This Qing is wrong

Chapter 198 Daqing Stands Up Again

Chapter 198 Daqing Stands Up Again

Hongda's chanting broke out suddenly, and finally converged into a single word.

"Holy war! Holy war! Holy war..."

The Tianfang Sect Allied Forces are in the front row, no matter which country they come from, they belong to the lowest level of peasant soldiers. They even have naked upper body where the ribs can be seen, and they step on a pair of bamboo stick-like legs, as if a gust of wind would blow them down. The malnourished body suddenly burst into frenzied high-pitched cries.

A faint red light bloomed on the edge of the pupil, which seemed to indicate that the reason of these armed farmers who couldn't even eat enough was slipping into the abyss of killing.

This is the ability of the top masters of the Tianfangjiao cultivation system!
In the fanatical cry of 'jihad', hundreds of thousands of armed farmers were arranged in a simple large square, holding extremely simple weapons...if stones can also be called weapons!
In the eyes of Emperor Kangxi, this group of cannon fodder of the Tianfang Sect, who were similar to refugees during the famine years, walked towards their own formation like a rainbow without any cover.

What is rare is that those armed peasants clearly showed distorted faces as if they were losing their minds, but they were still able to form a formation without stepping on each other, and advanced without haste, instead of consuming a small amount of stamina in a hasty charge. .

Emperor Kangxi, who was holding a binoculars, couldn't help being moved after seeing this scene.

Hundreds of thousands of people who don't seem to be afraid of death can smash a hole in their own army even with their fists and teeth, not to mention that they still have guys who can barely kill people.

If the peasant uprising army were so brave, it would be impossible for the Qing Dynasty to win the world!

How did Tianfangjiao do it?
At this time, Zhang Tianshi next to him gave the answer.

"Worlds, full of wonders.

Unexpectedly, Tianfangjiao's research in the field of group souls has reached this point.

Fortunately, the mental state of the caster on the opposite side is not as good as mine.

Long live Lord, please rest assured, in the face of absolute power, the fancy skills will be smashed to pieces. "

Emperor Kangxi saw that Zhang Tianshi was about to make a move with confidence, and quickly stopped him: "Tianshi wait a moment."

Zhang Tianshi's raised hand froze in mid-air, looking suspiciously at Emperor Kangxi.

"What is the order of Lord Long Live?"

Zhang Tianshi is still very polite when facing his parents.

After all, Emperor Kangxi treated him and Taoism really well.

The principle of cannibalism is applicable to any social occasion.

Those who are truly shameless and only know how to take advantage of it cannot reach a high position.

"Is the Celestial Master sure to break the evil law of the Tianfang Sect coalition forces in a short time?"

"That's natural. It doesn't take much time to break through the ingenuity with strength."

Zhang Tianshi replied proudly.

In this world, Zhang Tianshi has never seen anyone with a higher soul level than himself.

Even Li Changqing, the monster who forced him to run away, Zhang Tianshi is not afraid at all in terms of the soul realm.

It's a pity that the force in this world cannot be balanced by the soul alone...

"Then ask the Heavenly Master to rush to the range of the firepower of his own formation before attacking those mobs of the Tianfangjia Allied Forces.

In this way, the sober Tianfangjiao coalition forces should collapse quickly, and the victory will be sealed. "

Zhang Tianshi doesn't know much about military matters.

As a cultivator, he wonders about longevity every day, so how can he have the time and energy to read military books?
Anyway, Tianshi Zhang doesn't intend to become emperor himself...

Being an emperor is exhausting!
As a shopkeeper like Li Changqing, it is easy to be ostracized by the subordinates, unless there is a cabinet team that is selfless and wholeheartedly dedicated to Li Changqing...

Although the emperor of the Tang Empire was Li Changqing, Li Changqing fulfilled only a handful of emperor's duties. He opened his mouth about national policies and let the people below make detailed formulations. At most, Li Changqing proposed a general direction.

Li Changqing's greatest contribution to the Tang Empire was his continuous military victories.

Of course, without constant military victories, the Tang Empire would not be able to stand up...

Zhang Tianshi nodded, indicating that he understood.

The Eight Banners of Han and Eight Banners of Mongolia, who were held up in front of the formation, were still very calm. They were all veterans who had experienced the test of war, and no matter how bad they were, they had seen blood on their hands.

During the process of moving westward, Emperor Kangxi never stopped training the three Eight Banners. After entering the Central Asian territory, he often practiced in actual combat, bullying a group of weapons and equipment, fighting will, and the number of troops, which were far inferior to his own. ...

Therefore, in the face of the hundreds of thousands of armed peasants charged by the Tianfangjiao allied forces, the Qing army's Eight Banners formation remained motionless, and the artillery fired one after another in an orderly manner, firing solid projectiles whose deterrent effect was far greater than the killing effect.

