the Shaanxi-Gansu region and continue to hang out with Kang Mazi, the reason was simple, they did not want to continue living in the horror of the monsters and puppets coming at any time!

Originally there was Aixinjueluo Jieshu, so everyone naturally didn't dare to raise the small thought of surrendering to the Tang Empire, but now that Jieshu has become the ghost of the demon war puppet, what reason do you have to continue to fight against the demon Li Changqing?

Isn't it good to live well?
What's more, the demon Li Changqing has always treated the generals of the Qing army who led troops to surrender. Look at those generals of the Qing army who surrendered in the past, the big ones became governors of a province, and the military and political power was caught!

The small ones have become small warlords in various state capitals, living a leisurely life all day long, who dares not accept it and directly leads troops to ransack their homes!

Even if the Tang Empire wanted to turn the fiefdom into a direct-controlled area, it would find new fiefdoms for the generals who surrendered, instead of sweeping the surrendered generals to the end.

This is already the emperor of conscience!
Therefore, except for the man named Aixinjueluo and the top Manchu nobles in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the people below include ordinary Manchu military officers, and they don't have much resistance to surrendering to the Tang Dynasty.

To put it bluntly, it was because the demon Dao Li Changqing was too powerful, so they couldn't have the belief to resist.

Enemies who cannot resist naturally can only choose to lie flat...

Li Ergou soon learned the reason why so many Qing generals surrendered. After hearing that all the outstanding books of Aixinjueluo's family were shot dead by Li Changqing's puppet, he had a deeper understanding of Li Changqing's ability.

The war puppet summoned by Li Changqing is really too strong!

With the surrender of these generals of the Qing army, the subsequent offensive in Hen Province became extremely easy.

Even the top commanders of many city defenders are former troops under the command of surrendered Qing generals, and a single letter can open the doors of a big city to welcome the surrender.

The entire HEN province can be said to be determined by the preaching!

Li Ergou was a bit deceived. He thought that as a vanguard, even if he could continue to win with the help of Li Changqing's puppet, his subordinates would lose a lot. What happened?
First, the main force of the Qing army fled to Kaifeng Mansion before he entered Hen Province...

Then the main force of the Qing army was killed by a wave of puppets by Li Changqing, and the remaining generals of the Qing army were timid and directly led their troops to surrender!
The credit for conquering a province fell on Li Ergou like this, but he didn't have the slightest joy, because any fool could see that it was not Li Ergou who conquered Hen province, but Tang Emperor Li Changqing!
Even though Li Changqing only launched a wave of war puppets, it was this wave of war puppets that extinguished the will of the Qing army in Hen province to resist.

If the soldiers have no fighting spirit, the general trend is over.

What Li Ergou did was just doing odd jobs.

However, Li Ergou was very careful in occupying the state capitals of each Hen province. He had already guessed that this place was likely to be his fiefdom.

Since it is the place where he will eat in the future, Li Ergou naturally cannot indulge the soldiers to plunder.

As a result, the officers and soldiers under Li Ergou were dissatisfied.

They came to fight (rob) but ended up with an armed parade. They didn't fight a single battle, and the chief refused to let them fight Caogu. In the end, everyone's hard work was in vain?
Marching is also very hard work!

However, the officers and soldiers of Li Ergou's troops who did not win a battle had no reason to ask to go out to grab the spoils, so they could only sulk themselves.

As a result, a miraculous scene appeared in Li Ergou's troops. It was decided by the various states along the way, but the officers and soldiers of Li Ergou's troops were downcast. Those who didn't know thought they were a group of defeated soldiers!

Even so, Li Ergou had to bite the bullet and restrain the generals, and even told his confidant generals about his speculation.

The generals also felt that according to the temperament of the Tang emperor, the probability of them returning to Huguang Province was extremely low. It was very likely that their new home would be in Hen Province, so naturally they did not dare to plunder.

The battle of Hen Province once again shocked the Qing Dynasty, but Kang Mazi had been numb from the shock. Apart from speeding up the pace of westward migration, he did not even send heavy troops to the Shaanxi-Gansu region.

After all, Kang Mazi still had to save his troops to go west.

Kang Mazi could tell that no matter whether the current Qing army was a banner man or not, when facing the demon Li Changqing, he would always use one word - counsel.

Letting the elite under his command fight against the monsters and puppets, that's like meat buns beating dogs - there will be no return.

Therefore, the remaining Qing troops in the Shaanxi-Gansu region were all old and weak green camps and remnants of the new army.

That's right, the new army formed by the coated slaves has not yet died out, and the rest were arranged by Kang Mazi to be used as cannon fodder in the Shaanxi-Gansu area.

Now that he was going to move westward, Kang Mazi felt that the original bannerman system was no longer applicable.

The reason is very simple. Without the Han land, the Bannerman master would not have enough Han people to enslave. Although the number of Han people who accompanied the army was large, they were all useful labor, and it was impossible to serve as slaves for the bannermen and soldiers.

Therefore, the new army will definitely be banned in the future, and there is a high probability that the green battalion will not be needed either.

The green battalions in the Han region were wiped out, and those who raised the flag raised the flag. There were very few left, and there was no need to continue to maintain the organizational system.

The source of troops for the green battalion will also be cut off after the Qing Dynasty moves westward.

Under the leadership of Kang Mazi, the Qing Dynasty that moved westward would only have the Eight Banners army and ordinary soldiers accompanying the army, and there would be no other troops.

Regardless of the crushing defeat of the Qing Dynasty, the number of regular troops has not decreased.

Although Kang Mazi, who subdued Mongolia, did not destroy Burni, he coerced a large number of Mongolian herdsmen.

Mongolian herdsmen are just a bunch of poor ghosts in this world, they are better fools than the Han people, and there are plenty of people who take care of the food to follow them, they walk on their own initiative, they don’t have to go with a whip like the Han people!
Based on the original Mongolian Eight Banners, Kangxi greatly expanded the Mongolian Eight Banners, expanding the scale of the Mongolian Eight Banners to the same size as the Han Eight Banners, one banner with two Gushan, and one Gushan with more than [-] people!

This is another sixteen solid mountains!

These are all real soldiers, plus the relatives of the Mongolian Eight Banners soldiers accompanying the army, the number of Mongolians taken away by Kang Mazi is nearly one million!
In addition, the Jurchens born in the outer northeast and those savages who did not look like the Jurchens were also included in the Manchu Eight Banners.

These tribesmen in the old forests in the outer northeast can be said to be all soldiers. They have good arrow skills without training. The backward living environment is a natural arena, and those who can survive are qualified hunters.

And a qualified hunter means a qualified soldier, all Kang Mazi needs to do is to make them understand how to obey and fight in formation.

Under Kang Mazi's search, plus the Eight Banners migrating from the northeast, Kang Manzi's Manchu Eight Banners has also expanded to 16 Gushan, which is also a quota of two Gushan for one banner.

It's just that compared to the purity of the Han Eight Banners and the Mongolian Eight Banners, the number of "hybrids" in the Man Eight Banners is a bit more, accounting for half of them.

Fortunately, those virgins and savages in the outer northeast have always been in awe of the Qing Dynasty, and envied the wealth of the Qing Dynasty. Like the Mongols, Kang Mazi won the army's morale by throwing a small amount of money.

And being able to become the high-ranking man of the Eight Banners made Shengnuzhen and Yeren ecstatic, and they had returned to Kang Mazi.

(End of this chapter)

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