This Qing is wrong

Chapter 182 Attacking the White Lotus Sect

Chapter 182 Attacking the White Lotus Sect

The roar of the artillery continued to explode, and the members of the White Lotus Sect, wearing yellow turbans on their heads and wearing civilian clothes, with only a big knife or a wooden spear in their hands, flew over like headless flies. The artillery fire flew out, and the screams kept coming and going.

With a click, a flag with the words "White Lotus Sacred Court" written on the top of the city wall was broken by a solid projectile hitting the city wall and fell on the masonry ground. There are obviously many White Lotus Sects around. Among the congregation, none of them went to re-establish the banner on the top of the city.

They have been beaten by artillery.

Li Ergou put down the binoculars, with a smile on his lips, and ordered: "Attack!"

The dull sound of war drums sounded again, and groups of soldiers carrying the flags of the Great Tang Dynasty and other military ministries rushed up, shouting slogans and carrying siege equipment.

And the members of the White Lotus Sect above the capital of Daming Prefecture couldn't even fight back decently.

Seeing that the moats were filled and the siege ladders were erected without hindrance, the city walls of Daming Mansion were about to be broken, and a purple skirt suddenly appeared on the top of the city gate tower, and the eyes like autumn water above the veil suddenly bloomed shines brightly.

The next moment, the soldiers of the Tang army who were setting up the ladder to attack the city suddenly had their eyes turn red. They drew out their sabers and stabbed them fiercely at the comrades beside them.

The soldier who was stabbed in the stomach looked at the fellow who drew the knife in disbelief, and asked with difficulty while spitting out blood, "Father, why is this?!"

Obviously, this is a pair of father and son soldiers!

Li Ergou's subordinates were all the original Qing army, most of which were green camps, and there were many cases where father and son brothers joined the army together, and they often stayed in the same team.

On the battlefield, they turned their backs to each other to kill the enemy together.

The soldier who stabbed his son didn't seem to understand at all, he pulled out the long knife that was stained with his son's blood, stabbed it in again with a puff, and even stirred it up, this time his son even vomited blood His strength was gone, and he fell to the ground with eyes full of despair.

The soldier who killed his son stepped on his son's body and pulled out his long knife, making a dull and tyrannical voice: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

This was not a special case. There were hundreds of soldiers of the Tang army who immediately moved their knives at the people close to them, and rushed to kill them as soon as they made a move, as if they had become systematic enemy soldiers who killed without blinking an eye.

And the Moon Goddess, the Saintess of the White Lotus Cult standing on the gate tower of the Daming Mansion, had bright eyes and a strange red glow.

Li Ergou, who had been observing and occupying the rear, knew that his attack had failed without the help of the White Lotus Sect.

Hundreds of soldiers suddenly went crazy and killed their own people. Even if they were suppressed, this wave of siege troops lost the courage to continue to climb the city.

In fact, after his own people suddenly jumped back, the Tang army under Daming City was no longer in the mood to attack the city, and they were busy fighting with their own people.

Everyone is wearing the same battle robe, and the red eyes are a feature that is difficult to recognize in the first place if you don't look carefully.

What's more, the battlefield was filled with gunpowder smoke, and many soldiers of the Tang army were smoked so that their eyeballs were bloodshot, and they looked no different from those soldiers of the Tang army whose minds were controlled.

As a result, the soldiers of the Tang army who attacked the city were in danger, and even father and son brothers became unreliable. Who else could they trust?
Fortunately, at this time, the sound of gold ringing sounded, and the soldiers of the Tang army who were still rational could retreat while fighting.

After seeing the withdrawal of the Tang army's offensive, the Bailian saint Luna also disarmed herself.

"Damn it, the ability of the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus is really fucking evil. My own people hacked and killed my own people for no reason. How can we fight?"

Li Ergou cursed mentally, originally thought it would be relatively easy to attack SD Province, but in the first battle at Daming Mansion, he encountered a hard stubble.

This White Lotus Sect can defeat the Qing army, there are still a few brushes.

When Li Ergou's attack was blocked, Geng Jingzhong, who also received orders on the other side, took down the fortress occupied by a small number of Qing troops all the way, and formally stepped into the White Lotus Sect territory in SD Province.

Then I met Chi Lian, the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus!
Compared with Li Ergou, Geng Jingzhong was much more unlucky. The siege camp had not yet been built, and thousands of people were poisoned and killed overnight. The morale of the army was immediately underestimated.

Because they couldn't find the source of the poisoning at all, those poisonous smoke floated from nowhere, and after the poisonous smoke drifted over under the cover of night, whoever smoked it died!

