This Qing is wrong

Chapter 197 The Battle of Central Asia

Chapter 197 The Battle of Central Asia
On the great plain outside Samarkand, hundreds of thousands of troops stared at each other.

One side of the eight-color flags fluttered in the wind, as if covering the entire land. The Han Eight Banners, the Mongolian Eight Banners, and the Man Eight Banners were divided into three large blocks, forming an inverted triangle formation.

Not surprisingly, Man Baqi stayed in the rear corner.

On the opposite side is a motley coalition with hundreds of flags.

The armies of the large and small Central Asian Khanates headed by the Persian Empire are even tens of thousands more than the Eight Banners Army under Kang Mazi's command.

The overlord of Central Asia in this parallel world is the Persian Empire, as well as the small khanates fighting each other in one place.

As a matter of course, the reason why these small countries are called Khanates is because they were all formed by the division of the countries left by the Mongols, and they all have the blood of the Mongols.

However, because of Persia's decadent feudal system and the Ottoman Empire in the West, it has been unable to completely annex these small Central Asian khanates, and can only let them fend for themselves.

Until Kangxi from the East brought hundreds of thousands of troops to grab the territory.

After crossing the long Western Regions and the Kazakh grasslands, Kangxi entered the territory of Tianfang Sect.

It was only when Emperor Kangxi came here that he realized that apart from Taoism and Buddhism, there is also a behemoth called Tianfang Sect in the world!

Whether it is the Persian Empire or the small Khanates in Central Asia, they all believe in the Tianfang Sect, and it can even be said to be a country of the ****. After all, the **** is the tradition of the Tianfang Sect.

The descendants of the Mongols who conquered here back then have long since become devout believers of the true God of Tianfang Sect.

Therefore, Emperor Kangxi brought a large group of family members, a migration team of millions of people, to this land, and immediately there was a serious conflict of beliefs.

In the eyes of the Tianfang sect, Emperor Kangxi and his party are typical heretics, as hateful as those Buddhist disciples.

Of course, this alone is not enough to make the Tianfang Sect countries in Central Asia unite against Emperor Kangxi. The most important thing is that Emperor Kangxi came here as a conqueror. The cities he passed by before were all broken by the Eight Banners Army without exception. .

The long migration of millions of people, even with some support from the Western Regions, came here and fell into the embarrassment of shortage of supplies.

The supplies of the Qing Dynasty are urgent, what will they choose to do?
Naturally, burning, killing and looting!

As a result, the cities in Central Asia felt the pain that the Han people felt back then!

Any city that is breached after resistance will undergo a massacre, and only men of the right age and young and beautiful women who are willing to submit will be left behind.

Women were naturally assigned to meritorious soldiers and leaders of the Qing army, while men were reduced to new coat slaves.

During the migration process of the Qing court, Emperor Kangxi did not do nothing, as long as it was a useful reform, he tried it again.

One of the most important ones is that all the coated minions in the migration team have obtained the status of bannermen.

The number of coated slaves in the migration team was small, and only the most loyal slaves were eligible to go with them. They also played an important role in the migration process.

In order to win people's hearts, Emperor Kangxi naturally raised the flag of these coated slaves.

The Mongols carried the Mongolian Eight Banners, and the Han people carried the Han Eight Banners.

The Manchus did not serve as slaves, and did not need to raise the flag...

As for the green camp, naturally no one was brought out.

The elite of the green battalion were transferred to the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty when they were in the Han Dynasty. I don't know where the dead are in a corner that no one knows...

Under the reforms of Emperor Kangxi, the Qing army that moved westward seemed to have returned to the era when the Jurchens had just risen and established the Eight Banners. People of the same clan worked together.

Although the status of the Manchu Eight Banners is higher than that of the Han Eight Banners and the Mongolian Eight Banners, it is just a simple superior-subordinate relationship, not the level of race, and the three Eight Banners live separately and do not have much influence on each other.

The uncle who is full of Eight Banners can't drive the other two Eight Banners to serve him.

In a foreign land, Emperor Kangxi tried his best to promote the concept of equality among the Mongolian, Han and Manchu races in the Eight Banners, and he was indeed working so hard.

For this reason, Emperor Kangxi won the favor of many Han Eight Banners and Manchu Eight Banners officers and soldiers.

Although the rich and powerful in the Manchu Eight Banners are dissatisfied, they also know that the current Qing Dynasty is different from the previous Qing Dynasty. The basic population is only more than 100 million people. If they are not united, will they die?

It was not easy for Emperor Kangxi to unite the Eight Banners of three different ethnic groups and travel all the way to Central Asia.

Fortunately, after arriving in Central Asia, Emperor Kangxi unexpectedly discovered that the country here is very fragmented. Except for the Persian Empire, the fighting power of the remaining Khanates is not generally weak. They don’t even have many firearms, and camel cannons can be used as treasures. !