It's a pity that in the face of the peasants armed with the Tianfangjiao coalition forces who are full of "jihad" in their minds, the solid bullets with weak lethality have not even been fired, and there is no advance to meet the Tianfangjiao coalition forces to attack the big formation.

At this time, the tactics adopted by the Tianfangjiao coalition forces that Emperor Kangxi faced were actually the conventional tactics of the countries in West Asia and Central Asia.

Pull a group of mobs like armed farmers, and then let the top Tianfangjiao practitioners, or a group of high-quality Tianfangjiao practitioners work together to exert fanatical fighting ideas and drive cheap cannon fodder to attack the enemy. Army array.

Until one side can't stand it anymore, it will send a small number of core forces to attack.

Whether it is the Ottoman Empire or the Persian Empire, the army has one characteristic-too many people!
As the distance draws closer, hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Tianfangjiao coalition, who can't see the end at a glance, are moving faster and faster. When the Qing army's first round of gunfire fired, these precursor cannon fodder had already been scattered. The skinny feet started to run wildly.

At this moment, the few white clouds in the sky suddenly condensed into a giant hand, and blasted towards the position where the handsome flag behind the Tianfangjiao coalition forces was located in the form of Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

As we all know, the main body of Baiyun is actually water droplets and ice crystal colloid, which cannot kill people...

What's more, the method used by Zhang Tianshi violated the principles of physics and trampled on the basic laws of the movement of heaven and earth. According to Li Changqing's words in his previous life, Zhang Tianshi was fighting Newton's coffin at this time...

Naturally, it is impossible to get any bonuses such as acceleration of gravity!
However, Baiyun is just a carrier for Zhang Tianshi, and the huge spiritual storm attached to it is the main means of attack.

In an instant, the old man who stayed beside the commander of the Persian Empire and was covered with all kinds of luxurious jewelry spit out a mouthful of thick blood, rolled his eyes and passed out...

Without his spell-casting blessing, the cannon fodder who had just rushed up, the red light in the eyes of the Tianfang Sect coalition army's vanguards faded instantly, and they regained their clarity.

The first time they woke up, they saw the wailing wounded and miserable corpses all over the place, and in front of them were endless rows of muskets shooting at themselves in turn!

Behind him, arrows rained continuously and landed on his head from the sky!

The roar of the artillery made the eardrums of the armed farmers of the Tianfang Sect rumble even more.

As a result, most of the Tianfang Sect allied forces armed farmers after waking up stayed in place, and were easily defeated by continuous long-range firepower!

Emperor Kangxi held up the binoculars, and after seeing the hundreds of thousands of mobs collapsing without accident, he smiled and ordered: "It's time for Tuhai to take action."

With the waving of the command flag, the roaring Qing army formation suddenly gave way to cavalry passages, and groups of cavalry wearing lightning rod-style Eight Banners cloth-covered armor stepped out loudly.

Not only the large formation of the central army, but also groups of armored cavalry rushed out from the two wings, and behind the armored cavalry were light cavalry of the Qing army.

The light cavalry in the Qing army were almost all Mongols, and there were only a few Han Chinese. The armored and heavy cavalry were a mix of elite Han cavalry and some full Eight Banners Xiao cavalry battalions.

These cavalry groups followed the defeated Tianfangjiao coalition army armed farmers, and planned to drive them towards the main formation behind the Tianfangjiao coalition army.

At the same time, groups of light cavalry wearing Mongolian leather robes took the opportunity to detour towards the rear of the Tianfang Sect's main formation to prevent them from retreating.

In this decisive battle, the Qing army had an advantage in cavalry.

When the armored mercenaries of the Tianfangjiao coalition army and the Khanate guards saw those mud-legged people crazily charging towards their own formation, expressions of horror appeared on their faces.

According to their previous combat experience, these mud-legged cannon fodder should be fighting in front at this time, at least [-]% to [-]% of the fanatical mind control will be lost before they collapse.

The one behind is the 'National Teacher' from the Persian Empire, why did it end so soon?
In order to keep their own formation unbroken, the Tianfang Sect allied forces could only shoot at those defeated soldiers.

Waste precious flying props such as rain of arrows and javelins on your own cannon fodder.

However, the amount of cannon fodder is too much, far exceeding the elite headquarters of the Tianfangjiao coalition forces!

Inevitably, some rout soldiers rushed into the formation. Most of the cannon fodder actually followed blindly. There were rout crowds in the front, back, left, and right. They lost their sanity long ago and only knew to follow their instincts to run with the flow of people.