As a last resort, Geng Jingzhong had no choice but to retreat dozens of miles with his troops.

Soon, the setbacks encountered by Geng Jingzhong and Li Ergou were passed on by Pegasus to Li Changqing's copybook in Wuchang Mansion.

After Li Changqing received the news that the northern expedition of the two armies was blocked, he immediately opened the small map and found that there was not a single red dot in the entire SD province!

The few small red dots that were originally scattered have disappeared.

According to the information provided by the intelligence department, those little red dots were originally the remnants of the Qing army entrenched in SD province. After the main force of the Qing army in HEN province collapsed and surrendered, they were swallowed up by the White Lotus Sect...

In the entire SD Province, the number of White Lotus Cult members that the Ministry of Intelligence has inquired about exceeds [-], but there is not even a small red dot displayed on the small map!
This made Li Changqing very surprised.

How scumbags does the White Lotus Sect have to be to be so ignored by the system?

You know, as long as the original Qing army was a regular army, thousands of people would mark small red dots on the small map.

If the Qing army was elite, hundreds of people might be marked with red dots.

On the other hand, there are tens of thousands of White Lotus Sect rebels on the surface, but a small red dot is not marked...

There is only one explanation for this. There is not a single regular army in the White Lotus Sect rebel army, they are all mobs!
Only the mob will be ignored by the system evaluation.

"It seems that the rebels of the White Lotus Sect rely entirely on the Saintess of the White Lotus and the masters of the Jade Maiden Sect to support their appearance. After so long, they have not trained any elite soldiers. It is estimated that the high-level people of the Jade Maiden Sect do not know how to train soldiers...

The people below reported that women in the White Lotus Sect are superior to men and that those military attaches of the Qing army who surrendered would rather be deserters than surrender to the White Lotus Sect because of this.

In other words, men with a little bit of ability are not willing to join the White Lotus Sect. This should be the reason why the White Lotus Sect rebels lack talents and have been like rogues so far.

The Jade Girl Sect completely relied on violent means to suppress and command the rebel army of the White Lotus Sect.

However, the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus is really strong. She can control the rebels of the White Lotus Sect by means of violence alone, and has occupied such a large territory. Now the entire northern part of the Central Plains may have fallen into the hands of the White Lotus Sect.

It's really troublesome that there is no red dot on the small map. I can't remotely launch the war puppet.

It seems that I can only go there in person.

Fortunately, Li Ergou and Geng Jingzhong were not useless at least to attract the two saintesses of white lotus to the front line.

I'd like to see how many waves of system enemies that I've thrown out can be destroyed by the White Lotus Saintess.

Perhaps, I can use the White Lotus Saintess to brush the enemy army?
Now that the system enemy army is so strong, it has been a long time since I experienced the joy of continuously launching system enemy troops when I first came to this world.

I heard that the saintesses of the white lotus are all beautiful and have the body of a fairy. If I can control my mind, I would like to taste the difference between the taste of a fairy and a mortal, hehe~"

Li Changqing did as soon as he thought of it, and immediately ordered to prepare to rush to the front line.

No one persuaded Li Changqing that the front line was dangerous.

For one thing, in the Great Tang Empire, the big guys are used to Li Changqing's domineering and promises.

Secondly, the Great Tang Empire was almost defeated by Li Changqing with his own strength, and his own ability was almost invincible. No one would doubt that Li Changqing was giving away his head when he went to the front line.

When Li Changqing personally marched and rushed to the Daming Mansion where Li Ergou faced each other, the three Bailian saints who were far away in the capital hurried south to the front line of SD Province.

With the general trend of the world today, the Qing court has taken the initiative to be a running dog. There are not many people in the old forests in the outer northeast, and Shengjing has been evacuated!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Kang Mazi has completely abandoned the Eastern Han land. Since the Qing Dynasty has gone, everyone will naturally no longer follow the original strategy of attacking the outside world, not to mention the White Lotus Sect and Li Changqing of the Tang Empire. After a round of fighting, there is already a feud.

The world in the eyes of the Han people today is a three-point situation.

Among the three points, President Wu, who controls the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan, has a very low sense of existence, and since the rebellion, he has not captured any territory of the Qing court. Instead, he is busy transferring manpower and materials, and concentrates in the southern part of YN province!
The promulgated system of equalizing land and military households only divides land in the old nest of YN province, and seems to completely ignore Guizhou and Sichuan, which are sparsely populated.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that President Wu is cowardly. He dare not compete with Li Changqing, the emperor of the Tang Empire next door, and wants to develop to the south.