It's no wonder that Galdan can beat all the invincible hands in the Western Regions. It turns out that the world is getting weaker as it goes west!
Before the migration, Emperor Kangxi was forced to choose to flee for survival. After arriving in Central Asia, Emperor Kangxi began to admire his foresight.

In addition, during the migration, Emperor Kangxi also completed the agreement with Taoist Zhang Tianshi, canonized Zhang Tianshi as the Qing State Teacher, and established Taoism as the Qing State Religion!
However, Emperor Kangxi did not engage in religious persecution, nor did he collect religious poll tax. After all, the vast western regions that Emperor Kangxi passed through believed in Buddhism, so even though Emperor Kangxi established Taoism as the state religion, he still adopted a policy of religious tolerance. Personal beliefs do not interfere.

Zhang Tianshi did not come alone to support Emperor Kangxi's cause. He brought all the real people under his command, and also brought many friends from the Central Plains. At this time, among the extraordinary power of the Qing court, the Taoist masters seemed to have surpassed the vulgar warriors!
Zhang Tianshi suddenly changed his position. Naturally, it was because he calculated that if he stayed in the Central Plains, he would be wiped out by the demon Dao Li Changqing, so he cut off the tail of the gecko, looking for a chance of life, and migrated with Emperor Kangxi.

This is the only future scene Zhang Tianshi can see...

As for what happened after Emperor Kangxi, Zhang Tianshi became more and more difficult to calculate, because Li Changqing, an alien visitor, has more and more influence on this world, the original law of the way of heaven is gradually being broken, and the future becomes unpredictable.

The way of heaven will become more and more chaotic in the future, and Zhang Tianshi will naturally not be able to see it...

In Zhang Tianshi's eyes, Li Changqing is just a shit-stirring stick of the way of heaven. The way of heaven, which was originally traceable, was completely messed up because of Li Changqing, an alien from outside.

Originally, the Qing Dynasty had existed for more than 200 years, and it was Hua Xia who was in danger. As a result of Li Changqing's disturbance, the prosperous future of the Qing Dynasty came to an abrupt end, and China's Tian Tian was in danger...

Naturally, all the future pictures that Zhang Tianshi had seen before in the rise of the West and the decline of the East disappeared, and the future that had been confirmed was completely changed!

This feeling of not being able to peek into the way of heaven made Zhang Tianshi full of insecurity.

Isn't their Taoism able to transcend things by relying on such a means of spying on the secrets of heaven?
When the former Ming Dynasty fell, why didn't Zhang Tianshi take action?

Because he had peeked into the end of the former Ming Dynasty from the secret, and knew that his actions would only increase the casualties in vain.

Later, he did not accept the invitation of the Qing court, but also because he peeped that the Qing court would become the culprit of Hua Xiaxia in 200 years, and he did not want to bear the guilt of this karma.

The way of heaven is weak, but Zhang Tianshi only has the ability to spy, but he does not have the power to reverse the destiny.

Zhang Tianshi admires the fact that the alien visitor can change the fate of heaven, but Zhang Tianshi feels very disgusted by his coveting attitude towards Taoist classics.

How could Zhang Tianshi allow such a mentality of getting something for nothing?

More importantly, Zhang Tianshi does not allow himself to be a slave to others!

Although Zhang Tianshi was canonized by Emperor Kangxi as the Imperial Master of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi did not dare to put on the airs of an emperor in front of Zhang Tianshi, and they all talked as equals.

Zhang Tianshi is 100% sure, if the target is changed to Li Changqing, he will definitely regard himself as a subordinate!

That is a domineering lord who is the only one in heaven and earth!

Cultivating the Tao is a matter of clear thinking. If Zhang Tianshi bows his head to Li Changqing, it will not only be a matter of loss of dignity, but it will probably lead to inner stagnation, blocked thoughts, and thus become obsessed and fall prematurely.

This is the fundamental reason Zhang Tianshi rebelled against Li Changqing.

He didn't want to die so early!

Emperor Kangxi held a binoculars in his hand, looked at the Tianfangjiao allied forces on the opposite side, and said puzzled: "Although the number on the other side is tens of thousands smaller than ours, many soldiers are obviously conscripted peasant soldiers, and their weapons are in dilapidated condition.

Moreover, the composition of the coalition forces is complex, where did they have the courage to fight the mighty Qing Heavenly Soldiers? "

Emperor Kangxi naturally consulted Zhang Tianshi who was beside him.

In terms of military affairs, Emperor Kangxi could not see that the Tianfangjiao coalition forces on the opposite side had any hope of defeating him, but the rulers of the Tianfangjiao coalition forces could not all be fools.