The cannon fodder who wanted to avoid their own formation was driven back by the Qing cavalry surrounded in a half-moon shape, and there was no other way to survive.

In this way, the commander-in-chief of the Tianfangjiao allied forces could only watch helplessly as his own formation was disrupted by the cannon fodder of his own defeat, followed by the Qing cavalry rushing in from covert killings, and the two wings were attacked by the Qing cavalry.

The cavalry of the Tianfangjiao allied forces tried to save the defeat, but because they were at a disadvantage in numbers, they were easily stopped by the Qing Army's Eight Banners cavalry, which had been prepared for a long time.

When the charge of the Qing army's cavalry pierced through the formation of the Chinese army, the formation of the Qing army's infantry also came from behind. So far, the situation of the battle has no suspense...

The Tianfangjiao coalition forces who tried to withdraw were intercepted and killed by a large number of Mongolian Eight Banners cavalry, and they were scattered in an instant, and the nobles who surrendered abound.

This two sides together, the battle with millions of people, has been fighting until the night without stopping, most of the time is the Qing army slaughtering the Tianfang Sect allied forces.

After this battle, the Persian Empire completely lost the power to interfere with the Central Asian Khanates, and the major Central Asian Khanates sent envoys to express their submission to Emperor Kangxi.

The banner of the Qing Dynasty became famous in this barren land of Central Asia.

Frightened by Emperor Kangxi's great victory, the city of Samarkand opened its doors and surrendered.

Of course, all this has something to do with Emperor Kangxi's kind treatment of captives.

Emperor Kangxi did not abuse the nobles of the Tianfang Sect allied forces captured on the battlefield, and the ordinary prisoners of war did not slaughter them. Instead, they were screened and assigned to the soldiers who had meritorious service on the battlefield as coated slaves.

Han Eight Banners and Mongolia Eight Banners are also eligible to receive!
But if it is really counted, the full Eight Banners still has a big advantage, because many soldiers who have not even been on the battlefield are assigned to at least one coated slave.

Among the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty and the Eight Banners of Mongolia, only the fighters who came to the front line in person were eligible to get the coated slaves.

Of course, the Qing court was ruled by the Manchus after all, and the Eight Banners of Han and Eight Banners of Mongolia have long been accustomed to being small, and even the vast majority of the generals in the Eight Banners of Han and Eight Banners of Mongolia are Manchus.

The so-called levelness of a bowl of water is just a political slogan, and the phenomenon of inequality exists even in the 21st century, so why bother with the Qing Dynasty in this era?
Being able to achieve fairness in military merit is already considered a breakthrough.

After occupying Samarkand, Emperor Kangxi immediately sent people around to ask the Khanates in Central Asia to surrender to him.

Even the Persian Empire sent envoys, but Emperor Kangxi knew that the size of the Persian Empire was not comparable to those of the small Central Asian Khanates, and he only asked the Persian Empire to pay a batch of supplies and a group of Persian beauties.

Supplies are used to supplement the army, and beauties are used to reward generals.

After arriving in Central Asia, a group of Qing dignitaries represented by Emperor Kangxi had already tasted the taste of Persian beauties and beauties from the Western Regions. These so-called orchids had become important gifts for the upper echelons of the Qing army.

The upper class of the Manchu Qing Dynasty no longer respected chastity, and as long as the used ones were not old, they could still be given as gifts.

Wouldn't it be fun to exchange beauties?
However, the upper echelons of the Qing Dynasty had relatively strict control over official wives, and the lowly-status Orchid would never be able to be promoted to the position of official wife.

It can only be regarded as the status of a housemaid.

For those who are more favored, it is not easy to get the status of a concubine. Generally, only those who can give birth to children have this preferential treatment.

After sorting out the forces in Central Asia, Emperor Kangxi summoned all the generals and even the lords and lords of Central Asia to reorganize the surrendered Central Asian armed forces and the armies of the major lords and generals into the Eight Banners.

In the eyes of Emperor Kangxi and a group of people from East Asia, the followers of Tianfang Sect were actually Huihui.

Returning to the Eight Banners is Emperor Kangxi's rectification of Central Asia's coordinating forces. Obviously, Emperor Kangxi has regarded the land he has conquered as the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.

However, apart from the Samarkand Plain, Emperor Kangxi did not establish the direct rule of officials in other places, and still maintained the original enfeoffment system.

This is the main reason why Emperor Kangxi was able to successfully incorporate the forces of the Khanates in Central Asia.

In the land of Central Asia, as long as the personal interests of the big and small feudal lords are preserved, they only need to defeat them once to get their allegiance!
Of course, Emperor Kangxi maintained the original order here in Central Asia, mainly because he looked down on this place. His real eye-catching goal was the rich Indian subcontinent.

(End of this chapter)

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