In the eyes of the superiors in the Central Plains, the Burmese region in the south has always been the impression of a small and weak country. It is just that the climate is hot, there are many poisonous insects and snakes, and it is too far away from the political center of the Han region, so it has not been conquered.

Historically, the miasma in the south was also conquered for a short period of time, such as during the heyday of the Tang Dynasty.

But the experience of the Tang Dynasty told the Han people that the cost of ruling officials there was too high to be realized, and if the generals were entrusted to guard, it would be easy to form a separate regime!

In fact, during the Tang Dynasty, the Burmese region was separated from the vassals and towns...

Naturally, the subsequent Han court did not bother to conquer there.

The land of malaria is far less prosperous than the native land of Han, so why ask for trouble?

Except for cheaters like Li Changqing, all rulers in history have to consider the cost of conquest. Otherwise, no matter how large the territory they have built, how long can they sustain losses every year?

In the historical era of European exploration, the European powers were clearly capable of conquering colonies, so why didn't they annex them as territories under their own jurisdiction?
To put it bluntly, it is a matter of cost!
In Li Changqing's previous life, the United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland, where the sun never sets in the history of the world, was able to own such a large colony because they never treated the colonies as their own.

Each colony is actually equivalent to a feudal town enfeoffed by the Chinese dynasty.

The Colonial Governor is a veritable Jiedushi!

This is why the United States was able to pull out a continental army immediately when it wanted to be independent.

Regardless of the weak combat effectiveness of the Continental Army, the Continental Army of the United States at that time was the army directly under the control of the American colonies.

As the suzerain country, the British, to suppress the independence of the United States, they have to send troops from the mainland...

The self-government system of this British colony is used to reduce the cost of governance.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of European whites expanding their colonies all over the world is to make money, not simply expand their territory. Only the old man is really expanding his homeland.

This is why the Principality of Moscow, which was originally located in a corner, will become the largest country in the world in the 21st century.

And the empire on which the sun never sets was still just an island country in the end...

In the pre-Ming era in this world, the small countries in Southeast Asia were all vassal states of the Ming Dynasty, that is, countries without conquest.

It is conceivable that their strength is not comparable to the dynasties of the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains.

This is also the reason why Wu Sangui intends to go south to re-establish his own power.

It's just that Wu Sangui didn't expect that Qing Dynasty, who once oppressed the world, ran away by himself!

If it weren't for the sudden rise of the White Lotus Sect as the opponent of Tang Emperor Li Changqing, Wu Sangui wouldn't even have time to go south to attack.

Wu Sangui knew that it was his last deadline to go south for Li Changqing to destroy the White Lotus Sect. After Li Changqing conquered the entire Han land, even if the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan were poor, he would fall under the watchful eye of Li Changqing.

As for Li Changqing's defeat, Wu Sangui didn't even dare to think about it...

How could such a monstrous inhuman monster be defeated!

In Wu Sangui's eyes, the only factor restricting the expansion of the demon Dao Li Changqing is probably the fact that the territory is too large to manage...

At least, in Wu Sangui's understanding, the demon Li Changqing is greedy for beauty and enjoyment is a great benefit.

This means that the demon Li Changqing will not be like a locust, who only knows how to conquer and destroy, and will not govern the country.

This kind of conqueror is the most terrifying, because he doesn't care about the conquered territory at all, and can push it all the way...

Li Changqing, a demon, is not such a person. If he is willing to spend time governing the country, it means that Wu Sangui and Emperor Kangxi still have a chance to survive.

They thought that as long as he was far enough away from the demon Dao Li Changqing, sooner or later he would be hindered by the ever-growing national territory.

It’s best that Li Changqing, the demon way, is indulging in the gentleness of women, and it’s a good thing that he no longer thinks about conquering the outside world...

This is the common ideal of Wu Sangui and Emperor Kangxi who were afraid of Li Changqing.

Since you can't win, you can only expect the enemy to be slack and lazy.

Emperor Kangxi's westward move and Wu Sangui's southward move were all aimed at staying away from Li Changqing's strategic goals.

Only the top-notch Saintess of the White Lotus Sect thought she could wrestle with the demon Li Changqing.

After learning that the first stop of the demon Taoist Li Changqing was the Daming Mansion, the three daughters of Yanling Ji rushed to Luna's side, ready to snipe and kill the demon Taoist Li Changqing in the Daming Mansion!
The whole world knows that as long as the Tang Empire loses the demon Daoist Li Changqing, it will collapse on its own in minutes!

(End of this chapter)

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