The kind of war that can assess the outcome at a glance cannot be fought...

Since the Tianfangjiao coalition forces are mediocre in military terms, and even armed farmers are used to fill the battlefield, the surety of victory for the Tianfangjiao coalition forces must be due to their extraordinary strength.

Emperor Kangxi slaughtered several Tianfang Sect cities before, and captured the superhumans of Tianfang Sect, but they were all low-level, and their physical fitness was similar to that of low-grade warriors. They were rubbish when facing the army.

But at least one thing has been confirmed, Tianfang Sect has its own cultivation system, just like Buddhist practitioners.

However, the cultivator's ability of Tianfang Sect seems to be related to the status in the religion.

All Tianfang Sect practitioners are actually religious figures, and their control over the extraordinary power of the people is far beyond what East Asia can match.

Emperor Kangxi, who had never met the high-ranking members of the Tianfang Sect, did not know the methods of the Tianfang Sect's extraordinary power. The Tianfang Sect's blockade of information on the extraordinary power far surpassed that of the East, and it was impossible to obtain valuable information from the captives.

Therefore, Emperor Kangxi could only pin his hopes on Zhang Tianshi.

The personal combat power of Taoism may not be top-notch, but those off-the-wall skills are definitely unmatched by other cultivation systems!
For example, the exquisite qi-watching technique, the qi-watching technique performed by a celestial master-level existence, and the qi-watching technique performed by ordinary Taoist priests are not the same skill at all!
The light in Zhang Tianshi's eyes flashed away, and he replied slowly:

"In the Tianfangjiao coalition forces, there are extraordinary forces whose realm is only a little lower than mine, and they are still biased towards the mind control system.

I can't see the specific means of the other party. I can only see through it when the other party uses it.

But Long Live Lord, please rest assured, as long as the other party makes a move, I can see through the other party's methods, and then the other party's extraordinary power can be dealt with by Pindao.

Long Live God can normally command the army to attack the Tianfangjiao coalition forces. "

Emperor Kangxi looked at Zhang Tianshi's confident appearance, and felt a little at ease.

Although Zhang Tianshi has a somewhat arrogant personality, his ability is still worthy of recognition. Since he became the Imperial Master of the Qing Dynasty, he has never let him down!

Moreover, Zhang Tianshi has the ability to spy on the secrets of heaven, and he knows how to seek good fortune and avoid evil. Since the other party chooses to follow Daqing and follow him, what does this mean?
I am the Chosen One!

The demon Li Changqing?
That's a demon from the sky, it doesn't count...

Therefore, Emperor Kangxi was very at ease and confident with Zhang Tianshi by his side. If one day Zhang Tianshi left without saying goodbye, then Emperor Kangxi would panic.

After all, it is a very serious problem that the master who seeks good luck and avoids evil runs away!
The omen of great misfortune is not something everyone can afford.

"Master Zhang is good everywhere, but it's too unkind to let me touch his female disciple.

This group of cultivators are pure-hearted and ascetic, and they don't care about the glory and wealth. It's really annoying! "

When Emperor Kangxi thought of Xiaomeng's charming figure, he couldn't help but sigh.

It's not that Emperor Kangxi has never seen beautiful women, but Xiaomeng's beauty is not a normal beauty. She seems to be able to present the most ideal image of a goddess in a man's mind.

It's very fantasy to say, what the perfect object in a man's mind looks like, and what it looks like when he sees Xiaomeng as a real person.

That is to say, when different men see Xiaomeng, they can present different images in their minds. If the ideal object changes, the images presented in their minds will also change!

At first, Emperor Kangxi didn't understand the principle of this, but after consulting Zhang Tianshi, he learned that this is the top charm technique of Taoism, improved from the inheritance of ancient immortals, and can amplify the most desired side of the opposite sex.

Naturally, the person who has cultivated this charm technique is the best partner in the world, because she or he will always be the most perfect image in the eyes of the other half.

After learning the truth, Emperor Kangxi made a request for double cultivation as a matter of course, and even made a promise as a queen.

Zhang Tianshi expressed respect for Xiaomeng's wishes, and then Emperor Kangxi was issued a "good person card" by Xiaomeng...

The dull sound of the horn brought Emperor Kangxi back from his 'fantasy' of Xiaomeng.

Zhang Tianshi seems to have been used to it for a long time, because of this, Xiaomeng now avoids face to face with Emperor Kangxi as much as possible.

Even those dignitaries of the Eight Banners seldom meet each other.

Men and the like are the most annoying, I wish I could swallow her alive!
Emperor Kangxi, who heard the sound of the horn, raised his telescope again. He knew that this was the signal of the Tianfangjiao coalition forces attacking.

(End of this chapter)

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